?AOE 6ZS SAVE ON FOOD Thrift Offers You Low Regular Prices Real "Specials" 10c - Tomatoes H. C. 2's per tin Tumato CRtsup - 13-os Corned Beef- l's per tin Libbys Mustard per Jar RecT Bird Matches per box rAyrnv flour ios Australian, per sack MAZOLA OIL-Tor Salads St Cooking, tin SYItUP- Roger's Golden. No. 2 tin PEAC11L! -Lynn Valley. tX 2 tins NAVLL ORANGES Large, juicy, per doz EGGS-Bulkiey Valley Fresh, per doz. 15c - CORN FLAKES- 2 iks Purity Quick Oal- pkg. Black Figs 2 lbs. Field Rhubarb 4 lbs. 1 Mide from S1,000 Recipe i i't anii: SPECIALS 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 37c 27c 19c 33c 29c 22c 15c 15c 15c 15c 10( Corn--Quality per tin Shredded Wheat per pkg. Pearl Soap 3 bars Cooked Spaghetti per tin Norway Sardines per tin NABOB COFFEE Vacuum tin. per lb. IIONEY-Btekist per 2 '4 lb. DRIED APRICOTS Australian fruit. 2 lbs. 10 LB3. U.C. GRANULATED SUGAR With cvrry dollar purchase 'Limit 20 lbs.i MALT VINEGAR--C tt B, 2G-02 bot.. ca. PURE LARD-1-lb. prints, each Singapore Pineapple-No. 2 squat tins. 2 tins SPECIAL - 15c Pure Cocoa per lb. Fresli Spinach- 2 lbs. Lifebuoy Soap 2 bars . Pork & Beans M. B. 2 tins 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 39c 35c 37c 67c 25c 13c 19c 15c 15c 15c 15c Thrift Cash & Carry - Phone 179 SS isi- 9?r&L. v Removal AH Goods to Go at Half Price Everything must he sold Coats, Jackettes, Silver Foxes, Mink and Marten Neckpieces. Biggest har-irains in furs ever soon seen in in Prinro rnncc Itnnnrt ir nnv where else. Come In and we for yoimrUcK, you will be convinced. G0LDBL00M - The Old Reliable bAKUtlN liMil lb HtKh! See Us For Your Garden Supplies BAMBOO LAWN RAKES, each 25c 14-INCH GARDEN RAKES, each 50c GARDEN HOES, each . . ,5c LONG HANDLED SHOVELS, each . O0c SHORT HANDLED SPADES, each 90c SPADINO FORKS, each SU5 & ! GORDON'S HARDWARE ! tcresting paper entitled "A Message of Spring." Mrs. W. L. Stamford was accompanist for the afternoon and the program was as follows: "O Canada." Violin solo. "To a Wood Violet" W. L Felling. Miss Nellie Lawrence. Vocal solo. "Spring Greetings" R. Schumann v Mis. J. 11. Carson, Paper. "A Message of Spring." Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. Vocal solo. "Swallows" F. Cow-en). Mrs. William Millar. Guitar solo, ''Narcissus" (Nevln), Miss Elizabeth Currle. Vocal solo. 'To You" lOlcy Speakes, Mrs. William Crulck-shank. Piano solo. "Rustle of Snring" iSlndlng). Miss Margaret McCaf-fcry. Vocal solo. "A May Morning" L. Delz.1. Mrs. F W. Allen. . Vocal trio. "Spring Song" Mendelssohn). Mrs. J. H. McLcod. Mrs. Emest Anderson and Mrs. P. C. Miller. "Ood Save the King." (PASSES IN VICTORIA s tmMtBtnmmmsMXMttmtmsmvMXMtM xxtm untuitui i" The AUCTIONEER Packltig Crating Wrapplni ft Oenerai Furniture Repairs List your goods with me rbone Black 121 GEO. J. DAWES For Your Health Chiropractic Dltra Violet Ray. Intra Red Kaya Maniac All at Reasonable Price. W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Greco &4I Exchange Rloca Phone 953 Phone 053 De Jong's Cash and Carry Friday & Saturday Specials Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes- 3 pkgs. Australian Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. Kellogg's Pep Breakfast Cereal, 2 pkgs. Garden Peas Choice quality. 3 tins Phone 311 S Fry's Diamond Sweet Chocolate, Vj-lb. cake Quality White Sweet Corn 2 tins Malkln's Best Gelatine Hi-oz. pkg. 25c 25c 25c 31c Malkln's Best SPINACH Size 2Vi, per tin 19c Canadian CHEESE per lb. 19c 21c 21c 14c Napoleon Brand Macaroni QCp Lily White Syrup 2-Ib. tin . 4 Oald Dust Washing Powder per pkg. White Gloss Washing Starch. 2 pkgs; Fell Naptha Soap S bars Oranges Medium size 2 doz. Seedles Grapefruit 0 for 21c 23c 21c 37 c 55c 25c THE DAILY IfEWS i MEETING OF ! A SIMPLE QUICK PRESIDENT MUSIC CLUB WAY TO RELIEVE Delightful Sprlnc rrosram Enjojed Yesterday Afternoon at Home Of Mrs. G. A. Woodland . The Ladies' Music Club, holding its regular fortnightly meeting yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. A. Woodland, Fifth Avenue East, enjoyed a delightful program of spring music, the arrangement of which was in the hands of Mrs. Woodland with the assistance of Mrs. Robert Blancc. Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh, the president, was in the chair and read an ln- flUlU olUIYIMUH r "i HERE ARE THE SIGNS: I ! NruinH Frrqurnl llr.dach. 3 N.uralala FrIlnt of WkoM j Lou o Appatlta Mouth Acidity Niuhi Sour Stomach ! Aulo-lotoik.tloa j WHAT TO DO FOR IT I 1 TAKI 2 trtncoonf ill ef S gm Phillipj- Milk 01 M- J CjrJKl tvnv tnormni hrfl you ? iaQ trt uo Take notf t.aspocmful 3n punutn Ilrr ti'mg. And inothef More you to to bed. OH Tle lh new nutlips' Milkof Munrwj TaMrti ft tiHrt tor each teesroonlul b-rrcttd above. If you have Arid Stomach, don't worry about it. Follow the simple directions given above. This wnall dosage of Phillips Milk of Magnesia acts at once to neutralise the acid that cause headache, stomach pain and other distress Try it. You'll feel like a new xrwin. Hut lie careful you get genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, or Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablet when you buy 25c and 50c siie. AUO IN TAlin ro(M EiH.ii liny ttUri h the rquivalrnl of tf-a-xjonful of Genuine ftullip,' Milk of Mitrau. M ADC M CANADA Phillips' Milk of Magnesia ARE MORE FRIENDLY Canadian High Commivtitttirr Perceives Real Canadian-British Co-operation LONDON. Eng.. April O. Howard Ferguson. Canadian High Commissioner, told a British Empire Club- luncheon yesterday ,'apt. C. Ldwards. Formerly of ThW that more progress had been made City, is Dead In South during the last six months towards a friendly coippcratlve solution of! News has been received in hc Canadian antr British problems Ity of the death at Victoria of lhan ,n 3,1 previous years of his: i apt. U. Edwards, formerly a well expcrleucc. ; i known Prince Rupert halibut fish- Mr- fergusonj- made a plea lor lorman. morc Importation of cattle from Deceased had resided here since Canada to the United Kingdom ln- 1912. He was 47 years old and a na-, stcad ' 'm the Argentine Uvc of St. Lawrence. Nfld. ! ills widow, Mrs. C. Edwards, re- tmm Aides at Victoria. Other surviving Tlatlvcs Include a brother. Fred, at (Vancouver, and a sister. Mrs. W. Whlffln of this city. There are also ' two brothers and a sister In New-1 foundland. Oenerai sympathy will' be extended the bereaved. ECONOMY SPECIALS It Pays to Pay Cash BEEK1UT HONEY 5-lb. tin SMALL WHITE. BEANS - 4 lbs. AYLMER SOUPS Tomato, Pea, Vegetable 3 tins PURE PLUM JAM Fraser Valley. 4-lb. tin EDDY'S OWL MATCHES 3's, per pkg. ' r 2 doz. 1 lb 66c ECONOMY TEA-Orange Pekoe Tiie best buy In town QQp per lb. 19c Green 27c 47c 27c Oona River EGGS Machine Sliced HOn BACON lul Fruits & Vct'etahles l Sunklst.. Oranges 5 doz. Bananas 2 lbs. Outdoor Rhubarb C lbs. Fresh Spinach 3 lbs. Cauliflower 10c. 15c. 'SOc and Fresh Asparagus 2 lbS. MUSSA1 LENTS Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents M7-1 Third Avenue West P.O. IUx 575 Phone III FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY ' Phoric 657 RETURNING Chief Executive of United States Due in U'mliltuton Friday After Yachtlnc Holiday MIAMI, Fla.. April 12: (CP' The Astor yacht, aboard which President Franklin D. Roosevelt has been enjoying a fishing vacation, arrived at dawn today from the Bahamas. The chiem executive disembarked here and proceeded by special train to Washington In time to attend a cabinet meeting to be held Friday morning. The president, who is reported to be In excellent health,! Is being accompanied to Washington by Oen. Hugh S. Johnson. dl-: rector of the National Industrial 'Recovery Act. ! ; NEW YORK. April 12: -After a two-day visit In New York. Mra. ! Franklin D. Roosevelt left Tuesday on her return to Washington. Lilyan Tashman Died Intestate I'amou Screen Actres Failed Order Iipoal qf F.tate Valued at $31,000 UranuUlvU Sugar 10 lbs. t'reatwood Creamery Butter. 3 lbs. U. & K. Pastry Hour 10-ib. sack Sun-Maid Puffed RaUlns per pkR. , Chrixllc Soda BlsculUv large. 2-lb. pkg. Swift's Bacon Sliced 1-lb. pkg Eecs--From Bulkley Valley large size, 3 doz. Nabob Sliced Peaches 2's per tin . Del Monte Dri-Pak Prunes 5-lb. tin . Cream of Wheat er pkg. Lily White Corn 8yrup 2-lb. tin Black Figs Larue size 3 lbs. Ashcroft Tomato Catsup per bottle Campbell's Chicken Rice Soup, 2 tins . . Small White Beans 4 lbs Dry Oreen Peas 4 lbs , 89c 31bs Fresh Ripe Tomatoes 25C r lb ifure uoia oranges 25C 5 doz. 'Swift's Classic Cleanser 25C 3Uns to NHW YORK. April 12: -Ulyan Tuthman. famous moving picture actress, who died here recently, left an estate valued at $31,000. She had no will. Hriti.sh Actor Died Following Operation LONDON. April 12 -The death of Sir Gerald du Maurler. noted ac-'or took p'ace in a nursing home 12 --Hon. i"crc yesterday alter an operation for an Internal disorder lie wis the son of George du Maurier. author of Trilby " WEEK-END Specials 70c S1.00 43c 15c 35c 28c 70c 20c 85c 23c 22c 25c 13c 25c 18c 15c 25c 20c 95c 22c 25Alberta Market Fifth Street Phone 208 Free Delivery NEW ROYAL HOTEL ,J. Zarelll. Pioprletur "A HOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Hates $1.00 op 50 Rooms, Hot &i Cold Water' Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box lv 1924 Wednesday & Thursday Two Show7 li 9 AdmU.lon, be k iOc I'arisienne RomanceGay and Oh! So La-La CONSTANCE BENNETT In "MOULIN ROUGE X What's a Boudoir Between Blondes. Music, Beautiful Girls, Latest Song Hits. A United Artists Release Comedy CHARLIE CHASE in "I'll Take Vanilla" Musical "HOT FROM I'ETROGRAD" Novelty 'Roping Wild Bears" Paramount News FRIDAY & SATimi)AY-"HER SWEETHEART" BARGAINS IN Singer Sewing Machines We have on hunrt rip several ui p. ( i . , . some of ihem m little and us kkmi ,l i , n We ate aole t. uff : some real baiR.uii ,; low as-- $2.00 Per Month to Pay Leu than rfi,'. -. A sewing machine n-w .r -d is fhc best kind of an mvp.it:,. i Umiirs many times the returns paid by the saving b.uin p. , on approval Have a look' WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS character j we cell -It's sure to please you wen REPLENISHING PHONE US We have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. I'honc 618 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - frepnreri Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Coal Prices Minehead Egg Coal $12 Minehead Lump Coal $12,J: Pembina Egg Coal $120J Stove Coal $11-50 Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580