I I i r. 15 i- ;1 page rotm TTI2 DAILY KWS DENOUNCES COMMISSION President of Dominion Broadcasters' Association Dubs .Mem; lrs of Government Uuard As Chiselers OTTAWA. April 12-R. W. Ash-J croft, president of the Dominion! Broadcasters' Association, .attacke'. ; the present admlnblratlon of' radio before the House onunitUvj investigating it and characterized ; the radio commissioners as "chlse lers," denouncing as a. 'chunsv roorbark" their effort to discredit I him in the public mind. LONDON, April 12 F. C. Clark-son, nineteen-year old University of Toronto undergraduate, of 5" Admiral Road, Toronto, stagpercj out of Byron Sanitarium, five mil? west of London, at 3 o'clock yes terday morning stating tint he hac been kidnapped ai Roxborough and Voting Streets at a tcicrh th tdcht previous. ROBBERY Store Visited af JtirgTzerite in ' Quesnel District and SIM In v f Cash Taken QUESNEL, April 12 As Mr. ana Mr. Walter Smith1 were listening to a news broadcast from "Vancou ver on their, radio Tuesday 'even ing, 'their store at Marguerite, t IS ALLEGED i University of Toronto Undergraduate Says He Was Seized, by Force on Tuesday ( Night small mining camp near here; was visited by robbers and $150 In cash taken. The provincial-police are-In vestlgating but np to last night no arrests had .been made. PASSENGER DISAPPEARS S. P. Wilson Lost Prom Princess Charlotte Between Victoria And Seattle VICTORIA, April 12: Investigation Is being continued Into the disappearance early t&ls Veek-of S. P. Wilson-Jr. of Victoria from the steamer - Princess .Charlotte between Victoria andSeattle. Smithers Man Jailed. And. Fined For Theft Divisional headquarters';. of the provincial police here aJ& advised that William Bovill has been sen. tenced to a week's Imprisonment at Smithers and fined $50, with option of an additional three weeks' Imprisonment, bv Stloendiarv Ma. glstrate R. L. Gale on a charge of theft of carpenters' tools from the eitate of Thomas Jenkins. Today's Weather Terrace Rain, calm. 4. Alyansh Heavy rain, calm, 45. Anyox Heavy rain, calm,. 40. Stewart Rain, calm, 39, Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 52. Smithers Cloudy, calm. warm. Hums Lake Dull, light wind, 46 LOCAL NEWS Bishop E. M. Bunoz OAt.I. sails tonight on the Prince George f6r a trip to Vancouver on eccleslastl cal business. CPJl. steamer Princess Nomh '' Capt. WUllam Palmer. Is due In port at 3:45 this afternoon from Bkagway and other Alaska points and will sail at 5 pin. for Van couver. Many local friends will be' blea sed to learn that Miss Ann ail chrlst of this city, who has been ill at Westminster where she is in training for a nurse at Royal Co lumbla Hospital. Is much lnrnroved Hex-mother. Mrs. William Gilchrist was called south this week owing to her Illness. SPORT A Pair of Friendly Foes Connie Mack left gof hi:i uvj ik a h. c: a cat 'her Mickey Cochrane in a Detroit Tiger uniform recently when Mack's Athletics trimmed Mickey r Tiger o he fune of 7 to 2 In the first of a series of exhibition games at Lake. an r Fla where the two teams are training Taosewnoknow expert a hot managerial rivalry between the two men. PUGILISTS GIVE SHOW About Two Hundred Present at Moose Hall Last Night When Card Ls Presented For Library Fund There were about two hundred persons present at the Moose Hall last night for the boxing and wrestling tournament put on in aid of the library campaign. There was an Interesting program of exhibition bouts. The principal boxing events were Jack McEvoy vs. Johnny McLeod; Nina Gurvich vs. Damljarent and Chuck Hlckey vs. Harrow Gomez. In wrestling Jim Tardy, and. John Buss were the headliners. NO FISH IN TODAY Noboats being In with catches. 1 there was no sale of halibut on the local fish exchange this morning MONCTON HAWKS WIN AMATF.L'lt PUCK TiTLK WITH SCORING SriUX DETROIT. April 12: CP) Moncton Hawks went on a wild 4 scoring spree last night to de- feat Detroit White Stars, Unl- ted States titleholders, 13 to 3 in the final and deciding game of the North American ama- teur hockey championship, two games out of three. Old Country Soccer WEDNESDAY SCORES ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division Sunderland 0. Manchester 0. SCOTTISH LEAGUE First Division Celtic 7. St. Mlrren 0. Motherwell 6. Cowdenbeath 1. St. Jotmsione 5. Aberdeen 1. Babe Takes Some Pointers fill Babe Dldrikson, peer of ail women athletes, turns to baseball at Hot Springs, Ark., where she Is working out with the National AU-Star Baseball school preparatory to a tour of the Grape fruit League of Florida with Major League baseball dubs. Photo showa; Burleigh Orlmes, pltcn:ng stir of the St Louis Cardinals, glvinf Mlti Didxlkson a few pointers, on how to throw a fist one," RAILWAY TROUBLE Sink" lUle Near Nali- is llr-idged ' Slides at" Tele Jaime Also . Cause Delay With a -sink hole" near Na.Nh station, a short distance this moV of Skeena Crossing, which had b.M holding up traffic for thlrty-slx hours, bridgeil. slide conditions on the Tete Jaune subdivision Jii Uie Rocky . Mountains are now int'-r feting" with movement of train on ' the local line of the Canadian N.i ' ' National 1 tall way k. The train, which was due hei-.M from tile east- at" 10 o'clock Tuesday night-, finally, got lit at 10:30 Ihts morning, part of the equipment having been transferred to 'he train which left here fur the east last evening Tonight's train, due at 10 p.m . was reported to be at least .'Ive hours late which means it will not be In before 3 aju. The steamer Prince- George will sail for tht-south on time at 10:15 tonliht without waiting for the arrival of the train. The train, which left here for the east Monday evening, was de- llaycd for some time on account of slides in the TVte Jaune subdivision and finally a transfer of passen gers, express, mall, etc was marie The halibut shipped from here UoeuUy, however, did Lot get tkrough until toiiy. The fish, wfckk left 'last ctmU&x, rt was un- Atfttoi, tU gtt through with out; delay TO TAKE CONTROL llennett Wants Powers on . Social (jtiUiaUon Hut Not ,t!ntil After . " Neit Hectlon . ' " ' " " " J OTTAWA. April 12: (CP) Pre mier ft. B. Bennett favors an early revision: of the British Nortli Am erica Act to permit the Dominion to take wider control of social leg Is latlon. he told the House of. Com mons 'yesterday. He intimated, however, that he did not Intend to make a move In that direction until after the next election. Mail Schedule for the East Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays 4:30 pjn From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays - .. 10 p m. For Vancouver- Tuesday 12:30 pm Thursdays 0:15 pjn Friday 11 p m April 12 and 28 p m Mondays and' Wednesdays (b. train) 4:30 pn.. From Vancoufer Sunday p m Wednesday 10 ajn Friday pm April 6 and 20 a.m Tuesdays, 'Thursdays and Satur days (by, train) 10 p.m. For Anyox- and Stewart-Sunday .7 p.m Wednesday 3 p.m From Anyox and 8tewat Tueday 11:30 a.m Thursday, 8 p.m For Nat River and Fort Simpson-Sunday - .7 pjn From Naas. River, and Port Simpson Tuesday, 11:30 a.m For Queen Charlotte Islands-April 4' and: 18 a.m. From Queen Cliirlotl. Islands April d and. 20. a.m. For Alaska . April. 8 uid 20 From Alaska-April 12 and 28 p.m, I l..Kiies' Drown and Bteck Pump Blunt toes, kt pair Orey Huele fitvirt Oxford-ler pair : Atpt. sson he Markets PORT SIMPSON, Apn. XI Thej ocat United Church nas elected i elders and stewards anc warden'! for the ensulne vear as follows- Wardens Sam. Hughes. Jos. Morse, Henry White. Herbert Oreen. Joshua Price, Wm. Kelly, Moses Wesley. Sam Cecil, Alfred Wesley. and John Moraes. Retail prices currenl here are as t follows: Elders - Harry Brooks, D. A Vrgeuniea lohnwh, Henry - Pierre. Stephen i Seed Potatoes, Terrace Oold Morrison, Jacob Morrison and Mark Oreen. Stewards Wm. Dudoward, E. F Dudoward, James Henry. Dr. Perry. Thos. Oosnell, Peter Wells and John Sankey. Coin. 8 lbs. New Potatoes, Imported, lb. Potatoes, Ashcroft, 9 lbs. Sack . Potatoes, Vancouver. 10 lbs. 55 8ack. $1.90 to ... 255 Carrots. CaU bunch .08 B. C. Bulk. 8 lbs Sweet Potatoes, lb Spinach. Imported, 2 lbs. Asparagus, Gal., lb. Onions, 6 lbs. Leeks, bunch Garlic, Imported, per lb. , Cabbage. B.C.. lb.- California, lb Cal. Head Lettuce. 10c to Cauliflower, lg.. Oau 25c to ... Victoria, head, 10c to Tomatoes. British West Indies, : ib. Beets, bulk, 0 lbs Parsley, bunch ... Turnips, 8 lbs. . ... Parsnips uprlver washed; 8 lbs. Celery, Cal.. head, 15c and . Apples Wlnesapt, fancy wrapped 3 lbs. Box Yellow Niwtons" "C" grade. .25 .10 ! $1.95 S2.95 $3.95 Children -. Strupa and Ox: per pair White Mesh Oxfords- Cubai, . per jwlr 55)RaUlns. Australian seedless, lb. .17 Raisins. Cal, seedless, lb, 55 Currants, lb. . .12 55 55 55 2 325 3 lbs ,25 Box ' 3K1 Fancy. 3 lbs. 55 Bos 3115 Fruit Cal. Navel Oranges, doz. 20c to Lemons, Cal., doz. 25c to Grapefruit. CalH 5c. to Florida Grapefruit, ech. 12c to Rhubarb, hothouse, lb. Field Bananas, In. .75 ...55 .10 .18 .08 .08 .15 Flour Flour. 49's, No, 1 hard wheat ,. 1.85 Second Patent l;70 Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. 45c to .50 Aust. Pastry Flour, 10 lbs .33 Money Kxtracted Honey, per Jar. 20c to JO Comb Honey 25 Sucar White, 100 lbs. 7,75 Yellow. 100 lbs. ...J 7.25 ( Lard Pure, lb. 15c to. .. 20 Hotter Fancy, cartoned, lb No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs Meats' Fowl, No. 1, Ib Roasting Chicken, lb. Ham, sliced, first grade-.... Ham, picnic, first grade, Ib Whole Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .39 1.05 25 .211 .40 52 50 .40 Pork, shoulder, lb. lfl Pork, loin, lb. .30 Poik, leg, lb, .. .25 Pork, dry salt, Ib .20 Veal, loin, lb. .-. ,25 Veal, shoulder. Ib, 15 Beef, pot roast, lb 44 Beef, boiling, lb., 8c to .10 Beef, roast prime rib, Ib. Beef, steak, lb. 20c to Lamb, shoulder, lb. Lamb, leg. Ib. Lamb Chops. 25c Jo .. -. Flh Smoked Klppers.lb, ; salmon, fresh, lb. j Halibut, fresh; lb. .Smoked Halibut, Ib. . 55' Dried rrulu M Whh ris. lb .. , 55 1 Black Cooking Figs, lb 2.50 Date, bulk, lb 8c to Lemon and iranie Peel Citron peel , Prunes. 30-40, lb. Prunes. 40-50 lb Prune$. fl0."0, Ib. Cheese- Ontario solids new, lb. ...52c U Ontario, mature, ih' . 25j Stilton.- lb. Edam. Ib 125 'Roquefort. Ib. 0: . jjiloreonw.la. 55! .Wheat, Allertav.. Bran Middlings, , aborts Oats Fine Oat Chops Crushed Oats, ...... Barley .. .;. , Laying Mash ..V. .:. 20 55 .18 50 50- B.C. Clothiers Ltd Mi-n's Heavy Work Shirts -t j ' o uiiTlllciu ri A Ladies bport Oxfords mi in five dlffortht styles. These shoes have been i . "71 f . . . , m . a . - . 4 "l? t 11 ' rv ,ow I'gure oiaa irom to s. Tliest ,i. . All Wool Viking Comblnatlons- Men's Heavy Wool Sox per pair Ladies' Shoes-to clear pair uon miss tnis opportunity To bo sola for 95 c S2.95 25c 81.1 uuiihiii Kjkiu- VUOUl. Ai J per pair M.Sj Wcldrest Silk Kervlc WelKttt s . t fil per pair l)r pair Mii Chiltlrcn's Classic SIuhw, hundreds to pick from Fleet Foot Runners for the Whole Family B. C. CLOTHIERS LTD. Phone Black 324 United Church U,. I " iitxt door Frizzell's Mat Sh. OFFICERS ELECT 15a. and 50 slmmi Smylhr Named INiil 50- roll Hi Senir Srrtf .151 - . is. 10 .15 55 52 .15 .14 .11 .14 .15 .15 .05 Apricots, Ib. 20c to 52 55 1 Apples, dried !4cto .17 m Peaches, peeled, 14c to 17 071 55 55 .45 1.80 2.10 250 250 U5 2,70 Oyster Shell 1.65 Nuts Almonds. Tarragonna, lb 55 Walnuts, broken ;,Iielled 55 Walnuts, shellcd'halvcs. lb 45 Errs H.C. Fresh Extras, cartoned .29 Local, new laid. doz. 55 nulkley Valley, fresh, dot; 55 Ideal Cleaners OPEN In New Premises Gor. McHrlde & Fifth CLEANING, UKrAIUIMl. DYElNGr ETC v ...s.- 4 The Dally News can be pur- chased at 4 Post Office Hews Sund. 323 Oranvllle 8L Vancouver; Karl Anderson. Prince Geon:e. B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace, D O, General store, Anyox. . Smlther Drug store, Bmlth 1) 0, KtNCOLITU A, j eolith 8eni r v 4' Honorary re art. Honorary " . Benson lres4dent S.t Vlee-pre i! I Manager E : Assistant n-i Stewart Treasurer F Secretary L F i Clerk. Ben Bur' Committee James Stew it -thur Nelsor I son. H J Bu David Vernrr Hall keeer: fred 8tewart .,; Orchestra 1? Ha. I: . , W v.. 7! II. - Nelson. Jamr f- ' 2M Stewart 1.75 Stage man " Tt- K' 2.10 1 Sporta romn. " " ney. Matthew Stcw-r u Kav. Jame-f wit Jr.. Felix Ai-'T. art. Sam Alex Herbert Dec Sam StewiU ' . The soc ictv celebration &s Mrs. Cha: 1" on the Prinoe Oeorreri' In Vancour- r J'-' '-r -.. residence her-- '.r ' three mom!) Advertise m the P" Guide to Correspondent corrrsponur.." ninri . . of the day or-, but . 1 w. iniriroh ' . jectoi puo V- indtot t.r mini De - . J W.B , nolnt. The ions-; hs no P"" innrnilli"1-. UlUUEt.. i U M by me hnt! W fnr nubllCatlon ierofgoodfa All unsigned dwum' the waste PL' cW' ters or b ;,Bnaturt m..t hate th -I pended for P"blJ,! W Letter should 1 one side of U 5 , Correspondent ,,,1 personaime"; 0 jdf lowed in theord" debate.