° THE DAiLY NEWS G.T.P. MAKING PROGRESS ALL ALONG THE MAIN LINE Steel to be Near Hazelton This Fall — Line is Laid to Arthabasca Landing—Spur Line to Brazean Coal Fields Being Laid That steel on the coast section of the Grand Trunk Pacific main line will reach a point near Hazel- ton, B. C., by the end of the year is the latest statement made by the G. T. P. officials. The con- tractors are busy now at work on the three tunnels in the Canyon on the Skeena River, which about 106 miles east of Prince Rupert. The length of the three tunnels are said to be 1,300 feet, 1,100 feet and the third 800 feet. The work on these have been in progress for quite a long time now, with the result that all three of them are nearly completed. The road is in operation to within a rfew miles of the canyon and as soon as the tunnels are coinpleted the laying of the steels will be completed. Steel at Athabasca Steel was also recently put down as far as Athabasca river, which is a distance of about 1,017 miles west of Winnipeg and right at the entrance of the Rocky moun- tains. The bridge across the Ath- abasca river is being constructed and as soon as the piling work is Is THE FIRE CHIEF IS CRITCISED (Continued from Page One) to this before complaining of the water pressure. How About Firemen? So exigent a matter as’ this arouses the enquiry: How about the fire department itself? As is known Alderman Clayton has al- ready agitated for an special en- quiry into the conditions of the department. The citizens are aware that recently there were signs of dissatisfaction amongst the men, but the arrival of a new assistant fire chief seems to have had the effect of restoring the morale of the group of call men to some extent. Now some little points have come to light which have a bearing on Alderman Clayton’s enquiry. Was Phone off Hook? While the old schoolhouse was burning after the explosion yes- terday a citizen coming down Fulton street and knowing that a fire was on, stepped into the fire hall to ask where the blaze was. He found the fire hall deserted. The whole department had turned out to the fire. The citizen turned to the telephone to ring up down town to ask his question. He found the receiver off the hook and swinging by the side of the in- strument. A Station Duty man might easily have gone on duty without noticing this, and had a fire broken out elsewhere in the city at that time the fire hall would have been less useful than the City Hall to help matters. The Fire Bell? Another point: The water de- partment men complain that the bell is rarely rung to let them know that fire progress. There is a_ specially purchased steam whistle of ear penetrating power on the electric light plant boilers, which is supposed to give the fire alarm. The last time this whistle blew there was nothing doing, though half the city rushed out with flashlights looking for the fire, and the ‘‘Red Devil’ full a is in finished track-laying will be pro- ceeded with, as far as Fitzhugh, the first divisional point west of Edson. At this point large yards will be constructed as well as a station, and other buildings in- cluding a round house which is already on towards completion. Coal Branch The Grand Trunk Pacific rail- way have also started track-laying this week on the coal branch line running from the main line west of Edson to the Pacific Pass and the Brazeau coal fields. Al- ready about eight miles have been laid of this steel. The company have also been making rapid progress with track-laying on its branch line into Regina. The contractors are laying as much as two and three miles of track every day and at this rate of progress the line is expected io be finished into Regina by the latter part of next week. Track was also recently completed on the Prince Albert branch for about 60 miles and will be continued on to the Athabasca river early in August. of firemen nearly fell over itself in a dash for the light plant. That a man should remain on station duty at the fire hall even during a fire, dnd the fire-bell should be rung and the whistle sounded at every alarm and not for fun or fancy drill purposes, and that such details as the hanging up of the telephone receiver after a call, and the proper laying out of the to economise water pressure on the scene should be attended to, are points worthy of the attention of the fire and water committee in their fire de- partment enquiry. hose JUDGE LAMPMAN HERE Will Open County Court. Jud- ge Young Goes to Atlin Judge Lampman arrived by the Prince, George this morning from Victoria and is staying at the G. T. P. Ina. He will open the County Court on Monday. Judge Young leaves for Atlin to hold court there and return late to Rupert. To Attend Synod Several Anglican clergymen rea- ched the city this morning attend the meeting of the Syrod which opens on Monday. Among those who arrived was Rev. Thos. Marsh of Kitsumkalum. Rev. Mr. Price of Kitwanger is or the way. Rev. Mr. Field of Hazclton was unable a few days ago to state if he could be in attendance. Special synod sermors will be preached in the morning by Arch- deacon Collison of Kincolith and in the evening by Rev. R. H. O'Malley formerly of Winnipeg, now of Denver. Colorado. to Given Two Weeks All of the big building is being occupicd at the corner of Sixth street and Third avenue by F. W. Hart, the well krown furniture storekeeper. For fifteen days he will offer some bargains and he has every thing in his $30,000 stock for the home. es ee — Fr The Insurance People EVERY CLASS OF INSURANCE. GET OUR RATES The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Phone 150 Third Avenue and Fulton St ee ee Lost and Found Tn meres LOST—A Kodak; Finder rewarded by leaving same at Campbell's Cigar Store. LOCAL LAWYERS — ARE PRETTY MAD Legal Business of the Town is Tied up Owing to the Absence of the Myriad jobbed Arthur. Since Thursday when Court Re- gistrar Arthur Cuthbert went away somewhere in his capacity of Pro- vincial Assessor, the legal busi- ness of the town has been tied up, and the lawyers with cases on their hands are very wrathy in consequence. Some very unkind remarks are being passed—not at Mr. Cuth- bert, who cannot be at two places at the one time, but at the policy of the Provincial Government whi- ch heaps up party favors on the head of one man, At present Mr. Cuthbert has about fifty-seven different jobs from the Govern- ment, of which should be divided around. There is a court in the city and There are lawyers with most a judge. cases and witnesses, but it is im possible to proceed with the trials until Mr. Cuthbert comes back. And nobody knows when that will be. Until the Provincial etc., comes back it is impossible for a writ to be issued, a title to Assessor, be registered or a bill of costs to be taxed. A telegram was despatched by the Bar Association this morning to the Attorney General asking him to appoint a deputy regis rar until the Provincial Land Assessor, etc., comes back. ses ers reeererermede & - | New Goods for your Toilet Table Some of the leading wholesale druggists have just sent us some new perfumes, pre- parations and toilet necessities gi 9 Wecarry only the best Patent Medicines and our Prescription De- j partmentis a specialty C. H. Orme ‘(THE PIONEER DRUGGIST’’ Second Ave. Phone No. 82 be vee Le CURE SLEEPLESSNESS, HEAD ACHE, ete: Absolutely harm |ess in their effect. If your dealer does not keep them we will mail i% a box (18 powders) on receipt of 25 cents. _. J. MATHIEU Co.,Props., Sherbrooke, P.Q. MATHIBUS «@ ‘NERVINE: POWDERS. For Rent alae iin ssccrmeors Furnished rooms with bath. the week. Talbot House. Neatly Furnished rooms, gentlemen preferred. =Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Majestic Theatre. ¢ Large well furnished room, private family. Special rates by 165-tf dances, ete. Apply J, H. Rogers, phone 116. Wanted—Smal! house, furnished or partly furn- ished. State terms to Box K, Daily-News.140-tf Cosy furnished rooms. Mrs. Bower, Somerset are Third Avenue, between Beveutt: and Help Wanted work, co handwriting, stating wages ex- pected, to Box 1535. City. 3t Wanted—Good sized boy to help in kitchen and make himself generally useful. Apply James Hotel, 8rd Ave., corner of 8th Street. t Miners $3.50, Muckers $3.00, wanted at Hidden Creek Copper Co., Goose Bay. Take 8.8. Vadso or Venture. 148-tf Scotch Woman wants work. housecleaning, wash- ing or fancy ironing. Work taken home if desired. Apply Apartment House, Ist Ave. and McBride. 6t-167 q te rs a ss st e For Sale wile For Sale— Household furniture in good condition, Phone 256, st Before buying your Stove or Range see A. J. Galland, McBride and Fifth Ave. Cook stoves from $14. 129-1m hold goods. Near Prince Rupert. taken at once. A snap if For Sate—Owner will sell four good lots Nos. 23, 24, 25 and 94, Giock 27, Section 5, Taylor street, size 41 x 25 x 100, at $700 each, on reasonable terms, Apply Box 999, P.O., Prince Rupert 7t-176 — Fee Fire Insurance fe erste rer erermermerme reed THE British Union and National Fire Insurance Company of London, England, with capital of $2,500,000.00. See ws for rates. The Mack Realty and Insurance pany. 70-tf { Business Chances etree areata Good money in Moving Pictures. Wanted—A party to start moving picture show in Prince Rupert. Write me for particulars, H. Davis, Watertown. Wis. 137-wi TWENTY MUSICAL NUMBERS In ‘Honeymoon Trail’’ at the Empress Theatre Tonight “The Honeymoon Trail’? which to at the Theatre for six perfomances start- ing tonight, is a musicel comedy of rare and happy possibilities. is appear Empress The plot is far above the aver: ge, and its lyric investiture is tich in melody, harmony, ginger. In all the twenty musical numbers, not one drags or proves The book f: irly scintilates with wholesome, clcan wit, while the story is sane enjoyable. The Herry Cleve- land, has provided @ most ccm- i ble cast of well known artists, and an exceptionally well drilled and come- ly chorus. The electrical effects are many and novel; in fact, the entire production is of a high order, cach department being in the hands of skilled, competent artists, who have spent years perfecting them- selves in their art. snap and uninteresting. ond owner, Mr. an plete stage production, ee eee et ee ee “The News” Classi ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL fied Ads. LOOKING left on Metlakatla wharf. | 162-tf | + ieee Ol fi Splendid view of harbor. Gentlemen only. Apply P.O. Box 1519. " AGdetf McIntyre Hall, for concerts, entertainments, | Wanted— Bright Girl to mind office, practically no | For Sale— Chicken Ranch, 2 Storey house, house- | Address Box 368, tf OVER— | Do away with this. Patronize a white laundry. White labor only at Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 | | | PEOPLE ARE TALKING | asi |About the Way Several People Got Cheap Furniture | piechnetneaie | What is the subject of a good deal of talk in the city is the surprising and honest bargains being offered by G. D. Tite in home furnishings. | \furriture and | Beds, bedding, go-carts and several lother lines are being offe red at | less than the manufacturer's cost. |Every August Mr. Tite makes @ | ssicrifice of his goods to assure the | public he has got the right things lfor the home. Mr. Tite’s half page ad on another page of this lissue would prove a money saver | to those who read it carefully. : Princess May Crowded A big crowd of passengers left | by the Princess May this morning. | Quite a number of Rupert residents are taking trips down below, and From the May is a popular boat. the north she brought a great many passengers also, and a good deal of freight including ice. C. D. Newton and his wife were passengers for the south this morn- ing by the May. The S.S. Prince Rupert passed Cape Lazo southbound at 9 a.m, en Doctor's Evidence Nothing is so good for you these days as fresh fruits and vegetables. New shipment re- ceived today. Ideal Provision House, Third avenue, phone 190 Today the seaman Joseph Hel- lerhan who was drowned the other night off the S.S. Vadso at the buried on wharf, was Island. Messrs. Hayner Brothers managed the funeral. POLICE WATCHES All Varied in time in Police If Court the other day. you carry a § : Reliable Standard Watch You would always have the Correct Time : ¢ Only reliable watches are kept in stock by the G,T.P. Official Watch Inspector. eeecee R. W. Cameron & Co. Cor. 6th St. and Second Avenue. PHONE 82 First big musical event, 6 NIGHTS STARTING 6 SATURDAY Cleveland s GORGEOUS COSTUMES NO INCREAS 50c, 75¢c and $1.00 AUG. STH Musical Comedy Co 30 Opening bill “Honeymoon Trail” ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY ELABORATE SCENIC PRODUCTION AND ELECTRICAL EFFECTS E IN PRICES Seat sale opens Th irsday CeCe SSeS eke PF ke rae sa: SRESESSESSESESESS ESS ae caees GRO Floor Spac in the Hart bui ere Ap Jeremiah H. Second Ave. and Sixth Street The Best Business Corner in Prince Rupert. SESDESRESSESSESEESEER ES EHSES UND e for Rent Iding, corner of +ee* ply Kusler, Lid. seescese ROP sree pe ee RA Notice. —_— | The firm known as Director Cohen & Company have this day Aug. 4th. 1911, dissolved partner- ship. All liabilities up to this date will be jointly responsible, All outstanding accounts should be paid to |. Director or M. B, Cohen, Dated August 4th. 175-3t Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the As- | signee of the Brin Furniture Co, up to 10 p.m. of Saturnay, the 12th day of | August, 1911, for the balance of the stock of furniture, carpets, ete., for- merly the property of the Brin Furni- ture Co. Said stock may be inspected at premises where it is now situate on the south side of Third Ave., between Garden | } Pub, Aug. 5th, 17th and 8th Sts. Terms cash. The} | Assignee does not bind himself to ac- | cept the lowest or any tender. c. B, LOCKHART, | 173-6 Assignee..| | | } | 75 x 100 ft. FOR LEASE | on Third Avenue and Ninth Street. Ask ‘ ee Vocle Jeremiah H. Kugler, Limited. CARTAGE and STORAGE | | G. T. P. Transfer Agents | Orders promptly filled, Prices reasonable. | OFFICE~H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 66. LAND PURCHASE NOTICE a | | | Skeena Land District District of Cassiar j | Take notice that I, Thomas Carter, of Prince | | Rupert, occupation carpenter, intend to apply for vermission to purchase the following describ- | | ed land, | Commencing at @ post planted about one mile | | south from the mouth of Falls creek and about | | 180 feet back from the beach, thence 80 chains | | north, thence 40 chains west, thence 80 chains | south, thence east 40 chains to pointof commence- | ment, containing 320 acres more or lesu, THOMAS CARTER, Charles Webster Calhoun, Agent. Dated July 7th, 1911. Notice. The partnership { ‘ weet) K. Anderson and L. M. H a Mer chants, at the Hi-E wand, has been diss i carried by the undersig ne | Ot J. K. ANDERSON, Whites Portland Cement. G. C. EMMERSON Phone 125 Naden Block —Secand An AT Dany F. M. DAVIS inca General Mac! and Ship's Carpentering. Also agents for Fur se Mors« Knox G Engines. Ga Engines cessories carr Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. en ——— 4 of What POON FOR RENT Avenue sad Store Bu Sevent Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. $500 wi 1 $800 cing ow es0 ener JOHN DYBH V kOKOK OKO OKO OMOHO KOK OHOKOKO KOK O*KOOKO KOHOKO KOK OKOKO KOKOKOKOHOKOKOKOKOHOKOHKOKOMOKOH OKO OTE We beg to announce to the Public that we are going to remain at the same old stand corner 6th Street and 2nd Avenue For the next two weeks we will occupy the entire Hart Block and during that time we shall offer some Great Values in Furniture and Home Furnishings wan > OKFOFOHKO 5 ©) * O * O * O * O * Sole Agent for Famous Ostermoor Mattress. ‘ “THE BIG FURNITURE STORE’ Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. OxkOkOKOKOKOKOkKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOFO KOKO KOKOKOKOKOK OOK OK OK OK OKO OKO KOKO KOMOKOKOKOOKOKOHKOKOKOHM Phone 62. Carpets, Curtains, Drapery and Stoves. GRAND 15 DAYS SALE OF FURNITURE We carrry a full line of Carpet, Glassware, Table Cutlery, Baby Carriages, etc. F. W. HART Linoleums, Crockery, Couches, , ete, ete. Watch Our S Startli t O4FC how Windows fof 9 ng Values. 0 ont < 2-7 2D ee 8 7 Ee