Today's Weather prlrsre Rupert-Light easterly find barometer. 30 31; temperature 51 sea smooth. T. A.ii' rn an boat Slaven which up a few weeks ago in ort w, Channel, has been turned . t underwriter! to the Ar-k Kum-'p Company who arc :j i.rr r paired at the dry dock. TV boui i sixty fret long and iOO Ij'ii -rpowtr engine. She , . d ,i a cannery tender. Today's Stocks Vancouver Ai'lindrw .014. tteWirw 01 B r Nj krl .08. B Ml -nun. 37. Bu'.ait 2 05, Bij n; 1100 task). B. If Cvnt X. B R X Oold. 31. i'.r:br. quartz. 150. Df: 'Tiua M. Duiii-fU. 30. CJMrsu Rjrer. Dl. - Go,-r.da. 31 V "',r -li1"- Cons.. .01 ask. Ii " .n .01 , Ulii'o. 19, Meridian. 12. More. tog Star. .15. Ka'.umal Silver, .01i. Ki'ble Fire. ,10. Prnd Oreille. Qr Porter Idaho. .11V4. Reward. .04. R- 93 Ehvrr Crest. .02"V V. 'fir Bridge. 58. " V ide. .07. Whitewater. .00. Wavrrly TntiRlcr. .01 1. ur.ltcd Empire. 30. Toronto Ontrai Patricia. 1.05. Chlboucamau, .09. Oold, .09. Ofwmda. 51 tfe. ll'f Nlrkfl. 23.90. M( a.ssa, 2.90. Noranda, 38.70. Sherritt Gordon. 35. Blsco 275, Thompson Cadillac, 37 ii. "nturci .92. J;akn Maron. .04 Vi. Hughes, 4.12. dbury Basin, 135. olumarlo. 39. Snwltrr Gold, 34 U. JS; Garlic. .01. IJwle Long Lac. 0.25. Jf ria Itouyn. .05. idacona, ,29 Vi. Maple- Leaf, .181-. Pickle Crow. 1.92. 2, Roon. 34. MlHtoba ft Eastern. .25. ' P c".. .09. JBamalcd, .07. yimont. .05 lhonMe. .Jo wchold. .07 mc Oil. .73. Xcr'And. 30. lr Jn. .10U J tolled. .04 Fishermen Make She RECORD IS VERY GOOD Alaska Airways Concern Has Had Only One fatal Accident In Seven Years Operating JUNEAU. October 16:-Apart from the tragic flight several years ago when Pilot Robin Renahan and ( two companions were lost in the , course of a rescue expedition, the crash on Daronof island last wcck of Pilot Gene Meyring's seaplane when Walter HolmquUt. Juneau youth, waa killed is the first fata) accident the Alaska Southern Air ways or Its predecessor company, the Alaska-Washington Airways, has had In seven years of com mercial flying in southeastern Al aska. it was stated here at the week-end. Trip to Europe Seven Norwegians Leave For New York Enroutc to Norway For Winter's Holiday Last night the eastbound train carried seven local fishermen en- route to New York where they will sail on the ss. Dergcrsfjord on October 24. They have had a pretty good fishing season and earned enough money to enable them to take the trip. They were Claus J. Aune, Cnrl A. Strand, Wagner Sor-liclm. Dcrnhof Pedcrsen nil going to Oslo; Axel U. Anderson to Trond-hclm; Tobias Johanscn to Stnnager, und Hans Dusch to Stansund. cars Success Comes to Chamber of Comcrcc After Many Yea Of Pleading Will Provide Work For Unemployed During Coming Winter Word has been received in the city that permission has been granted by the provincial government for the export of thirty million feet of hemlock logs from this district. This, it is understood, will go to the Orient, both China and Japan being a market just now for that class of log. For years past efforts have been made to obtain permis- ran w nip jogs irom mis aisincui" In order to provide part cargoes with wheat to the Orient During the depths of the depression the Tolmle government was Importuned to allow shipments to be made but refused. Premier Paltullo was interviewed during hi recent visit to the city and the desirability of the permission being granted was press ed upon him but he gave little en eouragemcnt even then. The matter hot been takennip agarh with the result that the required permission has been granted. Already the Chamber of Commerce Is taking up with the wheat pool the desirability of providing part cargoes of low grade wheat such as that shipped to the Orient Definite contracts for supplying the logs will have to be secured also before the men can go Into the woods. The loos will provide considerable shipping out of this port such ar has been needed and the cuttlns and shipping will give employment to a great many people. STORM HITS MANILA AND KILLS FIVE Millions of Dollars of Property Capital or rbinipUie Island From Typhoon MANILA. Oct. 16: At least five deaths are reported with thousands left homeless as a result of a typhoon which twisted Manila from a we! lordered city to confusion of debris rarly today. Iluildinjrs are demolished, tele-traph and telephone wires down and transportation all stopped. The property damage is estimated at as tilth as.two and a half million dollars in Manila alone. The streets of the city were flooded and four ships were wash ed ashore. Preparations For State Funeral Of Martyred Ruler Effect of Assassination Has Had Opposite Effect to That Desired by Terrorists BELGRADE, Oct. 16: Preparations are being made for the funeral of the late King Alexander who was assassinated in France when on a friendly visit to that country. Huge crowds gathered with bowed heads yesterday as the funeral train rolled Into the city. The body will lie In state here while notables from all over the country City of . Vancouver Left Last Night With Loral Shipment on Her Deck For Shanghai Steamship City of Vancouver left port last night about 10:30 after completing the loading of 638,000 feet of aspen logs which had been Island by Captain Mackenzie whom the Pachcna brought back from there. The City of Vancouver is bound gather to pay their last respects to . r Shanghai where the logs will be the departed sovereign. Iuscd ln manufacture of The circumstances of the death matches. of the king arc such as to alienate public sympaUly from the Communists whose policy of violence is held largely responsible for the BIRTH NOTICE tragedy. The effect of the nssass-1 A daughter was born to Mr. and Inatlon has had Just the opposite Mrs. David Eastman at Uie Prince effect from that desired by the Rupert Oenerat Hospital yesterday, terrorists. octooer 15, 1934 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRIT1SII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUES DAY, OCTOBER 16,1931 ' m. t v bbbbbl!" IsBBfltBTw 'Jfe PQHIftffkw 3HsBBHHBBlBBBIBBBBBbalbti' 3B :Hh9bHBBSHHbb h Dubbed by Ch. a; j pcinre an an arson quien, Mrs. Warshovsky. 57-year aid gr-ndmother is see:i being questioned on charges of setting f-e 10 buuding- ta earn money for the support of her six children. Suicide Strike in Hungarian Mine Ended Today and Men Are Taken Out After Being Promised Winter Bonus Women and Children Welcome Miners Whom They Had Given up as Lost Dramatic Scenes at Pit Mouth is still alive; 1 PECS, Hungary, Oct. 16: Twelve hundred miners, one may be released (hundred of them half conscious, came back from the black 'depths of the mine today victorious in their "suicide louisville. Ky.. Oct. 16: '; strike." The semi-conscious men were suffering from gas The Louisville Times said to- j poisoning and exposure after one hundred and ten hours day It had reliable Informa- ; iun ;fo w.a IIIIL111T1 II L.. 1 111. Illllll. lllll If 1,1 inill.ll 1 IV. 1 1 1 11 a . tlnn Ihil Mr Al inn Kruuxi ! " 1 ... tc v till tawv wt-vvM Stoll. the kldnan victim, was alive yesterday and may be re- leased by nightfall. ?' :!PART CARGO ASPEN LOGS X Dv an arraneement between the mine operators and the Hungarian government the men are to receive a winter bonus of three dollars each and instead of a wage cut a Christ mas bonus of the same amount. There were dramatic scenes at the pit mouth as the men were taken out about a dozen at the time and were welcomed by the women and children who had despaired of ever seeing them again alive. WALTON APPOINTED VICTORIA. Oct. 16: F. S. Walton has been appointed to represent the shlrped here from Frascr Lake. The ' government on the Prince Rupert logs were piled on deck along with ! Hospital Board. piles which she carried before ar-1 , riving here. She arrived Friday and! T0 DENOUNCE TREATY since that time sixty men havej been employed In loading her. ' TOKYO, Oct 16: Japan has dc- The vessel was taken to Trinle. finitely decided to denounce the Washington naval limitation treaty, a foreign office spokesman an nounced today. SILVER ADVANCES NEW YORK, Oct. 16: The price of silver advanced slightly on the New York market. It was quoted here today at 55Bc nn ounce. PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER, Oct. 16: .Wheat was quoted here today at 78c a bushel. PARIS, Oct. 16: Arrangements .have been made for the funeral of Raymond Po In care to take place Saturday. In the minds of a vast number of his fellow-countrymen, Raymond Polncare was the most useful and valuable citizen of France of his time. He also attained distinction as one of the world's greatest His career, marked as it was by. the ups and downs of fortune, tiught the Infinite value of taking pains and the profit that can be had from making every minute count. It also demonstrated that a straight line, of conduct prevails over the vicissitudes of public life. No French statesman has been criticized more than has been Polncare. yet few have achieved more that will be universally praised. He jnjoyed the adulation of his fellow citizens and suffered their displeasure. After being lifted to the highest post In the government and to the pinnacle of popularity, he lost favor with the public, was even accused of malfeasance In office and was threatened with trial before a high court for what was. In fact a meritorious act in behalf of his country. Polncare endured most of the ln- 1 Justices that can be heaped upon a puuiit umii, uuk ins suuiginiui- wardness and his unflagging devotion to the welfare of his country prevailed and reversed the prejudiced Judgment of his critics. It was said that nobody suffered more anguish from the outbreak of W ! Tomorrow's Tides v High 9:00 am. 17.7 ft 20:59 p.m. 183 ft. Low 2:06 ajn. 6.0 It. 11:40 pjn. 8.9 ft ftULi: iVK CENTS CONFESSION OF ASS ASSIN' S ACCOMPLICE GIVEN IN FRANCE Permission Given by Government to Ship Thirty Million Feet of Hemlock Logs From Rupert This Winter Boat Turned Over To Salvage Co. flmn l Ifclnr Repaired at Dry DmIi lor Armours Picked up In (Srenville Channel "Arson Queen" Questioned Croatian Liberty Was -Aim of Assassin, Says Accomplice oi Kalemen Confession Declares Two Were Sent For Special Purpose Of Killing Alexander at Marseilles MELUN, France, Oct. 16: Police here announce today that Mio Krai, a Croat, confessed that he had been sent to j Marseilles with Petrus Kalemen to assassinate Kinj Alex ander. While Kalemen actually killed the king and was himself slain by the police, Kraj said he fled before the assassination was consummated, fearing that other persons would be killed in the attempt on the king's life. The crinv was to be committed to bring about "Croatian 0INCARE 1 FUNERAL ON SATURDAY France's Great Statesman Who Died Yesterday Held .Many Positions in Government NEW TRIAL IS GIVEN Darid-lamson-of-an-JocrTo Gel Another Hearinr On ChaVjeT'"' Of Slayinr SAN FRANCISCO, October 15 CP: The California Supreme Court Saturday granted David Lamson, former Stanford press executive, a new trial for the murder of his wife for which he was convicted a year ago and sentenced to hang. Lamson was alleged to have beaten his wife to death wjh a piece of pipe as srie bathed In their home at San Jose. TOM MOORE OVER AIR President Of Trades & Labor Con-Stcss Of Canada Heard Sun-day Afternoon Tom Moore, president of . the Trades and Labor Congress of Cananda. was heard by Prince Rupert radio listeners Sunday afternoon over a Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission hook-up In an appeal for support of the Canadian CouncU of Welfare Ser- ' vices. He urged his listeners tor contribute as freely as possible to ' the welfare funds in order to brlnr-to less fortunate people, partial, larly the children, comforts and services which were not permitted by relief allowances which only allowed of the merest requirements of shelter and food. In th; course of his remarks, Mr. Moore expressed himself as being In favor of a plan of contributory unemployment Insurance. Next Sunday His Excellency, the Vorld War than Polncare. yet u Bessborough. Governor Gen-he ot Canada, will be heard In-; was accused of helping to pro-!eral voke It. None In France was a stout-;an1aPPeal 'or the support of the er republican, yet his political ad- vcUare campaign. versarles persisted in classing hlmi amone the reactionaries. Before! ending his public career of nearly two score and ten years, however, he compelled the respect of his political opponents and had outlived most of the legends that had been spread to his detriment He guided his country ln three great emergencies through dangerous passes and ln 1920 the French Parliament declared that Polncare "had deserved well of the Duke to Attend Funeral of Late King Alexander km m i m BELGRADE. Oct 18:-The Duke of Kent and his fiancee. Princess Marina of Greece, arrived here today for the funeral of King Alexander on Thursday.