THE NEW a oenom M URATT:ip lAIC CI a onoes Are Keyed to Tweed Here's just the right footwear For your tweed costume. Crushed Kid for the new knotty tweeds. Suede in the new bark browns . . . You'll wear them smartly . . . and cheerfully, because, like all Senorlta Shoes these newly smart shoes are made, first of all, to fit you ... to bring perfect comfort in all your walks of life. Come in and try a pair-today The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Fbone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00: For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week '. 10 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and, ; United States, paid in advance, per year 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per Insertion, per line Classified advertising, pervord, per insertion .02 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Tuesday, October 16, 1934 THE BRITISH EMPIRE I HE A The monthly maeazine. "Canadian Ri in Montreal and the organ of the Canadian Chamber of iujninerce nas an interesting number for October, some-something unusual for this periodical which is usually dull as a magazine could be made. In an article,- "England Leads the Way," by Harold S. Fisher, here are one or two paragraphs: "The strength of the British Empiredoes not depend on trade agreements any more than on political alliances. It depends on an idea, and nothing will strengthen that idea, and fortify the Empire's faith in it, more than the growing realization that Old England has been true to it through all her difficulties. "Her emergence from these difficulties brings a new hope to a bewildered world. Amidst a welter of Communism, Fascism, Nazi-Socialism and other disruptive political creeds, bred out of text books, enforced by bayonets, and maintained by persecution, the British Empire idea stands out as the golden mean, the practical way to fuller national life. "Nothing succeeds like success, and the material prosperity now making its appearance within the confines of the bmpire will bring more worldly glory than we ever had before; it wijl convince the doubters and convert the traitors, and we shall hear choruses of praise such as tickled our ears a long time ago." 1, v Beattv. tinpsidpnt nf ttio r7nnii;ovi Pott: tm way 6pens an interesting article with the following strik mg paraci-anh: Man in the Moon Good afternoon. Don't take your-1 self too seriously. It looks ridiculous, i Most? jokes are told on Irishmen. Scotsmen come second with Jokes! about how they can save a penny. J The Ingllshman is usually Jollied j because of his inability to see a i joke. ' I There's a legend that an Eng-' llshman gets three laughs from a joke: The first when it Is told to, him, the second when It Is explained to him and the third when he un-j derstands it j It was a Scottish master who had ! a lad working Tor him named Six-j pence. The boy did some excellent work so' the Scotchman changed his j name to Shilling as a reward. I know a man who during the; depression- found some stock in which' he invested to be worthiest, j Now he Is- trying" to save enough money w have the certificate j framed to show that he has been: through the school of experience. A local barber was shaving a customer and at the same Ume tell ing him one or his oldest stories. He finished tne' story about the same time he finished the customer's face. "Shall I go over it again?" inquired, the barber. "No," was the reply. "Thars the Tourth time I've heard It and I know it perfectly." "Is mutton dear?" inquired a young lady or Doug. "No, ma'm, mutton is sheep,"' was the reply. Scouts. NinaGurvich ' ji nil 'mm iimi img mrf if " Characteristic boxing pose of young' man who died yesterday. BASKETBALL October 18 Moose vs. Orotto: Legion vs. Warrrtors; High School vs. Orottettes; Scouts vs. Scythians. October 22 C. N. R. A. vs. Moose; Annettes vs. High School; High 8ch6or vs, Legion; High School vs. October 25 Orotto vs. C. N. R. A.; At present the whole world is busily, engaged in dis- Warrlofs vs. nigh school; Annettes cussing the very foundations of our nrespnt svstpm r.f anJ vs- orottettes; Scythians vs. High aety. Where a few years ago only the most violent extremists were ready to consider radical alterations in the social and economic structure of the nation, today, impelled by a series of events which have left the lives of but few of us free from stress, almost every thinking man and woman has become accustomed to the daily discussion of new theories of society and economics." The whole tone of the nnhli pntinn inrUfjitoa fViat Vino? nessmen are today considering carefully the problem of v...,.so iiSm, uie speaning in a mucn more numane manner than hnvo huoinnocmon ; v, n.i they have not yet succeeded in doing is making it possible for the working men to subsist without asking for the dole. With too much food and clothing and other articles on the one side and With the need without the power to purchase on the other, there can be no tranquility. There must be a change which makes it possible for business people to sell their goods to those who need them. With the present upward trend toward hoitov f i lessening of the pressure for change but in a few years we snail have another slnmn tmWo onmnfv. prevent it .and then the clamor for a change will be greater than ever. What is needed today is for moderate people td r":'." "" '" win su rearrange tne present system that it will keep pacd with the industrial and other chances that have taken place. This is the British method and the one that must be followed if catastrophe is to De averted School. October 29 Orotto vs. Moose: Orottettes vs. High School; War riors vs. Legion; Scythians vs, Scouts. November 1 Moose vs. C. N. R. A.; Legion .vs. High School; High School vs. Annettes; Scouts vs. High School November 5 C. N. R. A. vs. Orottettes vs. Annettes: Hieh School vs. Warriors; High School vs. Scythians. November 8 Moose vs. Orotto; Legion vs. Warriors; High School vs. Orottettes; Scouts vs. Scythians. November 12 C. N. R, A. vs. Moose; Annettes vs. High School; High Schdol vsLeg!on; High School vs. Scouts, November 15 Orotto vs. C. N. R. A, Warriors vs. High School; Annettes vs. Orottettes; Scythians vs. High School. November 19 Orotto VS. Moose; Orottettes vs. High School; Warriors vs. Legion; Scyllnans vs. Scouts, November 22 Moose vs. C. N. R. A.; Legion vs. High School: Hieh "Sctool Vs. Annettej?1. Bctiuls vs, High Mother and Twenty-Pound Baby Doing Well The baby zebra shown in this pic ure wliu hi mother was born a few Hays ago in a Los Angeles zoo. He weighed 20 pounds at birth and has-been named Prince Basketball Season Opened With Large Crowd of Fans and Lively Games in Moose Hall Last Night Warriors 27-25. stllea 7. Johnson It was a ding-dong battle right rud. Smith .One 7. from the start. The Warriors took dents. The second hall ttarted at a fast clip with the Battlers tying came back fighting In the second half to outscore the Models by two points but lost out when Mrs. Rice's little girl Terry came back in the quarter to sink a couple of baskets and sent her team mates home win ners by five clear points. It might be a different story when these two teams meet again as the Orotto CTew have the makings of a good team. Orotto lost out to the C. N. R. A. lads In a close hard cheeking game 26-22. The Trainmen were without one, of the Morrison brothers who has chucked "his lot in with the Cigarmen while they had a new man in the line-up. Bill Ogg by name and a natural as far as basketball Is concerned. He made his debut by getting seven points and three personals, In o'.her words he can take it and give it. 8teffensrud ' who was with the Kaiens last yoar 1 was in the guard position with! Daniel A. Morrison who has played there so long that he stops them automatically. i ine urouoaooK the lead a few I minutes after ho game utarted but! lost it shortly' after while the big) guns of the c N. were ringing the , hoop frequently to run out at half time with a sevcn-rjolnt lead. 15-8, j In the second 1-alf the Tobaccon-! its started going; places and half-j way throuah the second spasm tied f the score 17-17 and from then on I It was anybody's game with fouls ; falling fast and ' furious but very, little scoring. In the dying minutes-of the garrle the train crew' finally drew ahead and nounded down the track winnahs, 28-22. Ladles! League Annettes '14) Stone. Ratchford, (I). Rice an. Morris. Brand, Rlv-ett. Chca Nlshlkaze f2). OrrHettM toi-croxford. Dlc-( kens 3) Hunt Smith (fl). Beale.' McM"kin Onllck I 'his , ' Sortldr League " ' ' C, N, R A. (20-D, Morrison ll),j Grotto 22- 18), Steffens- MorrUqn 8t,j lPrwMd for Vancouver and ' way- Junior j.innr t.. Ia,ue ports she was delayed loading Scvthlang flRl K Mirrrav fVi. tUAn .1 win r. w . i minaie io. onus ml Monteano final gun. From then on it was- anybody's game with both baskets, having a busy evening but the j Warriors just onuW not , get the three points to win. B. Hunt and C. Smith handled the game In an efficient manner. Stone and his Annettes put themselves inr top plact by defeating the Orottettes 14-9. Tne Ready-to-Wear femmes had It all their own way the first half with little Miss Rice snaring herself seven points to win the half 10-3. but the Cigarette Olrls; . A I 2 1, S. Murray, Currte, Letoumcan, Astori. , inch School I0 Veltch. nous-1 ton. ?uHon '. KeUey. Hlrano "4, Mimro. McMeekln. Lear, Bemer. Intrrmrtllale league Hlh School t27 Lindsay 7. .Pulton M). Naylor. Campbell 8, Intermediates Gave -Most of Spice to the Program With McMeekin. Levies 8.Toty. Mor- Hierh Rrlionl Winnin.r l,v Vnrv Xnrrmv Mnririn n McMeekln. n . W retort Ktfaon Bi. Gerrmdtna fill. OlHte. F. Comudlna. The 1934-35 basketball season opened in the Moose Hall FttzMtrteic' vwreeii 131 last night before a packed house with the Scythians win-' ning the opener from the High School in a keenly fought a N- thains match with the former team being the rough boys of the grime in having two players sent to the showers. The inter-! 'Wednesday, ,nd m.j mediate game provided the spice of the program with the; dav. days High School lade just nosing out the. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays ... ... io:lx pm. SnSJfLISlS thtotd .Ituot8eoU;tl fiteamer. Catal arrived in port a,-f r,-44'"; AntaneU!:i3. Morgan M). this afternoon and sailed soon a f- In favor of ending 16-9 the Stu River 1G 07., $1.80 25 ozl ;$2.G5 HIKAM WALKER & SONS LIMITED CSTABUIHCO IW advertisement Is not publiswd or displayed Dy the Liquor J I Control Board or by the Government 6rUr'ltUh'C6umbla. Good Values !n Ik Ca 1928 Essex Sedan rs m Chevrolet Snnrt Humble Seat VVU $125 lirao (Jhev- QQnn rolet Sedan ?OUU Ohev. rolet Sedan vlOD 1 930 Chevrolet 1 - Track G07C price ViU Packard Sedan . . Nash Coach S250 $160 Kaien Motors Limited Hours: S A.M. to 8 I'M. I'lione 55 Weekly Specials Week of October loth Shampoo and Mrnvr-l r Finger Ya Nelson's Ileauly Shop Phone 833 COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh Uslnu tt)'1 F 'ft method- Doing away wfrt'.J with metal tnite. stale n..ror Healthful and Invlpor'lnj. Commodore Cafe Furnish Your Home First Read this column nn1 .1 e money every tlm1 you road It. Spartan 6-tube Radio $111.50 nida C-tube Radio SJ0.M Cabinet Vlctiola Slj"0 Healers, up from I). K1JO Furniture Exchange Auctioneer Orren 421 We Still buv r Id Motors Heavy TrwU Motors Suitable for fish toJs also speed boat motors $35 UP Christie Truck & Car 1'arls 1030 W. 1st. Ave,. Vancouver, WOOD, COAL CRAVHL For Sale Wood Hauling General Transfer HILLY HAGSHAW Phone Hlack 19.)