Thursday, April 12, 1634 THE DAILY NEWS mot m WAR TIME 'Military Honors Fluke Goal Gives Leafs Victory Over Chicago Classified Ads cpv HFRF Are Accorded To FOR SALE port 8AL& Chevrolet Car In Rood condition. Price $200. mil? New. .,tr Ft rt PALE-; $75? larce oifcdesk. iMwem both aides, price $25. 11. O l!fli?Prson Ltd. 88 F.ilt- RAlE - Suckling Pig, $5.00 i ui Oood brood rows $25. P.O. B Pacific, Apply 8. A. Corlejr, P;..-lflc 87 FOR RENT HOUSES to rent. Hart. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, 835 Second Avenue West. a30 FOR RENT small House near Oraln Elevator, furnished, ha Electric Range, electrically heated Water Tank, low rent to suitable tenant Apply O. P Tinker. HEM' WANTED MAID Wanted. McLennan apply Mrs. J SITUATIONS WANTED THOROUOIILY uxperlenfed bouse-tof'per wants employment -ca' p.ible of taklns'ChafiCe' of home. IMerence Pltnne BIup 217,, SO WANTED WANTED Camp bed. Phone Oreen 003 86 WANTED Woman to help with Invalid Lidy. Telephone 43C. 80 and paying ment FOUND is riiimtii: IM THE SUPREME COURT OP nrtlTlSlI COMJMUIA TN THE MATTm OP TIIK "ADMINIR. TRATION ACT" - and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP irNOIJJ KtKOIaAl N1EIW5M. DE-'LEASED. INTESTATE. , ake un-rtrr. iiim o crdr of Hla I' r W: Pihr, ih 29th day of Marfh, a o 1034. I waa appolnied Adminiatraror ( tM a -tiit of Aruolil Nikolai KlfLwn. t 'a-U and all parti" iMflmt Jaa ttit i ha aald rUt tf hrrrby rr-i, r-d in furntmh niu nrourfl tfrl 'J to tnr on or Iwfore thr lat day ol Mi j AJJ. 1934, and all pamra Uidebled mute ar rwniired to VI "'" "unt of thrtr lndbldn to mr f"' i, with. NORM AN-A. WATT. OfncUl AdmUOxIritcr, Prince Rurwrt. BX?. Dr ird the 29th day of March, A D, IM: i ruouttf. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRIT18II COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OP THE ADMINISTRATION ACT" aVllt-f IM THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OK iu.K RAMSAY. INTrn-: TATE TAKE NOTICE that by ordrr tf Hla " ' rw.E ruhr. t ! aotn dayor March. A D. 1034, i wa appoint! Adtninlatrator ct of Ida Riuvy. rl- vd. and all partly baring cUtroi i niiat the aald mtaJe are hrrtry rr i Irrd to fumUh aarnr, proprrly vrrl 'I'd, to mr on or IWora th lat day of Mkv AD. 1934, and all ravrtlra Indrbtrd Ui u.t arr mjttirM W pay tr Kianirit. of thrtr lndriutnn to m ' :f IIWRh. NORMAN A, WATT. Official Admlnlitnrator, Prtnc nuiyrt. B C ntitrd the 29th day of KUrch. A D. 1934. HAIR DRESSER VKHMaNKNI' WAVINflj Cluster Carl; latest Style Nfc.LEON'8 BEAUTY 8HOPPE TRANSFERS CAI?DE!l Soil $2.50 a load. Cam eron's Transfer. Phone 177 PAINTERS PAINTINO and Paperhanglng Moller, Phone Red 802. notice" or tm.icATiov nut or imi-iioi:mi:ts .iii c nrr Claim. No. J Mineral fluid Cliff So. a Mineral Cl.ilni. Margaret Mineral Claim, dirt' IT'11oiill Mineral Claim. SUuaU in the PorUand Canal Mining uiruion. m m Wbera located on the eat aide of ! Bear Riirr about three- mMra frwr btrwart. B.C. Lawful Owwr William Dann. Number at Uir M'Wrt free miner C.t-nmM roio-n. Ml TAKE NOTICE that WIMUm Uanir ; lrf Mirier CertlMoai No. TT720-D In-UenH, U the Hid of alltf dava from r. ! Ignatius Timothy Trebiscli Lincoln On Coast F.nroutc to Europe to ' Found Monastery CALLING EACH OTHER NAMES Dr. William A. Wirt Branded as Wall Street's linlrunient in Naxi Dictatorship Move trw (jilt hereof to apply to uininv day branded Dr liTOntr kit a nTiiw 01 improM-tnvnt. tbt the purpiM- of dbUlnli a Crown Or4nt or atxirc rlafciM . VKIV FURTHER TAKE NOTICE thai action, under K-tlon JJ of the "Mineral AM" mint be cnmrireri tjefore the- turner rif uk-Ii rrrutlr-ar rf Inv Iprbrftnent. ' I riA7:n thia M (lav oj March. 1934 WililAM DANN POUND -Rosary. Owner may tmeffr ttie raut- cT chrk V - d- ur- ime by calling at Dally News Tor ' this advertise- IHIVKKVMr.VT I.KJI OK ACT Votlir of Ippltralion for IWf llcftir NOT1CB ImtttT Htn that on tt .!. d;.r of AprU n the uixir1nil u nd. to apfify to tr Liquor Control Huant for a lknr In rearwet of pr r brtn part of th btitloing knovn f lUraport lUrfrf at lUJKport, Br1 Columbia, upon the lanAa dmlW a M and 44. Mork Jt. Townalt f HaTrmrt pnnc Buptrt Lal Kw m IXMrlot.. In the Protinre of nn tti Columbia, for Uie aol of brr ' ' Mi giaaa or by ot-n tUl for ron uiiDtlou on the imniiw ar by rlul la for raiuumptlon ilbrr. DATED thta 10th day of llarch. ItU MAIUR ANN DLPUIS ApptiMint in rrtoiiiTt: I IN TUB SUPRttfE OOUKT OP DRITI8II COLUUDIA IN THE MATTER OP THE -ADMINISTRATION ACT" - attd IN THE MATTEK OP THE BBTATE OK cilaiues vrm. drceajucd. intes TATE TAKH NOIICF. that by fdrr of Hi Honor W.t. r-aOxr. ih 29th day of March. WA8I!INaTON. DC. April 12 George Fulkes. Democratic representative from Michigan, yeste- Wllllam A. Wirt, who-arcused six "Brii Trut" fi- tellltes es of of a a the "Red plot" to ovarthrowj,, ' yf&T TA Bovernment ai Wnr'JWmtt. V rostrli'met-'ln a NazL d ieta j vtrhH1 movement." Cermak's Son-in- Law is Convicted Harold Jrrka Fatine Term of One lo I'ivr Years Tor Consjilrim; to AasMst lcae I'roin Jail of I'rUonrr CHICAOO, April 12. -'Full honors were accorded at the VANCOUVER, April 12: CP funeral here of the late Col. Ira Ignatius Timothy Treblsch Lincoln Mffell. pioneer American airman who was a famous oerman sdy under whose instruction Col. during the Oreaj War and who Charles A. Lindbergh learned fly-spenf three years in the Tower of A s ore ot Holed flyers were m London as a prisoner, has been ' attendance to pay (lrlal tribute, granted the privilege of pawing ! Two tk.I ago. BlffelU suffering throuch Canada enroutc to EuroiJe I rom heart trouble and growing tt l where he will form a Buddhist inori-!"Hndfjft. was discovered by a 1 ostcry. I newspaper reporter to be dying In - Lincoln arrived from China , 1n charity ward of a local' hos- aboard the liner Empress of Run-; Friends or earlier flying days sia Monday night and was held by p1 Wrn "x8ved U a private ward the Immigration authorities until I ,,re ne a a 'ew aays ae yesterday. He must leave Canada by May 5. He Ia accompanied by four Buddhist monks and six nuns Steamship Sailings Kor Vanrouvei Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m Thurs ss. Pr. George 10:15 pjn. Friday . Prin. Adelilde 10 pjn. Ss. Carfle'na midnight April 12 and 2S ss. P. Norah pjn. rom Vntuttuvci Sunday-. Catala pjn Wed-r- ss. Pr. George 10 am Friday ss Prln. Adelaide 10 p m. Ss. Cardena . ..pjri April C and 20- Pr. NpiMf'ft tor Anyox and Slewart- 1 Sunday--ar.csruiu Bjijrn-: i or rvsas uivrr una rort'impaon-. Sunday ss. Catala ' 8 njn. - . j jl roni N.- -IS'tvr ! I'ort Slmron Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 a.m. For Ocean Tali Tuesday lis. Catala 1:30 p.m. 1 Pr. George 10:15 pjn. Friday--. .Prfrt. Adelaide ... p.m. torn Ocean Falls, Wed s. lPr.;rptrrfee . 10 ajn Frlttav ss. Y'rin' Adelafde'lO p.m. CHICAOO. April 12 - Harold' SS. CarderTa" . pjn. Jerka. son-in-law of the lite i For QUcen Chartolte Islands- , i Mxnir nilUHl LATTniilK (11 1 , 1 llfTHKIJ. AT1TII n nnn VJl SJC. 1' .1,1 fill nm . raa.,and all part, having Malnrr,,. . .i ....V V,3JtFT. afatuai tilt aaid TCHrfr are ttrrrtty rf-l" - vi nwm uyic wj rum i(urru Liiirioiic iianu quim) to rumiah aam. pn(x-rijf rrt-1 years' Imprisonment In penlten- .t.ZTSJ, vcUon on a m tn ut ara rnjuimi to pay th charge of conspiracy to assist pri-foru?i"iu0f tM' t""" to ""isoners to escape from Cook County ' Norman a. watt. JJall. Jerka was found guilty of p!S RCrflic0'' ; navln8 smusgled a revolver into the Drd ii aotn dr of March, a d. 1934 Ja'l 'or a prisoner. "TILLIE THE TOILER" April 4 andri--s .P. John a.m. ,' For Alaska ,( i April 6 and 20 ss. Pr. Norah a jn. j from Alaska i: April 12 and Pr-Pr. Norah p.m. '"roni Skrena. lUvrr Friday ss. Cardena p.m. The Toronto Maple Leafs cdu!dn' the p'uck at him In the or' ho:' x way to beat hkn from beriir'i T'.t puck In front. H gap '- I - month. 1 Crp1L, ,E5 IQUX MADAM -TH13 S I "Till IP UaTC I I I I VAJMAT'Lt. DO I I OOM'T KNOW U LU" SAUON MOT) ,1LU,C rtICi f ABOUT TWESE AND I tOWT CARE j:r44l iAbE VltVAlS Of Tmc TlLLiB Hat THS V4HOLE GAGA tr . Ill A Satisfactory Kaien Hardware purr f DECORATE Inside your liome litis year with the NEW PROCESS ALABASTINE $1.50. will buy cnpuglifor one room "61 The Style Leader! -n Gardiner of the Chicago Blackhawks by shooting by c-arlre Conacher of the Leafs- discoverd a new r.-:? ? ;t behind the Chicago goal-line he shot the 0 vi-:ory over ths Hawka.The above illustration shows 'vhile Taffy Abel lays hU stick down over the goal- inrsing Leafs ar? Red Horner, left, and Harvey Jackson. That Final Effort Muscles strained to th u::r b.e.uh laoorea. evei-ytmng gone out tne wui to win, out mat final spurt aid It. J. F M. Phi: ps sprint .star of Edinburgh. Scotland, is depicted above leading his competitors across the line in the recent Powderhall sprint. 1 1 was a close race throughoout. Businesses "Headed" the Wrong Way , AND. tT VMAS &Y Ttt-OE TO TAE THIS HAT WE ED IM VJAJ-TEB LILLV'S MCVM CSOVA1M COMTIUO By Westover I ygp 1 '" lg KAIEN HARDWARE See our 1934 Tennis Balls and Rackets V KNAMHLS nnd VAUNISH U Coyer more surface 61 A Satisfactory Place to Deal Kaien Hardware ADIOS We have ihree in stock. They won't be here Ionj; at the price we are asking. Up from $35.00