' vu' owrage, 9o. and 0c. 8b Vancouver and Victoria aboard the steamer Prince George. While Mr Fullerton and the officials f umpanytng htm Inspected ter-; cuuii factUUea. proceeding from' mt:r train to the dry dock. i Mr Fullerton s party also Includes B Brown, chief engineer of the operating department; A. E. War-res vice-president In charge of t- -rn Unes; II. A. Dixon, regional I tier engineer. Winnipeg: B. T l app genal superintendent Bt.u.h CotttmBte. and Samuel .son district engineer. Van-r: The chairman Is aocom-t his young son. William T; mmln Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides rimee Rupert Clear, light 9 High 3:22 ajn. 205 ft. r? I; west wind; barometer, 3052; 15:38 pm. 21.5 ft. ' mpcrature, C9; sea smooth. Low 9:32 am. 3.7 ft. 22.07 3.1 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER pjn. V XXIV No. 199. PRINCE RUPERT, B.Cj, MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENTO RAILWAY HEADS ARE ON VISIT STEWART RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION STARTING THIS WEEK Chairman and President Canadian National Ry. Make Inspection Trip Hon. C. P. Pullcrton. J. E. Lalwllc and S. J. Hungerford With Other Officials Reach Coast in Course of Tour To Study Needs of Line Including Maintenance IVang his first visit to Prince Rupert since his appoint-r a-: chairman of the board of trustees of the Canadian V ral Railways, Hon. C. P. Fullerton K.C. with J. F -ard Labelle, another of the trustees, and S. J. Hun-, r'i vi president, arrived in the city by extra train at 1 afternoon in the course of a western tour and . . . "Milled later In the afternoon fot Here Today lure a C I ' M I ? pre-, ."".pr.f- of Ns ,a Pjw.ii .i Today's Stocks of (C iurva.j B O JohDon Oa.) E. New York 'ii'ii. 26's. burn. H. nr. 4il'. , t ' i Nickel. 20,. 'ral Motors. 31H- i ' ,mda. 43. ' 35. a':j. 6. Toronto onuc. UVi. B.RX, 88. C : Lake. 2.72. E i irado, 2.C0. C miliar, 2.36. H .!. 19.50. Milntyre, 40. Ntirunda. 42. T' ':k Hughos, 0.85. Wright, 9.05. Montreal AVohol, 8. c P R. 144. Bmrltcrs, MlVfc. I"-"' Nickel, 25V4. Dcauharnols, 5. Imperial, 14. I'cle 28 f r D.. 14. wulkervlile Drew. 8. Halibut Arrivals American onn ;"nt' 13-00. and Excel, 14 8 P '"iS rctSTw !y-r. w 7y dve earlier In K the , 1 areas to salmon seining. The Skeena and Naas River sein-" v general sopertntendent i h one companion and eighty ing also having been stopped temporarily, Rivers Inlet is T v,rre I We &rc merely raakWvg a routine -s - r. tour," staled Mr. Hun- f ::i a Daily News represen ve and we nave no announce-tr.cn. s to make at Uil time. The urpose of the trip 1 to study re-, ii-fmrnu of th line In retard to lcveloptnent and maintenance whirh will be discussed with offl- ials bflore any decisions are arrived at." Th nartv met bv a commit-1 tec of the Prtnc Rupert Chamber , Commerce consisting of O. W Nickeraon. C, H. Orme. C. V. Evitl. S. Parker and M. P McCaffery as well as by OioC Hanson MP. British Tound and Canadian Dollar on New York Exchange j MONTREAL. Aug 27:-Thc British pound sterling was quoted at $4.92 li to $4.92H here at the week-Mid and the American dollar at 97e to 97 3-lGc. ' WBW luruv. aih. 27: The BH- liah v nonnd sterling was quoted at , $ii)fl here at the weeK-ena ana . , . . nn riR lite canaaian aojr kO $IM. I Wheat Prices Winnipeg; October. .84. December. .85. May. 89. Chicago September, 1.03. December, 1.05. May. 1.06. Strength in Rails Revives Trices Of Stocks in New 1 orK NEW YORK. Aug. 27:-Stock prices were rallied by a burst of strength In rails after early weekend hesitancy had brought moderate losses into evidence. FIVE ARE DROWNED Traced? In Colnruola River Near ReveUtoke When Ferry Cable Breaks REVELSTOKE, Aug. 27: (CD-Fire young men are believed to have been drowned in the Colombia Hirer on Sunday when a cable cage in which they wete crossing the river for amusement broke down and threw them into the cold rushing water. They were all employed in a relief camp at Ten Mlie on the Big Bend Highway. Thoe believed to have been drowned are: E. C. McDonald, Chatham. N.B. George Bailey. Montreal. II. Davis, Montreal A. W Morrow, Vancouver. Joteph Wall, believed from the prairies, exact address unknown. A sixth man, Blondie Mason, managed to reach shore. rv i f uucness is Livine With Eighty Dogs - ' Eccentric Dowager Discovered Sa- turds y Making Home in farm house Near Oxford oxford. Eng.. Aug. 27:--rhe Dowager Duchess of Marlborough. I .a,. .Jt..AU-J ijjuunt ui a isiuuiuux ucsti iicic. Planes Without 1 UULo ID llCALito re-open the various temporarily Invention of Super-Kobot. Control led by Wireless, is Claimed In raris PARIS, France. Aug. 27:-A euper-robot. which it Is claimed will ultimately enable airplanes to be flown without pilots by wireless, has been Invented here. Stocks in New York Are Firm Silver Groups Show Strength With New Demand Sugar Issues Weak . NEW YORK. Aug. 27: Stocks were firm on the New York Stock p.-honpp Raturdav with the exceD- (M m, hp. WWII VI tt IIW OU&Ul AdsauiOt V4v - ... crouns . was In - evl- tdence with gains ranging to nearly two nolnts. P. F. Collin of the Pacific Milk Co, who was a visitor here during Carnival Week, sailed by the ss. Prince Rupert Saturday evening on his return to Vancouver. LEAGUE OF NATIONS CONCEDLS EUROPEAN WAR NOW IMMINENT ,. GENEVA, Switzerland, Aug. 27: The truth of a statement made by Premier Benito Mus- I sollnl to Italian Army officers on Friday that war ls lmmln- cnt in Europe ls conceded oy the League of Nations, j i: ' 7 Paying First Hon. C P Fullerton K.C rhairraan Good Average Run In Massett is Mainland On account of low Water in irive the pinks a chance to get . spawning ground, the fisheries department has yne'r l'd. T Tw Pntalo nnrl Roll RpII.i temporarily uuacu uiC ulli V ncuvu ui wrc ui"i. " Prlnce Rupert district where sein ing is still In progress. After the , chum run, which was already show-, Ine slens of commencement, gets closed areas to seining. Meantime, most of the salmon canneries in the district are still remaining open to pack chums, running meantime on pinks from the Queen Charlotte Islands and the southern areas of the district and on echoes from the trolling grounds. Gill netting operations throughout the district have almost entirely ceased automatically, returns on the coho fish ing not being attractive enough to the fishermen. The last week has seen the de- layed pink run in Massett Inlet at last commencing to attain some volume although not comparable with the big run of 1930 by any means. Seining Is now in progress In Massett Inlet as well as from Sktdeeate Inlet southwards with (three Queen Charlotte Island can nerles in operation the Masset't rnnnerit nt Old Massett, Nootka 'tnw, n . , ivrw Ma X UV rtllt v- " uugjvt msiu Canadian Flshlna Co. at Lacoon w - Bay. Up to the end of last week only two canneries in the northern end of Prince Rupert district had closed down Haysport on the Skeena River and Arrandale on the Naas. Mill Bay on the Naas River is about to close. In the lower part of the district Inrig's, Boswell. Leroy, Namu, Bslla Coola, Butedale and Klemtu can- nerles are still in operation. Head of Toronto Stock Exchange Had Close Call TORONTO, Aug. 27: Harold Frank, president of the Toronto stock Exchange, had a narrow es- cape when his sport roadster was hurled' over an embankment at Unlonvllle-on No. 7 Highway. Visit Here of Canada u Nauonal Railways of Pinks Under Way; Seining ; "Ceases the Streams and in order to up tne creens ana rivers iu V" - Bandits Take Over Payroll Two Armed Men Hold Up Bank Car On Highway In Georgia and Get Away With $9,000 ROME, Ga., Aug. 27: Two armed, bandits crowding a National City Bank car off the highway seized the i $9000 payroll of the Tubsize ChaJJl- Ion mill which the bank car was transporting to the mill. Gruesome Find; Body in Trunk Horrid Discovery Made in Front'of j Stotesbury Residence in New York NEW YORK. Aug. 27:-The body f a man was found Jammed in a small trunk on Saturday In front of the residence of Louis W. Stotcs - bury, former adjutctitigeneral ofu the state of New York. Ontario Has Forest Fires Three New Blazes in Algoma District With Smoke Breaking Out in Gilmour Township SAULT STE. MARIE, Aug. 27: Three new bush fires are reported In Algoma Central district while al 4,000-acre fire In Gilmour -Township has also started to smoke again. Mrs. Bert Cameron and daugh ter, who have been on a trip to Montreal, returned to the city from the East on Saturday afternoon's: train. Grade Extension For New Line Across B. C. North Is Under Way Work to be Carried Out Beyond American Creek to Which Point Sir Donald Mann Built Grade in 1910 STEWART, Aug. 27: (Special to the Daily News) Construction of a railway from this point across Northern British Columbia will commence this week in accordance with terms of a charter granted the Canadian Northeastern Railway which calls for the expenditure of $30,000 this year. A. McCulloch, formerly chief engineer of . the Kettle Valley Railway, with engin-K 1 eering party and Angus Nicholson,' i,r 1 1 f j Hff well known contractor and cor- N A V A I IVl A IM struction superintendent, arrived Saturday to start the work. I Work will be concentrated mean-1 time on extending the fourteen. miles of old grade built by Sir Don-1 aid Mann and associates in 1910 1 Captain of U. S. S. Sandpiper which terminated at American : ceived Word Here of Advance-Creek. The preliminary surveys for ment in Rank 'this extension were made by Dun-, can McMillan in 1029. It will re-', quire some thirteen miles of grade j to carry, the Una to the summlLand another ten miles will put It com-f pletely through the Coast Range of I mountains and into the big vall;y MINING OF DIAMONDS anderhoof Project Is Not First of Its Kind in This Province, Says Local Man The suggestion made In telegraphic dispatches that the dia mond DTOSDectine venture In the vanderhoof district is the first of m British Columbia is In , etT0Ti declares T. Ross Mackay of ! over thirty years ago dla - ' monds were prospected for and found on the west side of Rivers In- let opposite deserted Bay. Mr. Mac- kay recalls. He was operating a sawmill there at the time the pre- clous crystals were located. Substantial Gain In Gross Earnings And C. N. R. Loadings MONTREAL, Aug. 27: (CP) An increase of $710,000 in gross operating Anrnlntr nf thp Canadian Na- iUonal Rallwa , ls for July : .... ,., OPH Hth Jniv It is also stated Chat car loadings on the Canadian National Railways for the week ending August 18 to tailed 43528 cars as against 40,310 during the previous week and 43.181 In the corresponding week last ijear. iIMU- V..wn ln muua uuigc 111 Ohio Village Militant Leader of Onion Weeders Abducted at McGuffey on Saturday McQUFFEY, Ohio. Aug. 27 Mobs surged through this town on Satur day, abducting Okey ODell, mill- tant leader of the onion weeders strike, and placed the village under a state of siege HERE PROMOTED Lieut. Robbins, commander of the; . mine .sweeper Sandpiper, which..: was hrre:lastweek;wlth: theTJnlted States havjalrcrafrsqaadron, hadTA; the pleasure shortly before sailing with his ship from here for Astoria on Saturday to receive a radio mes sage from Washington. D.C. advising him of his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant-Commander. He was among 155 other United States Navy men out of a total of 500 who were eligible to receive such promotion. Lieut Commander Robbins is a, full-fledged naval aircraft pilot as well as surface craft navigator. .' Pennsylvania Pen Rioting Saturday Convicts at Gratersford Attempted To Burn Several Prison Buildings NORRISTOWN, Pa., Aug. 27: Rioting broke out Saturday at Gratersford Prison. Convicts are reported to have attempted to burn several buildings. KIDNAPPING IS PLOTTED Detroit and Canadian Border Police Investigating Robert Oakman . Threat DETROIT. Aug. 27: A purported olot to kidnap Robert Oakman, De troit financier and real estate operator, is being investigated by Detroit and Canadian border police. UNITED STATES PLANES LAND IN VANCOUVER ON A SATURDAY AFTERNOON VANCOUVER, Aug. 27: (CP) t Twelve United States Navy flying boats, on their way back v to San Diego after an expedi- tlon to the Alaskan Peninsula, landed at English Bay at 5:13 Saturday afternoon from Prince Rupert, having made the 480-mlle flight In five hours and forty-three mln- utes. They will be here until Wednesday, o