3 PAGE FOUR SHOES B 8 n I m In H is m We have a Large Stock for Men, Ladies, Misses, Children tm imi i. mil m iri i mi uuavi ;i i t: ss m r BOUGHT FROM LECKIES' I BUB !.' ; i UZU LB ilj.ll li.l"'! IB i.BIBB ! Bii:Bi,HCB. Here arc a few of the lines we are offering today: Women's Patent One-Strap Shoes Regular $2.95 at - n Women's Black Kid One-Strap House Shoes, solid 0 leather soles, rubber heels, regular $1.95 at jjj Women's High Grade Dress Oxfords, regular $4.50 Selling today at 81.95 1.39 83.75 Snappy styles In Short Round Toe, Spike Heels, Black Kid Patent " Leather Pumps and T Straps i?t.XO 4Y Regular $3.95 at - m Don't say you have an expensive foot. We now have Shoes In A WIDTH in Smart Attractive Black Kid QO QC 1-Strap and Dress Oxfords, reg. $5.95; special ?0UO MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Misses' and Children's Patent 1-Strap Slippers Regular $1.95, today, up from .Infant's Shoes for the little, toddler Regular 95c; Special 99c 49c Very High Grade Misses' and Children's Oxfords in high grade baby calf at very special reduced prices We have bought in advance a large quantity of Men's, Boys, Women's, Misses' and Children's Running Shoes, Tennis Shoes, Beach Sandals, in fact everything in Spring and Summer Footwear for the entire family. All at SPECIAL CUT RATE PRICES. COMPARE OUR PRICES. LET US SAVE YOU MONEY'. Fishermen's Rubber Boots Special Ooodrich Fishermen's Rubber Boots Ot 4Q .length, regular $650 at tJ1.X MEN'S SHOES Leckle's .Shoes. or meri.regular $4.95 Very special '. .'.....,.'....'.. Men's Solid Leather Work Boots Regular $4.95, up from 83.95 82.75 LECKIE'S DRESS SHOES Men's Dress Oxfords and Boots with built-in steel arch supports. We have a large stock of these at extremely low prices. Have you seen our high grade hard wearing School Boots for Boys? City Scrip and Relief Tickets Taken m y I Cut Rate Shoe Store I Coal Prices Minehead Egg Coal $12.50 Minehead Lump Coal $12.50 Pembina Egg Coal $12.00 Stove Coal $11.0 Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 If your paper does not arrive, telephone the officr FllESII MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 057 COAL! COALli Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Uulklcy Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try ion of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. Wi also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley, Prince Rupert Feed Co, SI Phones SSI "TILLIE THE TOILER" Princess to Islands Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug Salvage Princess, with Capt. Reg. Green in command, left Sunday night for the Queen Charlotte Islands to be engaged In connection with the moving of. the A. P. Allison Logging Co.'s logging camp from Skidegate to Cumshewa Inlet. The Princess returned to port last night. Bringing over a load pf fittings, TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 231 ,TE2 SATT.T NSWS WATERFRONT WHIFFS Halibut Fishing Season Opening Less Than Two Weeks Off Gapt. James Griffiths, Well Known Here, Honored Herring Run On With March 1, a week from next Thursday, set as the official date for the opening of the 1931 fishing season, it is expected that the movement of the Prince Rupert hali- jjj but fishing fleet outward to the banks will commence dur ing the last week of February with the possibility that a few of the larger boats, destined for the westward banks of Area No. 3 via Alaska ports, may - get away a little earlier. As the op- ppes and general camp equipment enlng of the 1934 season looms, a from Buckley Bay, once the scene ! spirit of optimism that this Is going 0i onc of tne largest sawmilling op i to be a better year than several past .rafinnt in ihw HUtriM thp snivae stocks nave been dirmmsmng prior material here. It was purchased j o the eve of the arrival of the hew trom the Angcies Lumber Pro-' fresh fish. Also more definite ar-'dUcts Co. by the Armour Salvage rangements than ever before have co. teen" made this year for the 11ml- j tatfon and regulation of production j The Sons of Norway. Canadian In relation to market conditions ; Legion, Lief Erlkson Society and with a view to ensuring more stable : Moose Lodge have decided to unite :and higher price levels. The outlook j i In every way appears to be most j heartening for this very Important I industry as far as Prince Rupert Is concerned. Capt. James Griffiths, dean of Pacific Coast yachtsmen and well known at Prince Rupert through his regular annual visits here with' the Sueja III, was recently honored when the Seattle Yacht Club, at Us annual meeting, conferred upon him the title of Honorary Commo-d jre In appreciation of his years of service and presented him with a special flag emblematic of the, honor. Capt. Griffiths, who is now 73 years of age, has been four times Commodore of the Seattle Yacht Club, twice admiral of the Pacific International Yachting Association and once admiral of the Pacific Coast Yachting Association as well as having had numerous other honors bestowed upon him. The flag presented to Capt. Grif fiths as honorary Commodore of the Seattle Yacht Club for the bal ance of his life Is rectangular with four white stars and a fouled an chor on blue background. In future it will fly proudly from the mast of the Sueja III as long as Capt. Griffiths Is at the helm. Popular as a host and cruising mate, res pec ted for his abilities as a yachts man and commanding officer. honored for his services to the sport of yachting and beloved be cause of his personality and red- blooded sportsmanship, Capt. Griffiths will have best wishes of his many friends at Prince Rupert as well as everywhere else along the coast for many more years in which to enjoy nautical pleasures and honors. again this year In staging a big farewell party and dance prior to the departure of the fishermen for the grounds for the opening of the fishing season of 1934. Plans are being made for a real, big party and a bumper attendance is Believe It or Not Capt. Bill Stressman. well known Skldegate Inlet logger and fisher man, is held responsible for the ie following: "Say. you guys don'i know -what cold weather is. Why. once when I was working in the east, we were crossing a river In a boat when; suddenly, It started to freeze and. so quickly did the lec form, that, when we got half way across, we had to pull the boat out on the ice and drag it along the with a load' of logs! Now' that I U what I wou'ld call some cold."Apd so wouia e, vapi. uui. t John Dybhavn of Prince Rupert! has been named chairman of the, Pacific Coast sub-executive committee of the Biological Board of ; Canada for the year 1934. j Making her final trip on the; Vancouver - Bella Coola - Ocean Falls-Skcena Rlver-Prlncc Rupert route in place of the Cardena, which will be back on this run next week. Union steamer Venture. Capt. j Ernest Oeorgeson, arrived In port; at 5:45 this morning, sailing an hour later on her return south. The ! steamer Catala. which has been out of sen-Ice for the past two weeks ( for annual overhaul, will be back ; here tomorrow In her regular service enroute to Anyox and Stcw-j art. I The Canadian Fish tt Cold Storage Co.'s fish packer Chief Seegay, Capt. Fred Walters, arrived In port yesterday afternoon from Pearl Harbor with a load of eight tons of herring for the company's local freezer, the fish having been taken by Capt. Ole Skog with his seiner Fredelia. It was the first delivery of herring to. the Cold Storage since the starting of the run at Pearl Harbor this week. The Scegay went out again later in the afternoon and came back at 11 o'clock last night with a full load of fifty tons. As reported yesterday, the Zenardl, belonging to Oammon & Watts, Is also seining herring at Pearl Harbor for the reduction plant at Tucks Inlet of Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd., the first scowload delivery having been brought In for the plant by the towboat M. T. 3 on : Thursday. After a three weeks' trip to Vancouver for the purpose of having overhaul work carried out, the well known Prince Rupert halibut boatj Margarei i. uapi. ueorge rnu, returned to her home port last evening to make ready for the open- pervades the air. One of the prln-; Prlncess wlth capt Paul Armour'!" of the 1934 fishing season, capt. ;clpal factors to substantiate this on board returned last Saturday 1 Fr,t!! reported a good trip up the belief Is the satisfactory way In nioht fmm ih rWn rharintie coast except for log at me lower 1 i-i-i- . i- - m a . .... Tf 1e Avnliwl Mm 1 1 t-(rn ret I T wnicu uic carry-over or nuicn iisu , islands. It Is expected to re-sell thec"u- " " v win mane a uip iu nujux iuwuius the end of next week with a local girls' basketball team which will play a scries of games at the smelter town. Extension of Beer And Ale Sale For Ontario Discussed TORONTO. Feb. 17 -Premier George S. Henry declares that. If the sale of beer and ale Is extended In Ontario. It will he rtniir In Talking about cold weather. d.f,np fnrm anH linriM. Pnnlrn, n. - - i the Liquor Control Board. South Porcupine Has $10,000 Fire." Three l-irjr IUnn and Content Destroyed In Conflagration i Thursday . surface for the rest of the w4y.; tjmmins. Ont.. Feb. 17:-The -Then, looking back; wd suw a sc- Soulh Porcuplnc , e deparlment horse team coming over1 the Ice M, , t at a. . U.,,, o'clock Thura- rtav mnrnlno In fl'M n tin nnn fir C. N. R. TRAINS "'or the Ka it-Mondays. Wednesdays and Frl days 5:30 p.m From the Hast Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satui- BB'.BJBiBTB'.aiaiBrHiKBiatl CANDY SPECIALS MUSSALLEM'S Clearing Site I SCOTCH MINTS- Clearlng of the site on the pre- SDeclal ner lb mlscs of Albert & McCaffery for MAPLE BUDS-the new cold storage plant of the special, per lb Northern Fishermen's Cold Storage dUM miTTT-n Ltd. Is now well under way. A por- Specai pcr b tlon of the" old dock has been moved ASSORTED CREAMS away and during the last day or so Spccja er Jb men have been busy clearing away MiXFn rAMnTPi old acciung ana smiling uie coai , yard. Within the next few days ac-1 tual foundation work will have1 started. Special, per lb. 30c and A Complete Tie-up 35c 29c 35c 35c 25c We Carry a Complete Stock of IIox Chocolates, Chocolate Hars, Cent Candies, Bulk Chocolates Come in and get your favorite candles at reasonable prices. Mussallem's CONFECTIONERY Fill DAY Si SATUIIDAY Tft'O SHOWS 7 ti 9 Admkulun 15e Si 60c SATURDAY' MATINEE at 2:30 15c Si 35c MONDAY A Parade of Thrills, Tears and Dramatic Sus i4 TUt, "Bombsliel The Grandest Treat in Years Liberty Gives it FOUR Stars L.aay r or a Da Willi .....J Warren William, May Robson, Guj Kibbee, Glenda Farrell, Ned Sparkj A Columbia Picture icture mil Cartoon-"MICKKYS STKEPLKCH ASK" SCREEN SOUVENIRS MKTim MACKENZIE'S FURNlTlll RUGS - Priced to Clear Axminster Rugs, 27x51, Sale Price Axminster Rugs, 27x18, Sale Price Tecunwah Rugs, Reversible. 2ox 18. Sale Pi , Tecumsah Rugs, Reversible, JJOxGO, Sale Pn Axminster Carpets, DxlO.J Feet, Sale Pw $32.G Axminster Carpets, 4Jx7.J Iet, Sale Pri $12 Mall Older l lllcd at ThU Prlre MURESCO F"r bf.iiiufu! (tm iblr rconunitral devirii.'in f wall and celliiiKS. Muretco U supreme II can bf applied over almost any surface, including nr-wallpapers. ' Mulertai to Muresco the average room m.iy Ik purchased for $150 of less Jt come in elgh'- :.. popular tints. which destroyed tliree tar,e barns I MU IMN'S H ARllWARk ana them content,' lltBH8IBt.Bt!BliB' ariIBBMlB B' C .1 ml 327 3rd Av., Prince Rupert, Phone ft icwb-b i id wagf"? rhn t Mc Bride A DOLLAR'S WORTH Clip thii coupon tad mtil It nitb l for lit "nil' fr. r,' -rtirit THO CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR u KM 4 ruu)i4 kr Tut CMtttn Bflfvet rtiu iim B4W. Mwitktu, O. . 4. tw XU ttl l4 Ml W Um varM ttm U M (HrM v Ti Oaiitnta Soimi Utra. Mk Bit iuum, r Mtx Tlnm at m t tit mIi' IrlU tvilKriplla. imJom n e :f I i (Tei) WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEED w It's sure to I iltywvery well- PHONE US We have coals suiUS for all your re suit all purses- PHILPOTT. EVITT & CO. LTD I'honc 618 Hecause it doesn't pay to advertise poor producUl It docs pay to buy those advertised -By Westovi c.fti.rV''M.grii -r quv -. i-tnnsrSrlPij r -yrrT SfffS ? My hawos i look r1 f J