PAOS SIX MOTHEHMestl& ISPURE.RICH.COW'S MILK WITH MOST OF THEWATER REMOVED. I USE IT REGULARLY, BECAUSE ITS SO HANDY ECONOMICAL AND AS EASY TO KEEPAS AT1N OF PEACHES.THE UNIFORM RICHNESS OF Nestles HAS IMPROVED MY COOKING IMMENSELY. THE HANDY ALL 1 PURPOSE MILK The Waveruler Model M-125 $255.00 Model M-51 $65,50 Other Models at Attractive Low Prices . am LOOK FOR THE ATTRACTIVE Msf . . unim'C l Air.T PRODUCERS AND NESTLES nr condensed and evaporated SELLERS MILK Percy Ryan, George Haldane and Rev. J. R. Frlzell was pastor of John Haldane. Indians, appeared In First Presbyterian Church In Prince city police court before Magistrate Rupert for a time several years ago'. McClymont on charges of drunken- Many local friends will be pleased ness yesterday The first mentioned to learn of the honor that has been ' two were each fined $10, with op- conferred upon him by the B. C. tlon of seven days' imprisonment. Synod at which Rev. W. D. Grant while the last was fined $15, with Holllngworth, local pastor at pre- seven days' option. sent, Is In attendance. YES-- we have ... a G. iii. RADIO RECEIVER ... at a price to suit you! Perhaps the biggest feature of this season's outstanding offering of G. E. Receivers Is that they are SO EASY TO BUY. There are so many attractive models and such a wide price range that you have no trouble at all in picking one to fit YOUR budget. You make a small down payment and a world of entertainment and education becomes your own. You tune In at will on great overseas broadcasts and famous American stations. Concerts, dance music, speeches, news reports, church services, market, crop and weather reports become part of your dally routine. Give your home and family the priceless pleasure and advantages of the newest and best In radio. Select a receiver at YOUR price;, pay for lt on the easiest . .of easy terms. , . -(. . Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited KILLED Bl TRAIN (Continued from Page 1 ble and Bert Morgan. Undertaker Testifies The first witness upon resump-j tion last night of the inquest, which had been adjourned for a week pending further1 investigation of the ' fatality, was Frank Morris, f undertaker. He testified that the that the man had been dead for some six or seven hours before he received the body. Provincial Constable Victor Bpnd corroborated Mr. Morris" evidence retarding the body being warm when It was turned over to the undertaker. Klml Muramatsu, young Japanese girl of Haysport. told of seeing deceased walking eastward along the track about half an hour after she had returned home from a trip to Prince Rupert. Mrs. Waka Muramatsu, mother of Klml, testified that her daughter had arrived home a little after 5 o'clock on the after noon In question. This was the last, as far as could be learned, or Co lussf being seen alive. There was no evidence to shed light on his movements; between jthat time and when he was struck by the train about four hours, later. Dr. L. W. Kergln. who re-examined the body following the original autopsy, gave his opinion that all lnlurles had been sustained at one and the same time and all had been Inflicted before death. Further Investigation Corp. Robert Gibson told of further investigations made by himself In connection with the tragedy. He nresented a sketch of the track In the vicinity. There was not the slightest evidence of any one else having been along the track that evening. G. Colussl. brother of deceased. vld he had never heard of the lat ter having been .sick or having fainting Spells. He was a hard worker and was not addicted to the cx-ceslve use of liquor: Matt Petersen. Byron Beamer and Oscar Olsen, C. N. R. bridge- men, testified that they had passed the vicinity of the fatality i a iasollne speeder about 6 pm. on the evening In question and had seen no one on the track. The Jury, Mter Coroner Norman A. Watt had reviewed the evidence, retired at 9:20 p.m.. returning ex actly an hour later with Its verdict. Today's Weather Dead Tree Point Cloudy, calm; barometer, 29.94; temperature, 52; lizht swell. Triple Island Part cloudy, light southerly wind; sea smooth. Langara Island Overcast, light southerly wind; sea smooth. Terrace Heavy rain, south wind. temperature. 50. Alyansh Raining, calm, 50. Anyox Part cloudy, calm, 50. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 44. Look For I Our Window Specials. It is Always Profitable 8WANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR, per pkg. KELLOGO'S ALL BRAN 2 pkgs KELLOGO'S CORN FLAKES. 3. pkgs. . (..B.C. 80DAS Family size 2 pkgs. ROMAN MEAL per pkg 30c 41c 25c 39c 34c SOGER'S GOLDEN SYRUP 22C 2-Ib. tin ASHCROFT CATSUP QQn AU'UAI UVVUb LIBBY'S CORNED BEEF 2 tins ECONOMY BRAND COFFEE Freshly ground at our Qp store, 3 lbs ECONOMY BRAND TEA per lb. 23c 42c Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Red Cabbaey Squash, Fresh Fruits at iieasonaoie rrices MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents' F, O. Box 575 Phone IS TTCB DAJLT HHW MUSIC CLUB GIVES CUP Miss Ruth Nelson Honored at One n-Ing Meeting of Season Yesterday Afternoon The opening " 'meeting of the sea- Ready Cut Macaroni 3 lb. Granulated Sugar ZHp Umlt 20 Ibs.i. 10 lbs.,li Canada Corn Starch 2 pkgs. Red Arrow Soda Biscuits per pkg. Singapore Pineapple per tin Australian Pastry Flour per ivi-iu. eat. Fresh Seconds Eggs 3 doz, B. & K. Rolled Oats per G-lb. sack Fluf fo Wonder Shortening per lb, Fresh Pitted Dates 2 lbs. Malkln's Best TOMATOES Size 2V2, 2 tins 23c Fresh Comb Honey each 22c A delightful combination surprise party and shower was given Monday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. hruiv was still warm when he re- . .v" . ,v. .,. kmy MaeDonald. Ninth Avenue - w SOn 01 wre jLiHulCS MlwH viuw celved it some six hours after the' . nt the East, following their recent mar time the train had passed over It. ! ' ' - -, Fourth rlace. the bride having formerly Rigor mortis had not set In at that , ' ' M j" McIn. been Miss Alice Spencer. time. The undertaker estimated;,. mch iim nr.,MMi( ,H,i i in the tnc chali cnair. Shower Given For Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs, Nell MaeDonald prised on .Monday Nlht me nc"" -" - rh.'fair nt h imverdmes was and saucers from the ladles tq Mrs. the presentation to Miss Ruth Ncl- MaeDonald and canned goods from son of the Ladles' Music Club silver the men to Mr MaeDonald. cup for highest marks hvthevTo"- The canned goods were arranged rontn rnnrvntirv nf Music exa- to represent a baby which was mlnatlons. The only candidate In; wheeled Into the house In a baby British Columbia to pass the senior iDuggy Intermediate examinations. Miss Nelson was one of only six or seven In the whole Dominion who succeeded In these tests. With Mrs, Cullln In charge, the afternoon's program was as follows: Franz Abt. Mrs. Ernest Anderson anH Miss L. Ifalllwell. Piano solo, "The Oondollcrs" Franz Liszt). Miss Ruth Nelson. Accompanists were Miss Margaret McCaffery and Mrs. C. E. Cullln: Refreshments were served by the hostess. dji,a m in-m-u iB."Brsii Phone 953 Phone 333 De Jong's Cash find Carry Moneysavers For Friday & Saturday 21c 19c 19c Malkln's Best BAKINO POWDER per 12-oz. 23c Cowan's Breakfast COCOA per 1-lb. Un 22c 9c During the evening various games were played and several appropriate verses read. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Nell MaeDonald. Mrs. T. M. Spencer. Capt. and Mrs. H. Ormlston, 'capt Piano solo. 'Llebestraum" (Franz and Mrs. J. Peterson. Mr: and Mrs Titi fi Mirnrrt McCaffery. Q. Stromdahl. Mr. and Mrs J Ray Vocal solo. "Weaver's Song," Mrs. i Commons, Mrs. A. Dahl. Miss Maryl William Millar. Piano duet. 'Hungarian Dance" Brcmner. Miss Kathle Dun MacLeod, R. Smith. A. M the local elevator uncan( action) mrahmsl. Mrs. W. E. Drake and'Mlss Mary MaeDonald.' Wf. Unci Miss Margaret McCaffery. (Mrs. R. Barclay. Norman MacKay Vocal quartette. "Love's Song" j and Mlas Rosl.Moran. 'Thurlow Ueurance. Mrs. William : Cniickshank. Mrs. J. II. Carson. R. D. Purdy. general manager of Mrs. S. D.r Johnston and Mrs. C. E. 'he APrera Wheat Pool, was a Cullin. 'speaker on the radio last night Piano solo. "Lt Caprice Nanette 'i from Calgary He gave an address (Colerldbe-Taylor). Mrs. E. J. he subiect of The Farmer in Smith. IBu'ness.' Mr Purdv is well known Vocal duet, "Fly Away, Blrdling" 'n Prlnr Rupert through YlslU to SOMETHING: SAVED On Everything AT THE THRIFT fake Advantace of The; Special;! Low Trice For the Week-end j ALL BRAN Kellogg's, per pkg. 20c SARDINES King Oscar -I On M,md n... tin AUSTRALIAN PASTRY OC FLOUR. 10 lbs. . "w WALNUT MEATS per lb. 15e YELLOW SUOAR 3 lbs. He! 8UNLIOHT SOAP- No. 2 squat tins, each -per ctn. lc N ALLEY'S HONEY-12-oz PEACHES Columbia. AYLMER O REENGAGES per No. 1 tin INE CANADIAN CHEESE per lb. . ROLLED OATS Victor 6-lb. sacks, per sack 30YAL CITY TOMATOES per No. 2'j tin BAZAAR IS BEING HELD Annual Catholic Affair Opened Yesterday and Will Conclude Tonltht j ., Jar 17c 17c The annual Catholic bazaar was opened yeterday afternoon at the Parish Hall by Rev. Father P. L, Wholey. Is continuing this afternoon and will conclude with a social evening tonight when the drawing of raffle prizes will take place. The following are In charge of the bazaar: Country Store Mrs. A. S. Lewis, Mrs. M. P. McCaffery and Mrs. Frank St. Amour. Plain and Fancy Sewing Mrs. C P. Balagno and Misses Pulmlra and Mary As tori. Candy Mrs. Fred Rlffou. Mrs. J. A. Smith and Mrs. Joe Oaron. Home Cooking Mrs. R. E. Moore and Mrs. Hubert Ward. Novelties Children of Mary. Fish Pond-Mrs. Whlffln. Tea Room Mrs. Arthur Murray. Mrs. J. L. Blaln. Mrs. Theo Fortune. Mrs. Malcolm. Mrs. Arthur. Mrs. Schaeffer. Mrs. Leo Dolron and Mrs. Peter Byrne 8c! TEA "Victory" Blend, per lb. 38c PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES 1 Hn per pkg. EGGS Cce Grade Real value, per dor. 25c j 18c NABOB PURE JAM- -Greengage or Damson, 4-lb. tin 36c iABOB CLAM CHOWDER 4 Hn x 1 SOUP. 2 tins JELLY POWDERS 6 pkgs. 25c CUSTARD POWDER Monk Q1 & Glass, per 1-lb. tin ""B-v' CORNED BEEF-Uns. 2 for No. 1 19c 33c lie l PEAS Quality Guaranteed QOn 71p 2 tins "" 34c 16c 23c 1 Tin Old English Wax, 1 Furniture Polish for ...... .... Pearllne Washing Com pound, per pkg. Pearl White Laundry Soap 6 bars Palmollvo Toilet Soap 6 cakes Bottle 66c 33c 23c 28c iraiwaraf zavm vmrasmzm tmn Advertise In tba Daily Newt per lb SALAD DRESS1NO 4Qn Nalley's 12-oz. Jars, per Jar RED ARROW SODAS per 2-lb. box, POTATOES Cloverdale Gems, per sack SUNKIST LEMONS Large and Juicy per doz 1UV BUTTER No. 1 Alberta Of n per lb 27c $1.35 29c Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 179 201 Third At -CARRY AND 8 AVE" Mall Orders Have Oar Prompt Attention Motors Heavy Doty Truck Motors Suitable for flsrt boats also speed boat motors. $35 up Christie Truck ti Car Tart 1C30.W. 1st. Ave.. Vancouver TicketsMrs. J Lome MacLaren and Mrs. A. D. QUI lea. Advertue in the Daily News l omorrow A Utile Bunch of SwtnMI Hits Town! SHIRLEY TEMPLE . . Tt. f I L f i 4 iic ivuiiiiui - ""llMr Who Has Captured '.he iritt of the World' b Latnon Runyan's Great Hum..:; & "Little Miss Marker" - with ADOLPHK MKNJOU Charles Hickford DOROTHY OEM, Showing Tomorrow and Sat. ENDING TQNICillT Cecily Courtne'!?-; n Aunt Sally At 7 00 kfi M Plus Edward O iRobi. .i , "The Man With Tv. F At 8 38 8hows One Or Badminton! Prepare Now For Your Winter Pleasure We have a complete line of Bailmiritort Racked of Quality and Value Come in and make your selection. Standard Price-Association Badminton Shuttles, guaranteed accur- ntn a fnr S1.00 Ask about our social trade in arrangement. We take in your old racket on a new one. Save cost of rejstringing. Just Arrived Complete new Stock of School Bags In leather and canvas, with strap or handle Excellent ti.j'J. From $1.00 to $3.50 Personal Greeting Cards At $1.00 per dozen Unprecedented values In high claw Christmas Cards, printed wi"i your name and address and choice of greeting. W beautiful C signs. Be sure to see our samples without delay $1.00 per dnz vMljobSm.Md DAPL-ART FLOORS Dapl-Art is a new and quicker way to paint floors and linoleum It makes them like new. Easy to do and you Ret a fmart cf(e mat Rives tne wnoic room a bright ana cnecriui ainwpm"- USE: Satin-Clo Knamcl and Bapco Floor Knnmcl THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd Drawer 1615 Telephone 10 CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME Why send fuel money away when nature gave t RiiIUpv Vnllfv Hiahpct flrade Co mined in the west. If not satisfactory at first try again, it may not be the coal. Your dealer can supply you. Buy Bulkley Valley COAL ...... tl .Innaii'l rtno n nluirllaii nnnr nrnflllCl It docs pay to buy those advertised.