... (V 16, 1034 OVRIL I! UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED MaBaVjaafll STOP THAT COLD !! Use ORMES SPECIAL COUGH MIXTURE An excellent remedy for coughs, colds and bronchial affections. Price 50 cents Ormes Bronchitis Remedy puarnntcc this preparation to be equal in medi-, trai value to any preparation of its kind on the mar-kc today. Take home a bottle, it is an effective remedy. Regular 75c; Special at 50 cents WV iwrsonally recommend these preparations. They in compounded from the highest quality drugs and chemicals obtainable. Ormes Ltd. "3fut Pioneer Druqtyists The Itenll Stora Phone: f I b tt Householders Would you think of importing spruce from Vancouver Island or Alberta when nature gave your district the finest grade spruce grown? Decidedly no I Then vh import one pound of coal when nature gave the Iluikley Valley the highest grade coal available m the west? Familiarize yourself with and insist on Bulkley Valley Coal Your Dealer Can Supply You FALL FURNISHINGS Stove Pipes and EUmjws Airtight Heaters Stove Hoards Shovels Lamps Coal Oil Brick Lined Heaters Sheet Asbestos Coal Scuttles Dampers Lanterns THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. I'rawer IMS Telephone lt Canadian Pacific miNCKss STKA.MEKS for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Bkagway, Oct. 12th, 21st, 29th. I'or VawoiwT direct Oct. 5th, 16th, 23th, Nov. 2nd. for Vancouver via ocean Falls and Way Torts, "Princess Adelaide" every, Friday 10 p.m. '" f " Vnr nrvfltlons " w . w . ' W. I.. COATKS, Gen. Arent. Prince Itupnt, H.C. Bteamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancduver--T8.8. CATALA EVKKT TUESDAY, 1:30 PM Arriving Vancouver Thursday T. CAHirENA ETUKY FRIA MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. , . - and n M Naa wHj aaliinw to Port mrt. An term. Anyot, Wtewart River ,m polnU. PolnU. Leave Leave Prince Prince Ilupert Rupert Sunday, Bunoay, P r Information Information rmrarrfinv regarding all all sailings inlllna and and tlcei at Phmk inner UNCI ULTEKT AflENCYl Third Avenui than Ml CONSTIPATION INDIGESTION RHEUMATISM with Steamship Prince Charles Is tying up here for the winter, her place being taken by the steamer Prince John on the Island route. You can still enrol' for night classes in Bookkeeping and English (or New Canadians. See Mr. Rorie or phone 387. (tf ) T. Kaye and O. F. Tough, offi cials of the Union Oil Company, are' leaving this afternoon for Vancouver on the steamer Catala. FOR SALE Lots 1 and 2, Digby Island $100 each. Norman-A. Watt Hotel Arrivals Central Oeo. Eagles. Vancouver: P. J. Rolls. CNJl.; OScar Olandcr, Ter race; B. E. Bailey. City. Knox F. C. Scott. Regtna; George Fleming, 8asfc: Bam Marsh, Massett; Bob Lloyd and Wm. McLean. Ocean Falls. Savoy A. Berge. city. Itavat M. Hoopala and Chos, Knox, city.' Prince Rupert Leo II. Shearer. Old Massett; A, O. Richardson, W. .McKintry and Cant. Lewis, Vancouver, W.J. W, Wind nm and L. Frank, Prtnce Al bert. Announcements Canadian Legion Women's Aux iliary Bazaar October 18. Don't forget Junior Elks' dance Friday October 19. Amllcan Tea Mrs.- Wi 3. Nelson's October 24. HU1 60 young, Folks' iHalloweUn Dance October 28 r , , ,. . St. Peter's FaliBazaaT Octo,ber25 r Presbyterian Tea, home of Kirs. R. W. Cameron FederaA Block, Oct. 25. Prtnce Rupert .Tennis Club annual dance, Friday, November 2. I. O. D. E. Qlrl Guide tea,. Nov 3, Presbyterian Fan Bazaar, 8. Daughters of Norway Dance November 9. Anglican Fall Bazaar Nov. 29. IP Moose Hall Tomorrow Night Moose Lodge meets 8 p.m. THE DAILY NEWS PAQE THREZ LOCAL NEWS NOTES Vance's for cut nower wreath Royal' Shepard left on the train and eprays; Phone Crew 2S. itf r tot night for Haysport. Yo can rent Car at WaHtW Fresh Bole and Flounders. Phon as low $1 day plus It, a mfle.rW. Cath waiting tor M rt teeth, colni, etatat, watches, etc, BeH-ter'i. (tf) Oscar Oiander. well known miner from Terrace, L-r In the city staying at the Central Hotel Steamer Princess Louise Is due to arrive this afternoon at JrW' from Alaska ports mi mound for Vancouver. Major Motherwell and Mr. Webb of the Dominion Waterpowers department came In yesterday on the Malaspina, A few vacancies exist In Phil-lumnonlc- Society. Apply Secretary. Sam Marsh of Massett is; vlsltin? in Prince Rupert staying' at the Knox. Mrs. Weldon McAfee Is leaving thu afCernoon-for Vancouver on the steamer Catala. Charlie Hew was yesterday con vie ted of supplying liquor to Indians and was fined $75. O. A. Hunter arrived home this afternoon on the Catala from a brief business trip to Port Simpson. PERSONAL XSIAS CARDS Exclusive designs. Also business Company's store at Kitwanga Is leaving this afternoon for Vancou ver on the Princess Louise. He is travelling from there- to the- Old Country by way of the Panama Canal Steamships Sailings For Vaneowvet Tuesday Catala 1:30 pm. Thurs ss. P. George 10:30 pm. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 pm Ss. Cardena midnight1 Oct. 5 ss. Prin. Louise 5 pm. Oct Is. Prin. Louise .... S pm. Oct. 25 ss. Prin. Norah ... 5 pm. rroia Vancouwr Sunday ss. Catala 4 pm. Wed, ss. Pr. George 10 am. Friday-ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 pm ss. careena pm. Oct. n ss. Prin. Louise .... am. Oct. 21 ss. Prin. Norah am. Oct. 29 ss. Prin. Norah am. For Anjox and Stewart- Sunday ss. Catala 8 pm. Wednesday ss. P. George 4 pm. From Anyox and Stewart Tuesday ss. Catala ..11:30 am. Thursday ss". Pr: George 8 pm. for If us River dna Port Simpson 8unday ss. Catala 8 pm. From Quern Charlotte Islands Oct. 11 and 25 ss. P. John 4 pm, For Queen Charlotte Islands- Saturday ss. pr. Charles am. Oct. 13 and 27sa. P. John 10 pm. For Ocean Falls Thurs. s. P. George 10:30 pm. Friday ss. Prin, Ade'ialde.10 pm. From Ocean Fair Wed. ss. Pr. George 10 am,' Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide .. 4 pm. Ss. Cardena pm. For Alaska Oct. 13 ss. Pruv Loulser am.. Oct 21 ss. Prtn. Norah -am. Oct .29 ss. Prin. Norah am. Front. Alaska Oct. 5 ss. Prin. Louise 4 pm. Oct. 15 ss,.Prm. Lours 4 p.m. .Oct, 24 ss.:prin. Norah .... 4 p.m. . AGAIN WITHOUT A OAait AS wenatonx M urn TntitAUtt65tsM. -TIRED FEET , SPRAINS. BRUISES -COLDS FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 TOR FIRST CLASS Shoe Repairing See SIMPSON Fifth Avenue and McBride day Mail Schedule For the East . XCondays, Wednesdays and Frl days 4:30 pjn, 7rom the- East- J Tuesdays. Thursdays and Batur-1 tf;For Vancouver FORWENT X0:T5 pa Mondays (train) 4:30 pm. Tuesday 12:30 pjn; Wednesdays (train) 4:30 pin. Thursdays 9:30 pjn Friday '. 11 pjn. Oct. 5, 15and 24 4:30 pjn. Prom VameoirveT Sunday 4 pjn. Tuesday (train) 10:15 pjn. Wednesday 10 am. Thursday (train) 10:15 pjn. Friday 4 p.m. Saturday (train) 10:15 pm. oct. 12, 2i, 29 .. am. For Anyox and Stewart- Sunday 7 pm. Wednesday 3 pm, From Anyox and Stewart-Tuesday 11:30 am Thursday 8 pm For Naas River and Port Simpson sunaay i pm. and professional. Best values In j From Naas River and Port SImpsor Canada. Heilbroner's. (tf) Tuesday, .. , 11:30 am Mr. and Mrs. j3. E. Valde and, young son leave for Prince George, tomorrow. Mr. Valde has been transferred to the interior city and will establish a home there. 8. E Blassell of the Hudson Bay I For Queen Charlotte Islands Oct 13 and 27 9 pm. Want Ads FOR SALE VICTOR 10-tube radio, like new. Phone Blue 910. (242 SNAP Trolling boat $150 cash, ba lance 1 year. Pete Bruno. tf 7-roomed house, close in $10. Hart. FOR RENT Four roomed house, close In. $10.00. Phone Oreen 402. (tf) LOST 7 months' old, white with black spots, part wire and Fox Terrier. Reward. Phone Red 195. 240 FOUND FOXJNDi Cap from tank of car Owner may have same by calling at Daily News office and paying for this advertisement. WORK WANTED GENERAL Foundation Tepairs and excavations, wood, cement or rock work. Albert Moretto, Phone 756. (255) HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Ouster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPK TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone Bird?. Jackplne. Cedar, PAINTERS W.XTKn M)TlfE nivrrUon ami Ve 177. tf PAINTING ana Paperfcanging Moller. Phone Red 801 UND KEtllSTKV ACT vt ortirw of Title No. stss-i. w Lot 2fl. Block a, Qon cninMK wtj, xa S3 A. WHEREAS woof of lora of the above OrtUteaw ot TtUe. In t3 nnw of WUtr Jerome Smith. h been lUed In thte ornee, nouce u nereDj ritto that x stvJL t the ezotrttton of one month from vh dale of the first pub-Ikwtton hereof, fcuuf provisional Oertl- fim of Tltu in lieu of tne aaia lost oertifkiUe. unlew In the meantime tilld objection be made to me in wrii- IniF. Dated at toe um wgwirj Prtnce nuie. B. C. thla 26th. day of September, 1934. M1MW1 Deputy RogUtrar of TltW TAKE NOTICE that Norman H. Terry hoe adttrem la Maeu, s c.. win P Biv lot licence to take and fine as rs of muter out of BuU Creek, also known a Oar Creel, hlfh flow easterly and drains Into Hecate Stralta nam rnw n. iwnomj irom .t.. The irater win be dtrerted from the tmun at a twlnt about 2800 feet N western from N.E. Cor. L 1022 and I will be usrd for mining porpoae upon th mine described aa Placer imi e. 181. No 180. NO. 178, NO. in, Mt mnA in. Thu notice waa posted on in ground on the 28th day of Auguat iJ. a mot or tnia nouce ana n uppwot timt mirMiKTWt thento and to the "Wa lr Act" wlU be nied in the office of th a Vilfr Recorder at Prince Rupert. Obtectlona to the appltcaUon may be filed wltk the aald Water Recorder or with the CwnptJOUer of Water Rights. Parliament Buildings, viewwia, o. u, wtMn thtrtr dava after the flrat ap pearanM of thla notice In a local nw- Tha daU of the tint publication of tbU ZMtlc la October 1, 1935. Fall Merchandise Just Arrived Here is an opportunity to buy seasonable goods at prfces 35 percent lower tfrarr other merchants offer them in Prince Rupert. There is no- need to send tr mart order houses. We are novr in a position to supply yon. Men's- Suits', Ladles" Dresses, Boots and Shoes for the whole family. Gome m and see them. FOR THE WORKMAN Goodrich Laced Rubber Boots, Boles same.make-as'Firestone' tire material. At greatly re-duced prlcesT Ien'ar Work Koofs Wen's Heavy Work Boots. Just the thing for those starting- on road work or for miners. You save on these goods. Boots and Shoes A Special Sale Prlcr has been put on Men's, Ladies,' Misses,' Boys' and Girls' Boots and Shoes. All sizes, styles and makes. These are bargains f Men's Jumbo Knit Sweaters Extra special values In heavy Jumbo-Knit 04 Qff Sweaters t?J.JJ Men's Suits High Grade Finest Quality Suits, all shades including Navy Blue with 2 pairs pants. Full assortment of sizes and all fresh, new stock. Reg. $25. Z?tor S13.95 English Blankets Fine English Point Blankets, all shades and weights. These are genuine goods and are on sale at very reduced prices. Ladies' Dresses Ladies' Sample Silk Dresses, latest styles. On sale at J5 less. on ne VMD up from Ladies' Fall and Winter Coats Values to $35.00 in fine luxur iously trimmed Coats, on sale, from 13,95 Boys' Suits With Long Pants Reg. $7.75 Fine Wopl Tweeds with long pants CJf QC sale price RUPERT TRADING CO. Corner Second Are. Si Sixth St. Opp. Prince Rupert Hotel We Accept City Scrip is moiiATE IN' THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA W THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINIS TRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OT DONALD MacDONALD. ocnerwise known aa Dun Mac Donald. Deceased. Inteatate. TAKE- NOTICE that bv Order Of H Honor W. E. FUJier the lBUwday of oe-i tcber. AJJ. 193. I waa appointed Ad- mlnlatrator of theesUte of Donald Mao-( Donald, ottierwise kown a Dan Mae-Donald, deceased, wt all part lea haTlng claim against the aald estate are here by required to turnwn aame. properij wtfled, to me on or before the 12th day of Novemter. A. D. 1934, and all parties indebted V the etW are required to pay the amount of their In debtedness co turn jonawna. NORMAN A. WATT Official AdmlnMTafior. Prince Rupert. B. C. Dated the 11th day of October. A. D. 1934 urnriox h.u.k Tlmlier Sale X1I1H There- wUl be offered for aale ai rus tic Auction, at noon on we Twenty-flnt iln of Derenvber. 193. In the Of fice. r tne uistnot rwwwr. itmw Runert. B.C the Licence XTHM. to cut 8 255000 feet boaM jneaaure. tt Spruce, Cedar and ITemloek on an area arrwrted t the hed Of POWTlTCO BaT. Wl ' land, Queeu Dhartotte Xalatxt tad DU- trlct. Two year wlU be allowed for the removal of timber. "Provided any one unable to attend tha auction rn pew T automit tender to be opened at the hour ot awtfon mtf treated one bid." Further particular may be obtained from tha Chief Poreater, Victoria, B,C , or DUtrict PomUr, Prince Ruprt,B.C. McCIary Ranges Ideal For Any Home Prices range from $50.00 up A splendid cooking range and a marvellous baker Prince Rupert Agents Gordons Hardware Phone 311 McBride St RADIO Interference Sometimes originates In the chassis or tubes. To make a simple test, remove aerial and ground with the set turned on to full volume. If noise con tfnues undiminished Phone Blue 320 and have an exact check made of your set's trouble. SUPERIOR JtADIO-ELECTRIC NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Pioprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rate LtO ap 60 Rooms, not & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 188 -a e i a C2Z, in it j 'I it er si 14 f 'I n -I t tt i