4 -Wi f1 K32 7370 THE DAILY NEW3 Ionday, May 2j 1934 DAILY EDITION INDICATION OP X'PAV T IPf and Summer Shoes are WHITE Why not secure your's now while we have your style and fitting? A fresh stock of outing shoes awaits your choice, suitable for all occasions. The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue. LIMITED Phone 131 Monday. May 21, 1934 I 9 41 THE DAILY NEWS. FR1NCE BO PERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prtnc Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenu H. r. PULLKN - - j Managing-Editor Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations WELL AWAY NOW I Premier Pattullo has evidently found it a difficult mat-! t AH Sinn unui a . Tl . T" 111 t jk I i.ci cujivetuijii rremier uenneii in nis nmnt nt view in w. nt- An indication of the new life that is coming to Vancou-' ver is seen in a special number of the Journal of Commerce ! lllSt ISSUed. It is Of the rpmilni- Ini-rro mortln,;,,, w i f usely il ustrated and contains a" large lot of commercial . t, "."v.. io an iiuiv.ai.iuii ui uie movemeni 10 ward recovery. The number . . - v.t.h4ii4. i j nii.ii S31UW- ping and mining although all industries are represented.' While in some respects it is provincial in scope it is essen-i tially a Vancouver number prepared for Vancouver1 ftPftrile nnrl lonlinrr ti-UVi tin l , i r--r- .... iwi wic iimuMucs aim prospects oi Vancouver. HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous Craham Island North Beach Fishing. Bathing. Badminton, Picnics. Scenic Drives, Shooting in the Season, Rent a fully furnished cottage at Sangan River. For full particulars apply MKS. DUNN Mastctt. B.C. When Coming to Terrace or Lakelse Hot Springs Make Arrangements With Swains Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, H.C. To Greet You We meet all trains. Freight ti Eassenger service anywhere, akelse Lake and Lodge, new boat H. A. S. now In service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult, $3.00; $1.50 per head additional. No. crowd too big. No job too small. PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU. Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FBOM HOME" Rates I1.N up 90 Rooms, Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 BOOTH WINS ; FIRST GAME Defeated Borden Street Three to i One in Junior Soccer on Saturday 1 In a well contested Junior Foot-Iball League fixture on Saturday ; afternoon Booth Memorial School registered its first win of the 'spring series by beating Borden Street School three goals to one. Play was evenly distributed for I a time and then Ritchie scored a nice goal for Booth. From a free kick Mah shot strongly but too high. O'Neill equalized for BorCen from a penalty. Monkley and O'Neill, for Borden, and Ritchie and Husoy, for Booth, were clever Cameron's shot was deflected by Willlscroft for a comer. Husoy's corner kick was saved as was a shot by Ritchie. Currie made a good run and Rice kicked into touch to save the situation. From a penalty Cameron gave Booth the lead. Monkley and Clausen engaged In a series of duels with honors fairly even. Fitch cleared well and fed his for wa'rds nicely. Monkley forced his way through till Eastman stopped him. Then ! Cameron shot past. Boroen pressed. ball but lacking the finish that gets goals. Holkestad was always a clever and dangerous winger. Pos-tuk was lucky when a shot hit the bar and then the upright aefore being scrambled away. Husoy gave Booth another goal witn a tine cross drive: Krause saved well from D'NellL Ritchie got away but Gu-lick stopped him. Borden supo a desperate attack and Booth was very lucky to get the oatl away. Smith showed up well as did Barton and O'Neill Tram Bordan Postuk; Willlscroft. Ou- w - - I . .v,., ... v.fv. gard to granting aid , to British Columbia to help her meet Barton, O'Neill, Houston, curne tier obligations and to provide work and wages for the Un-i Bootn Krause: Riw, Eastman; employed. Now that he has KiirvperM w rnn pyiw tBrown. McKay. Clausen: fcusoy. a rreneral irrmrnvpnW in mnrfiriW Wrt . i ' .Cameron, Ritchie. Carlyle. Holke- Although it seems a little belated, we congratulate Pre- miPr TJprmprt rm havinrr AanlAnA t-r. An U 1 stad. Fltch. riM.ll, Mah. null, Smith; OilllUl, A1U11K1 Monkley. Referee J. Carroll Booth """"""" -Avas best served acivru by oy Rice. nice, uii iiuiiii ucviuch iu uu me njjliu llUUg Dy I the province. We congratulate Premier Pattullo on hav- stman- McKav- Clausen, Ritchie ing secured that tor which he campaigned and for whichuk- wSXTmX he and his ministers went to Ottawa. They seem to haverton and oere ou made good there. (standing. Borden missed Dybhavn. We realize that a few people will be disappointed at the! w D L- f. a. p outcome. They would have liked to see Premier Pattullo -Hlgh 3 i o ix 3 . fail We know that because of the gibes we have received. S11 lM 1 0 3 J 8 2 from a number of Deonle who thntio-hr hp wi inf , 1 --1 rt" v - ivrnw uuk. ; There have to be those sort of people in the world. Happily, J the great majority are more concerned about the progress of British Columbia than' thpv si-p n aiicjr icdue mat me premier is working his hardest for the good of the province and his success at Ottawa will be heartily welcomed. Baseball Scores SATURDAY SCOUES National League Chicago 5, Philadelphia 6. Cincinnati 5, New York 6. Pittsburg 5, Brooklyn 8. St. Louis 2, Boston 1. American League New York 8. Detroit 3. Washington 3, Cleveland 2. 4, St. Louis I. I Philadelphia 10, Chicago 14. TILLIE THE TOILER" SUNDAYCOItES " National League St. Louis 9, New York 5. Cincinnati 0. Boston 1. Chicago 1, Brooklyn 5. Pittsburg 4, Philadelphia J6. American League Washington 4, Detroit 1. Philadelphia 7, St. Louis 10. New York 5, Cleveland 8. Boston 6, Chicago 5. TAG DAY SUCCESS The local Salvation Armv was quite successful in its Self Denial tag day on Saturday. The sum of $72 was raised as compared with $39 last year. The annual Self Denial campaign is proceeding with satisfactory results. I SPORT CHAT The National League bat tie front moved to the eastern sector Thursday while the American League campaign opened In the west. The results of the campaigns in the new fields will be followed with interest and may have an important effect THE TIRE GIRLS' CITY SOFTBALL LEAGUE IS ORGANIZED A Girls' City Softball League has been organized here with teams entered under the names of Annette's, a rot to and Moose. Play will start the first week In June and. meantime, the girls are practising assi duously for what Is expected tp be a very keen competition. ' ceo Save Poker Hands to get Better Cigarette Paperi rKtt ETerybody ree thit "Ountecler" and "Voirue are the best paper you can net 5 large book of eilher hrin4 TrM fnr nnl art fomolffe Itt of Poktf Hinjt. from Tour nearest Poker Hand Premium Store or by mail from P.O. Box 1380, Montreal, r.Q. m the generat outcome for the eason. Chicago Cubs defeated the Phillies In a series opener in Phlla- j delphia on Thursday to move back into exclusive possession of first place in the National League with a one and a half game lead over the Pittsburg Pirate who were losing a Uht contest to the Dodgers In Brooklyn. St. Louis Cardinals and New York Giants continued their challenge for supremacy with vic GRADS WIN FIRST GAME EDMONTON, May 21: CP-The Commercial Orads. Canadian women's basketball champions, defeated Spencer Coals of Chicago 100 to 39 Saturday night In the first of a series of games for the international Underwood trophy. Breaking Into Society with TURRET FINE CUT and Poker Hands, too "More tobacco for the money" means more cigarettes for the money with Turret Fine Cut. And it means better cigarettes, too milder, cooler, more fragrant smokes! Turret Fine Cut gives you Poker Hands tories over Boston Braves and Cincinnati Reds respectively. In the American League, the New York Yankee lost a dose decision to the Tigers at Detroit and had their margin of supremacy cut to three and a half game over Uie Cleveland Indians who slugged out a heavy-hitting lctory over the Washington Senators. The Thiers moved Into third place ahead of the IN CONSTRUCTION as well which, can be exchanged free for a wide liit of valuable, useful gifts for yourself and your home. Start today to nuke your money go farther "roll your own" with Turret Fine Cut. It pays to "Roll Your Own" with TURRET FINE CUT CKJAHHTTi: TOBACCO SAVE THE POKER HANDS Im(ril Tufcttto Oamrut of Ca4. Uaui4 Philadelphia Athletic who lost to the White Sox at Chicago. Tike St I Louis Brown eked Hit a close victory over the Boston Hed Sox at St Lout to reptace them in sixth place. ' Mrs. Carl ZareUt. who has bttn ' raiding In Vancouver tor the past ' four ytn. relumed to Ute city on the Cat la last evening from the south to resume residence here. SINCE THE BALLOON TIRE! Ixcdt-JL "SHOCK ABSORBERS" Fiery Cuttu Prrclin mul Iloaiieraft Tire U Itullt of the hfu!iet4uu)ity -ittoiirorilrrr)'iitratiil iiiiirrKiialnl villi unl initrrlrl ly rulilM-r. 'Ilier. protrrtitl nl arr liuilt Into crSfrmi layer for uutnil ulri-iiRtli, and wre further iirotrrlnl nt -rut-lal aa t . ity itnuiil pail itl litr Kiim ruiwier niiiii-tti 1Miiit K-turrii the i!i- ti Mifesuunl tin rnl from ilamaar. at mown in inr. pholourupli ul llir leu. lor jwiirM-u how blown on the trriul or Ile-wulU imiII Ik ftiolilorml liy tliie 'SIkk k-ulorlxT." nirrrarr 7 of lliem the 5 von m-!ii the photograph ami 2 on the other i!e of the tlrr. Only Gutla IVrrlia onil Hoadrraft Tirrs glc you this safer ntiutrtirtlon at no eslru cot. CUTTA PEftr.llA A HUHUF.lt, LIMITED IM OAttl loao.110, itmmim. BmtW tnm Gm M Cm GuttaPerchaTires For Sale Hy S. E. Parker Ltd. - Phone 83 Ford Dealers Third Ave. Fast By Wostover 0J3? WMI JViWf ccmk. m uiKsv LvjU paucity NBEO B I C Jl, "