.1 PA08 TOUR Forest Fires in British Columbia 2,000 fires each year. ; $2,000,000 wasted each year. 500,000 acres denuded each year. 300,000,000 feet of lumber destroyed each year Most of these fires are the result of carelessness BE CAREFUL WITH FIRE IX OR NEAR - THE FOREST British Columbia Forest Service SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT We give you a quick service with our steam pressing machine. It takes only from 15 to 20 minutes to press a suit. Suits and Overcoats Winter samples just arrived. Big selecUon! These are made by the House' of Ilobberlin, the House of Stone. Best clothes made. One price throughout Canada. Let as take your measurement today. The suit will be sent direct to you. LING, THE TAILOR Second Avenue, Corner across from Post Office Make the YORK HOTEL Your headquarters while in Prince Rupert Special rates for Carnival Week FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Summer Long-wave Reception IS NOW AT ITS POOREST So why not give that set i- its long needed overhaul f now7 rror ine rnosc out oi your 'radio for this coming ,i season. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC t Second Avenue & Third Street iaKK2Krcstzcucia2Esua FREE! FREE! ! Special For School Opening j 3 Only 60-Page Ink Scribblers j Free with every cash purchase of $1.00 j limit .12 to each customer while the supply lasts. j GORDON'S HARDWARE s j Early Ad. Copy is appreciated "TILLIE THE TOILER" LOCAL NEWS I V. N. Currie sailed Saturday evening on the Prince Rupert lor a trip to Vancouver. Winners of hampers at the W. H. Malkln Co. Ltd. booth at the Carnival last week were: Tuesday, hits. ,11. E. Alton, No. 1507; Wednesday. !J. S. Nelson, No. 3034; Thursday. I Miss ILnnea Hanson, No. 3058; Friday, Mrs. A. M. Da vies. No. 1832. Miss Lulu Johnson, who has been visiting here for some tune with her niece, Mrs. W. T. Kergin, returned this morning on the ss. Prince George after making the round trip to Skagway and leaves by this evening's train on her return to her home in St. Thomas, Ontario. In the Robin Hood sack of flour guessing contest at the Carnival last week, the correct weight of the sack was 534 pounds. J. Unwin won first prize with a guess of 535 pounds. Second and third prizes will be divided between Thomas McMeekln. and Mrs. H. Calderwood who tied with guesses of 538 pounds. Guesses ranged from 27 to 6000 pounds. BARGAINS! NEW POTATOES per sack NfcW ONIONS 6 lbs. NEW TURNIPS 4 lbs. VEGETABLE MARROW Good size, each EMPRESS PURE JAM Assorted, 4-lb. tin EMPRESS VINEGAR Malt or Cider, per qt bottle ... MACARONI Readycut 3 lbs. CANADIAN CHEESE per lb PILOT BREAD I.B.C. 3 lbs. I.B.C. SODA BISCUITS per pkg. SEEDLESS GRAPES per lb BANANAS 2 lbs. TOMATOES per basket $1.23 25c 15c 10c 23c TSX DAILY NEWS - Monday Aurmti WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Meetings of the Pacific Coast sub-execuUve of the Biological Board 6f Canada are being held the first of this week at Masse tt, those In attendance being Prof. A. T. Cameron of the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, chairman of the Biological Board; J. J. Cowle of Ottawa, secretary-treasurer; John Dybhavn of Prince Rupert; Dr. A. H. Hutchinson of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver; Dr. W. A. Clemens, director of the Na-nalmo Biological Station; Dr. Neal Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, and F. Weeks of the Department of Finance, Ottawa. Prof. Cameron, Mr. Cowle. Mr. Weeks, Dr. Hutchinson, Dr. Clemens and Dr. Carter are making the trip from Prince' Rupert to Massett aboard the C O. S. Oivenchy, which left for the Islands Saturday afternoon and Is due back here tomorrow morning. Prof. Cameron, Mr. Cowle. Mr. Weeks and Drs. Hutchinson and Clemens will proceed south on the Catala tomorrow afternoon. Prof. Cameron and Mr. Cowle arrived by train from the east Saturday afternoon, Dr. Hutchinson and Dr. Clemens arrived from Vancouver at the week-end while Mr. Weeks had been here for a week. With a fair-sized list of nassen- WE HAVE THEM. SEE US! gers. Union steamer Catala, Capt. If you are looking for bargains A. E. Dickson, arrived In port at 6 o'clock last evening from the south and sailed at 10 pm. for Anyox, Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow southbound. Completing her final voyage of the summer season to Alaska. C jN. R. steamer Prince George. Capt Hn . E. Nedden, arrived in port at 8:15 this morning from Skazwav and other northern points and 1 sailed at 3 pjn. for Ocean Falls. Oftp j Powell' River and Vancouver u Ulj vessel brought In 259 19c! 20c 15c 25c 25c C. N. R. Trains The passe passengers i of whom 100 were Filipino can- inery workers returning to Seattle j-A0'altr spending the summer In DUL! Alaska. Eleven persons disem barked from the vessel here. For the East-Mondays. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 pjn PRESERVING FRUIT will be ready i from the tt this week. Phone your order NOW! Mussallem's Economy Store jwonaays ana satur&ays 2:15 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:20 Pin. Robert Davey. who has been spending the past few months at Where Dollars Have More Cents' ' .Stewart in the services of the P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 Crawford Transfer Co., returned to . r- inte city from the north on the ss Prince Rupert Saturday evening, SCHOOL TO TWO GOOD OPEN SOON PICTURES Six Year Olds Being Taken New J "Design For Living" and "Love Appointment to High School Staff Announced A week from tomorrow. September 4, city schools will reopen following the long summer vacation. With the exception of one receiving class teacher to the staff of Booth j Memorial School, there will be no changes In the public school service. Westview School will remain closed and Seal Cove will continue to operate with one teacher. Six year old children will be taken care of In the schools this fall, it Is announced by City Commissioner W. J. Alder. Statute also requires that free education be given up to eighteen years of age. Nelson Allen of Vancouver, for a year on the staff of the University of British Columbia as a lecturer and for the past year on the Victoria High School staff, has been appointed to the staff of King Edward High School as instructor in mathematics MIm Dorothy Bruce of Saankhton. who was an assistant In the laboratory of the University of British Columbia last year, will also join King Edward High School staff as Instructor In chemistry The appointment of Roth Oordon as a history teacher has already been announced. Mrs Mark Edgar and son sailed Saturday night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver A Stylish Shrinkage Birds" at Capitol Theatre "Design For Living," a unique and absorbing Noel Coward story with Fredrlc March, Oary Cooper, Miriam Hopkins and Edward Everett Horton in the leading roles, and a roistering comedy "Love Birds," starring the popular team of Zaiu Pitts and Slim Summenrllle. come to the Capitol Theatre here at tho first of this week on an Interesting double bill. "Design For Living." a comedy-drama, reveals the strange love affair when an American girl falls In with two young musketeers of art. life-long friends. In the LaUn quarter of Paris, the principals resigning themselves to whatever Joys, jealousies and agonies may result from a three-cornered love. Meafyj iime, ine gin mame a runner, oniy to leave him when she finds she has made a mistake. "Love Birds" finds Summervtlle and Pitts as bitter enemies baying! the same California ranch through J i swindling real Mtate agent. A gold rush occurs to the property: which was at first thought worthless and Slim and Zasu have nu-' merous hilarious experiences. I A, Irarson sailed Saturday eye-! nlng on the Prince Rupert for a months' vacation trip south. He will meet Mm Ivarson. who has Winners For Your Home lonight andTuesdn NOEL COWARD 'DESIGN FOR LIVING' Fredric .March Gary Cooper Miriam Ilopkini (Starts 7 v. k t z Zasu Pitts "Slim" SummeniDt "LOVE BIRDS' Showing Or r BUr j C '2 been YlaHU.g f weeks u Bev on motoring ' party of tr.r VICTOR - EASY - SINGER VICTOR Radio- True Tone. Distance, Selectivity. Power. Everything desirab.i . Radio Reception Is yours with a Victor. EASY Waiher Easy on the ck)Ui. Easy on your wife, and Easy en your pork' book. Easy la all that the name Implies. SINGCIt Sewing Machine A real money saver In the home. 8lmple, Practical a? a genuine necessity for domestic economy. Their Names are Guarantees of Quality and Value. VICTOR, EASY, SINGER if terms to sun. you. MaA.Mt ra nl -By Westovt CULL fcENSCM'S M OVJM AM I'M CaOlMcT -m GET HIM - T P iVU.VS THE PUN t Vjf aim i ai I'M OOIWG At-OMU I VJ13HEO 1 si T Winning a "Game" &E NICE. MA.C I WAAfri TO SE A BW3I I OAViE-HVMttd MM PBtrsou HANDLE 1 ftJ -TT jj MR. fcuMSOU fVlk I f -T A ciurt At I J 'vu;LL,r4-i vmvll voo ave J I Iviw! Ir- oPPoorroMtTV J Psiwce 00 r-J & a. LecTURe rJ rr "NrL to aovekti j k Ji5 jX