Srf ruber 4. 1934 THX DAILY NXW - CST"" FAOS.THR25 Introducing . . . 365 Toiletries Manufactured by Loric Perfumers, Toronto 3G5 Eau de Cologno :jG5 liny Hum 3G5 Fresh Lilac Shaving Lotion .'10") Old Knj,'lih Lnvandur :!(;.") Hlunn and Quinine Hair Tonic Hfia Entrant Hody Rub lfi-oz. Hottles, regular price $1.00 Special, at Ormes Ltd. "J fie JJtonecr Druggists rbe lUiall fitor rbcoe! It ft 82 Make the YORK HOTEL Your headquarters while in Prince Rupert f intertable rooms at moderate rates 75c THE BIG FOUR By the products nf The Sea, The Soil, The Forest and The Mine will we prosper. BUY Bulkley Valley Coal and net more value for your fuel dollar OaU and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. II rtiones HI S.K I'WNCE GEORGE S.S. I'ltlNCE RUPERT TWICE WEEKLY SAILINGS VANCOUVER T amI Woy ,rls THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS, 10:30 P.M. To ANYOX, WEDNESDAYS, 10 1M. To STEWART, FRIDAYS, M 1M. V-6rt3-M CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Canadian Pacific rltl.NCKSS STEAMERS tor Ketchikan, WrangelL Juneau and Skagway, Aug. 6th, 13th, 23rd and Sept 1st. For Vancouver direct Aug. 4th, 11th, 18th, 28th and Sept. 6th. for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports, "Princess Adelaide' every Friday 10 p.m. For Reservations W. L. COATK3, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.8, CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 FJU Arriving Vancouver Thursday T.8.S, CAUDENA F.VEKY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving WUJ "juin MUln,, t to Port Port Blnun, Blrapm, Alio Atlo Ami. Ami. Anrox. Anrox. BWW.M oiw" ' N PnMt,. lV"r VoinU, i-rlnce Rupert Sunday. J"' , further Information regarding all sailings and tlcketa PMIki.iB ... fUn nunuT AUBNOVl Ihlrd Anu. u does pay to buy those aihcruscu. aU- because U doesn't pay to advertise poor products, LOCAL NEWS NOTES You can real a Car at Walker at low at $l u. day plus 7c. & mile. Exhibition Softball Q rot to All Star Wednesday at 6:30. ti v. 200 The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Ministerial Association wat postponed from yesterday to a Date which will be arranged later , Miss Caroline Mitchell, who has been spending the summer vaca tion In California, returned to the city from the south on the Catala Sunday night Miss Eileen Patmore sailed on the Catala for Anyox where she will take up a new teaching appointment Tor the past tew years ate has been teaching at Terrace. Mrs. M P. McCaffery returned I to the city on the Catala Sunday i night after having spent the past couple of months at her summer home at Quahcum Beach Vancou ver Island. Mr. and MrslA. E. Parlow and family returned to the cKy on yesterday afternoon's tram from Lakeise Lake where Mrs. Parlow anti family have been spending the summer vacation. Miss Mary Easthope of Booth Memorial School teaching staff re turned to the city on the Princess Adelaide FrVriay night after spend Ing the summer vacation In Van couver and elsewhere In theaouth. Miss Edna VlckeTS of Borden Street School teaching staff re turned to the city on Sunday night aboard the Catala after hav ing spent the stunmer vacation visiting in Vancouver and Victoria. Mlu Molly Delaner, commercial teacher of the local High School. I returned to the city an the Catala i Sunday night from Vancouver i after having spent the summer vacation at her home in the south. r - - I iik. petra Linland, who has mmmmmmmmmmmm teaching for the past two or j, awe ah-v l T three years at Port Simpson ar- l .1 IAI .1 lAlAL' rtTKl in the dty on the Catah Sunday night, after having spent Our Famous Edson, Alberta and th summer vacation at her home Bulkley Valley Coals are guaran. 1 m Vancouver, and proceeded by teed to give catltfacUon. Try last evening's train to Rcmo ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. W where she has accepted a new also tell Timothy Hay, Wheat appointment. FOR QUICK SALE Lots 9 and 10, Block 15. Section 7 and Improvement $450.00 whole or $250-00 each. Norman A. Watt, Administrator. Chas. Vess Estate. Announcements Softball dance Friday, Sept. 7. Elks' Hall to welcome Anyox soft ball team. Children Masquerade In Legion Room September 14. Catholic Church Bazaar October 10 and II. Canadian Legion Women's Aux iliary Bazaar October 18. MOOSE HALL RENTAL RATES Concerts. 23- Dances - 80.00 Public Meetings 1500 A room suitable for smaller meetings is now available on the ground floor, rental rato, $3.00. For engagements phone the Club 8teward, 640 or Red 412. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD ShlpbnlkWn and EoU Ira mm! Btm CtU KkctHrt and A W.lrfing. ByMlalUU SavwUI mmi MUlua Maabiawy AU Typae W Ca ' Ravalli awl DmbnJL We are still buying old geld, Bulger!. Kit) Hawaiian and Spanish Qultat. Standard Banjo instruction. Mist Elizabeth Currle. Phone Black 294, (206 Muse classes at 8t Joseph's Con- vent wUl re-open 8ept. 4. Conn merclal and Kindergarten clawes Sept.. 10. (20(3 1 Special Meeting of all Had la Owners will be heM in the City Hall this evening at 8 pan. to meet two Government Radio In spectors now In town. Radio Association, FREE! -Me POCKET-PAK WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF REGULAR SQt SIZE PACKAGE T VUOHI tlVrr Q TS rrC X CvOA I Mrs. A. W Lipsin and son and daughter sailed yesterday afternoon- on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where they plan on taking up residence. Miss Kate McKay of Borden Street School teaching staff re turned to the city on the Catala Sunday night after having spent the summer vacation in the south Miss E. P. Qrassie of Booth Memorial School teaching staff. after having spent the summer vacation at her home at Duncan. Vancouver Island, returned to the city from the south on the Catala Sunday night. Miss Jessie D. Motfatt of Booth Memorial School teaching staff returned to the city on the Catala Sunday night after having spent the summer vacation visiting at her home In Bummeriand ' In the Okanaean district. " Mrs. A. M. Da vies and family sailed on the Prince George on Saturday evening for Victoria where the children will attend school. Mr. and Mrs. Athur Sutton have taken their house on Sixth Avenue East. Mrs. E. H. Mortimer and son, Richmond Mortimer, sailed Satur day evening on the Prince George for Vancouver where Mrs. Morti mer will be met by her son-in-law and daughter. Mr and Mrs. Paul Yelton. with whom she will motor to Vlctorvllle. California, where she will visit for several moths. The "Build B.C. Payrolls'' Health It Brings H rUKXITt There Is scarcely anything more tragic than to see a tiny baby wasting away because It can take no nourishment, scarcely anything more comforting than to see Its food troubles suddenly disappear and the little one take the path of health to rapid and assured re covery. Pacific MUk right along brings about this sort of permanent bone fit. Many mothers have written us of wonderful results. Pacific Milk "100 B.C. Owned and Controlled PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD Summer Long-wave Reception IS NOW AT ITS POOREST So why not cive that set Its long needed overhaul now? Phono Blue 320 and get the most out of your radio for this coming season. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Second Avenue & Third Street Mail Schedule ror the Cast Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 4!30 p.m. from the East Thursdays and Saturdays 10:15 p.m. For Vancouver- Mondays (train) 4:30 pm. Tuesday . 12:30 pm. Wednesdays (train) 4:30 pm, Thursdays 9 pm Friday ,, .... 11 pm Saturdays , ....... 9 pm. Sept. 14 and 24 P-m. From Vancouver Sunday , . . P-m Wednesday 10 ajn. Thursday (train) J0;15 pm. Friday 10 am Saturdays (train) 10:19 pm. Sept. 10 and 20 am For Anyox and Alice Arm Sunday 1 pm Wednesday ... 9 pm. I From An) ox and Alice Arm Tuesday lltfO am Thursday ... - 8 pm. For Stewart and Premier- Sunday 7 pm. Friday 9 pjn. From Stewart and Premier-Tuesday 11:30 am. Saturday 8 pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday . 7 pjn Prom Naas tover and Port Simpson Tuesday, , -41:30 ajn For Queen Charlotte Islands Sept. 15 and 29 - 9 pm From Queen Charlotte Islands-Sept. 13 and 27 r am. Want Ads FOR SALE GENERAL Electric Refrigerator for sale. Phone Blue 691. 1 Mare. 1600 lbs., for sale cheap. Apply i. A. Lindsay, P.O. Bor 287 FOR RENT FOR RENT or SALE Remington Typewriter. Phone Black 558. (205) LOST LOST Ring with five small dia monds. Reward. Return to Mrs Agnes Dahl or Phone Red 707. 206 MUSIC VIOLIN Tuition, theory and har mony. Miss N. Lawrence. Phone 177. Classes start Sept 1. 209 HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Ouster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Birch, Jaekplne, Cedar. U PAINTERS PAINTING and Papertanging Mailer, Phone Red 802. IN TH1 StJTRKMt COURT CT PHITISH! COLUMBIA IN ntOtUTH IN TIBS MATTER OK TH "ADMINIS TRATION Ala md IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN EATON UOKAN, UlWEAatu. TIKI NOTICE ttmX bT OltiW 0 Hl Honor. W. E. runer. tjie 30th tUy at AueVMi. AX). 1934. I ih ppolntd Ex-rcutor of the estate ot John Btiton Moran, dMvwad. MUt aU partioa bTUW rlftttra icntnot the mtd fstate are hereby required to furnish hum properly verified, to me on or before the 2ml dY of November, A. D. 1934, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to ptvy the amount of their tn-debtedneM to me forthwith. MORLEY B. MORAN. ATUN. B C Dal the 1st day of Se.ptmtar, AD. 1934. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Motors Heavy Butjr Truck Motors Suitable for fish boata alsq speed boat motors $35 up Christie Truck & Car Parts 1630 W 1st Ave.. Vancouver SCHOOL Opening Supplies CXLKCIeF BOOKS test Quajlty Pen Paper. 44 page 8S-Pajge Jiraftol Cover 160-Page KraftoJ Cover 200-Page Kraftol Cover Rulers. -5c & 10c Erasers Je it 9c McLean Pens Me Set Squares, each Mc 'Measure Compasses 23c Reeve's Paints itc Protractors, metal Mc Celluloid 15c Drawing Portfolios Mc Music Dictation Books Mc Drawing Books Mc Mapping Penholders Mc Points, 2 for -JSe 5c: 6 fcr 25c; dozen 45c 10c; 3 for 25c 15c; 2 for 23c 20c; 3 for 59c Pencil Scribblers. 88-page ruled, 8 for -25c "Alright' School LEAD PENCILS, HB with Rubber Tips, Regulation School Pencil, high quallt ecch , r 5c Pencil Seconds, 2 for r . -5c Dra-vlng Pencils. CONFEDERATION, BB, HB and H, each 5c ROYAL SOVEREIGN, all grades , .-15c; 2 fof25c Reeve's India Ink Waterman's and Ink . Stafford's Ink . . .. ,25c Shaeffert ..15c Mc Reeve's School Crayons ..15c Wax Crayons Mc Paste - :15c Loose Leaf Ring Books LOOSE LEAP Ring Bqoks 25c It 33c Loose Leaf Fillers 10c, 3 for 25c School Bags 90c to $250 Geometry Bets, complete -73c Complete Stock of Public and High School Books and Supplies now on hand. Prescribed B. C. Text Books at Government Prices CALL FOR LIST TERMS Cash With Order; Positively no accounts will be opened for School Books or Supplies MacKenzie's Furniture Special ELGIN RAG RUGS 50 18.30-inch, each 40c 50 22x36-inch, each . . . .; 65c 50 24x48-inch, each . . . . 90c Mail Orders Filled at This Price Phone 775 Prince Rupert 327 Third Avenue Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried g HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 COFFEE DeLuxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh Using the Silex method Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and InvlgoraUng. Commodore Cafe Get Ready For School Opening September 4 Now is the time to make your selection of books. See me first. Prices away down. D. ELIO Auctioneer and Exchange Furniture Dealer Phone Green 421 FOR SALE The $2850.00 house at $200.00 down. Furniture Including stoves, beds, dressers, couches, dining room sets, vacuum cleaner etc. Plumbers.' fishermen's, carpenters,' blacksmiths' and ur-. holsterers' tools. Nails all stfaes. These goods must be sold by the piece or as a whole at lower than the lowest price. F. W. HART 216 6th Ave, W Ph: Green 69$ FREE! FREE! Special For School Opening 3 Only 60-Page Ink Scribblers Free with every cash purchase of $1.00 Limit 12 to each customer while the supply lasts, GORDON'S HARDWARE JS3. U.J. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A DOME AWAY FROM HOME" RatM ll.Of n M Rooms, Hot St Cold Wafer Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 116 r, to 0