px rors I YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can set satisfactory glasses from OEO. F. HAVLY, Hejis-tered Optometrist, who, for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service in the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner The Pioneer Jeweler rhonc 261 PORT SIMPSON Centenary Celebration Thursday, May 24 Sports and Games including races for adults and children. Baseball, Football, Softball. War Canoe Race Visitors from whole district will be made welcome Every Battery Guaranteed The Wilson Electrical Manufacturing Co, sole makers of SUl'KOX Batteries, guarantees EVERY Suprox Battery to maintain its fuM , rated ability throughout the entire guarantee period AT NO EXTKA COST TO THE I'UHCIIASEK. Only accident or neglect ' will render this guarantee void. Massrtt, B.C. JAMES MARTIN P.O. Box 7", I'rince Kupert, B.C. I! I ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Typewriter Paper Typewriters Typewriter Ribbons -Typing Pads Wax Paper Writing Pads Account Books Account Paper Account Fasteners Adding Machine Rolls Letter andPaper Clips Shannon Cases Blotting Pads Blotting Paper Shannon Files Bill Books Carbon Paper Cash Register Rolls Letter Baskets Waste Baskets Bull Dog Clips Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 Self Denial Campaign May 8th to May 26th , TO AH) ALL BRANCHES OF S. A. WORK -When ealled-upon please give liberally The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Slorage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Changes in Lie lit house Service Another Camp for North Island-New fish Shed Building;. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Brydon, who have been stationed at Lucy Island lighthouse for the past six years, arrived in the city aboard the New-ington at the end of the week and will be leaving on the Princess Adelaide Friday night for Victoria. Mr. Brydon having retired from the lighthouse service. They will. probably decide to locate in the neighborhood of Victoria. Thomas White has gone out to Lucy Island temporarily to relieve as light kepcr until Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moran. who are to succeed Mr. and Mrs. Brydon, arrive from their present station at Egg Island when Mr. and Mrs. white will proceed to Boat Bluff to take the place of Mr. and Mrs. Webster who are to be moved to Egg Island in succession to Mr. and Mrs. Moran. Chief Engineer W. E. Baillie of the steamer Prince Rupert, which Is having finishing touches put on icr annual overhaul at the local tiry dock prior to being recemmls- sloned in sen-Ice for the season, has received Instructions to report to Montreal, presumably returning to the steamer Prince Henry which is at present tied up in Halifax. George Davidson, who has been acting as second engineer on the Prince Rupert, will take over the duties of chief on the departuic of Mr. Baillie who expects to leave on the Prince George Thursday night for the east via Vancouver. Mrs. Baillie. who Is at present viMtlng here, will accompany him south. Bringing north a fair sized list of passengers. Union steamer Ca-tala, Capt. A. E Dickson, arrived in port at 5:30 yesterday afternoon from the south and sailed at 8 D.m. for Anyox, Stewart and other northern points whence she will re turn here tomorrow mornlne and sail at 1:30 pjn. on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. Making the trip in place of the Belllngham, which has had trouble with her crew, the Ketchikan mo-torship Eskimo arrived in port this forenoon with one carload of fresh halibut which Is being transshlnoed from here by rail for delivery to the mantel in the eastern states. Capt. Bert Tlngley. who left last Friday evening for North Island with his fish packer Argent, had in Ford Dealers VU." , mi DAILY NEWS Legs Trembled; Heart Throbbed This -HoMMtal-TcstfiT Krmcdy .Made Ilcr Well and Strong "I wish from my heart," writes Mrs. Louie Mitchell of Oak Point. Manitoba. "I could persuade every who is run-down to give Eerson r. Williams' Pink Pills a trial. About a year ago I was suffering from a run-down system. Any little exertion would cause my legs to tremble and my heart to throb violently. I could not sweep a room or walk fifty feet without being exhausted. "Then I began taking Dr. Williams Pink Pills and after taking only six boxes I am as well and strong as ever." You. too. ran rebuild a weak, run-down, exhausted system with Dr. Williams- Pink Pills. This Is the remedy that was scientifically tested at a leading hospital with a group of 40 run-down people. It proved a remarkably efficient builder of red blood cells and haemoglobin, cleansing and enriching the blood of these patients quickly, and revitalising their systems with vigor, vitality and strength, making them feel like new people. Get a package today from your druggist's. You'll begin to feel an improvement after a few doses. 50s a package Results guaranteed or money refunded. tow a small fish camp which will be placed on the North Island trolling grounds in the service of Edmunds & Walker. Pat Ratchford. well known elderly pioneer of the city, who was in-lured last week when a partition fell on him while he was engaged In tearing down an old shed on the Albert ii McCaffery waterfront lease to make way fpr new construction there, has been making wd recovery at the Prince Rupert General Hospital where it was cx-oected he would be able to be up to day. Within a few days he will be ible to leave the hospital. Construction of the new fish handling shed for the AUin Fisheries Immediately adjoining the new cold storage plant of the Nor-'hern Fishermen's Cold Storage Limited to the north is now well tinder way. When the new shed is ready for occupation, which will not be long. AUin will move its establishment from the present location on the government wharf. LEGION LINE-UP The following players will represent the Canadian Leelon against the Merchants in tomorrow night's. Ollhuly Cup football name: T. Smith, Blake. 8. Currie. Orer Webster. Bussanlch. D. J- Murray. Pong. J. B, Hwrbcr and C. Bartle. MILEAGE DELIGHTFUL PLAY HERE My Weaklier," Willi Lilian Harvey And Lew A) res, at Capitol Theatre With the dainty and diminutive Lilian Harvey in the leading role, a delightful musical picture "My Weakness" come to the Capitol Theatre here at the first of this week. It Is Miss Harvey's first American film and, as her leading man, she has none other than the popular Lew Ayres. Other well known members of the cast Include Charles Butterworth, Harry Lang-don and Sid Silvers. The film Is said to reveal the latest of trends In smart motion picture plays that have music and feminine beauty among their principal elements. The music Is said to be as brilliant as any that has been produced recently for the screen. Stunning gown and unique and modern settings make of It also a real style show. j The story is that of a young ugly duckling who Is made attractive on a wager and moves from conquest to conquest until she finally lands the man who made the wager that she could not be made attractive. A brother at Carlisle Cannery on v Skeena River was advicd by the Vancouver Province in Us new- '.lroatU-a.a last night of the death in Vancouver yesterday afternoon of Fred Humphrey -Build B.C. Payroll- Cooking Wilh It Women evcrywlwre are wing great quantities of Pacific Milk In the preparation of food Wc get hundreds of letters telling how good any food Is in which this fine milk Is used. This is proof to us that women prefer British Columbia goods and will insist upon having them when the quality Is outstanding Pacific Milk "I00';: B.C. Ouned and Controlled' PLANT AT ABBOTS FORD THOUSANDS of motorists across Canada are finding that Dominion Royals have still plenty of safe anti-skid left after 20.000 miles or more. The secret of this safe, extra mileage is the TEMPERED RUBBER tread an exclusive Dominion Tire featurewhich has proved to be the longest-wearing tread rubber ever developed. You, too, should get this mileage bonus by equipping with Dominion Royals. They will increase your motoring safety-cut down your tire costs. Why not see your Dominion dealer?. miles per tire DOMINION THIS All SAFER TIRES GUARANTEED one yetr against tire injuries caused by blow-outs, cuts, bruises, rim-cuts, under-inflatioa and many other road hazards. I CTJM McLennan, McFeely & Prior Ltd., B.C. Distributors DOMINION TIRES Tor Sale Hy S. E. PARKER LTD. COAL! COAL! Cur Famous Ed son, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaran-teed to rItc satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley, Wr also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Kupert Feed Co. M Fnonei hi ill1 ftl-ulay & Tuesday-Two Showw7 & 9AdmlMlon LILIAN HARVEY & LEW AYREs' In the Gay, Giddy and Snappy Muilcal Roman "MY WEAKNESS" Willi Charles Butterworth, Harry Lantdon km i Irene Bently. A I o PitturV (7 to yiUtn' Beautiful GlrU-Song HltwDancrs and t,ii. Grand Fun Every Minute rm'n' Comedy -Twin Screws" Musical -Rufu, jone, r WEDNESDAY & TIIUIISDAY-'KOMAN SCAXU.iJ" Real Value Tennis players everywhere are quirk to recognise the superiority of these racket. We recommend, them to you with confidence and assurance of the hlfheat TBest Quality Golden Arrow, $(. SLAZENGERS SUirnjrr TriinU lUIIWYirlort" rezulatlon lir ni ritkL each 10c; Sprrial price. 3 for 51.01: Charopimhlp' npftul selected balls, 50c The AUCTIONEER Packing Cra ting Wrapping & Oenerol Furniture Repairs List your goods with ms Fbone Blsek 121 GEO. J. DAWES wMd MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE lOTII. ANNIYEItSAKY SALL 3 CHESTERFIELD SUITES 2 in Mohair. 1 In Tapestry; regular price up u Q1 1 00 JH0.00: Sale price, your choice O AA v.VV Will take your used furniture as part p;c m-' Phone 775 3:7 Third Ate. Prince Huprrt, IVC THE CONSOLIDATED MININO & S.MKLTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED THl(y IlklTMII lOUMIII Mtnufactureri of ELEPHANT Uir.MK'AL tEKril.t.I.KS Pnxluctr rurirr nl TADANAC Ilrin4 M.rCTHOI.VTIC AMMONIUM rilOSNIATT. SULPHATE OK AMMU.Wt TKII'LE siTMiriiosriun LEAD-ZINv CADMIlW-MSMl'TII For Your Health Cblroprsrtle Ultra Violet Rsji Intra Red Rsji Mssuff AH at Bessonsble PrlcN W. C. ASPINAIX V.C (Chiropractor! Green 211 Tbonei Gra Kstbanct WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS REPLENISHING PHONE US We have qoala suitable for all your require mcnts and at prices to suit all purees. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. I'hone 83 Third Ave. East Phone 618