.. IB KNOX HOTEL . ft- Tomorrow's Tides IMll.lt MM MtNAli;MJAT (I rix' H "' ('ll Mitrr, Mhimm- Ititln i l l i:nt uimno iiimmi Vou will llkr llieKnm. IUtr: 7.V. ill, Amncn ur Eurojan Plan P.U'I- .Wl.MOCK i'ruprlrlor Vol XXIV , No, 118, dor to the United Seattle Observes 142nd. Birthday U on May 19, I1M, That Capt. (forte Vancouver First Set Foot on Site of Tort BIG PLANE Capt, Frank Dorbrandt About Hop Off From Seattle For Ahuka in Large Machine to SEATTLE. May 21:-Capt. Frank Dorbrandt, noted Alaskan airplane p.. was awaiting favorable weather reports over the week-end before hopping off from here to Al-:;ka with a new 12-passenger plane which is to be used in commercial service from Cordova and Anchorage to Fairbanks and Siberia.. H0R0METER IS WINNER other entries before sixteen thousand spectators. Speygold was second and Papallco third. Horometcr beat the former track record of 155 1-5 seconds by a full second, Vancouver Wheal Suspected In w ' ' """" States, and i'""" . rrrldrnt Franklin D. Roosevelt xrtr. in conference5 at the end of i;r week on the subject of war debt f icnt. neither having anjr an-uii'ement to make following the . . u-Mona President Roosevelt Is ' xrtcd to make an Important an-luri-mcnt ol policy In respect to war debU In the course of an early rrncral message to Congress. cvmrui ia niRni aunougn siui smouldering after having raged for more than twenty-four hours. Much of the stockyards section of the city was under virtual martial law to prevent looting and the state government aud city, with the assistance of such organizations as Gettle Case Cllvc Sloddard. Ased 27i I Placed Under Arrest at Los Angeles Favorite Set. New Track Record In away following the abduction Kin it's Hate Rare at Toronto On Saturday I I TORONTO, May 21: (CD The favorite Horometcr on Saturday j. won the seventy-fifth running of the Klna's Plate, defeating five LOS ANGELES. May 21: CUve Stoddard, aged 27. was placed under arrest at the end of last week as another suspect in connection with .. . , j i lifllllnn. V rialtla me Kidnapping ui iiuuimi . . . . I I ..... ..MA I wealthy ueveney inns u upcai,u. Stoddard's car. It Is believed, may have been used In driving Gettle IIOMV1AN OFFKSSIVF. REPULSED; PARAGUAYAN ARMY SCORES VICTORY ASUNCION, Paraguay. May 21: At least 150 Bolivian sol- dlers were klllcd and deserted in the field, numerous prison- ! ers were taken as well as many t ,orhine buiis and other pieces of field artillery when a Don- vian attack on the Gran Chaco front was repulsed by the AlAffinU A Paraguayan army . VAurnTivpn mov 51 fCPl' The Paraguayans ....... Wheat wa, quoted at 87c on the Bolivian offens ft roul local exchange oh Saturday, being and advanced several miles. up one cent from Friday. Today's , Drlce wii mv.p. Today's Stocks Courtesy 8. O John .on Co. I Vancouver Alexandria, .04;. Bayvlcw. .OHj. B. C. Nickel, 1.08. Big Missouri. 31. Bralorne. 13.00. B. R. Cons M. $ B. R. X. Gold, 1.00. ' Butte I. X. L 2. Cariboo Quartz, 16. u Dunwell, M. Dentonla, M. Georgia River. .024. Oolconda, J9'i. Indian, J02 (ask). becond Deluge At Tiberias is More . Serious Than First the Red Cross, was Instituting re- lief measures, upwards of five JERUSALEM, May 19: It Is be- thousand people being homeless as 1cved that the second cloudburst it result of the holocaust. Hun- u.hk.h lsltM lh. ancient cttv of, dreds of people had no other shel- Tiberias on th.e sea of Oalllee last w man cuy pans penuing.uie wwk may hsvc causcd even more organization of relief deaths than the first In which 20 The fire was bel'eved to have klllcd M were been of Incendiary origin. Already , a searching investigation or tne' circumstances has been instituted, j Twelve major industrial and busl-j nets buildings, a number of tene- SEATTLE. May 21: Saturday menu, scores of private residences wr- the 142nd. anniversary of the and several smaller buildings were u :covery" of Seattle. It was on destroyed. During the height of the M'V 19. 1702. that Capt Oeorge names there was much excitement Vancouver landed on the site of and confusion, wh .it is now this great Puiet Twelve square blocks of packing Sound port, being the first white town property was affected by the' nun to do so. conflagration. The International Amphitheatre, home of the Inter COMING IN national Stock Shows, was among the buildings wlgrd out. I With livestock pouring In from all sections It was a case of "business as usual" today and workmen started clearing away ruins for the rebuilding program. Meridian, .16. Mlnto, .54. Morning Star. 26Vi. NaUvc Son, .03 National Silver. .05. NobleFivc.ini. Pend Oreille. .85. Porter Idaho, .lHj. Premier. IJ0. Reeves. .13. , '. Reward. .07 li. Reno, .92. Silver Crest, .04. Salmon Gold. .21. Taylor Bridge, .88.' United Empire, .16. v Wayside. .36, Waverly Tangier, .01 lj. Whitewater, .07. Toronto Chlbougamau, .IP. Central Patricia, .67fj. Oranada, .04. Inter. Nickel, 27.30. Lake Maron, .08. Lee Gold, .13 i. Macassa, 2.60. Noranda, 41.75. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.03. Slsco, 2.18. Sudbury Basin, 1.75. Teck Hughes, 6.10. Thompson Cadillac, .49 !2. Ventures, .88. Columarlo, .33 'i. Smelter Gold. .28. Little Long Lac. 4.30. Canadian Malartlc, .64. South Tlblcmont, .10. Maple Leaf, .40. Pickle Crow, .72. Manitoba it Eastern, .21 ti. Long Lac Lagoon, .30. Bagamac, ,10',i. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMMA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, MAY 21, 1934 A general s: ene at Temp thof ai.-drome Ui Berlin. Germany on May 1 showing Chancellor Adoll Hitler, In circle addressing his a idlence of two mllUon. Germans as .thaciUaat XnzL. Gcnrany's'. "national labor tay." Hitler compared the ihird Releh to a melting pot which was evolving "a new German nun" In a commonwealth which wculd know no class distinctions. This largest audience ever to hear a speaker gave Hitler's speech but mild and scattered applause. Longshoremen's Strike. Situation on Coast Is Becoming Critical 'Is Out of Hand" Says President of San Francisco Chamber of Commerce Assistant Secretary of Labor Discouraged Looks Bad For Alaska SAN FRANCISCO, May 21: (CP) Calls for a "show down" in the loncshoremen's strike came today when mayors of four Washington cities urged Governor Clarence D. Martin to order out the National Guard. J. W. Mailliard, president of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, declared that "the strike is out of hand" and quoted Assistant Secretary of Labor Edward S. McGrady as stating that the. situation is rather hopeless. T. V. Wilson, manager of the Al-aski Steamship Co.. said the Al aska situation was becoming PASSING OF CANNERYMAN Carl Grafstrom, Iormcr Manager At Rutedale and Carlisle. Dies Carl Grafstrom, for "seven or eight years manager of the Canadian Fishing Co.'s cannery at Bute- dale, formerly manager at Carlisle, on the Skeena River and one of the best known cannerymen on the coast, passed away In his sleep In Vancouver on Saturday morning following a lengthy Illness. He had been In tailing health for some time and was unable to come north to assume his duUes this season. The i funeral .takes place In Vancouver tomorrow afternoon. n.u SILVER NEW YORK, May 21: (CP) Bar silver closed at 46'bc per ounce oni the local exchange today. IS LAID AT REST Funeral Service For Mls Mae Don aldson Held This Afternoon I From St. Andrew's Many friends and sympathizers were In attendance at St Andrew's Cathedral-this afternoon for the funeral of the late Miss Mae Donaldson of Port Esstugton. whose death occurred last week In Van couver after a lengthy illness at the age of 25 years. The service was conducted by Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook, assisted by Very Rev. James B. Gibson, dean of the Ca thedral. Hymns were "Breathe on Me. Breath of God" and "Abide With Me." Peter Lien church organist, presided at the pipe organ. Following the service In the Ca thedral, Interment was made In Falrvlew Cemetery. Pallbearers were Max Hellbrorier, Arthur Brooksbahk, H. B. Stiles, Clarence Letnes. Col. S. D. Johnston and John R. Mitchell. There were numerous and beautiful floral offerings. Halibut Arrivals American North. 36.000. and Atlas. 35.000. i Cold Storage, 05c and 5c. Superior. 29,000, Pacific, 6.7c and j5c. I Senator. 36,000, Booth, 6.5c and 5c. Llahona, 36,000, Cold Storage, 6.2c and 5c. Lltuya. 27.000,'refused 65c and 5c and left for Seattle. plana, 8,500, Cold Storage, 75c and 5c. Revlila, 13,000, Royal, 7.4c and 5c. Don Q.. 15.000. Atlln, 7.6c and 5c. Friendly. 15,000, and Trlsco, 13.-i 000. Royal. 7.5c and 5c. J Reliance I. 17,000, Booth, 7.6c i and 5c. Teddy J.. 16.500, Cold Storage, 7.6c and 5c. High 7:55 ajn. 15.4 It. 20:45 pjn. 175 It. Low 1:43 a.m. 9.7 It. 13:55 pjn. 75 It. PRICE: FIVE CENTa CHICAGO SWEPT BY DISASTROUS FIRE FOUR WASHINGTON CITIES CALLING FOR NATIONAL GUARD Twelve Blocks Burn, More Than Thousand Injured and Damage Of $10,000,000 Done by Blaze CONFER ON Serious Conflagration in Windy City Raged For More VVill l-u vii Than Twenty-Four Hours Believed of Incendiary WAR DEBTS 0"Kn-Kelief Measures Being Organized CHICAGO, May 21: (CP) Feared to have caused Briiuh Ambassador and United three deaths, all being firemen engaged in the fighting stairs president in swion at of the flames, njid injuries to at least fifteen hundred period oi week sons, a dozen or so of them being seriously burned, as well WA,mNhitwDc mv 21 - as occasioning damage estimated at upwards of $10,000,-toSXSLr nrituh Sambas. , ne of the most serious conflagrations in the history Gigantic Assemblage Blandly Hears German Dictator NEW PLANS OF FLYERS Fond and Sabelli Will Continue to Rome and Attempt Hop From Dublin Back to New York DUBLIN, May 19: Following making of repairs to their plarie, which may take a few days, Capt. George Pond and Lieut. Cesare Sabelli, who made a forced landing near Lahlnch last Tuesday night on account of engine trouble while attempting to make a non-stop flight Irom New York to Rome, will con- jtlnue their flight to Rome, they siaie. They further say that, after the visit to Rome, It Is their intention to return here and attempt to fly back non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean Irom Dublin to New York. 1 Inspecting Mining Ground on fccstall Charles M. Campbell, well Known Consulting engineer, Examining Property for Outside Interests property up trie EcstaU River for interests he represents, Charles M. Campbell, well known consulting mining engineer of Vacouver. ar rived in the city on the Catala las', evening from the south and pro ceeded up the EcstaU today with George Frizell aboard the local power vessel Laura F. II. Mr. Campbell for many years was Identified with the Granby Co. both In the Boundary district and at Ao-yox. He is accompanied oy George Moffatt. They expect to return here Thursday night and will return to Vancouver the next MANAGER ISNAMED David Borland of Nanalmo to SucT cecd Col. McMordie in Charge Of Capitol Theatre Here Lieut. Col. S. P. McMordle D. 0. O, manager ol the Capitol Theatre here, who was advised last week ql I hi franiefpr tn Vlitnrln l nn IrtI Onah, 17,000. Atlln, 7.6c and 5c. , 7 ii Z , . " Z. r 7 7 ,,, , . ! formed that he Is to assume duty e Tahoma, 20,000, Pacific, 75c and . ,, . r.. -. , I as manager of the Dominion Thea- ' . , , . nn. . . , . 'tre, one of the Famous Players Ca-Slrlus. 14,000. Cold Storage, 7.4c,nadian -first corporation's run- and 5C- I theatres In the Capital City. He will . Canadian be leaving here on Thursday nlgbi" .... , , ' 'of next week for Victoria. mil, ii,wu, VyUiu oiviagc, ac uuu ; 4.7c. Margaret I. 12,000, Edmunds St Walker, 52c and 4.7c. Teeny Mllly. 17,500, Cold Storage, .7cand 5c. Minnie V., 9.000. Atlln. 5.4c and t.5c. Helen II. 16.500. relused 5c and 5c and left fer Butedale. Drott. 4500. Cold Storage, 5c and 45c. Domino II. 7.500. Cold Storage. 5.5c and 5c. R. W.. 8.000. Atlln, 5.2c and 5c. Today's Weather Terrace Clear, calm, 54. . Alyansh Clear, calm, 47. Anyox Clear, calm, 50. Stewart Part cloudy, wind, 44. Harelton Clear, calm, 58. Smlthers Clear, calm, mild. Burns Lake -Clear, calm, 50, Col. McMordie's successor here Is to be David Borland, manager of the Capitol Theatre In Nanalmo, who will arrive from the south next Wednesday. LamsonFateln ' Hands of Court Decision Wll ibe Made Within 120 Days In Case of Convicted California Wife Killer SAN FRANCISCO, May 21: The fate of David A. Lamson of San Jose, under sentence of death for the "bath tub" murder of his wife over a year ago, now rests with the I California Court of Appeals which has made the formal rncnt that It will render Its decision i within 120 days. Meantime, Lamson, with his execution stayed, remains In the death cell at 8an Quentln Penitentiary. !l 7 H'. r t ! . I ; ' i r 1 i' i 1 1 to