Jlie Original MlMUihfoM. j One-Cent Sab Commertces Wednesday Odohtf 31 rnrftinueJ t hursday, Friday arid SatfiftlaV FHATl'KK A one-hour extra special i-ach day. See Hie hand bills. UH.MK.MHKit No deliverifes, no phone orders, no charges Gash and Carry Only Ormes Lid. "Jite Pioneer Druggists The Ktull Store Phones: 81 L 82 ... Helps to AVOID MANY COLDS altogether mm SSSSMSSSSSSSSSSsH. i I SSsM sssssssmsssMSssswv ami mm Quid' At that first nasal lr-nation. inifTVr or sneeze just few drops of Vicks Va-trtwioL It stimulates the functions pro-vJcd hy Naturein the nose to (irtvrnt colds, and to throw off colds in their early stages. ld in time, Va-tro-nol helps to void many coUs entirely. Where irritation has led to a dogged-up nose (a stuffy head cold or nasal catarrh) Va-tro-ti penetrates deep into the nasal passages, reduces swollen nenibranes, clears away ddg-tfrg mucus brings cbrnfort-Ing fr'icf, . . . Nf if Formula BY MAKERS OF VICKS VAPORUB Retitarkabty Successful mm r m Bettor CONTROL of Colds This new aid in prtunling eotds, tORrther with Vlcis VapoRub, the modern external Irtotment for colds, forms the basis ofVkks Plan for Better Control t( Colds- to help reduce their number and duration. The Plan is explained in each Vkks package. UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL ROUND TRIP Wihter Exfclifsi6n fares ft) VAiVCOUVKU Prom Prince Rupert 82.00 Rclurn AM, MMLS ASK ni:RTH lN'CLtllffcti Children Half-Fare Ufducfd return rate of fare and on?-thlrrt aho applies from all "rr northern ports to Vancouver, ami fro n irl.,. inil ret from Stewart and Anyox 10 rnnce iwii'crv jVltrtK on. safe continuously between November 1st, li34 .ahd fi'bruury 28th, IMS good to return up to March 31st. 1935. STEAMERS LV. PRINCE RUPERT s- Cardena lieVdiy 1:30 PM. Friday 12Mdt. AryANCOUVER Thursday P-M. Monday A.M. ncKeU, Reservations and All inrormauon jrom 'ice Rupert Aeeht (ft. Si. SmfthJ, third Ave. Phone 5C8 vr rurscrs i;aiaia ana a.a. v 1 Canadian Pacific KINCfcss BtKAnfKRS for Ketchikan, Wriihg'ell, Juhehu and otagway, Oct. I2th, 2lSt, 29th, '""r Vancouver direct Oct. 5th, lGth, 25th, Nov. 2nd. rjj' VahMuVer v'i.1 Uckn Falls and Way Foris, "P'rlhcess X3e-laiae" every Friday 10 p.m. Fdr Reservations W. L. COATF.8, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. WWII. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Uasketball tonight, Mooie Hall at 7 O'fclock. -243 We are back to our good taxi service. Phone 32 day and night, tf. Yoa caft rent a Car at Walker's as low as $1 a day plus 7c. a mils. tf PERSONAL X.MAS CARDS Exclusive designs. Also business and professional. Best valuta in Canada. HeilbrOner'i. (tf) Mrs. H. R. Taylor of Attyox, Who has been in Vancouver for the past few weeks receiving medical and hospital treatment, was apassen-ger aboard the Catah last evening returning to her home In the smel- ! Help RidrTeyS If KMWT TronbU w BUddr Weak mm mikM reu suffer from Orttlcr I'p Klihn MrrvouiwM, Plitlseei, w Rhciimatlam. BtltlD, . Jiurtilntx fk KnUrtlnc Iichln or AtiMy try th , Vuctot't w-twtlplloo. Cr.Ui .INm. 11). Hut tni your tr.ubli la I dr vr bmi trMk. ptljr ti ( drUriu Hygga Bazdir Is Ehjoyable Twtf llUnrfrffl Persons In Allen-fiinte Ai Affair 'Oh Friday Mtl.t The Hygja Lidles Club of the local Nordlcap Lodge held Its annual bazaar last Friday night in. the Metropole Hall, about two hundred persons being In attendance at the affair which wis opened by Peter Lien, vice-president Of the Nordlcap Lodge, who acted is master of ceremonies. Throughout the evehbig dancing as enjoyed with music by Julius Welle orchestra. Ekinateo. articles and goods were raffled by use of a" wheel of fortune and piddiei the winners Including Mlw Marlon Crlckson, jfc-ho w n a cushion and runner; Mrs. T. Strand. Mrs. S. Skog aha Mrs. Wood;, who took Honfe tea ilottiS: Mrs. Cfunriar Sel-1 viz arid Xir. Anderson, who re ceived, pillowslips, ahd Irs. Gllke. Mrs HanSort, Mrs. Wlngham, Mrs. Husoy and Mrs. Bendlcksen The proceeclihgs ccfcntlHued until 3 am, Refrertrments were Served at mlanight. Mrs. T. Strand was general edhv'erier assisted by iadTei of tJhe lodge generally. rdh sAle Lota I and1 2. Dlgb'y Island $100 each. Norman A Watt Administrator. J. K. Pyne Estate ALIVE OR DEAD InformaUon concerning one Arnold Stothard. (whether alive or deid a traoner. age, if alive, ap- pro'xlma'tely 45 who was last neara or in Aiarcn, iui. c gave hjs posUfflce address as Prlhce Rupert. Is desired by the undersigned. ....... Oct. 2ttth, 1934. PATMORE Si FULTON. Prince Rupert, B.C. Anhoimcemenls ber 8. k Tnnl Club an nual dance, Friday, November 2. 1. 6. D. E. blrl Oiilcle tea, tibv 3, fe'sbvtcrlah Fall Bazaar, Novem rliufchleis of KoBrity Dance Hd- venibtr 9, ' Pioneers' Night, November 9, EaRlcs' Hall, bridge; whist ana cno bage. Elks' Dance. Friday, Nov. 1. Moose Hftll PrlnFe Rlftrtrl Ulge tHffts 8 p.m. Wednesday Moving pictures irt the hall at 9 tifn. All m'WtS '5tid friends Invited. Fre'sh Sole ana Flounders. Phone 48. tr Cash wait Inj for old gold teeth, toihfr, c'haTris, (vatc'hft, etc. Bui-kit': (tf) The annual meeting of the Pitace Rupert Badminton Associa tion will be Held on Tuesday, October 30, tft tHe'City nan at 8 pjn. All ba'dffllntoh players are requested to attend. E2 W. H, Manuel; C. N. R. travelling auditor. Is a visitor in the city In the coarse of otte fcf his periodical trios bn official duties, having ar rived In town frdm the interior on Saturday night's train. Provincial Constable and Mrs. A. J. Pomeroy are leaving bn this af- te'rnoort' train for Prince Gedrge to which point constable Pomeroy has beert tra'nsferred. fte is succeeded on the c'fty detith'rrietlt He'te by Con- stable G. 11 Sdles who, with Mrs. Soles and fimlly, arrived from Prince George on Saturday night's train. Hotel Arrivals Sayliy Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pomeroy. O. Olson and Mr. and Mrs. p. fl. Soles and family, city; B. 0. Beamer. C N. 'ft.; Jbhn nhch, Terrace. Royal W. Davidson, city; Roy Labo, C. N. R.; S. dnldal, Caspaco; Albert Land and Frank Hallett. boat Har-6br; 0. Wlnth'er, Juneau. Prince Rupert A. C. Knight, L. J. Mouat and James Wood. Vancouver; W. C Stevens. Klsplox: W. H. Manuel. Kam-loops: B. A. Latta, Edmonton; C. pillespie. Oceanic; charies F. B. Faulkner. New WeStfaifhster. When "Bulla ft.G Payrolls' Other Baby hoi Failed 8irKT.-ti I JVArouTt Mothers forced to find a substitute totid for their bahie's have Keen gratefully surp'rlsed to find lh Pacific Milk so easily obtained and at so little cost Just the nourlsh-rrie'ht tHey have been seeking. For In a number of cases Pacific Milk has proven itself when all other foods have failed. It has even restored children wh6 we're seri6iisly 111. Doctors recdmmend It. Pacific MUk "100 B.C. Owtted and Controlled' PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD JONES' Family Market ShdUlde'r Veal per lb. Stew Veal, 3 lbs. Pens, l tin Rnfhb Roast of Beef net lb. Rfldfid "Steak per lb Shoulder Steak, 2 lbs. k 1 bunch Carrots Hamburger Steak, 3 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions Pot Roast 4 lbs. Bdlling Beef, 3 lbs. & 1 bunch Carrots Prime Rib Roll. 4 lbs. & 1 Cduifflb'wer Leg b'f Veal 6 lbfc , ShoUlde'r of Larrib, 1 lbs. ii i tin Pea's Lamb Stew, 3 lbs. & 1 tin Petts Leg of Lamb per lb. . v Lhmb filidps 1 lbs Veal Chbrls 2 lbs I'hoHrj 957 8c 25c 12ic 15c 25c 25c 35c 25c 75c 754 78 25c 20c 5c Pfitihc 957 y&u are N6f Mistaken Out Rate Shoe Store Mi Everything lii fm Less Mdftey 'ildm5tiiw:i(SMjlTiiiiEits vMV JffiSiBfeft of the fa.m- ILY.MAY BE HAD HERE AT LOWEST PKICES. RE AO & INVESTIGATE! JLTST ARRIVED, ANpHlEtt Consign rnefft of Leckie's and Darner's new and , aulifuljamjJCome now; and dtJTirst choicerat a Sacrifice Price! Keep Your Feet Comfortable ladles,' Men's and Children's Best impbrtecl British Slippers In felt, colored plaids and fawn cathels hair. All styles and sizel When thmkirig of lending a beautiful slipper abroad for Christ' mas, our stock Is complete. Ladies selling at QZf U A . A --. Men's selling at up from, per pair Buy Good School Shoes For Less We carry Leckie's, Sisman's, Valentine's and StcJrey & Campbell's and many other makes and all reliable snoes. Leckie's Chrdme drain Bluchers, with heavy waterproof soles and bellows tongiie. They have always stood the test. All sizes '0 QQ 0&OV Special, per pair A large selection of Leckie's Shoes for men. Shoes for every occasion. Now selling at Q fiff per pair, up from Misses' arid ChUdren's Rubbers fiffri & 7iP Selling at. per pair, up from ' CUT RATE Carl M. Bygdnes, skipper of the local halibut boat Gulvlk, leaves on tonight's train for New York where he will embark November 7 aboard the liner Stavarigerf jord for dslo enroute to his hdmfe In Norway where he will spend the winter. Wittter Prices For Milk Advanced Cbmmeiicihff November 1, 1934 Ticket Price Milk Q-fl ftO 7 qts. or. 12 pts. pxyy Charge Acct.-Mllk.Q A A (5 qts. tfr 10 pts, No discounts allowed on chirge accounts. Relief Order Milk Qf A A 8 qts. dr 14 pts. ?iivv Phone 2S7 ' -'- .... - t i PRICES I REDUCED COAL! on RADIO TUBES Replace Old Tubes Ndw No Charge For Testing Give us a Call Lamp Shades All Sizes 65c up to $2.95 Kdien HardwaVe Phone 3 GOAL Our Famous Edson, Alberta and liulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try 4 tbn of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Htfy, Wheat, bits and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 558 m Sid m Kiddies' Ru'bfiers, several size's is low Jk, per pair Men's Rubbers, selling at up frdrtl, per pair Men's Storm 'King- Rubber Boots, p'er pair, $3.75 and up from Men's Knee Gum .Boots, per pair, up from S2;7), Sz.959jS325 Soys Knee bum Boots Q9 1Q per pair, up from tP.lJJ Children's Rubber Boots per pair, up from reAccepVCity Scrip The best Goodrich, Dominion & Mirier Rubber Cp.' can make, all here at lowest prices. Ladles' Rubbers-selling at fQn up from, pair' 59c 79c $4.95 79c STORE Classified Ads est Hart. FOR kkhti BATH Tubs, . house. Hart. etc. ffbm 7 roomed house partly furnished. . Close In, SXOJW. Hart- Jf FOR RENT Clean, well furnished three room suite. Pfione Red "(U. WANTED heLp waited BACHELOR tie-Hacker, warits a housekeeper. Xpply Tony Rosso. ,Colleym6irnt, B.'t, 25b t!ianfeJ CAMERON'S Trarisfer. Phone 177. . .Birch. Jackplne. Cedar. ... tf XVATEft NOTlC j tAKE NOTICE that VtAbiti , itUrphy. hos addrrss.U AUfri, B.C. will'.tpply tor llrtc to Uk and St 860 Ml- wn' lnclm al -ater out. of Cannon i Ciwk. NhIch "tlaj- oUQv easterly andj drains Into CVOoonei Riter., about tour. mUs abor the, "Ethel JT Bench Lnae.! The watr wW. be diverted, from the i purin k a poinx doui tour mun ibove the. , Ethel M Bench tV nd IU be tud for lulcLtig. In open bom purpose upon the. the mine described as Ethel M. qrace. M. and, Jlulde Too. Thl notice as p6nti on the ground on the 14th day of Apry, 1934. A copy Of this notice and an ippllca-tlon pumuCnt thereto, tod .to the -Water Act. 1914.". will be nied in.the of fice of the Water Recorder at Atun. B. C Objections to the fcppjicaUoa may be rued with the aald Water Recorder or With the cantittaUfr of Wkter Right.' Parliament Buildings. Victoria, B.C. vftttyn, thirty,. day, after, the. first., sp- piiper. l..M riAitiArt Aiunrm. ,. , AppUcint. By WELVIN BECKMAJ. The date of the first publication of this .fotlce U October 11. 1934 RE 0 1ST B Y ACT Re. Certificate of Title No. 3TOS-1. to Lot 28. Block a. Queen CharlotU city. IiUp 934A. WHEREAS proof of tost of the sbotf Certificate of Title, Issued In the naiqe of Walter Jerome Smith, has been fUed in . this office, notice Is hereby given that I ahill. at the expiration ot.pne UiUUIVU UIV UkV V s y . lication hereof; UKue a,TroTWpniq .Certi,;' fjpaie of TltJr tn.lleji of th VW, H, vaUfl objection be made to the In writ ing. jilted at thiiiftS. fot&rt O'nei Prince Rupert. B. C. this 36th. dy Of ember. ' .ft' IX put y lUgUUar of Titles WORK WANTED wrecked GENERAL Foundation repairs and (tf ) excavations, wood, cement or rock FOR SALE A few old newspapers 1 at 10c. and 15c. a 'bundle, bally ' " " " "' "-t ' News. . fiOUSE and lot close In. Price low-' work. Albert Moretto, Phone 756. (255) PAINTERS .,P A INTINO ana Paperhanging Morier, Phone Red 802. FOR FIRST CLASS Shoe Repairing See SIMPSON Fifth Avenue and McBride Weekly Specials Week Of October 22 FACIALS Pack or Plain Nelson's Beauty Shop Phone S55 RADIO Interfei erence Sometimes originates In the chassis or tubes. To make a simple test, remove aerial arid ground with the set turned on to full volume. If riolsc cdh-tlnues undiminished Phone Blue 320 and have an exact check made of your set's trouble. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC COFFEE DeLuxe Served at All Times of Day br Night Always fresh Using the SUex method Doing away wholly with rfletal taite, stale flavor, Healthful and Invigorating, Commodore Cafe