August 27. 1634 TBI DAH.Y KIWI PAGE THREB LOCAL NEWS NOTES Ordivary "SNAPS" You can rent a Car at Walker's We are still buying old gold, make as low at $f t ilay plus 7c. a mile Bulger's. (tfj BEAUTIFUL of your impihoi col GO Jtction. Pk oul frw of yur iaorite. Then brios bi b prt fi ur ep. hrtlng. You'll Ilka oor carefuL prompt aertica. Come in and e umplei of the work ihai we have done for others. Developing and Printing Daily Service films left in before noon finished the same day. If yon are not uUcu with your wort we will reprint it for you free of charge. Ormes Ltd. ZtJir. Pioneer Druqgists The ftexan Store Phooe: 81 & 83 City Gas Convenience Anywhere at Your Doorstep Rockgas The Economical Cooking Fuel ROCKGAS RGCKGAS It low rr In eot than electricity attains fail heat Instantly Top burner cooking b serompliiihed In less than one half the time required by electricity. ROCKGAS li absolutely non'pobonous ind harmless. Ranees have nothing to wear or burn out In e trice. lie pain and replacement of ROCKGAS equipment 1 borne by ut without extra (barge to our men. ROCKGAS Ranee are eomlderably lew In cost than romparable electric ranges. Ranges, Radiant Heaters, Water Heaters, Hot Plates Carried In stock. aKo the "GUARDIAN" full automatic diesel oil fsmace burner (made In B.C.). the mnt satisfactory and reason-ably priced burner on the market. Let us demonstrate to you at Cow Bar Ward Electric & Marine Supply Co. TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Canadian Pacific PRINccss STEAMERS for Ketchikan. Wrangcll, Juneau and Bkagway. Aug, oth, 13th, 23rd and Sept. 1st. For Vancouver direct Aug. 4th, 11th, 18th, 28th and Sept. 6th. for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports, "Princess Ad-aida' every Friday 10 pjn. For Reservations W. L. COATE8, Gen. Agent, Trlnco Rupert, B.G. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED too learners leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Arr,A EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 TM Arriving Vancouver Thursday rj fAWENA EVERY FRIDAY M1DNIOUT wkw VRncouvcr. Monday AW. 1 rt BlmpaOn. Alt. Arm. Antol, Btert and H- Further "uner t7 po,"t lv prlnoe Rupert BumUT, PJJfc ... Information o.vrin. n .itin. and tickets at- ll'PEKT AOKNCYt Third Avenge, Phone MS I tf C. II. Fletcher, city electrician of Vancouver, was & passenger aboard the Catala last evening; making the round trip north. Miss Edna Oitlies, daughter of Mr and Mrs. A, D. GUlies. retorned home on Saturday afternoon' train following a visit of several weeks to Calgary. Moving picture films tonight at 8 in Anglican Cathedral Hall, un der auspices of Japanese Assn.. of Japanese prevent day Ue and country. Silver collection. Mrs. Or.i MsDonald, wife of the well known Anyox dentist, was a passenger aboard the Catala lost evening to the amelter town after a vacation trip south. Mrs. Frank Dodsworth of Anyot, who has been spending a holiday In the south, was a passenger on board the Catala last evening re- turning from Vancouver to the ; smelter town. Slight damage was done to the outside wall on the west side of Ling the Tailor's building at 3:15 yesterday afternoon by fire which started In dry refuse possibly from a cigar or cigarette butt thrown from the sidewalk. Mr and Mrs. Pitt of Salt Lake City, parents of Dale I Pitt, gen Dr Joseph T. Mandy, resident mining engines for the northwest-em mineral survey district, and Mrs. Handy, after having paid a I a. visit to the Anyox and Alice Arm has travelled on the Prince Oeorge Saturday from the smelter town to the Portland Canal camp., Dr Hugh H. Young' of John Hopkins University Hospital at Baltimore. Maryland, having spent a week at Douglas Lodge, Stuart Lake on angling bent following aj trip to Skagway, came in from the interior on Saturday afternoon's train and sailed on the steamer Prince Rupert for Vancouver whence he will return East. M M. O'Brien, chief field engineer for the Consolidated' Mining li Smelting Co.. who has been paying one Df his periodical visits to the Big Missouri mine, which Is under active development by his company, was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert Saturday evening retiinlng to Vancouver. Ie was accompanied" by Dr. A. H. Jure, consulting engineer for the com- oany. Mrs. Olof Hanson came in on Thursday night's train from her summer home at Lake Kathlyn and returns today to LakeKahttyn where she plans on remaining for another two or three weeks before coming Into the city for the winter. Mr. Hanson also returns to Sml- thers on today's train but expects to be back towards the end of the week with officials of American pole buying concerns. ' FOR QUICK SALE Lot 8' and 10. Block, 15. Section1 7 and improvements $450.00 whole or $250.00 each. Norman A. Watt, Administrator, Chas. Vess Estate. Announcements CaUwrikj Church Basaar October 10 and 11. Canadian Legion Women's Aux iliary Bazaar October 18. MOOSE. HALL Concerts RENTAL RATES Dances Public Meetings A room suitable ..$25.00 20.00 15.00 for smaller meetings Is now available on the ground floor, rental rat, $100, For engagements phon the Clob'Bteward, 4t) of Red 412. Oddfellows attention r Grand secretary's' vtett tomorrow night Tues day, 8 pjn. All brothers please attend. 193 R. E. Legg, superintendent of the Surf Point mine, sailed Saturday evening on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Vancouver. Pete Birnle, who has been visit lng the city for the post ten days. leaves by this evening's train on his return to his home at Smith-ers. Earl Gordon and Jack Finn, who have been on a three weeks' trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Catala last evening. Misses Margaret -and Nora Mc- Caffery, who have been spending the summer vacation at Qualictnn Beach, Vancouver Island, returned home from the south on the Catala last evening. Miss Beatrice Berner left at the end of the week for Telkwa where she win spend the remainder of the school vacation visiting with her uncle. Capt. A. Berner of the Land Settlement Board. The Home Gas Optimists concert party, which has been here to participate In the Fair Board's earnrva program, sailed by the Prince Rupert Saturday evening eral manager of the Premier Gold on Its return to Vancouver Mining Co, were passengers aboard . . the Prinear Rupert Saturday evening returning south after having spent the past few weeks visiting at Premier Called to the city on account of the serious Illness of his father. James Reda, well known pioneer of Prince Rupert, who Is a patient In the local hospital, Frank Reda ar rived here last night on the Catala from Seattle. S. Black of Vancouver, who been spending the summer duty In branches of the Bank oti Montreal, returned to the city on. the Prince Rupert Saturday even- Jtng after spending three. weeks f at! Stewart "Build B.C Payrolls- PacifiC Good Fortune JKrarnr We speak with humility of our good fortune. Arizona Indians have planned a snake dance to bring on rain. Think of the happy situation of the herds that give Pacific Milk. It's not a UtUe matter at all this wonderful climate, water and pas ture, but an Immense gift of nature, and this fine Milk rises right up to It. Pacific Milk "109 B.C. Owned and Controlled" PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD More Good Buys Curtain Stretchers, adjustable to any $4 ,65 sjze at Clothes Line Outfit, 100 foot line, 2 pulleys, 2 for $8 $i.oo Kaien Hardwar e A satisfactory place to shop. Tryltt During the Carnival Week we depleted our stock of shoes but a big new shipment arrived yesterday from Leckie's so we are all stocked up again to supply our customers with new goods. This shipment was purchased at prices that enable us to give Prince Rupert Very Fine Grade Ladles' Oxfords Reg. $450; cut to ....,. Ladies' Patent Leather Straps Reg. $250; cut to Children's Patent Slippers 8izes 8 to 10 Want Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE English collapsible go-cart. Price $250. Dally News. tt areas, are how at Stewart, having here and In the district on relief FOR SALE Lrge walnut table, sul table for library or living room. and oil paintings. Phone Blue 691. . tt MONARCH Range, heater, electric washing machine and lroner, electric fixtures. Phone Mrs. Glas-sey Blue 447. 187 LOST LOST Young wire haired terrier. Finder phone Blue 704. Reward. WANTED WANTED to rent on shares, farm with stock and equipment, by life experience farmer, Skeena. Terrace or Pacific district. Apply Box 21t Dalle News. 2U1 iMUSIC VIOLIN Tuition, theory and harmony. Miss N. Lawrence. Phone 177. Classes start Sept. 1. 209 HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Ouster Curl; Latest Styles" NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPFE TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer: Phone 177. nirch. Jacknlne. Cedar. tf PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperfcanglng Moller. Phone Red 802. TiMncR sale x tmi Sealed tencUr. vUl b mlTrt by th. Dutrlat lorr.ter. Prince Rupert, n. e.. not toter than noon on th 13th da of September, 1D34. tor the pur- chine ol Licence X 17271 near Dear Rlvw Valley. C R S to cut 1950 M. Bd. fmt of Bnruce. Hemlock ana B&wam.' Two jreai will be allowed lor rcsmo- i Further particular of the ChW Forester. Victoria. B.C. The Dlatrlot Fur-1 eater. Prince Rupert, B.C ; Ranger L B. Webster. Ocean Falls. BjC. NOTICE LASS REOWTRT ACT Re: CertlftcaW of Title No. 1S743-I. to lot 1004. said to contain 171 acre. mora or Kbb, Lot H3J. aaia o rwu-taln S18 acrea, more or lew, and Lot 1434, aald U contain 71 acrea. more or le. All In Ranw 6. Cowi District WirSUEAS proof of Oa or the above Certlflcfte of TttH issued in the name nf rmeiaf Hellfieh and AlolMO McDon- M )m brea filed In thU office notlOB i. W.M nn tivit i an&u. at uie ex piration of one month from the dt of th riM ntTMbwrLkin hereof, laaue prcvlajooal OerUXteate of Title tn lieu nf uiiri Vwt certificate. un In t&a meantime valid objection be made to tn in vrlttng. nTW) at the Land Reotatry Office Prince Rupert. B.C.. thU' asrd day of July, AS. 1834. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Rfutrar of TlUea. people REAL BARGAINS We still have a large number of shoe samples that are of the highest quality and ire being sold at real low prices. They are the best values we ever had. S2.49 $1.95 95c Motors COFFEE Deluxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh Using the Silex method Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and Invigorating. Commodore Cafe FOR SALE The $2350.00 house at $200.00 down. Furniture including stoves, beds, dressers, couches, dining room sets, vacuum cleaner etc. Plumbersr fishermen's, car- enters.' blacksmiths' and up-olsterers' E tools. Nails all sizes. These goods must be sold by the piece or as a whole at lower than the lowest price. F. W. HART 216 6th Ave. W Ph: Green 698 Leckie's "Skookum" Work Boots Reg. $550 at Men's Rubbers, Goodrich and Miners, at WE ACCEPT CITY SCRIPT Heavy Duty Truck Motors Suitable for fish boats also speed boat motors $35 up Christie Truck & Car Parts 1630 W. 1st. Ave, Vancouver 3.95 Leckie's Boys School Boots G9 QI Reg. $3.95 and $455. cut to Children's Runners up from Large assortment of Goodrich and Miner's Gum Boots. 59c Cut Rate Shoe Store Kalum Lake Lodge Now under new management Rates $250 per day Special prices by the week Ideal Spot For a Restful Holiday For particulars write to R. W. RILEY, TERRACE, B.C. NOW OPEN Palm Coffee Shop Pleasant surroundings and Service with a Smile Call and see us Across from the Power Co Third Avenue ' Van's Bakery Opposite Boston Cafe Quality Breads 4 for 25c At All Grocers Labelled on Bottom For Your Protection Phone 190 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISn COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Producers & Refiners of ELEPHANT TADANAC Brand CHEMICAL FERTILIZER Brand ELECTROLYTIC Ammonium Phosphates Sulphate of Ammonia Superphosphates Complete Fertilizers Lead-Zinc Cadmium-Bismuth Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It docs par to buy those advertised.