1 PAOE BIX 8! jf ii 1 15 B SI fi P! s H 1 P THIS CHRISTMAS It V X y i V GIFTS OF CERTAIN AND LASTING APPEAL THAT WILL LAST FOR YEARS. Just Arrived Shipment of Genuine Morocco Hand Bags with Zipper, from $2.25 up Sheaffer & Waterman Sets from $3.75 up Your Name on FREE in Gold Letters X Sole agent for Northern British Columbia Schick Dry Shaver The wonder of the age! RAW DIAMOND Prices are advancing. Buy now at the old prices. A beautiful selection of Rings from $12.00 to $1200.00. Wonderful assortment and beautiful designs, Ladies' and Gents' Wrist Watches. All guaranteed. From $10.00. up Quality is the best bargain you can buy Star Special Prices in 3-Piece Tea Sets $10.00 and up. 4-Piece Tea Set and Tray Extra Special, $19.95 Discount on 1847 Rogers and Community Flatware Sets Exceptionally Attractive - - Our Basement Store CHINA AND GLASSWARE Values that will Satisfy the most exacting buyer. Shop with confidence, you get no more than what you pay for no matter where you buy. MAX HE1LBR0NE3 - Diamond Specialist FURS For Highest Market Prices and Quick Returns Ship or Bring Your Furs to HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Fur Purchasing Asency Prince Rupert, B.C. Prizes For Best Built Model Boeing XP 936 First Prize, $3.00; 2nd Prize,. 2.00; 3rd Prize, $1.00 Boys will choose their own Judges and date of contest MACKENZIE FURNITURE Phone. 775, 327 Third A vp. a mux mi it mi mi ii i: nz mi mi mz mi u mxuxuz : n Gift Suggestions That Will Make Mother's Christmas A Happy One 52-Piece English Dinner Sets, open stock Q-f 00 " in attractive patterns, $10.50 to ?JLJVU 5 97-Piece English Dinner Sets $lo.U(Uo. Odd Cupa and Saucers from 25c to i- 825-00 s S1.75 j Mrs. David RuUcn of Massef arrived In the city on the Print. John today for a brief business visit to town. ai n U S ii '-t t "i n t a j Be Sure to Visit Our Crockery Department Sj We've a Host of Splendid Values on Display 8 GORDONS HARDWARE SSsftff g : oi si mm tm iiuiii im niin imti im tm zmimzmim hum HYDE TRANSFER Phone -580 -Phone Birch Wood Jackpine Cedar Kindling Pembina, Jasper Egg & Lump Coal Furniture Moving ; i i f b i m j K art a "TWAS A FKW DAYS BE- M jj FORE CHRISTMAS" 2 5 -FOR GOODNESS SAKE WHAT CAN I (JIVE?" 5 Check This List Then ; 5 Come in at Once S Avoid Regrets I All Kinds Of i TOYS! Wagons "j Scooters 5 Sleds I " Ice Skates 15 Hockey Sticks ,22 Rifles Pocket Knives g Rolls Razors Skis Roller Skates Dinner Sets S Cake Plates j Fancy Cups Wine Sets Pyrex Ware Toasters Percolators Hoover Cleaners Table Lamps Stand Lamps Bed Lamps Flashlights Trays Tumblers Clocks 3 jVyatches i ; S Enarriel Warer S Badminton Rackets m Nut Cracker Sets S 3 Cigarette Boxes s JJ And Hundreds of Other Items 5 Z You Will be Proud to Olvc I Kaien Hardware I Phone 3 g km ii zm im ti:.ii.i;.ar.a uixi tm-Jm THB DAILT HOTTM Wednesday, Dectmoir . 1)31 EPOCH AT SIMPSON Was luting of Corner Slone of the ' " NY firacrtJnitril Chu ! PORT SIMPSON. Dec. 19:-Thq I recent laying of the cornerstone of the new Grace United Church here by Rev. Dr. S. S. Qstcrhout of Vancouver marked a new era In the re UrIous history of Port Simpson, The Ilrst church was built In 1874 by the venerable missionary, Rev. Thomas Crosby. It stood for almost 60 years, a landmark visible at great distance. It is to be replaced by a modem church building with accommodation for reli-?ious education activities and it will be a source of pride to the villagers. The building has been made 1 possible with the co-ODeratlon of! .he Home Mission Board which kept : jp the Insurance on the building. In laying the corner stone Df 1 Jsterhout placed a box of docu-, i-r.nts and other relics of the old hurrh In the concrete pier and here sailed it for posterity. He was -.sslsted at the service by Dr. A. E. v.-ry. medical' superintendent of he United Church Hospital, and 'he minister, 'Rev. R,-J. Love. The 'heir and concert band "were also n attendance. A large congregation is present ihc building will be completed ihin the next 3-car and will be I'jed at about $10.(WO. a lirgr irt of which will be volunteered in bor as well as much in cash sub-riptlons. The site is the same as at which was occupied by the old church. i WHIFFLETS From Ihc Waterfront C N. It steamer Prince Oeorac ' Capt H. E. Ncdden. arrived In port' in time at ID' o clock' this mornlnKj om Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at t o'clock this afternoon for Anyox. Stewart and other northern points whence uie will return heer tomorrow evening southbound. The vessel orousht north a fair sized list of jasscngcrs. On her regular fortnightly voyage torn Vancouver via the Queen Jharlotte Islands, C. N. II. steamer Prince John. Capt. Nell McLean. arrived In por,t at 2;30 this after noon with passenccrs. mall and freight and will remain over here intll 10 o'clock Friday hleht when he will sail on her return south iver the same route. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Heaven of irand Forks arrived In the city on he Prince George this morning rom the south to spend the Christ-nas and New Year holiday season vith their son-in-law and daughter vlr and Mrs. D. O. Borland. Oraham venue. Westvicw Mr Heaven in a veil known Grand Forks apiarist COME! COME! Select jour sifts from our ! confectionery & Delicatessen Store 'c carry a full line of Candies, chocolates, Xmas Stockings, Jwnas akes, Xmas Wrapped Cigars and i;arcUcs. Open every night. .Make our store your headquarters. ..IIXED CANDIES Very OCp fine asooitmcnt, jicr Jb. lbs. 45r RLNCH CREAMS o.T., per lb OUL WAFFLE MIXED SATINS riIOCOLATE8 & CREAMS Q C Fine quality, per lb. ODl MAPLE BUDS per lb. CHOCOLATES Lowncy's It Molr s from 5C 10 $1.00 BOX CHOCOLATES S2.50, S3.75 $4.25 CHOCOLATE BARS- All 9 r n varieties, 0 for 201 Come in and look around MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY At 'J AFTER SMOKING to? to Dun's Bullctm records Hie trans fer of the Port S mn.on buslnes. of George P. McColl to the Gov ernor and Company of Adven turers of England Hudson Bay Co. The sum of $10,337 was involved in the deal. m M m u 6 One of Out MwM, you may from - l.rrry tme n VAJOm 'YWOVVVM" Third Avenue Phono 6 HARLOW IS HERE AGAIN Platinum Monde Heads Cast In The Girl From Mhsourl" at Capitol Theatre Jean Harlow returns to the screen after an absence of clghi months In "The Oirl From Mis souri." mld-wcck feature of cf ring at the Capitol Theatre here Mist Harlow essays the amusing charac tcrizatlon of a girl who embark upon a social climbing career be cause she is determined to get fltv uncial security and position along with her marriage ring. The picture lilts from swanky New York pent houses to pleasure palaces of Flor da and back again. The veteran Lionel Barrymorc hare honors with Miss Harlow m :he role of an exceedingly wealthy i national political power. Franchot Tone also has a featured part as th on of Ua try more who falls madlv in 'ove with Miss Harlow. Addltiona' humor Is supplied by Patav Kellv nopular short comedy player. I-ewi Stone, always liked lierr. is an other prominent member of the! ast. It Incidentally, balm th- third straight picture In which lie has been seen here. (.kms from ufk's scrap-hook Tltt'K WOKTIj We estimate great mri by thcl. irtues. not by their foftnes Cor-rllus. preserve me, O my Intctrtty. since I have preserved titer.-riaifts. To appear an braiMt man yu lust be one. IJotleau. A man should so think that Any-ite might be allovcd to look into ai Innermost heart. Seneca To thine own self be true: and it must follow as the nliht the day. hou eanst not tlten be false to any '.an Shakespeare. Let integrity and uprlghtnesn rr serve me for I watt upon Thee The Bible The upright man guided by a fixed prinelple which destines him "do nothing but what la honor -bl- - Mary Daker Eddy. James It Mitchell, principal of the West Vancouver High School and president of the British Columbia School Teachers' Association, and Mrs. Mitchell and family arc expected In the city on Sunday to sjend the Christmas and New Year holiday season. Mr. Mitchell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John R Mitchell of this city Mrs. Mitchell is the daughter of Mr and Mrs c P. Kemp. RADIO Christmas Club mill Tn,l I HI til I l-"IYlf I M TONIGHT and TflUhSllAV It AN mm tTi ' lirJS-a ' noMMUroURJ That tra-Mnj: Untalwlna jK? KOjiality onics again , vsnlie the screen' A F.,(ii. . who never forgot she a, a lady . . . Jean will thrill nc amuse -ou. with Lionel Hnrrymorc rnnfiot Tiur stone Feature at 7M7 ft y (0 ADU8D -I'liil' llarrU in -So Tljln l llsrrli" A I J:00 P.M. Frc! Free! Free! Tnrkm (liven At Tonlrhl and i:rrv Mht TI.N nrk! Str the ,Sh n W'n a TnrLrv. r.utr Artmilon Mat a Chance. Itratrfng Tonlht M ! 38. LARGE STOCK of Linoleum & ConKnlcum Numtrou I'attrrm to Choo From. A Complete lull Unf. Price will more than m ih. prices quoted In eastern cit logues Customers w In be well advised to make an wtrly rail and Iniert what w have You mtke a dollar when vou sell! Why not make another dollar when you buy' We ih all a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year IA furniture DO . EiLlU Kschange Phone firerii 4:i llox No. S Still lluying Old Gold "Globe Trotter" R.uiios art made only by VUtor ; i ... makes you a MEMBER TOIiN NOU and mnlo sure your homo enjoys this Uinslmai Mill) llio prwen radio for 'round-the-world reception ... a genuine Victor "Globe Trotter" P""1 iinlil p.ri.lmM givi-i y(i(i-i1J,ry on UirUlmiM T.ve . . . vtitli an esiy j-ynicnt .Un fur the VUn. An. rrmeinlnf ... a flight aililitiontl dcjujuit on tlie it .It t,f yiwr choict awurea iir.nKdlatA delivery. (itni in today and N-lrtt your "GIol Trtillrr" . . . and learn all lhftsiiVi(cluhtrUilimi that will l yixira on tU iamnt of $1.00 f(,r iwnjlrhip In wir "CloU Trottfr" Clirlluia Club. m U 2 3 S 1 m m u 5 3 ai a s tm m m s