Visit Our Bargain Department A splendid group of broken lines and samples, styled for street wear and for other occasions. These are better grade shoes taken from our regular stock and priced- To Clear at $195, $2.95, $3.45 A wonderful opportunity for those wearing the smaller sizes. The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. FRINCX ROFERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 35? Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. T. PTJLLEN - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or earner, yearly period paid in advance For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid1 in advance, per year . ' By mall to all other countries, per year 1 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 91 Editor and Reporters' Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DILLINGER'S FATE St K . , . Ji .10 5 00 '9j00 Tuesday, July 24, 1934 j John Dillinuer was a bold, bad man but he was clever and his cleverness made him something of a hero withl those who sympathize with the breakers of the law. Even among those who are glad to see his end he was admired for his backbone and natural sagacity. The end of such a man was bound to come tragically sooner or later. He was an outlaw on the face of the earth and only in a crowded city where gangdom thrives could he hope to be concealed. Even there his presence became known but it took fifteen men to get him. Happily he was killed instantly and the world is spared the publicity which would have followed his trial if he had been taken. THE HEAT WAVE . In the east a heat wave has been making life uncomfortable. People have been dying, crops have been drying up and cattle have been destroyed. While this was going on last week the Pacific Coast was unpleasantly cool Let us be thankful for the cool weather. While sunshine is desirable, too much of it is worse than too little. MUTUAL HELP The people of Stewart arid Hyder on eit boundary line on Pdrtland Canal live on on . . . ?v i ii mi ?4 t either side Of the m 11 very inemuy terms with each other. Thev visit a ood deal and heln each -4 - - - r , i Si' other whenever possible. Sunday aftemoon when there Urges League Fight Prices South African .National Council of Women Told Situation Scandal CAPETOWN, 6Ji.. July 24: CP Strong language about the cost of living in South Africa was used by Professor W. H. Hutt in an address to the National Council of Women. He described the price of bred, butter, milk and other neces sities In the Union as ""one of the biggest scandals of the present age and accused ministers of "betraying the consumers' cause." What was wanted, the professor Urged, was a lire consumers' league which would strictly avoid any form of alliance with any political party. He said he did not propose to discuss the facts or the significance of the many dlscrepencies between international prices and prices within the Union. He assumed that his listeners were all convinced that there wis a strong prima facie case against a situation which resulted in the prices of necessaries within the Union being so much higher than world prices. C.C.RWILL FOREGATHER Summer School Lasting Two Weeks Will be Held at Fulford Harbor VICTORIA. -July 24: The Cana dlan Commonwealth Federation will hold j two weeks' summer school at Fulford Harbor. Salt Spring Island, starting July 30. The school is to be conducted along similar lines to that ef the Liberals at Port Hope. Ont. Those attending will be Instructed in the principles, of the party and their practical application to conditions in the west. . HUGE CARNIVAL TO BE 'HELD -HELD IN CITV AT TIME WAR SHIPS ARE PRESENT. (Continued from Page 1) also a cruiser from the U. S. Navy Many visitors from all parts of the north are expected to be here including delegates to the Board if Trade convention of Central British Columbia which will also be held that week. It is planned to make it the greatest celebration that has ever been held in Prince Rupert On the opening night, August 21 there will be a flower .iow In the Exhibition Hall and an entertain ment including selections by the Klncollth Jubilee Orchestra. ThLi orchestra has been training under a competant instructor for the past two years and is to make its debut here, James Stewart is th conductor and Charles Nelson, the piantet- is a graduate with first :lass honors of the Toronto Con servatory of Music. It has been suggested thlt there might be competition at th r ti...L it., A 4 -u-j i 1 flower show between the different 4 ,1(helpffet it under control All worked as ixjt were '.to. save ;Cmpetent representatives and the trieir own town, this is a splendid spirit and Indicates that (rivalry would prove a great stimu- the people of the mining towns are made of the right kind i to flower growers to exhibit ot stuff. iu,e,r 'auci- t WHAT IS UNION GOVERNMENT? Says the Victoria Times: "After emphasizing the danger of minority governments and contending that the Pattullo government is in that class, The Vancouver Province illogically demands that the provincial ministry act like a union government. By the way, how do union governments act, anyway? Like the one in France which is now collapsing after severs VlPfttf mrmtVia rf ll'fo? Ah tUa nnd in Hfoof Hfifoin irlw.Vi me Home uas upumisis are 10 be in the city for three Says and will give a U-Oihour Vaudeville entertainment each evening. They have often been heard over the air but the programs they would give here would be quite different There will be a dance each evening at the Exhibition Hall following the entertainments and the usual carnival attractions. All organizations are being asked to tc ,WrUa T,...9 r . ...v, ' fal1 ln ,tne and ht,P carry out the 10 iuij 1 ?c ouBjjcti- mat wjiut uui tun icni- j plans of the Fair Board norary really wants is that the Pattullo administration art) like u Tory government. It is difficult to believe that it v . - wants any u u r. policies, yet how could the provincial! government act like a union government without incorporating into its program at least a proportion of the recommendations of n frrnnn whifri rinwsontE fVi crrnnrr WB, H C I 1 VJI VV S VJ HIV I SB V largest element of the provincial electorate?" 11 T'Ohlffnt Today's Weather ! Steamships Sailings Triple Island Part cloudy, light north wind, sea smooth. Langara Foggy, calm, barometer, 30.18; temperature, 72; sea smooth. . Desd Tree PolnU-Clear, calm, Urometer, 20.18; temperature, 72; 4 a smooth. For Vsnrouvei Monday ss. Pr. Rupert .... 3 prh. Tuesday Catala l;30 p.m. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p m. 8s. Cardena midnight Saturday ss. Prin. Louise pm. Saturday si. Phdrorge jS FOOTBALL REGIMENT vs. MERCHANTS Acropolis, 6.30 p.m., A dm. 23c. FRESH MILK AND CUEAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 THE DAILY NEV73 rsnK.UHf-fc SPORT NEWS Hit!tBUf:i MOOSE LOSE SOFTBALL Junior Elks Takfc Moose by Scare of 11 to 5'in itajtrd Game Lodgemen ample opportunity to amass the big score they won by. The winners harvested nine hltsi off Orme Stewart. Moose mounds- man while their pitcher allowed j five bingles, one of them, knocked by McFee. being a triple. F. Comadina. new Junior Elk se cond sacker made a neat and opportune one-handed catch in the sixth retiring the side with Moose-men occupying second and third. Score by Innings: Moose 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 05 Jr. Elks 0 1 3 2 3 2 0 2 x 13 Batteries: Stewart and McFee; Lindsay and Campbell. Umpires, uurvich and Stalker. Ladies' League In a fast game marred by several "blow-up" innings on the part of the losers the Annette Otris downed the Orotto Olrls by a score of 14 to 3. The Tlgerettes played bang-up ball all the way through while the usually formidable Orotto Ladies played the "blow-up" variety. The second and sixth Innings were the ones in which the Laldes' Wear Olrls gained the most of their runs, their sluggers connecUng consistently while the Orotto Olrls made mlsplay after mlsplay. Little Babs Beale. whose short stature is the bane of many a chucker, made a sensational running catch of a high ball which elicited quite a spontaneous applause from the fans. Batteries: Orotto, Oullck and Smith: Annette, Skattebol and BassoBert. Umpires. F. and R. Morrison. PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER, July 24 - Wheat was quoted here today at 82'8c a bushel. RAIN ENDED TEST CRICKET Australia Lost Opportunity to Win Big Victory Over Entland But , Will Play Atain I LEEDS. Eng.. July 24: Rain In a game noticeable for its plen- wshed vtctory out 0f the grasp of Utude of errors and lack of earned thp Australiam today and the tuns the Junior Elks defeated the part of the Moose infielding staff j wkkeU to lhe tlnl inninvl score of mnt was the mam cause of the Wg Ju- m a dfflcU of 159 ruIll. tn riew of nior Elks' score. Their general In- AustraHa 8 M4. The Australians ability Uxfleld a ball without fumb- ndpti .lv th. ffflUr to win img or. Dooung u gave me junior bv a ,, lmilnM and ... from the following players: Morgan; Murray. Davles; Veltch, Etlg-eumbe. Wlngham: Wilton. Hill. Mitchell. Campbell. Armstrong: Ferguson. Lindsay. Comadina. WALKINfi CHAMPION CROYDON. Eng . July 24: ICP) Women Opposing Betting on Dogs CAPE TOWN. South Africa. July 24: CP Deprecating arguments of promoters of greyhound racing as attempts "to gain popular sympathy under the guise of charity" the NaUonal Council of Women has pasced a resolution opposing introduction of a government measure to legalize betting on dog racing. Many members of the council hastened to express the opinion that horse raring-was no less harm ful and wished to condemn both In the same breath. As the proposed legalization of betting on grey hounds was under discussion, they were ruled out of order 1 R W Sinclair of Inverness came I into the city this morning on his I speed boat u n H irava FIRST GAME IS TONIGHT Football Stte Arranged by Aso-ci-lion to Clooe With Hanson Cup Match The series of football games in' the Stewurt-Mobley Cup League. will commence tonight wi tite Aero-1 Moose soltballers by a score of 13JdanwL lne mbb wffi & dded polU O round, the Reylmei t pMr to I by the test match of the series eom- Although the Voung Elks hit' eilcmg Ausukt 1W which will be falily consistently there was no flnUh. , pUyed to a need for the heavy dlf ference In the , Wfa.n ited the play. Eng-scote. CosUy infield errors on the U.h ,., .hhwi mo nmi fnr w tag the MirciianU. Other game In the series are: July 2 C Legion vs. Merchants. July 31 Regiment vs. Legion. August 2 Merchants vs. Regi- Tuesday. July 24 l-ijj 1 SPORT CHAT One of the strange u. . . Canada's British Empire o :niM earn is the number of rmi". f. jure It leaves behind it is a Mtung team In moat department, because tt required no little (tit to behind Tie shoves that kapt several int(i u fetes mft of the group Ta oets" remain in Canada HiuJi Strike, the Montreal sprinter and Jackie Calltrra. Hamilton's mighty bantamweight boxer. They were both on the last Olympic m. i uie iwo years since m. wera ; thought to have devcioixxi then into even better performers Mis Strike was the four'h of Canada's sprint queens Shr rumt on the mx in the summer f 13ij to take up the speed scentrr h. i,j turn by Rosa Qross. Bobby Rosen: feld and Myrtle Cook. And for two years she played second fiddle orar August 7- Merchant vs Legion to round's Stella WaUh Sl. n ie; August &- Legion vs. Rsgtonent. jand prettJf Montrral srirl was On August 14 and 18 seiectlon lh. ouwn the ca,,. wanted to gamM . wlH stayed in preparation Xntk and most critics allo..f M3e ... ,. .... continue play for a couple of hours , wouw rule m Empire rtn: w..!4 Uie Hanson during the time U Cup u-fore thU over Hud before the close but were overruled mner ww H M a Danae m Just eooagh drive In two by the umpires. , ;lt years PMYI.Ml TO.NK1HT Tiie team to represent the Regl- ment against the Merchants In this ; evening's game, the first match of the City League will be selected CRAWFORD j IS BEATEN Australian Tennis Player (Joes Down Itrfure Sidney Wixwi at UimblcJon Rain Stop .Mitch 10 mace uus oui 01 uie queiuun Three youngsters who were un tors in 1932 came along at Inrt.n. Ont. and flptssd one-tW9-ptrce tn the 100 yanU rtnal Mbu, strike hadn't even ren bed the final fche watched from the sideline while Audrey Dearnley. Pgy Xlatheiuo and BeUy White romped in f!llnr'a rim over Canaditr. WIMBLEDON. July 24 : -Owing han..m rlnlmrn . to the rain the Davte Cup tennU rim4f4.,n, lf M. ,.. T. Lloyd Johnson of Leicester, the! games had to be postponed today bQyt nail dldnt lte ,he British road-walking champion, titer Sidney Wood had defeated ,Ute wlldfml a f jlr won the Royal Walking Association j Jack Crawford of Australia In w.chMleB. They kept their distance four hours, 39 minutes and 30 e conds. Singles. The other games will be l played tomorrow lf the weather al- ; lows. 32 Baseball Scores American League Washington 11, Chicago 5. Boston 2. Detroit 7. Philadelphia 11. Cleveland New York 5. St. Louis 2. National League St. Louis 6. New York i. Chicago 8, Brooklyn 3. Pittsburg 2. Philadelphia 3. Cincinnati 4. Boston 2. Bowling Scores J. Boyd 11. D. McPhee 18. J. Boyd 18. F. A. Rogers 21. F. S. Walton 12. D. McPhee 34. O. P Tinker 17. Angus Macdonald F 8. Walton 18, D. O Borland 19, F 8 Walter 14, O P Tinker 21 J Frew 18, D, O Borland 20, 'and Jackie wasnt on many rsrds In the east tor the simple reavw I no one would get into the same rm j with him. Until he was unexpec-Itedly beaten in the trials at Mon treal by Jimmy Gordon of Toronu, Oallura had not tost a decision since the Olympic Oames He won the Cans dan title at Winnipeg tn IMS and was voted the best bout In the tournament. Oallura probably would have turned professional a year or so ago had th Empire Osmes trip not been In the ofllng. He wanted thtt excursion before settling down to the serious business of throwing straight lefts and right uppercuts for a living. The Empire Oames will be without these two. Percy Williams, the former "fastest human" who was slated to manage the track and field squad. Is staying at home. There wasn't enough twmey in the coffers to take him to England. Dally New Wur.'-Ad.t satisfy. jEgM BjB ' W I ' iifrstslsBlsi x J.?ituK? JsHsB, mf'JwfffiH-M 'm lil" l jioui IHI trT. sjsssBBlMsBBlMWslBsl VANCOUVtR BREWERIES LID , , . This advertisement If not published or displayed by Uie Eiquot Control Boardor by the Govern men of British Columbia.