4 ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN RUSSIANS 4 AltH PUT TO DEATH 4 MOSCOW. Dec. 19: (CPl Twenty-eight alleged terror- IsU under death sentence were tluly executed on Monday in Kiev, brlnglhg the total num- bcr of executed since the as- sasslnatlon of Sergei Klroff on December 1 to 107. O EN EVA. Dec. 19: CP Paraguay yesterday rejected the plan of Uie League of Na- Hons for setUement of the Oran Chsco war between Bo- llvta and Paraguay, declaring Uie pVan to be Inefleetlve and unacceptable. It offers no se curlj.y agntnet further fight ln. Paraguay feels. Fire in Post Ni:W YORK. Dec. HI: (CP) The German steamer' New York reported by wireless hist night that, with aid, of powerful searchlights of several vessels, the perilous ,ik of removing sixteen members of the crew from the 'ricken Norwegian freighter Sisto, hopelessly disabled ,.iid floundering in a fierce Atlantic Ocean storm 300 miles I. off the Irish com!, had been suc Vancouver Alrx.iii'lM.i ,0l't. Uayr-fW 01 U. I Ni krl. Z. II! Missouri. 31. lltadlan. 2jOO. Uralorne. 12JD0. 11, It Cons.. .06. II, R X 0W. .13: I ii ilxH) 1 33. Drnlnnu 42. Dumvrll 12. rtoleonda. JO. Oi.vitr Creek, (i range. 20. Hrrrules. Dl'i. Indian. 01. Mlnto. 154. Meridian. .12 Morning Star. .10. National Silver, .03V Noble Five. .MlS. Tend Oreille, .45, Porter Idaho. .Olfc. Premier. 1J7. Reward. .034. Reno, 1.10. Silver Crest, J0ik. Salmon Gold, .08. Taylor Bridge, .29. Wayside. .094. Whitewater, .04. Waverly Tangier. .01 Vv Lulled Empire, .07. Toronto Ontral Patrleia, 1.00. C hlbousamau. .01. Lec Oold, .03. (irnnada. .11. Int. Nickel. 22.40, Mar asm. 2JW. Noranda. 32.85. Shcrrttt. .45. Slsco, 2.50. McMillan. J0V4. Ventures, .90. Lake Maron, .OlVi. Trrk Hughe, 3.90. Rurihury Hasln, 1.12. Columarlo. ,09. Smelter Oold. .!U. Can. Malartlc. .64. Little Long I.ac. 6.70. Astoria Rouyii. .02i. Stndncona, .10. Maple Leaf. .07. Pickle Crow, 1.72. Iiin: Imp Lagoon. .15. Man.. At Eastern, .14la. cessfully completed. The Urania: and New York, wilh the OrttMi tanker Moblloi! and the Oermm Itner Europa. had been standing by the Slsto. The thrilling rescue from the battered, sinking Slsto was accomplished In full view of practically every person aboard the luxurious Europa which was one of the four vessels to answer the frantic calls for help. Men and women in evening clothes, bundled in great coats aVainsi'tW snarling winds which lathed the mountainous seas, crowded the rails to watch the he-rote work of IlftboaU from the New .York as the powerful searchlights from the Europa lighted the turbulent seas. When the lifeboats finally reteued the crew, cries of relief came from the Euro pa's passengers. PAIIACUI.Y REJECTS i.ioi'E riax roit GRAN CHACO WAR Office Lobby; I Early Detection and Prompt Action Of Department Averted What Might Have Keen Serious ! RUie t Early detection of the incipient. blaze and prompt response and action by the fire department averted J what might have been a serious urc in the Post Office yesterday. Paper thrown behind a radiator had, ap parently, become ignited from a cigarette butt and there was quite tin amount of flame and smoKc dc-fore It was noticed. By use of chemical, the blare was quickly extin guished by the fire department, the damage amounting to mue. u any thing. The time was. 1:15 p.m. Hitler Rumors Are All Denied ttF.ni.Uf. Dec. 19: (CPi-Pcrsls- tent rumors abroad In Europe that ppirhsfucrer Adolf Hitler had been uniinrted or killed were officially denied last night. WOMAN IS EXECUTED Lat Minute Appeal Falls to Save Mrs. Major of Hull W ho Pois-oned Her Husband HULL. Eng, Dec. 19: (CP) After last minute appeals had failed to save her, .Mrs. Ethel Little Major, 42-jear old mother of two children, was hanged here today, the first woman to be executed in England In the past eight years. Mrs. Major had been convicted of murdering her husband by poisoning him. POUND IN MONTREAL ;4 j FOURTH INDIAN SENT ! h UP FOR TRIAL AFTER 4444444 Vancouver Wheat MONTREAL. Dec. 19: (CPl The' VANCOUVER. Dec. 19: CP 4 4 4 KILLING OF OFFICERS 4 4 MERRITT, Dec. 19: CP 4 Joseph George, Indian, was 4 committed for trial yesterday 4 f on a charge of slaying Domln- 4 ion Constable F. H. Glsbournc 4 4- aad Provincial Constable Percy 4- Carr at Canford Reserve last 4 May. Three other Indians, after 4 having been convicted and 4 sentenced to death in connec-4- tlon with the same slaying, re-4- cenUy were given a new trial. 4 BrlUsh pound sterling closed at Wheat was quoted at 784c on the $4.89j onjhe local exchange mar- local exchanB v.?sterday. droppim ket yesterday. ' to 78V today. Incorporation of Swimming Pool With Sunken Garden At Court House is Suggested A new and interesting suggestion has been made in regard to the long-discussed project of providing Prince Rupert with a public swimming pool. At yesterday's luncheon of the Gyro Club, M. A. Burbank presented the idea of having a swimming pool incorporated with the sunken garden which is now being put in to the rear of the Court House building. With the pool in the centre and the terraced gardens around, it was suggested by Major Hurbank that here was the possibility, at a reasonable cost, of making a highly popular and attractive resort which would have practically all desired advantages such as easy accessibility by street, central location and convenient fresh water and sewerage service. Some day even, a gymnasium might be located thereabouts, it was suggested. The suggestion will probably be brought before the club for more concrete action at a later date. Meantime, Major Burbank suggested that the mem bora of the club miuht do well to inspect tne sito so as to familiarize themselves with it. Today's WeatU Tomorrow's Tides 1 1 " High 1:05 a.m. 18.8 ft. Prince Rupert Cloudy, modt . r 12:39 pjn. 21.8 ft. southeast wind; barometer, 20.5. X Low 6:45 ajn. 92 ft. tcmicraturc, 43, 19:31 p.m. 2.6 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXIV . No. 294. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1034 PR1C; FIVE CENTS CREW OF AMONG VESSEL IS RESCUED DOLE RATHER THAN WORK IS FAVORED IN UNITED STATES Thrilling Scenes As Sixteen Men Removed From Distressed Skip (icrmnn Steamer Takes Men Off Disabled Norwegian Freighter Sisto Luxurious Liner Kuropa Among Boat.s Assisting Today's Stocks Saar Valley Still Presents Dangerous Problem With the war tare in 1 Bi.ans wnuni.hcd, there su:s rema a Sa x V icy question fo. Europcai d.pnmats U wjrry ajout Iadlralion ar tltar t.ie Saar will wte to loin Germany when the cirf -iCB take p! tn J-i? u-iry Ptrtuie.- above show Dv Sea efer. director of Nadi propaganda in the Saar delivering a spc? h :j ui ... - i - N--X-- . mpthetic- audience Also shown ts a view of Saar-brucken town hall wher. bttaiu oijsiar voiers ae Deng recoraea vo aeiermme 4 if hv are elizrale to vote fill CAMPAIGN Red Propagandists Said to be Active In United States Fighting Forces WASHINGTON, DC. Dec. 19: (CP Concern was expressed in official quarters here yesterday at in alleged active campaign of Com munist propaganda, directed from Moscow, which was being conducted xmong the naval and array forceii of the United States. Endeavors Mrs. Stuart Is Again Head Of The Women's Missionary Society of First Presbyterian Church held Its annual' meeting yesterday after noon and elected officers as follows: President. Mrs. D. C. Stuart. First Vice-President, Mrs. W. D. Grant Holllngworth. Second Vice-President, Mrs. J. R. Morison. Secretary. Mrs. II. Caldcrwood. Treasurer. Mrs. D. C. McRae. Supplle Secretary, Walker. Direct Relief Held Better To Tide Men" Over Workless Period Business and Industrial Leaders in Conference at While Sulphur Springs With View to Co-operating . In New Deal Plans WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, Dec. 19: Business and industrial leaders of the United States, at a conference here yesterday with a view to offering suggestions to the administration in connection with the operation of the New Deal, expressed themselves as being in favor of the ; dole as the best means of bridging over the gap between unemployment and the restoring of 'SPAN FOR COLUMBIA 'Hure Bridge Across River Near Astoria Would Cost $6,000,000, It Is Estimated WASHINGTON, D.Ca Dec. 19 'As. onof theJUmsJn thejjaUonaU r public worlcs- program, a nnage across the Columbia River at As-j Itnrfci rnnnertinir the states of Ore-1 igoh and Washington Is being ad vocated. The cost, it is estimated, j would be some $6,000,000. Such a oriage is aescnoea Dy us cnampions as being essential to the development of that portion of the northwest. It is said that Portland shipping inerests might be opposed to its construction. 4 TWENTY INCHES OF 4- SNOW ON GROUND IN CENTRAL INTERIOR 4 4 The interior during the past 4 were being made, it was said, to in-j4 few days has been having its 4 ite dissatisfaction and mutiny. 4 lirst real snowfall of the win- 4 Heavy punishment for those con-4 ter. According to word brought vlcted of such activities Is urged. 4 to the city by last night's train, 4 4 there was some twenty Inches 4 4 of snow on the level along the 4 railway between Salvus and 4 Hazelton. 4 4 4 44 444444 W-l-Society King's Accession t d ni trnn 1U UC VCU Plans Already Being- Made For Celebration of Occasion in Old Country Next Year LONDON. Dec. 19: Plans are already actively under way for the celebration next year of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the accession Mrs. J.. M. to the throne of King George V, the actual date of which will be May 6 iinrnc urtners Secretarv. Mrs. Tnere win be oinciai ceicorauons t0hn Bremner. trom May 6 to MaJ 18 and Acces- Welcome and Welfare Secretary, ston Day will be a public holiday Mrs J R. Morison. throughout the United Kingdom em.rtnrv Mr it (Tildrr. with a thanksalvlne service to be ... it l . 1 wood. ne,a m Sl- 1 am 5 v;aincarai. rnme niort TirfiAoRSprrpt.irv. Mrs. John Ministers of all Dominions have Bremner. Work on Fraser River Bridge been invited to eo to London to 4 take part in the celebrations and! 4 :men to work in useful industries. They went on record as favoring i plan of direct relief instead of re- ief work until such time as perman ent jobs become available. Cabinet .Member Honored NEW YORK, Dec. 19:--Secretary of Commerce Roper and Dr. Raymond Moley. former head of the administrations' "Brain Treit," will hi guests of honor and speakers at a banquet here tonight of business fmd industrialMeaderV i . Over Million Bushels Held At This Port According to a bulletin of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics the stocks of Canadian wheat at seaboard elevators recently were placed a follows: Vancouver-New Westminster, 7.-633.748 bushels. Victoria, 927,741. Prince Rupert 1.091,0871 ChurchllL 1.787.697. Eastern Elevators. 10,424,403. United States Atlantic seaboard ports. 3,643340. Was Pioneer Of Ketchikan George E. Brown Succumbed to Paralysis Yesterday at "First City" KETCHIKAN. Dec. 18: (CP) George E. Brown aged 58, pioneer (Alaskan since the days of 1899. died yesterday of paralysis. many visitors from overseas are ex-j4 Stages with wthefridsfc rha'ghl jpectcd. I'OUNI) AND DOLLAR IN N. YORK NEW YORK. Dec. 19: (CP The NPiv vvPSTMiNRTF.rt- Dc IB: ' Canadian dollarcloscd at a pre-i $343,274,000 on them and has Boring for the foundation piers of mlum of 1 l-16c on the local for- plana to spend $8,000,000,000 1! thn nru- hridse across the Fraser elgn exchange market yesterday. approved. River here is to be commenced at up 3-32c. The British pound closed once. at $4.93)6. up V8c Hollywood Divorces Almost as Numerous As 1931 Marriage HOLLYWOOD, Dec. 19: Fifty-two marriages have been recorded In Hollywood so far this year with flfty-oen divorces. l 444444 BIG PROGRAM FOR INI.ANI) WATERWAYS IN UNITED STATES 4 .WASHINGTON. D.C.. Dec. 18: CP Picturing a' United flcerit system of Improved In- 4 land waterways in the world," 4 Secretary of War Dem an- 4 nounces that the Army En- 4 glneerlng Corps Is spending