THE DAILY NEWS. PAQE TEREK day I Ask for ROT fftW&M ft 1 ATT A I trl 111VJ ..i, W II 1 11 1 A. JJl&J. AIM. XJIVI B 9 riir Printers and Stationers "lock, Third St., Phone 234 1 I "' w T hijiiji hi mii 1 1 1 1 1 i i j 1 -Ji U-t'J i-i-i bbbb- i n.aa 11 I ijjj !m' li I J.--1. . I I STLEs STERILIZED EVAPORATED ILK VORUD'S STANDARD OF QUALITY jasmine oiiemies -- ejirr L Face Powder, two sizes, 50c & $1.00 Creams, 50c Koukc and Lip Slicks Shampoo --Brilliantine Liquid and Solid Li i atAy Perfumed with the Perfume of Jasmine GirmeslM. Jiu Pioneer Druqrfiats ,11 sr !':ids V.i. he !(r ' Tags i ! Board l Colors i ;v is TSWBE! Phones: 111 tt K Sponges Stamp Pads Stamp Pad Ink- Staplers and Stick Files String Tags Thumb Tacks Time Hooks Tissue Paper Twines ILAllI metric WASHERS Cleaners andlroners Are Made in Canada BUY NOW! Prices are k'K P r, THK lHiATTY MAN AT ON'S HARDWARE ' ' t MON STEAMSHIPS LLMITKD .( ! Prtnoe Ituprrt frr VannuuvMi i VKIIY TUBSDAY. 1:30 P.M. ... h.j Wnypotats. arrlMiM VmKirr Thumrtjf i . KVr.liY riilHAY MIDNHSUT v iiinuvci, Monday AM. , ..... i i liimiwoa. aum Ann. Aivyox, BKw.rt ik1 n ivo nrlhot Utii it 8unuY. ;" , . '"inn regarding all sailings and tickets av- i l ict AIIBM3V: third Aemn rh"" m ur ii per does not arrive, telephone the office LOCAL NEWS New shipment swagger auiis an' dresses, Demerit. 80 We buy anyUiine in jtold. Fre-nilutn prices. Max lleilbroner Sons of Norway aauce oacnn lows' Hall, Friday, 13tri. Rcfrcsn-mcnU. Mrs. Ole Wick relumed to Oona River today, aIltr a three-weeks i,tay iif town. Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, re14en1 engineer lor the northwestern mln cral survey district, was arr inter esting speaker today at the regula weekly luncheon of the Prince Ru pert Rotary Club, his subject belnu "Bitcculatlon In Mining." President John Dybhavn was In the chair. Last night Joe WlcKeW of the Canadian National Railways' city Icket office entertained a gfoup if people at the home or Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell. Atlin Avcnur with moving natures "1 cenen m Scotland, England ant. Canadi Hie pictures and the bospiuursy or Mr. and- Mrs. Mitchell were much appreciated by the guests. Lleut.-Col. E J Ryan of Vancouver, who has been on a trip to Ketchikan on mlnlnit business, is pashenger aboard Hit Prince. Norah this afternoon returnlnc south. While here he Is meeting ol - ficcr of the 102nd Battalion an I Inspecting the present and projer ted armory sites. Col. Ryan was thr omm:indInu officer or the 102nn durlrm the latter days of tin- war CHURCH S w7T.rouwA-rra JUab 21 Beautiful Tints MU- Mulit: Ii.n.u'io. il..-i;i'.ir o: Mr ami Mi' i r. r lu ivo i .al loiuglit on tin' I'm", (.ii'or" :or Vl' tor .i wliwrc she is to lY' three piano recital engagemint- W GrosWfri(r.P Siuistn" '" bers (f the focal unit' of the Roy ii Canadian Naval Volunteer IUvnre will sail on the Prlmr (Jcorge to night for E-tquimalt naval barracks where will take courses of naval miming. ROSE TREES ORDERED Secretary I. V. KtM of lli'tlicul-lural Society 1la Sent l or 1500 Today aslise Tlte list of row which are to be purchased through Ue newly formed Horticultural Society closed definitely at noon today and the order has been sent to Victoria by Secretary O. V. Hvltt. The order was for approximately 1W0 All last evening and this morn- tug telephone calls brought ordcrr, for roses. The lots fanned In num ber from 50 to two. They will be sent to the City Hall and notifies Hon will be made through the Dally News when they arrive Those ordering will then be asked to call for them and pay the cash. TIKAIX TllAINS lme Print Rupert Monti , ln-iUji and l-'riiUya nt 5.30, tonntrlinn nt Juaner forull mIiiI K.t anil Nnilli. 1'raln from I lit Kat lll arrWei at Print Kiirrt on TutMlaje. 1 h ii rixl ay and , tiatiirdaya at 10 p.m. '1 liiirmluT train rnnnttt mIiIi lrimlili for nixitlit rn Mrtn. Itavlnii at 1(1.15 p.m. MttpiiiK and liiilTf t-parlr car prle. fMi f re'lo I he OLD COUNTRY illna 141 n KmuI. lUt )t(irmalton nit KIl'M AM I RK1A nt ol Iter Imir. For Information. Call or Write: CITY TICKKT Oi TICU 528 Ard Ave. Prince Rupert. ll.C. V-J4 CAXADIAX IV AT I O IV A B. IE tS I United Empire Tram-Warehouse ; Work Proceeding! STEWART. April 12 The steamer Prince GcorRC spent several hours here on Thursday last unloading an unusually large cargo, most of whfrh wits supplies for the United Umpire Gold and Sil- vit Mines Ltd., ronsMlng of building material, for the coiiAtruction I iramllne. iSeaton. The warehouse Is to be CO feet by ; 24 feel and will contain office space and living quarters on the second floor. Work on the construction of this building and the ore bunkers wll days From the Last . Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays 10:00 p.m. Announcements Presbyterian Easter Sale April 12. C. N. It. A. Anniversary Ball. Ap ril 13. A. Y. P. A. Tea, Cathedral Hall. April 14. St. Peter's Church Sale April 19 United Carnival April 20. Oddfellow old-time dance, Ap ril 20. Piano Recital, April 21. Ursula Malkln Spinsters'-Spree Cambral Chap er, April 27. Ridley Home Bazaar. May 3. Recital United Church May 7 Dr. T. Harry Jones, baritone. ."Chinese Knowledge" tea May 10 'Tutted Church. rfj " Anglican Tea May 15 at Orme's. Presbyterian tea May 17. Mr Moose Hall FRIDAY C. N. K. A. ANNUAL BALL SATURDAY Scotch Dance, 9 p.m. Mrs. J. S. Black's Orchestra. 25c and 10c Running and Tennis Shoes Guaranteed all new stock bought of all leading makers in Canada. We sell .'55 less than anywhere in the city. -We carry the largest slock and give you the lowest prices because of our large purchasing power. Compare our prices. Women's Tennis Shoes, up from 75c Misses' & Children's Tennis Shoes, up from 69c Men's 'Runners, up from 95c Boys' & Youths' Runners, up "from 75c Fishermen's -Length Rubber Boots, Heavy Cleated Soles, reg. $5.00 $3.49 WE MURDER PRICES Cut Rate Shoe Store We accept city scrip and relief orders DR0NCHIT1S 1 At bedtime iub lh throat and chest thoroughly with VICKS Hotel Arrivals Itoral auat Swanoii and Sverre Peder-son. Juneau. P. Pauchuk. Queen Charlotte Is lauds; (Just &waiuon. Juneau; Ad; or trie new ana ore oun- rmlei. Prince Oeorae: Mrs. A. J kors at the lower terminal of the Owning and Percy and Rkhard Prince Kuprrt t Charles W. lleck. Poucc Coupe Mrs. J. Clyde Hunt and 11. W. Har ris. Port Ksarington; It. Gammon i city: - W. J. LarkworUm New Hazelton be ruslmt aa soon a the materials a. Farrbw. S.' F. Boomer, v. A ' .-ire on the around. Boyle and T. Kaye. Vancouver: Dr ! Unfavorable weather Li delaying A. Knight, Victoria: R. W. Stn-I lit , transportation from the dock to and H. S. Keiser. Inverness: n II i the tram terminal. , Garrett, Toronto: W. II. Cotton . . 4 Smithers; II. W. Chaiuoers. inni fe- ness. C. N. K. TRAINS , Savr , ...... I Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Kicliardon ! r ir TjeU; Mr. anu Mrs. J. Klewin. Mrs .,nn.ucr). ",." :A. S. Thomas and Mrs. Henrv 5:ao p.m lleld and chillj Port Esslnglou; F O. Scott, Edmonton. canadian national i:i;cri;ation association lOlh Annual Ball Moose Hall FRIDAY. APRIL 13. 1331 Dancing, 9:30 to 2:30 Refreshments. Good Music and Good Time Guaranteed. Ladies and Gents, 75c each Patrons and friends kindly accept this as the only invitation and intimation Mail Your OLD GOLD Out of town customers may send in their old gold and we will make an offer by return mail and hold the parcel till advised if satisfactory. ymflgwHi? 4 (Jewellers JSLtiie store with the aocr Moving Pictures Are Entertaining Display lefore Anglican Vouiir! People by Local Rail Official j ' Appreciated Members of the Anglican Young IPsopSe's Association, following a business meeting last night, were j entertained with an interesting! display of moving pictures depict-j inn scenes In Canada and England' by William Cruickshank. city ticket agent for the Canadian Na-i tional Railways. Following the dis- j play, William Tobcy Jr.. president j ' of the soclrty, extended a vote of 'thanks to Mr. Cruickshank. Re-j i f rcshmcnts were served. SHHHHMPBHHsl WATTS, J ERVICE (PECIALS GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lbs. ORANGE MARMALADE Empress, per 32-oz. jar UVAL1 INE Medium tins per tin TOMATO JUICE Llbby's No. 1 tall tins, per tin NABOB SPICES Jars Vacuum packed, per jar LIQUID AMMONIA Argood, per 26-oz. bottle GOLDEN BANTAM CORN- Royal City No. 2 tins, 2 tins j BUTTER Fine Alberta J QQ i LOBSTER Eagle Brand 1 Vj tins, per tin ; KINO OSCAR SARDINES Of?p n lln. aww A ttio CAMPBELL'S SOUP Tomato, ier tin Other Varieties (Except Chicken l per PEARL WHITE SOAP per bar PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 bars TOMATOES Malkln's Best No. 21 tins, 2 tins TEAS Royal City Sieve 3. per tin GRAPEFRUIT Pork's No. 2 tall tins, per tin 75c 30c 69c 9c 10c 15c 27c 27c 9c 10c 3c 19c 25c 14c 26c Kruit and Vegetables Bananas, firm, per lb. California Grapefruit. 6 for Field Rhubarb. 6 lbs Fresh Spinach, per lb rin-i'ii Onions Hi Radishes. 3 bch. 10c m t, ...... I I .'Ii rA t 1K T t Fresh Asparagus, per lb. 13c Lemons, large, juicy, per doz. 29c Watts' Grocery I'lIONB C5 PHONE Go "THE BEST FOR LESS" Dally Ni'w- Want -Ads -ati-iy 11'! 25c 23c 8c Joe Slaggards TAXI In response to loyal customers of the past I am again operating a Taxi Service. I thank my old friends and promise old and new patrons the same courteous and prompt service given In the past. Phone 653 Night or Day J. R. SLA(jGARI) Corner Third and McBrlde HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous Crahnm Island North Beach Fishing. Bathing. Badminton, Picnics. Scenic Drives, Shooting in the Season. Rent a fully furnished cottage at Sangan River. For ful! particulars apply MRS. DUNN Masvrtt, B.U. S. R. S. lunc in Ionics HIGH LIGHTS THURSDAY 8:00 Foothills Revue. CFCN, CRCV. 9:00 Under the Stars, CFCN, CRCV. 9:30 Twin Cities Dancing, KOMO. 10:15 Walter Bean's Orch, KPO. FRIDAY 8:15-GUmorc Circus, KOMO. 8:00 Concert Program, CFCN. CRCV. 9:00 Nitwit Court, CFCN, CRCV. 10:15 Herbert Kay's Orch., KOMO. SATURDAY 8:30-Thc Northern Messenger. CFCN. CRCV. 9:00- Violin Claslcs. CFCN, CRCV. nd Remember We offer you modern, efficient and reliable Radio Srrvire Superior Radio Service Phone Blue 320; 336 2nd. Ave. LOOK FOR THE TOWER COAL! COAL! ' ur Famous Ed son, Alberta and Hulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try Uvn of No. 1 Bultley Valley. Wt also teU Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. IS Phones ISI