in the euiiuata. court or brttibh j COLUMBIA t rKtmitfc iji tut. uattwi or run -ADuttna- TJIATION ACT" UMl IN Tilt MATTER Or TlUf. ESTATE OP MATT VIDECK. DrprMt ntttt. TARE NOTICI! tt4t by ' Itottfxir Judsf ruhr. Uml Ji otxt Suprrm Court of DdtUh ColumbU. mult OiU 21 HT of NOTftnbrf I BOWLING RESULTS Watts (irwery, V. Hum ami Junior, F.Iks Winters Last night' "grhTs lh UK? CM Ildwllng Lwttue ftl the Elks' Home" resulted as follows: Pioneer Laundry. 845; Watts Oroctrv: 914. P. Burns, 1068; Canadian Leglom 029. JunlorElks. 1242; Empress, 1024. The league iJtaluJIllg t daie Mr follows; c. N.'ft-: W:.:.. .2 J Junior LikJ 2 Lambln Jr. 61 one 1 P. BilHiS 'Lid. , i TwlrlS 2 Old Em"pres 2 Moose 2 Schlor Hlks .... 2 Walerfrbhl Itals 1 Pioneer Laundry 2 Watts drd&ry 2 Canadian Leuion ... 2 ii8 22tl 2110 2073 203d 2092 7ft 1750 1740 1125 ;1 isSi 11281 1100 1(555 1037 1010 lQlfl 073 75 fi74 863 Dailv KTewpant-Ads. at iuntfd'Uflifir tiiilnU WBtlltS. . I O .JV..... V,'".' Dr Allen Roy Dafoe wa: no'.-blv embarrasse'd ay he faced an audience of 3,000 in Carnegie Hall, New York and told hi nearer ui the birth of the Dlonne quintuplets, and of the subsequent care given to the infants When he stepped on the platform the audience fairly howled its applause for the hometpun csetor from the Canadian north country, and it took him a little while to get his breath and start hi talk after the applause had subsided. He is seen here standing on the platform, watting for the applause to cle down. Food, Not Cash, Is Friday Admission Anyone .May Attend the Matinee on Friday Those lliuac in HI the mc habit linoil vi of paying pauiB cash J !ket Friday afternoon. A Jar of mother" Jam. fruit or any other will admit a person to good Show and will help to eheeV a need family this Christ- Food i mas. Dave Borlahd, manager of the ; (ivnnm44 JWnln(rU of Uv E . r. u f tb bnv-nmd drt 4 1 to see the sood showa at the Capitol to sixty th adniissiott 12 any use IJ-w .ri Theatre will not need to buy a tic-. ful article of food m property nnd on or bfe tht . Ill any of Dmbrr 19J4 oUjTU 1,1 " hwbj tqotrrd to rT h wnount ol NOnUAM A. WAT1. OUIeM AdmlnMnttr Bufrt. B C tVtd th! 1th (JT ftT Nownhr 13 lh ty.ttrtrt Ptarwur. PrtiKe Ruprt. II C , iw. iir thn nottn on th U dy or Jnurr. IM. iw purhiw ot U-cmner Ximi on wuth ir HU inM QC! 1o BoaM tt at ruc. CUr and llfmlock One tttJt IH t Aom1 for rtrno- ai of urowr Furtlwr uirtlctitsr of tlx- Chw-f For- t, Vlrteru. BC. the Du'-flft fW; irr Prtncr Rupm. BC. lUmff J R. fcooU rut Hubert BC ,mio nu.i: Tlmher Ante XltMt u nr4 far uJ kt Pub i- ft .M inn t tmnH nn thr third dlT of January. 19J4. In U office of the the Llcrtwe X173S4. to cut .58.0OT feet, board mewure. of Spruce. cecr nd nemloti on n rea c" the flouth pofWoo P ""T 1 e v.. At4v ttrMtmtlvrt Of S.T I 1153?; Queen ChHoUe tlnrt Und Three jeem will be Ulowed for re-movtf ot umber. . ... to ttend -Protlded My one unble h tun ton In peon m ubm!t ten der to be oienel M the hour of auction nd treated m one bid." further pH!culr my he 6Wlr.d iK.ii-.ii fron. Ue (5uM Fofejter. VlrtoTl.. B C, t.r DMtnei r-orewtet. Frlnre Rupert. B.C. Dee 3D. Capitol, ha arranged to hold the! food show-on Friday. There Is no stipulation regarding aje. From six Will Santa Claus Fail? I u To Come To Numbers Of I Prince Rupert Children? So far in the past the people of this city, through the Salvation Army and other organizations, have seen to it that all poor families and especially the children have had the means of enjoying the Christmas season. If this is to be done this year considerable money will be needed and so far not much has been subscribed. How could anyone enjoy Christmas knowing that many children were not enjoying it lMonoy may be sent to the Salvation Arlnv or the Driilv News. Goods or clothing should go direct to S the Citadel. 5 irrii"5B,B,BrB'"l",B,BrBr"r,,",BIBiniB1,,IB "TILL1F. THE TOI LER" ' Jg, cTDlcS- .TO 7 fffi HAVE SdMS OP THAT MvjlWJ AM '.' (SOUL ASM - IT S tm v'fc mrs. nvj:;ifl:V A. 4AT lVAiM ' ins .X n a ta tf a n E Mail Schedule For the East Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri days 4:30 pin rrntn Ihr Fulfil Tuesdays. Thursdays and Salur cays For YanccuTtr' : Ml5"5 eTOTPuEWTy WANTS A oatw -raj haue ON &VJT AJB MAVEU'T Akjy foae so vajs'i-U HAVE TO 3Et-l. HCa 5Hfi WAIT IMS . . -?SA um t tnrk ir o ) MfiT i1a"4A.'AlUf AVTOGtifl.TS X'ST-DEMCTr I KJ Af v t Ail VANJ ASTORatUT TH AM ICS 10:15 psn Mondays (train) 4:30 pjn. Tuesday 12:30 pjn. Wednesdays ttraln) 4:30 pjn. Thursday Hu-x.9:30 pjn Frlday : .. pm. December 20" 4 pm. From Vancouver- Sunday 4 pjn. I Tuesday 'train) . ... 10:15 pm. Wednesday 10 ajn. Thursday (tram) 10:15 p.m. Friday , 4 pjn. Saturday (train) 10:15 pin December 16 and 30 a.m. For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday 7 pin. W'ednesday - 3 pm. From Anyox and Stewart Tuesday '. 11:30 a.ta Thursday - 8 pui.i For Naa River and Port Simpson-Sunday 7 pA i I'rom Naas River and Port Simpson gl Tuesday, 11:30 ain a 1 For Queen Charlotte Islands S December 7 and 21 9 p.m J" From Queen Charlotie Islands December 5 and 19 a.m. For Alaska-December 16 and 30 a.m. I some NtiAvti.vMrWr I Vg 1. L. MB. K-BNT. iAV Declined With Thanks noe MB, MAC H4LL MioaB rrHOUsv4tfOt.. Orn MB 'vVlHtiN MB ces MB COM I NO OUT 7 IT 7x ,s n II "V l I eiL.T HOMB I'LL HOVM us: WIM 1 DP VAH . Hell Wave to fe classy 4?.' tNTEWOR. CREAMfcAV " ohltoOF. nFORGF. . B.C. Brownie Pack Gives Display; Stars Awarded Mothers and friends of the little members of the 22nd. Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, Brownie Pack, of which Mrs. A. J. 3qulre Is .the leader, were present t the I. O. D. E. Hall yesterday at-, ernoon when there was a display of exercises, drills, game, etc. as well as other proceedings including presentations. Mrs. J. E. Boddle, regent or queen Mary Chapter, which sponsors the nack. was In the chair and Mrs. K. L. Mcjntosh, president of the Prince Rupert Girl Guides Association, presented to the following first year service stars: Mllllcent Anderson. Norma Currle, Zllla Sherman, Thel-ma Edlund, Susanne Ward, Joyce Oawthome. Ruth Walton, Peggy Barclay, Anne Oreggor and Norma Squire. Mrs. Mcintosh, with suitable words in dolns so, also presented Mrs. Squire with a handsome cud and saucer as a token of appre- siatlon of the work she is carrying on. Mrs. S. A. Kielback presided at the piano. The sirls broueht gilts lor tne Christmas hamper, these being received by Mrs. James Simpson, who Is in charge of relief lot Queen Mary Chapter. ADJUTANT APPEALING "If I could only tell the people of the things I have seen, I am sure they would not hesitate about contributing to oUr fund declared Adjutant Laycock of the SalvaUon Army this morning. The need Is indeed great." sirifP crnlnff to nress yesterday P. Burns St Company have promised a front quarter of beel and m. m. Stephens 300 bounds of potatoes. This will help. Cash contributions are: Previously acknowledged $lil.00 Canadian Japanese Young People's Society 3.00 A. J- Lancaster 5.00 'In Ills Name" " 5.00 An Unnoticed Change BRA" PASTEURIZED Butter (l . uQt: l rv'.rN..-r S I WOT AT ALL-I "llI'M A. P . i I " TOi3 UOMd ?WLA5M FOR MOTC5 , 4'0 Try Prinde George and Riverside Brand Butter For Sale at BULKLFlV MAltKET At Attractive Prices A SATISFIED CUSTOMER mm JnoUrfoAly3tttl is the best advertise find tneneat. mcht any firm can have. v-rt-i i.. .Miit m wm marif ..T . . t u, complete 'PU with the mosl su"l aijiu iuai iui juui quirements. When in doubt playj irumps. Phone. Us 651 - 652 PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTDr COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 55 . NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kate Stti H 50 Rooms. Rot h C6J3 Witfr Prince Rupert. B.O. Phone 281 P.O. Box llfl I Give The Daily News i J I For Christmas ' I Most people are puzzled at Christmas time to know " what to give as the most acceptable seasonable pre- 1 sent. Here is. a suggestion. Send them the Daily NewsJ for a year. On gift subscHptions are making 1 1 special rate as follows: To .out-of-town friends, iL.. g sent by someone, who is -already taking the papery 1 I The price is by mail $2.00 for the year; In the city a subscriber may give a paid in advance; siibscriptibrt to A f riehd who is not now a subscriber- a l a ,n .f nf tA OH n vpnr nr S2.00 n half veari I S These prices are good any time between how ahd Christmas Day. g kbtit.1 i iwtntmysBvm twxw taxmsm tu tmtmrm mtmacmxmdtmit By WestoVtr little rjiSAPfoiwiEO MB.'KE)T Hfe QlOM'T CVEM CMAWQEu to ANOTWft. DitcSS i vok v -i v-a, i i i v v h I I J I -WTk.K II fir.:. II I V f . "J t THAT'S ThB TBOCiBlE voftK 11 tKlr SUV'MS'S 1 .... I MiMfi-OP HIM-1 ; 1 h'w HaiT OM'k rt HLt zhiova voo I ( moitmMm) rZtC nM-e-TOBi-TiLL.e) 7At;p oua ca,J aAfes 11? v i ,r, i' Jta 1 Tll '11 m ikicfit ass bdA,Vm-m- -Vf:.LJ . I V .1 1 4 xr - - m 1 1 i i i i ii ii w li Hfc El I?; if I Wednesday. December 19, lf34 THE DAILY NEWS paoe nvn li W&llt AtlS S Qu,tuPlet6, Doctor Given Ovation In New York FOR SMM FliESl! Flbdnderi and Sole fori sale on ljelen !l.,,vCqV Da!f, U ft)H BALfe-Jacobeah rltlnt desk ahd refrigerator, S20 Mh AVe. w. plione 48. 291 . . j . ii , J - - llol'tt: toll sAI.I.' Originally $4,&00 Now . . ij&OO Cut to , 1500 1 10 Off Dally. See card In ' Uybhavh At Hanson's vdtldow. - ' ' T I l'OU HKNT HOUBEB for rent. HarV.j tf, UoUriEtfEEPlNa nomri-l4l Bee-ohd Menu? rhohc Red 421. tt MODEM house to rent. 4 room. I bathroom, basfineht ahtl large attic Close to town Phone dreen 548 nr write Box 102. t(i LOST LOST- Bunch of keys In container I Iteturn to Dally News. . tf LOST-Sllver rlst watch between Fourth Avenue Wet and the Pout Office Phone Blue 936. PA1NTEKS PAINTINO ana Paperharujlnsf Molter, Phone Red 802. Creamery b 111 i "i US. il il ?; I- H-'i ii IS 111