FAQS rors YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can get satisfactory glasses from GEO. F. DAVEY, Regis t red Optometrist, who, for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service in the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner When Coming to Terrace or LakeLse Hot Springs Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Greet You We meet all trains. Freight it passenger service anywhere. Lakelse Lake and Lodge, new boat H. A. 8.) now In service on the laker Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult, $3.00; $1.50 per head additional. No. crowd too big. No job too small. PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY New Discovery In Antennas A Greater signal to noise level Is now possible with the 1931 aerial. This antenna Is specially designed for the new short wave receivers and will work on aU waves. Estimates given on your particular requirements. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Second Avenue & Third Street The Pioneer Jeweler Phone 261 SUMMER SUNDRIES For Picnics Paper Plates, doz 10c "Wax Paper 5c, 15c, 35c Paper Napkins, pkg. of 75 15c Summer Toys Sand Pails 15c & 35c Water Balls 35c & 50c Sail Boats 20c to $2.50 Gliders , 15c Summer Reading New Books in Our Rental Library "Rivers Glide On," Gibbs "Years Are So Long" Lawrence "Chinese Orange Mystery Queen "Peking Madness" Van Dyke And many others. Good reading for a month, 75c Bring Your Films to Us For Expert Finishing Films Kodaks Slazenger Tenins Balls eMiaSres.JM FLOOR COVERINGS We are now carrying a good variety of linoleum floor coverings and Congoleum Rugs. Drop in and see the patterns and let us give you a price on covering, your floor. GORDON'S HARDWARE f Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 DRAG RUSTY HULK ASHORE S.S. Islander Eipected to Much Klondike Gold per tin TOKrTBXB3i7rreB55BTx?trc3 Eddy Matches 3 boxes to carton, per carton "TIME THE TOILER" THE cfcBS YUH COTTA TO 56T O r Yield I hunters are expected to know. snuruy auer Auguti i. wneuier me steamship Islander carried three million dollars In nuggets, when the vessel plunged to the bottom of Stevens Pass thirty-three years ago. By August 1 the rusty hulk will be dragged ashore on Admiralty Island, so that workmen can enter the battered craft in search of safes holding gold from rich Klondike diggings. The work so far has cost half a i million dollars and has occupied I two years. I SERVICE Let Us Serve You Service With a Smile Blue Ribbon Tea per lb. Blue Ribbon Coffee-Vacuum Pack, per lb. Macaroni Ready Cut 3 lbs. Canadian Cheese per lb. Heinz Pickles Sweet, sour, mustard and dill, per' qt. Saanich Clams Talis 2 tins for 47c 42c 19c 19c 46c 27c Pilchards Snow Cap Brand, halfs. plain or with tomato sauce (n 27c I Fresh Fruit for preserving at rea-g sonable prices. Phone your order jjj early for this commodity, I MUSSALLEM'S I Economy Store I "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Pot, 575 Phone 18 317-319-Thlrti Averiue West NOW OPEN Palm Coffee Shop Pleasant surroundings and Service with a Smile Call and see us Across from the Power Co., Third Avenue TES 3AILT KZ7TB. Tutiiay, July 2t, uJt TWENTY" YEARS AGO FIHStI fjf TfJIf O DAGO STEP TAKEN WHICH PUECI- I Ul lLtJ iitJU 1 - t a r ii'fiirii I CANADIANS TOOK TAUT. A I I I IN VI Vi I (Continued from page one) who had declared that the murder must not be employed to incite rac ial antagonisms. i Prlncip and four accomplices were tried by the District Court at Serajevo. From this trial there emerged an, alleged "confession," upon which Austria based specific charges against Serbia and made upon that country demands of hitherto unheard of severity. The confession" purported to implicate in the murders several Serbian mili tary officers of high rank and a Slavic patriotic organisation whose headquarters were in Belgrade. The bombs thrown in the first unsuccessful attempt against the life of Franz Ferdinand were said to have come from the Serbian arsenal at Kragujevatz. The criminals, declared Austria's ultimatum, said that the assassinations had been planned in Belgrade, iiat the arms with which they had "jcen provided were given them by Serbian officers, and that their passage across the frontier was facilitated by Serbian officials. The ultimatum demanded that Serbia make a public declaration of egret, that the country remove "rom military service all officers vhose names would be submitted by ustria, and that Serbia accept the collaboration in Serbia of rcpre-ientatlves of the Austria-Hungar-an government for the suppression f the subversive movement direr -ed against the territorial integrity if the Monarchy." Serbia was given 24 hours I iter tended to 48 hours In which to reply. Wins Prize For Photograph Of Mt. Waddington ALPINE' CLUB, Eremite Valley, ' 'asper National Park, July 24 By :ouricr) With a dramatic picture if Mount Waddington parading in mow glory. Don Munday. noted! Vancouver alpinist, carried df f the challenge cup in the Alpine Club of Canada's annual photographic ?ompetlti6n helji In camp1 each yer. Mrs. Munday wpn honors In mother classlffcatlon with her oleture entitled 'skiing up Corridor CUader." Two awards went to Miss Marguerite Schnellbacher. East Orange. NJ.. who won the mountain landscape class with a fine presentation entitled "Dawn in the Tyrol" and the climbing class wlth her "roping down the Guglla de Amlcls." The prize for Alpine Club sections was won by the Edmonton section with four camp life photographs. Judges were F. H. Brigden, Toronto; Rev. C. Wellen, Havre. Montana, and Or. H. E. Bulyea, AAA S All M 1 Theory of music results at St. Joseph's Academy, for the Toronto Conservator)' of Music examina tions were as follows: Junior Counterpart Pass, Mary Orme. Junior Harmony Honors, Adele Mussallem. Venetia Ferro. Margaret Christiansen, Chlea Ntshlkaze. Primary Theory Honors, Betty Brown. Elementary Theory First class honors. June Hanklnson, Marie Amadio. Engtna Christiansen, Frances Moore. Option Taken On Claims Adjoining Big Missouri Mine Negotiations which have been under way for some time between the Consolidated Mining St Smelting Co. and Mrs. E. T. Applewhatte and P. S. Jack, owners, we're concluded last week, whereby the Consolidated has acquired an option on the Day Group of mineral claims situated on the west side of the Big Missouri Ridge, according to a statment made Co the Stewart , News by the vendor'- subject to forma' arrpfance by h company -7, All Wrapped Up in His Work I I 7 I ' I i - The Letter Boxj JUNIOR cii.Miu:irs ANNOUNCEMENT Editor, Dally News: In order to keep the interest In our fair alive, the Junior Chamber of Commerce has pledged Itself to assist the Fair Board In Its endeavors. Several meetings have taken place and plans are under way. The details will be found elsewhere In this Issue. The dates chosen are August 22, 23 and 24, which will coincide wills, the visit of H. M. 8. Danae as we'll as the U. S. planes. This with the arrangements which are made with other celebrated artists from the south, will help to make the carni val Jor 1934 the best that Prince Ru-pert and Northern British Columbia have ever seen. Therefore we request the Prince Rupert public to remember the dates and to assist us In leaving these few days free from any engagements which may Interfere with the success of the carnival. Thanking you for this valuable space, we are. Yours very truly. JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 8. J. JABOUR. President V DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BOOKLET Tht 'd'oubtt suUmttle kaalltt thtliit ptpcrJuttuFrctHtitht first. ' When in Need of Lumber and Shingles Phone 618 PH1LP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. ' Wc Carry a Stock of Spruce and Cedar World's Heavyweight Championship With All Important Action In Slow Motion! Camera vs. Baer ii Knock-downs - in 11 Rounds plus- The World's Mwt livable Detective Heather Angel In 'MURDER IN TRINIDAD' The year' most 'ir'nngm tery rwian' wim the act, of the story In the unerp: -t swamps and mant.on Trinidad Island' WITH VICTOR JORY NKJKL HRtTK HfUINS TOMORROW gflPifOl Utt Shoinf Tonljht Kathcrinc Hcphurn in "SPIT'WRI-r Start 1 9 it e n COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh Using the Bile method- Doing way wholly with metal taste, stale flavor Healthful and Invigorating. Commodore Cafe By Westover "! tiA . L"f."u'";, VMI V I coeiAmS I TO , MILS. r m VJ. . VM. V c mm mm wm 'ntm mm u WMwmmm Gti I CCK? CU MAC mP$9 LS-r-s tSO tCVUM TO SO As,y . , COTYA -rifin 3ET 53ie , -J Jii." 'xjm An Inspiration to Thinking i 5c3T T is JtkL f COME OM dovajm no .'H? ' va." ell, maj: ARE VOu AAJV Ol XCB "MTH VOu i i f HUH 1 Y m7 . " ' I V. II 1 ' V 1 : 't - I-J.w. !.. On. .. lM m4 VJ Wil M A. If V I I