PAGE rWC The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue Annual - - CLEARANCE Boys' Strong "Red Boots. A better boot lor wear LIMITED Stitched" S2.95 Phone 357 SALE NOW is the time to buy footwear for the school opening. A wonderful selection in Children's, Misses' and Boys' Quality Footwear at Sale prices awaiting your inspection. Sturdy Black Elk Oxfords, strong stitched soles. Priced 5-7J S1.39 8-101 $1.49 11-2" $1.69 Growing Girls' Oxfords strong durable soles, calf leather. sizes 3 to 8 S2.98 $3.49 WOMEN'S SHOES See our wonderful showing in smart footwear priced at THE DAILY NEWS. nUNCI HUPEBT - BRITISH COLUMBIA $2.98 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prinoe Bupen Dlly News. Limited, Third Arena H. P. PTTLUEN - - - UumSng-XOlXcr STBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by man or carrier, yearly period paid In ad ranee , For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week . By mall to an parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid fax advance, per year By maU to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING SATES Local" readers, per Insertion, per rme , Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion , , Transient display advertising, per men per insertion . Contract rates on application. Advertising and Cti eolation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone , DAILY EDITION Member ct Audit Bureau ot Circulations HAVE YOU AN IDEA? n u I 15X0 JO IM SAO Monday, August 27, 1834 Has anyone an idea what public policy should be adopted how by Prince Rupert so that she may make progress. We have heard a lot about the Peace River Railway outlet and the construction of the highway through Central British Columbia. We have also heard of the possibilities of the erection of a pulp mill. These are all good policies but they have been discussed until they are threadbare. There has been nothing particularly new of a constructive nature during the past few years. We suggest if anyone has an idea that might be adopted generally, they cut out the advertisement in another column of this paper, fill it in or write a suggestion on some other paper and send to the Daily News. It may be published or it may not but at any rate it will be welcomed and if considered of sufficient merit will be passed on to the rest of the community. The suggestions should be signed but the name of the person suggesting may or may not be published as desired. r We do not wish here any political theory or suggestions dealing with national policies but rather suggestions which Prince Rupert people might accept with a view to improving local conaiuons. THE ANNUAL FALL FAIR This year the annual fall fair almost lapsed. By a for tunate combination of circumstances a very successful carnival was put on which enabled the Fair Beard to li quidate at least the most of its indebtedness. The board got most of the breaks, somethmir that cannot be denen ded on as a regular thing. Not only did the Fair Board carry through a successful event but the merchants, transportation concerns and others benefitted from the large influx of people from outside districts. The event this year shows the value of the annual fall fair. We cannot always order a British cruised here for the event nor can we import a squadron of United States air planes, We cannot always induce the Chamber of Com merce to organize a convention in the citv but we can nut on attractions which will bring a great many people to the city. Possibly we may be able to run a full exhibition next Mackenzie Furniture August Sale! FELTOL, Square Yard ..55c CONG OLEUM, Square Yard 60c REXOLEUM, Square Yard . . , , , , . 42c RUGS, 6x9 , $5.95 18x3 C0NG0LEUM MAT 20c Prinje Rupert Phone 775 V. AVIATORS AREDEAD Finding of Bodies of Filers Who Perished In Lake Winnipeg- POPLAR POINT. Man, Ar, 77: (CP) Pieces of water-soaked airplane fabric found Saturday on th rocky shore of Lake Winnipeg near here gave rise to fear that George Mackie and Leonard Blackwefl. missing Northwest Aero-Marine Service fliers, had been lost, the fear being eon-firmed with the finding of the bodies near Pine Falls later. They had been missing for ten days, their plane having evidently crashed into the lake. Hotel Arrivals year with a real flower show. At any rate, it is worthy of "th and John lundmark, vancou careiui consiaeraiion. Central P J Carrlgan, W Franz and Mr. and Mrs. C P Donovan. C.N.R.; J ! C, Carpenter and C. F. Hlne, Van couver Mr. and Mrs. T. Sains-jbtrry. rinmoore; C. E. Flewln, Port j Simpson; Willie Lincoln, J tan Davis, N. Lang and' Mr. and Mrs. 1 Strand, city; H. Barnett, Retina. I Knox I Axel Olsen, O. C. Austat, M. i Strand, A. Car-ven, J. Kerr and George Renny, city: tart Eadle. Terrace: George Hatley and Mrs. Jolley, Woodcock; Lieut. L. F. Blodgett, U. 8. Navy. W. L. Ed wards, Spokane; C. Simpson, Re glna; F Fergerson, Prince George H. Ode, Carisle; M. H. Douglas, Vancouver. O. Winther, Juneau. Prince Rupert C. Gillespie, Oceanic; C W. Monk. O. O. Castle. Cal F. Hlne and E. W. Zing., Vancouver; Mr and Mrs. John Ruktn, Port Sbnpson; E. Jac-Quest and son, Edmonton; H. Bar nett, Regina; F. C. McCormack: New Westminster. R. Buleaa, St. Paul: S. S. Phillips. Victoria Mrs. Davidson, Toronto: R. A -03 1 loch, Penticton: Georee Bamett 1A0 Tom Fannin, Miss Cynthia Gilbert and J. T Gashen, Vancouver: Es ther Scofleld, Port Simpson. R, Hougan, Edmonton; P. J Harder Minneapolis; R. R. Rose and fam ily. Wells; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. True, Spokane; Mr. and Mrs G, W McPhee, Fraser, Ian and Mary McPhee. Yorkton, Sask.; R Bulena, St. Paul, Minn.: Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Mills, Terrace: Lieut L. F Blodgett and Lieut. J. H. Detiyers. VS. Navy. Mr. and Mrs. C F Daw-son. Victoria; 8. M. Capon, Fori William; Mr. and Mrs. H D. Kennedy, Fort Worth, Texas: R I Cut ler, VSS. Avocet: A. L. Franks, E L. Sargent an Rex Taylor San Diego: Frank Hood and E. F Jones city; D. R. Macartney. North Van-. couver; Mrs. R. Kinley and child-' ren and Mrs. Grey and daughter Alyansh; A. Berner, Telkwa F Perry. Montreal; A. F. Varson. Ot-1 tawa. ' York f Simon Lewis, Cuthbert Morrison, Edith Brown and Alice Brand,! Claxton; C'. Price and R. Cooper. Port Stmpson; N. Cotela, KJthnaat; Moore. Naas River; Oswald Mor- ven, city. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Prevost and John Louth, Metlakatla; Mrs. A. N. Calder. MOT Bay; Mr. and Mrs. I Percy Kennedy. Carlisle; N. Shaw, and family, Claxton: Joseph Wes-i e Mrs. H. E. Spading and Felix! Brown, Port Essington; A.fred Had- jana. i-atierson MSKay and Arnold Leighton, city: M. McKay, Hays-port: Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Wells, Cassiar Cansery; Herbert Green. Sunnyslde. Royal Roy Labo, Dan Beaton, N. Mo- Une and L. Wester. CJUt.; F E. Gibbs, L. Pistano and A. R. Arnold, Anyox: C W. Urquhart. Vancouver ; J. Clifford Hill and J. 8. Mother well, Sunnyskle; Gust Bwanson, city; Frank Reda, Seattle: H. Lov- dal. Mayo, Y.T. W. Herman, Haysport; J. Johnson, Arkansas; P. J. Denstadt Ketchikan; Owen Watson, J Brown and B. Binltta, city: Ole Johnson and family, city; Paul Brentzen. Port Simpson; VI? Grant and Mau- rice Hayden, Balmoral: J Wal ver; j. A. Ducios, Prince George J. MacConnachle and A. R. Ar nold, Anyox; William Davidson and W. Berg, city; Mrs, H. Miller. Terrace, Savoy Paul Starr and family. Port Es- slngton; W. Leighton and O. Leigh' ton, Inverness; B. Elstermann, North Pacific; P. Hudson, Arnold Leighton. Johnnie A. Auckland, Howard Leask. Mrs. A. Woods and daughter and W. Duff, city; Mr and Mrs. A. C. Weaver; Lowe In- et; W. Oosnell, Cassiar; J. Loen, Terrace; Edward Ulver, Vancou ver. IMS VIK-ftUI I sUBlKl W 22Ufc -UMsBil! C l sUSUHlr sH-BBS VS21M SPORT NEWS uaa;jj3uici:iTiTi?JtiiKiaa'11 i nu r.niwr. i VERY WELL Poled Out Three Homes Yesterday To Go Ahead of Bale Ruth's Record of 191 NEW YORK. Aug 27:CP)- Lou Gehrig hit three home runs in Sunday's doable-header here with the Chicago White sox tw in the first game and one in the second to bring his season's total to 42. four ahead of Jlmmie Foxx and a coopte of days ahead of Babe Ruth's famous 1937 record pace. SATURDAY SCORES National League New York 7. St. Louis 6. Brooklyn 3, Chicago 4. Boston 9, Cincinnati 6. Philadelphia 1-12, Pittsburg 4-8. American League Detroit 4. Washington 2. St. Louis 5-2. Philadelphia 4-3. Cleveland 5-3, New York 3-9. Chicago 3-8. Boston 2-7. SUNDAY SCORES National League New York 1. Chicago 7. Brooklyn 11-2. St. Ioois 5-7 Philadelphia 1-5. Cincinnati 2-6. Boston 8, PHtsburg 5. American League Chicago 5-0. New York 9-2. St. Louis 3-9. Washington 0-5. Cleveland 3-2, Boston 2-5. Detroit 7. Philadelphia 6. S. J Jabour sailed Saturday evening on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Vancouver. AFTER SMOKING aJ . "Copyright Wrigley's, 1934,' SPORT CHAT This week will be a busy one for softball players and fans Inasmuch as the playoff series between the Orotto. first half winners, and the Canadian National Recreation As sociation, second half winners, will get under way The series will be to the best three out of five games. the first team to ge. three wins be ing the victor Much interest is being shown and by all accounts there should be some first class ball displayed. The games will be played every night this week until the winner Is decided'. A Northern B. C. softball championship series has been ar ranged between Anyox and Prince' Rupert Arryox to play here on Thursday and Friday. September and 7. while Prince Rupert will to be very fast and it Is expected that it will be an airtight series all the way through. SCHMELING IS WINNER Starts Come-Rack Campaign By BeaUng Neusel In German TiUe Boot HAMBURG. Gennany, Aug. Tl-1 CP 1 Max SchmeQng began a climb back towards the heavyweight boxing championship yesterday by stopping Walter Neu.l after eight rounds of a twelve-round bout for the championship of Oermany. Neucel was unable 10 j LAWN BOWUNG In the Canadian" National Recreation Association. Lawn Bowling League J J Little's rink, beat j Angus Maedonald's at the end ot the week 28 to 13, In an Individual match, Angus Macdonald beat J IL Preece 21 to 19. BOWLING Aug. 27 No. 8 ys, NO. 2; No. S vs. No, 5. ' Aug. 29 No. 6 vs, NO. 3; No, 7 vs NO. 4. Aug. 31 No. 3 vs. No, f; No. 8 vs. No. 3, . Sept. 3 No. 6 vs. No. 2; No. 9 vs ; No. 4, Sept JU-N6. t ys, No. i', No.. I vs NO. 5, f Sept. 7 No. 8 vs". No. i; No, j vs. No. 2, Sept JO No. 9 vs. No, 3; No. I vs. No, 4, Sept, 12No. 7 vs. No. 2; No. 9 v, No, 6, iCOAL! GOAL! t Our Famous Edson, Albert and Bulkier Valley Coals art guaran- y (eed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No, 1 Hulkley Valley. W , also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley, Prince Rupert Feed Co. ( Phonos 1(1 SOFTBALL PLAY-OFF N. R. A. and Grotto to Compete For City League Honors By defeating the Junior Elks 7 to f oh Saturday evening, the Cana dian National Recreation Associa tion won second half honors and all! play off with the Orotto. first half winners, for the softball league championship of 1934. The game started off with air tight ball being played by both teams. The C N R- A. was held scoreless until the sixth inning. In this Inning the Junior Elks blew up. Umpires: Coma din and Raby The second half standing is as follows: C. N. R. A. Junior Elks Elks . Orotto W. 5 3 3 2 L. J 3 4 4 Pet. .833 500 .333 313 The tmal series, to the beit three games out of five, will be played nightly this week, until completed. TODAY'S WEATHER Terrace Clear, calm. 56. Anyox Clear, calm. 56. Stewart part cloudy, aim. 53. Hazclton Clear, calm, 60. Smlthers Clear, calm, warm Burns Lake -Clear cairn. 50. Moaday. Auk ; I TEACHERS GET PAY No Leu Than ia Salaries Paid Out in Chlcaj, CHICAGO, Ag ?7 !CP'-U eago school teachers t)nd f-three blocks six arMlld the City Hall today to colWt K: 004,000 In back sauries. , than a quarter of a minion tank, were distributed, coming a lod of fourteen months. Payment of the checks u made poslble throuth the ul 4 a new inuc of cJty kchool A note for Mrs, Ev eombe of Seai Oove wi Saturday from one of parting ftytng boats 'jj After having a close decision called j the coast It ws against them at third with two i to drop the leWer : men out and three C N. R. A. rnenipasxed Oapt Newrombe off bases. Moxley dropped a fly In Newcomb. may obt.i For Vanrowei Monday Pr Rupert Tuesday Catala FrMay-ss Prln A- Ss. Cardena Saturday m pnr l Ss. Prince Otarv,t from Vancouvri . Sunday ss Cats a Monday as. Prj. t ,: Wed ss. Pr Oe r. Now that conditions are Improving is a poi CTt C T?sJ States Navy's squat:: - y man who droppe. r , rryte a latter fo. pt r Newrombe, Mrs. New cr-be uuh. woo is aoo-rr It centrefleld and. before the std was . the Dally News of retired, three a N. R. A. fJayers had -- - rnrA Th 3irrnr F?V fir fhlc 0 . 1 n . ' pUyat AnyoxoptemberSandl iUUm OieamShlDS jailUM w aQd c said . . wv "r" U,1U1DJ 9. The Smelter Town boys are N. v R A scored two runs ech M m the answer the bell for the ninth. TENNIS FINALS kin Mrs. Tinker Wins Ladies' tingles And Greggor and HortOn ' Men's Doable 1 Mrs. G. P. Tinker defeated Mrs. J. H. Horton yesterday by a tfore of 6-2, 6-2 in the final of the 'ladles singles of th Prince Rupert Tennis Club's tournament. In a hard-fought men's doubles fuiaf, R. D. Grrggor and J. H Horton beat W lr. Btamford and O. C. Young 3-6, 12-10, 0-6, 6-3. 6-3. 1 The mixed doubles final between R. D. Greggor and Mrs. 0. P. Tinker and Alex Mitchell and Miss Laura Frizzell will be played this evening and the men's singles final between Alex Mitchell and O. C Young to-, morrow night. seventh and eighth innlnvs, moatty through errors. Oeddes was the ttai hitter for CNR A . being mporatble for brtngir in three runs. 8feffer- rud. for the Junior Elks, ahhcrartr making two errors, played a con sistent game, handling seven chances and being In the gme from start to flnbh. Score by Innings: RHBi CN. R.A.0000D323 07 7 ft Jr. Elks 00002001 14 7 7 Batteries: Pitcher and Goddes; Lindsay and Campbell. r rs ' IX, 12 When Coming to Temct or Lakelse Hot Springs Make Arrangement Wits i Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, RG Te Greet Tw We meet aH trams, rrtigttc passenger service iBreti Lakelse Lake and Ledge srt boat (H. A. 8J now m sent on the lake. Fart anywhere on (be hit, one adnlt D M; tM per bni addltlonaL No. crowi too Mr No Job too imstt. PICNIC PARTIES ETEBI SUNDAY What Prince Rupert Needs to begin to consider what improvements if an a made in Prince Rupert. These may be in the f r: f criticisms or they may be constructive su'c ' preferably the latter. The idea is .that 'wisrKe.s! i',r:5 made through these, columhsiniayile useful to purAic bodies in formulating a forward policy. Prince Rupert needs .rr. Fill out and return to DAILY NEWS, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. or suggestions may be made on a separate ihret. The fishing season will toon be over and D.Elio Auctioneer and Exchange Furniture Healer Suggests that you get busy' with your house cleaning and, if you have anything In the furniture line to dispose of, come and see him first, Third Avenue across from inrui i.sii and carry Ello buys and sells everything riionr ureen 4ZI NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZareW. Propria "A IIOMR AWAY FKOM HOME" Rates fl.M n bo Rooms, not & cold wwf prince Rupert, ert, Df- Phone 281 P.O, DoxJ" 1