Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Prince Rupert Cloudy, calm: l. High 4:04 a.m. 21.1 ft. romctcr. 30.15; temperature, 40,' t 16:25 pjn. 18.6 ft. ;ca smooth. Low 10:30 a.m. 4.5 ft. NORTHERN AND GENTRAL BRITISH COLUMMA'S NEWSPAPER 22:30 p.m. 6.2 ft. Vol XXIV. No. 41 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C!, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENTS BRITISH POLICE RAID ON FASCISTS DOUBLE DROWNING NEAR NEW METLAKATLA, ALASKA One Hundred "Black Shirts' Taken Into Custody as Pickets Had Been Taking Part in "Tithe War" Investigation Conducted by Scotland Yard Icaris to Action BeinK Taken Today WORTH AM, Norfolk, Eng., Feb. 17: (CPi-The police made their first raid against British Fascists this afternoon, taking into custody one hundred "Black Shirts" of .Sir Oswald Mosley's organization who several days ago encamped on two farms as voluntary pickets in the "tithe war" in which farmers have refused to pay their tradi- ,: nil cnurnh aweMment. Several days ago It was rciwrted ' . tlir mark ShlrU were arming f nselvrv this leading to Scotland Yb-' '..king up an investigation of II- IH'tlVltlCf. DIED AT : - MEETING I)r Pamiltt rctrnkv Stricken While A'l!ffint Vanrwuvrr iJberal Association VANCOUVER. February 17 Ca-- i.i. Dr Samuel Peter-1 k hu' tl W. wtll known Vancou- ;! lcUn and ureo.i. col- rrt and t-led of heart lallure f :'( ' iulMrr.vslng a meeting of the T Vancouver LKjeral last nlghv Today's Stocks vrut 8 U. JokuN Oi l Vancouver Alrxa' drla, .03. Hay-view. .03 U. lit Nickel, .891. Ill 3 Mlwourl. .32. Dralonie. 11.00. Il.U Con.. .33. DUX Oold, .72. Ruite XiL., 57 ( -Hlxxj Oold. 2 42 Dunwell, .33. 1, Ororgla River, .0V;. Oolconda, .CO. Hercules Cons .035 . Indian, .03. Meridian. .20ft. Mtnlo. .33 Vi. Miming Star, .35M. Native Sons. .084. National Silver, .Oflli. Noble Five, .13. Vend Oreille, 1.12. Purler Idaho, .17. Premier, 1.43. Reeves, .17 Howard. .lUJ,. Homo. 1.12 SlWercrwit, .034. J. Salmon Oold, JO. Taylor Bridge, .63. United Empire, 23W. Wayside. .41. Whitewater. .09 Vj. Waverley Tangier. .03; Toronto t'lilboiigamau, ,00'i. Onttal Patricia, .00. Uraturia. .03 l"t. Nickel, 23.40. Ke Maron, .00 'c "old. .14 Mai.assa, 2.10. tcrrltt Oorao'n, "Ueo, 1.83. Sudbury Uasln, 1.05. tk Hughes, 5.05. Thompson Cadillac, .41. ventures, l.oo. Colamarlo, .74. Sir Henry Drayton west for "ronomy m public expenditures WOULD CUT GOVT COST Sir Henry Drayton Opens Western C'atnp.ticn with Speech In Brandon, Man. Balanced Budgets And Tax Reductions Prescribed as Cures for Economic Ills Cites Interesting Figures BRANDON. Man.. Feb. 17: (CPt Make balancing of government budget and reduction of taxation your business and you will get result." Sir Henry Drayton told the Hoard of Trade here in opening a wwtern campaign for economy In public expenditures. While admlt-tliiB that aomc reductions had been made, the costs of government were still "out of all reasonable proportion." he declared. He pointed to the fact that 374,000 civil servants were employed out of a total population of ten million. Sir Henry thought It was not suf-hipH that the same Hill ti w j - man "the Canadian taxpayer" villi for the cost of municipal, pro vincial and federal governments alike. The spenker Instanced the fact lhat total government expenditure had reached $l.500.(X)0,uuu in umi, yet In the year previous the total production of agriculture, forestry, fishing, trapping and mining, Canada's primary Industries, was but $1,400,000,000 and the total income of people assessed by the income tax department wus only $815,000,- J000. PRESERVING OF HALIBUT Dr. Bedford Has Audience of 200 Fishermen at Opening Of Lecture Series Latest Methods Necessity of Keeping Fish in Good Shape on Boats Stressed Stressing Uie necessity of em-i ploying the latest and most effective means of preserving halibut trom the time It is caught on the fishing ground.' through the various steps of delivery to port handling for shipment, transportation and marketing until it reaches the consumer. Dr Robert H. Bedford of the scientific staff of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station last night at the nail of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union, before a gathering of some two hundred fishermen with O W Nlckerson. secretary of the Canadian Halibut Vessel Owners' Asso-elation,. preildlng;opaitd arctics; of two lectures oh "The Preservation of Fresh Halibut at Sea " Dr Bedford urged upon his listeners the desirability of the process of preservation commencing as soon as the fish are caught and appeal-ed for a feeling of co-operation j among all Interested so that a unl-j ted front might be presented in attacking this phase of the problems of the fishing industry. After many suggestions had been made by the speaker In regard to Improved methods of fish preservation, the meeting was thrown open for general discussion In which a number of those present participated. The lecture proved of great Interest and value to all. CANDIDATE FOR GRITS Alan Chambers To Contest Nana-Imo At Federal Election DUNCAN. February 17 Alan Chambers was nominated Liberal candidate for Nanalmo riding In the next federal election artcr four ballots. The seat has been held for many years by C. H. Dickie, Conservative. Capt. J. B. Colthurst of sooke, formerly of Terrace, had been mentioned as a possible Liberal candidate. Payroll is Taken By Bandits Friday In Hamilton City HAMILTON, February 17 (Canadian Press) Two bank messengers carrying $1,700 tor a payroll were held up here yesterday and relieved of the money. FRANCE REFUSES TO REDUCE ARMED FORCE PARIS. Feb. 17: (CP) France today polllely rejected British overtures for dlsarma- meat with refusal to cut the armed force of France In face of the "Hitler Menace." Roosevelt Signs Gold JjljlJ Another page waj w -ii :sn ,n, 3 'ustory when Frankiin D, Roosevelt presiden' of :tir U.. . .id SUtes. slg- ta the gold bill 'also knowii as Uie dollar dsvalua- ion bill on his 52nd birthday. This is the nicest birthday present I ever had, ' remarked the president. The law now gives the United SUtes title to $4,029,100,000 In gold. A day later. Roosevelt announced that the United States' dollar had been devaluated to 59.06 cents. All of which Is very nice, so far. for Canada. Inasmuch as Canadian gold stocks have soared to high levels, holding th:ir gain through profit-taking. The Urited States made a -profit' of $2,770,000,000 on the -new deal" while Canada and other nations wonder what to do next. CUSTOMS AND EXCISE REVENUE FOR CANADA GREATLY INCREASED OTTAWA, Feb. 17: (CP Customs and excise revenue of Canada Increased last month by more than $3,600,000 over January last year and for ten months of the present fiscal year the Increase is $8,400,000 it Is officially reported. Britain's Stand Is Not Changed Sir John Simon Says "Hands Off Austria" Policy Continues LONDON, Feb. 17: Sir John Simon, Secretary for Foreign Affairs, reiterated In the House of Commons a statement made earlier In the week that Great Britain would continue to pursue Its "Hands off" policy In connection with the present internal troubles In Austria. Identifies Two Of Kid naDDCrS Jake The Barber Says Kanghart and Koxner Participated in His Abduction UALTIMORE. Feb. 17 John Factor (Jake the Barber) of Chicago has Identified Basil Banghart and Ivor Koaier, who were arrested a few days ago, as two or the men who participated In his kidnapping several months ago. i TRADING IS STRONG NOW Short Selling and New Buying Lifted Issues UPp More Than Three Points Thursday NEW YORK. Feb. 16 After short covering and new buying had lifted stocks more than three points in Thursday's trading on the New York Stock Exchange, all groups participating with automobile and motor equipment) lames' maintaining a strong tone fa, the 4pl6se, the market was quleter?esWrdayl with little fluctuation. Tlu? v upward movement Thursday 4as the continuation of a rally which set In Just before the close of trading on Wednesday to stimulate the trading for that day which had been lethargic and narrow following uncertainty which ruled earlier In the week. Averages have been steadily moving up since Tuesday when they closed as follows: Industrials, 106.10: rails. 50.35; utilities, 28.43. Yesterday's closing averages were: Industrials. 108.61. up .31; rails. 53.00. up .17: utilities, 29.03. oft .23, and bonds, 92.39 up 4. Vancouver Has IUr Day VANCOUVER. Feb. 17: Over $1.- 000,000 business was done Thurs day on the Vancouver Stock Ex-1 change. Va ncouver Wheat VANCOUVER. February 17 (Canadian Press) Wheat was. quoted at 65,4c on the local Exchange tcday as compared with 65c. Friday, 65ic. Thursday and 65i,c. on Wednesday. Fox Farmer and Native Girl Believed To Have Lost Lives From Boat Small Capsized Craft Found reierson and Virginia Perished, it KETCHIKAN, Feb. 17: (CP)-Both Floyd Petersen, fox farmer on Peterson Island, and Virrrinin .Inlinm a t native girl, are believed to have been drowned Thurstlay night after Peterson's capsized boat was found ashore 'near the native village of Metlakatla on Annette Island. t Peterson had been ordered to leave Metlakatla on Thurs- 'day, officers said, after being accused of giving liquor to Indians. 'ARRAIGNED FOR TRIAL v. France Contirues To Export Yel-Nanalmo v t -m and j . j 3Ian Co-Defendants ,- , ... , DenrRobD7t Ffiff Trap KETCHIKAN, February 17 (Canadian Press) James E. Nlmmo of Nanalmo yesterday pleaded not' (Til 11 f V tn Q . 1 rtrrt nf trr-i n r l ceny In connection with the allsged pirating of fish from a Libby, Mc Neil it Libby salmon trap on tr.e west coast last summer. August Starkloff, William F. Cummlngs and Eddie Kahap also pleaued ot guilty to similar charges. The trial' is expected to start in ten days. Conservatives Retain British J Commons Seat j LOWESTOFT. England, February 17 (Canadian Press) National Conservatives retained Lowestoft i?at in East Suffolk in a by-elec-tlon when P. C. Lofthus defeated the Labor ca -dldate by a majority of two thousand. The Conservative majority In the general election was 12.000. Arrangements For Air Mail Service ' Work to be Taken Over by United 1 States Army on Monday To i l.rt Pnntrartv Amln j WASHINGTON, D.C., Feb. 17 -The United States Postal Department has completed arrangements for the taking over next Monday of I air mall service throughout the country by United States Army, i planes following the cancellation of the contrarts held by commercial airways and Is now working on plans for the calling of tenders with a view to letting of new con tracts. New legislation will have to I be passed before the service is again i given .over to private companies.' Veteran of Civil War Passes Away ONTARIO, Cal., February 17 -Francis M. Anderson, Civil War .veteran. Is dead here at the age lot ninety-four years. on Annette Island Floyd Johnson Have Hoth is Feared 'GOLD RUSH' CONTINUES "7 1 CHERBOURG, FYance. Frbruarz 17 'Canadian Press) The "Ooll Rush" to New York continued ves- teroay when the liner Hamburr sailed with $6,500,000 'bf the yellow metal. FISHERMEN IN SESSION 'Annual Meeting of Prince Rupert Co-operative Held To Operate Camp The Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association held its (annual general meeting on Thurs-day of this week on their fish camp at tne nsnermen s floats. The meeting was well attended by shareholders. The future looked so promising that It was decided to again place the camp at Goose Bay, Dundas Island. In the election of new directors A. O. Morse, S. Schjesvold, J. Knut- sen, O. Olsen and L. Satidvar were chosen and J. Salden was re-elected president. The meeting decided to maintain the high quality of fish that it had established last year and, if pos sible. Improve on that high quality Other co-operative business was (brought before the meeting and discussed. Private Service For Former City Engineer is Held Prior to the forwarding of the remains by train to Melbourne, Ont.. where the funeral will take place, there was a private service In the chapel of the B. C. Undertakers yesterday afternoon for the late H. A. McLean, former city engineer here, whose death occurred Thursday morning. Very Rev. James B. Gibson, dean of St. Andrew Cathedral, officiated awl only members or the family and Immediate friends were present. The remains are being accompanied east by deceased'! son, Edward McLean of the City Hall staff,