PAOS TERES il 1934 THE DAILY NEWS ill Mi: jH. "j -'J lift i OW IS - - - Kodak M ait. 0 f ft 1 1 1 : ; trnm rnin.a iMtm im tm va ; ime r;.k E ve $1.75 . . v r.on t nn rWTllfi V iUIlfliia, iiu. VM.V J,UU .v-ie Cameras, No. 010 $3.75 t Pocket Kodak $5.00 LgKciluk, Doublet lens $lb.UU Ljiffv Kodak ... $8.00 hM:; Kodak $9.00 hKd k 0.3 lens $17.50 4Kr' G.:ilens $20.00 j i ot fine Kodak 8 3oy.nU - - 2' Kodascqpe for above $45.00 v.. 1ft m n with r.-irrvlnn- riiRA j p i:niaiv i r 5,- , (' D Kouascope ior aoove ?o.uu LvelopinK & I'rinlinn of Kodak work, Daily Service Ormes Ltd. "Titf. Piontcr Druggists- The KH Store rhonn: 81 St n J'tllZillTBO'iKIStllllllsmtl'-IIIlJ KEEP UP YOUR HOME It Pays to Paint and Repair! Tor brt paint values and for sound advice consult MDON'S HARDWARE USE IMI PAINT Phone 311 .Mcllride St BEAUTIFUL TLELL r ITihlnt Sea IUthing HunUnr iennu wnu I u Trip ou Marine lllshv. ay . Mcnlcs sandy iieacne lidfrn Convenience aiiu irom untrnmnii . No Flirt .No .Moiqulioes $17.50 Per Week; Children Under 12, Half Rate jUHMi: IIAJAUT THE DUNES TlelL, Qoeen Charlotte Ulands Coal Prices Ibhead Err Coal $12-50 pdead Lump Coal u-ou 'rabina Eire Coal 12-00 tove Coal S11-50 Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Ab roa d? THIS VACATION CatAos Nafleaal U lor aQ AOaofit ""Mp IUm. all tout ll land. walec LOW SOIMKU HAIL FAHKS Will hlp male an overseas vacation economlcaL Ul Canadian National service look oiler you all th. way . . . Th cool rout, lo aboard . . . Jasper National Park, Laic oJ the Woods. Nlploon, Algonquin Park. ForinformaUolaU or Write: CITY TICKET OFFICE o n-j Prt nre ItUDCft, UNION STBAMSHira UM1TEI) Bteamer. Princ Ruoert tor Vancouver: t5;8: CATALA EVERY TUESI1AY. 1:30 Ml " ocean rm and Waypointa. arriTiiig "'" afternoon. ' S tAUDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday A M. . and N N" Stewart aomnwi to Port simpAop. AUc Arm, Anyox. N-v nlyn points. Leave Fruice itupm - , av- rher Information regarding all sailings and tickets rINt'E HUPERT AGENCY! Third Atmo. h uoe pay io uuy muac mui rtione M because It doesn't nay to advertise poor prqducts, We are Bulger's. 3 lbs. LOCAL NEWS NOTES i Whwt Drive and Dance, iC. L. D. L. llatl. still buying old was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening returning north. Game Warden Ed. Martin re- j turned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from a brier trip to Klemtu on olficlal business. May 22, You can rent a Car at Walker' as low as 51 a day plus 1c. a mile. tf gold, at) Cut flowers, marriage bouquets, pot planU. wreath and sprays. OLENNIE'S. J. E. Moo&y of Port Simpson, Miss Laura Stephens, who has been on a vacation trip to Vancou- j C ! ver and elsewhere In he south, re- ! art the conTer-Church of ; GOOD NEWS! For the Housewife & Cook .The Price of SUGAR is Reduced at Our Store. Take Advantage of the New Prices NOW! Jb.C GRANULATED AQ SUOAR. 100-ID. sacs - - per 50-lb. sack $3.35 per 10-lbs. bulk 65c BROWN SUOAR- AQo 10 lbs William Stone sailed last evening on the Catala lor a week' business trip to Anyox and Stewart. Mrs. Alex McBae leaves on this afternoon's train for Terrace where she will visit for the next couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. John MeRae. We pay a premium fqr gold .coins and old scrap gold. We ask out of town customers to give us a trial. Phone Black 324. B. C. Clothiers Ltd. Box 477. tf) senger aboard the Catala last ev-! Apartments. fnlne going north from her stu-' - dies in Vancouver to spend the! Doug Christlson of the local summer at Alice Arm with herjunjt 0e the Rotfil Canadian Naval parents, Mr. and Mr T. W. Fal-: Volunteer Reserve, who has been coner. laway for nearly five months tak- ling training- at Esquimau naval Ronnie McLachlan. young son of barracks, also having made a Mr. and Mrs. M. M. McLachlan. ! cruise to Central America aboard Sixth Avenue East, was knocked jn. M i ICING SUOAR 17C 2-lb, pkg B. C. STRAWBERRIES -j Cj r hnv NEW POTATOES OC PASTENE PURE OLIVE OIL S2.35 75c HAPPY-VALE SOUR PICKLES, per qt. bottle CANADIAN CHEESE per lb. 33c 19c MCCORMICK'S JERSEY CKl.AM SODAS Pantry Shelf Tin in an assortment of colors. Your QQ( choice, per tin FRESH RHUBARB For OCp . I O IK. W your JUIIl Ul urc, a tua. MUSSALiEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars .Have More Cents" M7-U Third Avenue West P.O. Box 575 fbone IS C. S. Skeena. down last week by a car on Hays) home from the south Cove Circle-near Booth Memorial I catala last evening. JJ i School, which he attends, nut was si j not badly hurt. p J Cote, mechanical superin tendent of the Ocean Canners Ltd., arrived in the city on the Catala last evening from Vancouver, being on his way to pay a visit to the company's cannery at Oceanic on i the Skeena River. Llndstrom, well known Stew-mlning man, who has been turned to the city on the Catala spending the past year at Barker-last evening. 'ye- was a passenger aboard the ! Catala last evening returning north C O, Stevens, local manager of the Hudson Bay Co., returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide Friday afternoon from a business trip to Vancouver. having .been attracted back to the Portland Canal by the promise of renewed activity there this season. Norman Daglish-of the Canadian National dock freight staff has I. Urseth. R. C. Edwards and purchased a cottage on aixxn Ia I O. Christison of Bella Coola, who Avenue East near the corner of B are in the fisheries patrol service, Bowser Street from P. LeRoss, sec- I I were week-end visitors in the clty.ition foreman at Pacific, and will I I having arrived from down the i be shortly taking up residence. Mr coast on the Cardena Friday nlzht. : and Mrs. William McLeod, who occupied the house up until re I Miss Juanlta Falconer was a pas- 'ccntly, have moved to the Summit returned on the J. A. Brown of Port Esslngton arrived in the city on Saturday from the Skeena, having come In to attend the funeral of his step daughter. Miss Mae Donaldson, who passed away last week In Vancouver and whose remains were brought north aboard the Catala., last evening, accompanied her mother Mrs Brown. brother A special luncheon of the Prince g Jam Donaldson, and sister. Miss Rupert Oyro Club .was held today; to consider club business having to do with the forthcoming International convention in Calgary. President W. H. Tobey was In the chair. The date ol the regular weekly luncheon this week has been altered to Wednesday when th nwikrr will be Rev. David Donaldson, United Church pastor i j 1 I Announcements i ii Hudson's Bay Centenary Cele at Smlthers. who will be here that, gamMi track eTent n.iv on ou wny " terlor after attending ence or the United Canada in Vancouver. canoe race. Trophies. Entries received to May 21 by secretary. Valhalla Bridge and dance June 1 Presbyterian Picnic June 23. Canadian Legion, B. E. S. picnic. June 24, Dlgby Island. Moose Hall WELLS'S 25c Hop TONIGHT 10 till 1 Graded Milk We do not depend upon train arrivals but produce our milk twice daily from our own government tested cows here in town. WE SELL OUR TICKETS: 8 Quarts for $1 14 Pints for $1 At the store on Second Street Per Quart 12c Per Pint 7c CREAM Per J-Pint 20c Per Pint 35c We also carry butter, eggs, buttermilk and strawberries Dominion Dairy Phone 636 Advertise m thl Dally News. GET YOUR NEW SHOES For Victoria Day Ik We have a big assortment of Women's. Misses' and Children's Sandals up from S1.29 Tennis Shoes in all styles (iQp and colors; up from Leckies" Fine Footwear for Men, Fine Dress Oxfords Q9 yAoa 9S up from UND ACT Notlrr of Intention to ipi'lj to Utf Ijind ntp4 .f Pr4nn Runprt. Tl r . &nd' sit- uat In Qlawd7eet Bay loctd at the! N.W d erf Stephen Mnx. Kne 3. -rv notkv that John Clausen of Prtnoe Rupert. B.C.. oecupa.Mon FUh Packer, intends xo appij ior a km u the following dearrtbed toreshort: Cnmmenclne at a port planted at the 3. W. corner ol a amaU Island about 8 chains S. E. of Avery Island nn.. a u.-1 Chain! thence WeaierlT chalna; Uvence N.E 8 chain more or teaa to high water marl; on me x. point of the Wand; thence 8. E. direction 6 chain more or lew following high water mark tC' point of commencement. JOHN CLAUSEN. Dated AprU 16. 1934. The Westholme Rooms Close to Dejot And Harbor View Single and Double Rooms, by Day, AVeek or Month. . ; Located at 614 Second Ave. Prince Rupert FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 SHORT WAVE Where and when to look 15 metre band from 6:00 am. till noon. (19 to 15 Megacycles) 20 metre band from noon till 4:00 pm. (15 to 9 Megacycles) 50 metre band from 4:00 p.m. on. (9 to 4 Megacycles) SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC PHONE: BLUE 320 Second Avenue & Third Street May 24, Holiday You need something snappy for the excursion or picnic parties. Conditions may be improving but we all want to get the best possible value for our money. To get best value in shoes see us. We invite comparison and inspection. We carry stock from the best makers and our prices are lower than those of the mail order houses. We have a big assortment of Women's Fine Summer Shoes, just the thing for the jp holiday, in White, Blonde and Grey. RUNNING SHOES Best MakesGoodrich, Miner's and (J9C Fleetfoot, up from Women's White Ties, Straps and Pumps 2.95 up from We have a Bargain Clearing Line of Women's Fine Shoes 04 Qff Reg. $3.95; up from Misses' and Children's Patent One-Strap SUppers 99C up from City Scrip and Relief Orders Accepted CUT RATE SHOE STORE Joe Green, well known mining man of the Texas Creek region in the Alaskan Portland Canal sec tion, and George Mehlield were passengers aboard the Catala last evening going north from Seattle to Hyder. Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE Cabin Cruiser Boat, round bottom type, length 31 It.. 7 ft, In. beam, 12 h.p. Vivian engine (medium duty); boat and engine like new, a Snap at $450. E. DIX. Terrace. B.C. tf FOR RENT HOUSES to rent. Hart. CERTIFICATES OF IMPROVEMENTS Tulisquak Honana. TuUnquah Chief. Tnlsuqaati lUia ragie. lira i"i' r.lva Fnuiloii. Mineral Claims, situate in the AUln Mining DtTlaton Where locate!: Left Ban or mw quah River. TAKE NOTICE that It. McN. mer. paay Limited, Free Miner Certificate u .nimi n- j n Kirk ham Free Mill eri OerUnoate No. 73400 D: Cart Carl-inn.,', rrtlflr.t No. 13413 tlilcat No. 73410 D; and Oeorge L. Jotoaon, rrt Miner ceruncav 73411 D: intend, alxty tiy rrwn the iit. KMvf tA imlf ta tha MlnlnK Recorder tor OertlllcaVa ot ttttprott- merit) i or me purpu u wwuuuj Crown Oranta of the atoore claima. ikm riirttw teka nnbkM that actkm. under Section 89 of the "Mineral Act" mutt be commenced Dror tne isauanci of auch Certlfvcatea. of Improvement. DaUd this 10th. iij oi rabruary, 1934. WANTED FOR SALE Chev. carat bursa in I WANTED--Small second-hand cook price. Daily News. tl stove. rnone macs, ire. . m GILLNETTING Boat for sale. Cheap j RELIABLE man to take "care store for cash. Office. Apply Seal Cove Post 121 1926 DODGE sedan in A-l condi tion. Owner leaving town, must sell for $100. Box 206 Dally News. FIVE-HOLE McClary Model Range, complete with water-iront, In splendid condition. Phone Black 905. for kale Very late Model T Ford Truck, excellent condition,' good tires, cab, Atwater Kent! lanltlon. $150.00. E. DDC, Ter-j race, B.C. " "?OR SALE, Rent or Lease. Kltsum-i gallum Lake Lodge with Dance j Pavillion, and Annex. Lots oft route. Distribute and collect. New product. Protected territory. Earn excellent weekly incomer"' Berland Nut Co.. St. Paul, Minn. 117 HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE PAINTERS (PAINTING and Paperhanging i Moller. Phone Red 802. TRANSFERS Fruit and Berries. The price is! ; r rtht v. nre Terrace. B.C. tf I CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. 1 ' Birch, Jackpine. Cedar. tf 1 POWERS No. 6 portable motion j picture projector , in perfect . Ndll"E. op ArPtirATios for ceb. mechanical con'djtioh," with 110!' uncATE or improvements volt mazda lamp eo.'ulp'mertt. Will .... sacrifice, no reasonable offer oid curt No. s Fractional .Mineral refused, box zuj uany news. Cold Cliff No. 6 Mineral Claim. Margaret Mineral Claim. Cliff motional Mineral Claim. Situate In the Portland Canal Mining Division, - Where located on the weat aioe oi Ber River about three mJJea from Stewart, B.C. Lawful Owner wmiani uann. Number of the holder! free miner's Certificate 7T720-D. TARE NOTICE that William Dana. Free Miner Certificate No. 77730-D In-trod, at the end of alrty day from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a certificate of improve-mente. for the purpose of obtaining a AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE mai aotion. under Section 83 of th 'Mm eral Aot" must be commenced befor the lasuance of auch certificate ol improvement. DATED tola 23rd day of Mircn, 1934. Jnrl WTIJ.IAM DANM. UM ACT Not Ire of Intention to apply to , Lease land Tn Prlivw Runert land Recordiria IMvtrtct of Prince Rupt. B.C, and annate in Qlawdzeet Bay located at th N.W. end ot Stophena Uland. Range 0. uoaat mmnct. T&ke noUr that John Clauaea ox Prtnc Rupert. B.C.. occupation Flan Packer, Intends to apply for a lea ol the loilowiDf aeacrioea lanua; Cuunwnclivg ait pot plantwl at the S. W. comer of aiinll laland about 8 chains S. E. of Avery Uland tlMHK-e N E. tbenc veaterly, aoutherly .uterl fnllawtne hlh watermark to point of commencement. , aad con talnlrtg S acres more or lens, and Including the entire area of the said U- lano. JOHN CLACfUf, Dated AprU II. 1834. 7 C ::: i: .1 i ... i . i i t t i i .1 t i.- i i f U ( t ... i ;