.CfOsrf Oceans 'iWrAih ink ' VICTOR fGooe Troiter" RADIO Victor Model 221 SrUttire H M $12 Camptelt kUIx lubtl Make the whole world your radio neighbor on a single dial. You can do it with Ibest new Victor Scccire-H'erre receivers. Distances disappear . . . broadcast, both thorl and long-wave ...overseas and North American short-wave .. . . , recep- ... ictr , MiNlrl .,,,,- 122 , tion by1 daylight! Mire M.w Two mtdels , two fJW-"10 prices. Easy terms. ompute,iktuit FOR ONE WEEK "School of Modem Make-up 17 ... Conducted by Mr. Esselmonl of the Famed RUSSIAN DUCHESS . . Laboratories .Consult Mr. Esselmont regarding your Cosmetic problems. Let him advise care of '"'jour skin. Enjoy, a free facial by appointment. Phone "ANNETTE'S." -RUSSIAN DUCHESS PREPARATIONS " " exclusively in Prince Rupert at Annette Ladies' Wear Company Federal Block :TRY Phone 817 Shenton's Sheet Metal Works FOR YOUR FURNACE, OIL TANK, FOR YOUR ROOFING JOB Prompt Jn Service, Low in Cost and a Good Job Done , Third Ave. E. Phone 33 Prince Rupert, B.C. Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 58G 4 Telkwa High School has moved into the United Church building ; The church has not been used as' such for several years. More recently it has been used as a hall for meetings and dances. The High School pupils now enjoy a large. well lighted room. Big game hunters from near Chicago who have been hunting In Telkwa vicinity for some weeks had very good success, getting, several j caribou and moose and a black! bear. i TERRACE Rev. J. E. Birchall has Just returned from England, where he has been on an extended visit. He preached at the service on the oc- (caslon of the annual harvest fes tival. The church was well decorated with flowers and other produce of local gardens. Mrs. Birchall. iwno aceomnanied Mr nirnVi'iii home, prior to her marriage held a position in the hospital at Saskatoon. Mrs. James Farnuhar is visitlnc at : her old home with her mother. Mrs. I T. J. Marsh. Otto Von Hees arrived from Premier the other day for a visit to Terrace where he has many old friends. Several teas and bridge parties have been held during the week In honor pf Mrs. Beveridee and Mrs Burnett. Both ladies will be leaving' the district in the near future, Mrs. i Beverklge to Vancouver where her husband has been transferred lni the service of the Bank of Mon- The Dally News can be pur- cnasea at 4 Post Office News Stand, 325 4 Granville 8t, Vancouver, 4 Karl Anderson, Prince Oeorge, B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace. B.C. General Store, Anyox. Smlthers Drug Store. Smith- era. n.c; COAL! COAL! Cur Famous Edson, Albert und Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley, Wf iso sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley, Prince Rupert Feed Co. II rhanes III THE DAILY NEWS "lay, October a Alligators Provide Heap Big Sport ADDRESS TO LAST TIMES "SHAKE HANDS RAILMEN TODAY with the Olof Hanson M l. Tells of Work of Past Session Public Opposed To Kail Amaltaniatlon Chief William Osceola of a Semi lole Indian tride in Florida teaching his children how to wrestle alligators so they will be able to catch Uicm in the Everglade swamps when they grow up. District News I i J; TELKWA T. P. Smith and family have left for Burns Lake. Mr. Smith has been j in the drug business in Telkwa fori about eight years. Telkwa people! are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Smith and family as resident. His business here has been taken over by Frank A. Phillips. Funeral Yesterday LOCAL BOY SHORTER ily ! PASSES ON JOIIN A. CIlAWFOItH Senior- purser of the Canadian National Steamships, who died last week after a long illness. Members of the crew of the steamship Prince George acted as pallbearers. f treal, Mr. and Mrs. Burnett to re side at Jasper. Heavy rains have brought the river up to its June appearance, when the summer freshet brings a raging flood, carrying uprooted treets, stray planks and anything that's loose upon its banks. Though there has been more rain than necessary, the weather has been very warm during past weeks, with the result that the root crops which a month ago looked like a fc'Jure. are now turning out quite well. PROVED BY 2 GENERATION! Make Ironing Day Easy with a HOTPOINT The Iron With a Finger Rest A .short time ago this Iron sold for about $5.05 cjq en Now. with cord VO.DU Strong well made Folding Ironing Board with heavy felt pad to cover CJQ Kaien Hardware Nina C.urvich Victim of Sport lie Liked Hies at rrince Rupert I Central Hospital The death occurred last night at I the Prince Rupert General Hospital .of Nick (Nina OurvMi, son of Mrs. Gurvlch and the late Nick Gurvich I of this city. He had been a patient ; in the hospital since last June when he underwent an operation to the , kidneys which had been injured In boxing. He died of Addison's t Nina was a native son of Prince Rupert where he was born 22 years i ago on September 1. He spent the whole of his life here. Keen on i sports and games, particularly box : ing. high Jumping and nole vault Ing in which he particularly excel led, he was a favorite everywhere ana nis death will be greatly re gretted. especially by the young , men of the city. The mother, four brothers. John. D'do. Splro and Mike, and two sis tcrs. Amelia and Nellie, all mourn the loss of son and brother The funeral will probably take place on mursaay from Hayner's chapel. BUY FROM MUSSALLEM'S Oct the Habit and Heal With the Store That Started the Economy Way HILL'S BROS. COFFEE Real Fancy Quality lo. tin 95C 1-lb. tin .jc BLUE RIBBON TEA Red Label, per lb. ; 1 1 C ULUE RIBBON BAKINO BQn POWDER, 3-lb. tin AYLMER ORANGE MAR- QQn MALADE, Fancy, qt. Jar vvL ROYAL PURPLE ORANGE " I nn MARMALADE, 4-lb. tin LIBBY'S CHILI CON qq CARNE, 2 tins OtlC ICING SUGAR 2's Off 2 pkgs. OOC CARNATION MILK- CO Of? 24 tins OZAt) 8UGARCRI8P CORN O0 FLAKES, 3 pkgs REMO CABBAGE. m per lb. ftC FRESH COCOANUTS- f Q Good size, 2 for Aw C All Fruits and Vegetables at Reduced Prices Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. 0. Box 575 Phone 18 At the regular monthly meeting of the Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Employees held last eve ning, Olof Hanson M.P. for Skcena gave a two-hour resume of the last session of Parliament that was In-j terestlng and informative and held his audience in close attention. As a member of the railway com mittee of the House. Mr. Hanson's outline of the railway situation, to which it was evident he Is keenly alive, proved especially Interesting to his railway audience. It was the speaker's view that Canadian pub lic opinion is opposed to railway amalgamation, and for this reason the proposals of the government at the last session with this purpose, were not carried through. The speaker showed himself to be very keenly aware of the needs of this district and he felt that with the co-operation of the various public bodies of the community much' could be accomplished for the constituency. The needs of the district were as varied as Its activities, comprising farming, fishing, lumbering' and mining in the main, and as iUl advantages became more evident it' would reach Its place In the scheme of things providing traffic for the railway with resulting advantage, to the railway employees and the community at large. Mr Hanson felt that the estab lishment of Prince Rupert as a port ; of call for ships contacting foreign ports, sharing the subsidy provided the steamship Unes by the Canadian government was a necessity and was a matter to which the Board of Trade was diligently applying Uself The balance of the evening was spent in routine business There was a large tum-out of members. H. Forrest, president, was in the chair. JONES' Family Market Rump Roast of Beef 1 9 1 o per lb, XTj- Round Steak 4 rn per lb. AOC Shoulder Steak, 2 lbs. OCp & 1 bunch Carrots Hamburger Steak, 3 lbs. 9Tp it 2 lbs. Onions UU Pot Roast QPn 4 lbs Wt Boiling Beef, 3 lbs. 90 & I bunch Carrots ... &0 Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs. 7CIn &1 Cauliflower Leg of Veal HZn 6 lbs Shoulder of Lamb, 5 lbs. HtZn ti 1 tin Peas Lamb 8lcw. 3 lbs. 9s it I tin Peas Leg of Limb nnn per lb "VI, Lamb Chops nr 2 lbs t Veal Chops QPn 2 lbs "L Phone 957 Phone 957 Dally News Want-Ads satisfy, 'Feature at1? 4!i& j:4L) ADDED foliar Kennedy In "(rln and Iirar If Car"' o'y MoK Oddil, How You'll Uve This 0n WILLIAM POWKU JIYRNA LOY - in "The Thin Man" Begins T' i -3 UUUlf ALTO and it's a pleasure to tell you . . . Dashicll Hammett'g greatest mystery novel comes to life... THE THIN MAN" with WILLIAM POWELL and MYRNA LOY And what a marvelous movie they've made of it Metro- Goldwyn -Mayer did it with gay excitement, mixing each hair-raising thrill with fun and frolic . . . A PREDICTION we think you'll describe it as "the best movie of the season" IT STARTS TO.MOKKOW The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD - Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.