Shoes! Shoes! FOR SCHOOL OPENING We have a complete range of the most reliable footwear far children of all ares. As our ANNUAL SALE continues a while longer why not take advantage of these prices now! Qrowing Girls' Oxfords, Black Sturdy Black Calf Oxfords, or Brown. Several patterns to strong sewn soles. A shoe that choose from. See these. Sizes will wear. Sale price 3 to 8. Priced at- 5-7 $1.39 12.98, $3,19, $3.98 8-104 $1.49 11-2 $1.69 Mouse" Cushioned "Mickey strong ..Re( smm Soled Shoes ARE NOT on sale. school Boots. Boots that will These are sold at contract stand the strain-prices. 11-134 $2.95; 1-54 $3.45 The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISU COLUMBIA Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Transient display advertising, per lncn per Insertion 4 Contract rates on application. Advertislnr and Ciicnlatioq Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations A LABOR DAY SERMON Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. r. PULLEN - - - Manarnu-EditCT SUBSCRIPTION RATES .City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid in advance , For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire, and United 8tates, paid In advance, per year , By mall to all other countries, per year . ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per Insertion, per line 18 86 . m. J5.0U 40 3.00 8.00 sa 1.40 Tuesday, September 4, 1934 Having an aim in life is a great thing but if the aim is a low one it cannot inspire to great heights, Any ideal which leads only to personal comfort is a low one. To get rich so as to be in a position to enjoy a life of ease is anything but a high ideal and cannot inspire to great and lofty deeds. Neither isit a high ideal to live this life with the idea of a life of ease and comfort in the life to come. Such an ideal cannot lead to great achievement. While most of the churches seem to have pretty well abolished hell from their geographies, they still cling to the heaven of ease and comfort where there will be nothing but pure enjoyment. It is anything but inspiring to the modern individual this heaven of ease. People today do not work so hard that they want to rest throughout eternity. People who have striven hard here and have enjoyed the strife would be altogether out of place in a heaven of ease. They want action. The value of a church to a community is measured by ;the inspiration it gives to its members and to the people of ithewhole community. If th members are men and women vWdo nothing outstanding, who make no mark in the THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Producers It Refiners of ELEPHANT TADANAC Brand CHEMICAL FERTILIZER Brand ELECTROLYTIC Ammonium Phosphates Sulphate of Ammonia Superphos-phale Complete fertilisers. LcadrZinc nCadmlumBUmuUi. community in which they live, who dp not impress their1 characters and characteristics on the neighbors and who are inactive in the cause of improvement, then it is pretty sure it is a church in which the heaven of ease and comfort is the ideal and nothing can be expected of it. The need of the dav is for contres of inspiration. Thev may be churches or they may be other organizations or groups. Today as never before real leaders are needed with high ideals who will with good judgment crystallize modern thought. If religion is still an active force it should be able to inspire people to tackle the problems of the dav and work them out for the benefit of the world. If it is not an active force it will rapidly pass into oblivion. Mrs. William Gordon and daugh- will proceed to Montreal where ter, Elsa Linda, of Stewart were they will embark September 21 passengers aboard the Prince aboard the steamer Duchess of Oeorge Saturday evening going Athol for a trip to Mrs. Oordon'; through to Vancouver whence they home In Esbjerb, Denmark. TH2 DAILY N2T7S 21t ,. l 'B.mnwagf IT LOOKS LIKE LADIES' DAY SPORT uiugsa-amtBiusmssrsmmu BASEBALL WASG00D Prinee Rupert Fans Show Apprecia tion by Crowding Stands for Smithers Series Locals Win Twice Firit flame Ended Two to One After Eleven Innings Count of Second Was Seven to Four The number of Prince Rupert baseball fans are legion and, when there Is anything worthy In the line of the diamond sport offering, they are not hesitant In lending their patronage. This was amply evidenced In the Smlthers-Prlnce Ru pert series played over the Labor Day holiday. There was a largo crowd out on Sunday afternoon for the first game which proved to ba thrilling eleven inning affair ending In a 3 to 1 score. Yesterday every seat In the stands was taken for the second game which Prince Rupert again won. Smithers scored one in the se cond inning of the first game on single and a double and Prinee Rupert evened up by virtue of walk, a scratch hit and' an error. The game was broken up in the eleventh when Scoop Bury lifted a double into left field, being scored by Alex Mitchell who connected with a double deep into centre af ter two men were down. The Box Score SMITHERS AB R H PO A E Oraham cf 5 0 110 0 Leach ss 6 0 1 3 2 1 Watson 2b 5 0 0 1 4 0 Kershaw p. 4 0 0 1 5 1 Carpenter rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 dlraud If 4 0 0 1 0 0 Robinson lb 4 1 2 12 1 0 Ooodacre c 4 0 1 13 2 0 Warner 3b 4 0 0 0 0 0 Totals ....39 1 5 3214 2 Two out when winning run scored. P. RUPSRT AB R H PO A Moran 3b -5 0 112 2' Qurvich. Carpenter. Warner. 2-bae hiu. Lamble, Bury. Mitchell. Goodacn : base on balls, off Lamble li, Kershaw at; struck out by Lamble , Kershaw IS : left on base. P. R. (6). Smithers (fit; Umpire!., Araeneau and R. Smith. Second flame Prince Rupert took the second Smltherj,.,.0 0 12 0 E Bunr cf A 1 2 6 0 oi Nelson rf. -5 o o 1 l l Mitchell If 0 I I 0 0 Lamble p 4 0 2 0 6 0 Bmlth 2b J 0 0 0 2 2 fitlles lb 4 0 1 1.4 0 0 Ourvlch c ......J3 1 0 7 4 0 Johnson ss. , 4 0 0 3 0 1 Totals 37 2 7 33 15 5 Score by innings: Smithers .0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 PR .0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Summary- tojenbajjes. P. R. .. ....a 0 3 0 1 1 x 7 On the left is Ruth Magder) r r.rV ler led 'California' Swec'ifort United 8tates Mrs. Doroth.v P Hku Kathevm Rawlfl and Utile Mar; task? California In the rc . jc Hocrgr- Or the righ Ml Lijnlca Br NEWS a BORDEN ST. j IS WINNER Defeated Booth School 4 to Junior Football flame 1 ini game oi ine series yeateraay alter- jn the Labor Day JURlor football noon oy a score oi 7 to 4. B( vesterdav the twim rme teams tried out several pitcher , Mining Borden 8treet School won with both Lambie and Kershaw from Booth Memorial Sahooi bv going in to help their team out of f0Ur goals to nil The first half w oaa looKing note on a eouple of .scoreless although Borden had the' occasions. Prince Rupert took the better of the exchange, a crocs j lead in the first inning and was from Irvine Just missing whuVi never neaoea anneugn the 8ml- Monkley return wm lutt a cloce. thers bey were right at their heel Toward the Interval Booth nrewd most of the-way. Failure to run the;and RlUhle narrowly missed. oae progeny was reponlble for Borden had the beat of the second the SmfUfcr team not making inlf and. from Irvine's corner, more run. , Smith soored a good ana! Knu Score by Innings: I mlwed a centre from Monklev ami R. H E. O'Neill had an easy Job to tap the 1 04 7 6 ball through. Then Bob Ritehle LABOR BAY CELEBRATION (Continued fiom page one) Boy' High Jump II Dominate Boys ltop, 3tep and Jump Jack Unwln, Bob Houston. 6 mlsklsked a high one that Kra use could not clear and Borden was I three goals up. Krause saved a I gsarxd drive from Irvine who. hew-'ever. added a fourth before th end. ' Borden Oullck: F. Willlscroft. C ourrie; Filch. Mah. Smith: Monk- ' " ley- B. Houston, B. O'Neill, Barton. it w Ina 220 Yard. 16 venrH. Mulhern. .. Jin, Irvine. Voore. . S"rnUL Bob uiwiiic, it, nuiiacrgit, AjfiKav. Rice; Christian, Hebb. J. Ritchie . Boy.' Broad Jump-Jim. Irvine. . , , i Jack Unwln. it - ,L,''!!U a,,Q u- ,lou- 830 Yard. onen-Phll Edacumbe. W" BT HD1, C linesmen. Bill Ogg : n n T" i mn rr m.M ni.i. r. . . . Men's Hop, Step and Jump Oeo. Brown, Phil Edgcumbe. Broad Jump Geo. Brown, Roy Fong. , , Ladie' Egg and Spoon Race M. Hunt. Alice Oomez. Mr. Smith. Ladles' 220 Walking Race Mr. Hodgson, Mr. Smith, M. Oomez. 220 Yard, open Oeo. Brown, Phil Edgcumbe. Union Race J. Horton, p. Peterson. Married Ladle' Race Mr. Smith, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Ollker. Men's High Jump Oeo. Brown, B. Thurber. Pole Vault B. Thurber, O. Brown. Ladles' Nail Driving Contest Mrs. Barbe, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Oar-diner. Mile Race Phil Edgcumbe, Oeo, Brown. James Stewart sailed by the Prince Oeorge Saturday evening for Vancouver enroute back to Montreal where he will resume his tomujej icunt universuy aiieri 0 0 0- 1 'having peht the"summer vacation 0 0 1 -2, here With rjls parents', 'Mr ahfl'Mrs, Smith ,D, 0, Stewart. Monkley. Bob Houston. .O'Neill, Bar-' ton and Irvine were best. Booth was bet served by Krause. Eastman. Rice. Wllliscroft and McKay. LAWN BOWLINfl STANDING The standing to dato of the Canadian National Recreation Association Lawn Bowling League is as follows: D. A. MacPhee 12 Angus Macdonald 9 D. O. Borland ........ 7 O. P. Tinkor o F. A. Rogors 6 J. A- Frew 5 F. B. .Walton 4 James Uoyd 3 J. J- Little a 1 3 3 0 4 8, 8 7 9 10 BOWLING SCHEDULE 8ept. 3 No. 6 vs. No. 2; No, 0 vs No, 4., BepLo- Na 7 vs-iNo. 3; No8 vs No. 6, f Scpt,- :Na:fl,.vs. No. 1, No, B vs, No, 2, i Steamships Sailings! For Vaneonvei Tuesday CaUiki . 1:30 pan. Thuid- Pi. Oeorge 10 pjm. Friday s. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m. Sep! 10 JO P For Anyox and Allrr Ana- H Sunday t Cau :.i Irs Wedrxtday- u r s From Antox and Alice Arm B. Ourdena mWnlghi .Kor slewar and Vnmltt. Saturday a Pr Rupert 10 pm. 8pi 14. 4- 4. Pr Loufef 9 pjn from Vancuvi Sunday- s CtUla pm, Wed ss. Pt George 10 am. Friday sa Prince Rupert 10 a m Friday w Prin Adelaide 4 (.m Bs Cardena pm Tuesday (r;i..t Thursday s P: C Friday as Pru. From Stewart and Premier Tuesdav - fa '.. ta Samrd.n F f " tor Kaa River and fort SunpMM Sunday . C P HIRAM WALKER l SONS LIMNED oiTiiiir 4no Hits orftc tli'UC Ihl advertisement Is not pufjllstu'd or displayed" by Cbntrol Bourd or by the 'Government of British Columbia. Xtii II'