.14, 1M4 leveloping an nntaig Daily Service Films left in before oon finished the aame MOVIES OF THE TRIP make the fan Inst SUP a Clne-Kodak Eight into the pocket of your car and you're ready to capture the week-end's fun in movies you'll be proud to show. Expennvc? Not a bit. Movies ot average news-reel length cost less than 10c a scene to mike, and it's all so simple. Jult aim the camera and press the button. Stop here and see this Goc-Kodik Eight. Ormes Lid. Ptonecr Druqipiats The Ketall HUre fboae: 81 tt tl THE DUNES For a Real Vacation Visit Tlell And Enjoy Fishing - Tennis - Bathing Au i Comforts of Home Meals to Tempt Your Atfetite Special Catering to Children Milk to Drink Whenever You wish Make a Foursome at Tennis and Take Advantage of Special Hates For Parties of Four or More Writ r Wire lor Reservations MADAME KAJAUT, Tlell, Q.C.I. Sail an Prince Charles for Prt Clements TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Dally Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. 1'KINCE RUI'KKT, B.C. HOLIDAYS Adults or Children on the Famous (Jraham Island North Reach 'J'hlng, luthliu. Ilndinliilon, "rule., hrrnr UrUn, Mioot- 'S In I he 9ean. nt a full; furnUlied rolls t Kati(an RMfr, r' lull particulars ftpply MRS. DUNN - .Masselt. B.C. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, ZarellL Pioprletor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates 11.00 up 60 Rooms, not & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 181 P.O. Box 198 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED '-8S. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver CATALA KVKRY TUESDAY, 1:30 I'-M Arriving Vancouver Thursday T.8.S. CARDKNA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. WmUj auiftg to Port Blmio, Alice Arm, Anyoi, Btswart and N ii,,., Wvtr points, leav rrtno Rupert Bunday. 8 pm, 'urthtr Information regarding all saltings and tickets at- WNCI BUPCEX AOSHCtl Iklrd .. Tbwt THX DAILY NTWB PAOE THRJTI I I I'll I LOCAL NEWS NOTES C H. Gilbert of Terrace came In) 'jn the train last evening. Rer Dr and Mm F. W. Dafoe left today on the Catala for Vancouver. Mrs. C. H. Hankinson and family left last evening for Smlthera where they will holiday at Lake Kafhlyn. Al Small, -who recently won a trip to Chicago World's Fair, left on the train last night. He will return by way of Seattle. We pay a premium on goid coins and old gold, uctii, chains, watches, etc Phone Black 524. B. C. CloUilers Limited. tf. Lloyd tike, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ulce. 8th Avenue E. left on the train last evening for a holiday at Terrace. Union steamer Catala arrived this afternoon" from Portland Canal and Naas River points. She carried a large number of passengers north. T Trotier returned yesterday from Terrace where he had spent the wtrk end. While there he drove to Usk and visited the Oolumario Mine. full of guesu before the excursionists arrive dat the week-end but all were taken care of during the visit Cars weijr provided to drive the visitors around and a big dance was held lor uieir entertainment. 1L Tflenthol&tum ier SUNBUR.N. SPRAINS A-oBRUlSES fcllP A JAP INTHC. CLUB Mouse Gardening In Prince Rupert There is a tendency among gar-j deners to try to make their gardens i like other people's instead of strlk-' ing a new note for themselves, i Some like a formal garden and others like It Informal. A good example of the Informal kind is that! 1 ol Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McLennan on Borden Street Everyone passing that way must have noticed the! wonderful effect from the wild', daisies on the bank above the road. : Nothing could haw been prettier and they bloomed at a time whenj there was little else available. The! rtanuer l that thev mav be allowed i to spread. The McLennan garden has won derful possibilities. Not only Is the approach excellent but the rugged rocks at the back lend utemseives particularly well to rock gardening. The wonderful cedar trees are something that could not be pur-i chased or grown within reason-j able period. Roses do well there and so do a great many otner nowers. There are very few places so endowed by nature as this and the artistic touch of Uie owners has added to the natural beauty. nrntlv mention was made In! ... ..v..u' hes columns of me rose wi shown by C. H. Orme at the rose t ...mi Hint ii numoer ui auun. w... i have this rose In the collec tion introduced from Victoria In, the Bortnu. Edlde SmlUi on Atun Avenue has been picking them from his rose garden and A. J. Lancaster also has the same variety. T have on a former occasion men tioned Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dlbb's onrrfen nn Graham Avenue. It Is at nrenent one of the show places of Westvlew and anyone Interested In the judicious decorative effect 01 nlnka should see It. The new chry- santha calendula there are very good, a revelation of the uses to which this brlaht, golden yellow llowtr.cah.tt put. Tuberous Mgen las art also used with trim. VTe are still buying Id gold, Bulger's. (tfj Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunter of Anyox i were here Sunday homeward bound. You can rent a Car at Walker's as low as $1 a day plus 7c a mile. tf Percy Fraser, ' son of Inspector a no Mrs. J. A. Fraser, has Joined the staff of McRae Bros. C. Crulkshank passed through Prince Rupert on the Catala northbound Sunday night. The second dance in the Moose Han at which music was provided by the Strollers proved very successful. There was a good crowd and the music was excellent. An abundance of wild berries is reported along the highway and on the townsite. Many families are picking these for preserving or jelly-making. There are several varieties blueberries toeing the most abundant. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. K. Matheson and son. Prince George: O. H. Tycho, Smlthers. Central C. A. Frencr, Ottawa; Mrs. LeRoss and daughter. Miss Peggy Campbell, Pacific; George Falllle. Seattle Knox L. Clark. Georgetown; E. Pearce. A. M. McDuff. Olie Hardlne and mil.. r . V- ( . m i . i uiy oiniui, cuy. r . a. uisiuiw ana Wm. Marklntosh. Edmonton; Geo. joawthorne. Prlnre George; B. Wilson. Terrace: S. M. Terry. Telkwa; jV E Brown, Ketchikan. Royal I F E Sloan. Vancouver; Daniel jArbuck, Terry O'Neill and F. Col-! bert. SeatUe; Chas. Harris, Vancou ver. Savoy C. Swanson, C.KR. Terrace Man In Local Hospital With Broken Leg William Little of Terrace arrived In the city yesterday afternoon and was taken to the hospital where he is receiving treatment for a bro ken leg. It seems that Mr. Little was en gaged in shingling a roof when he fell to the ground, the fracture be ing the result. Moose Hall SPECIAL DANCE STROLLERS' ORCHESTRA With Cabaret Entertainment Wednesday, July 25 10 Till 2 Admission 50c LAWN FENCE 36 Inches. To Clear I iv dp per foot Scroll Top Gates CJQ f C Special VO.IO PAINT SPECIAL Commander House Paint 7aUons $4.69 Handy Cans J fjg each Drown Shingle QO tZ( Stain, 4-gal. cans VVatfU Kaien Hardware Phone 3 Mf it rg I I If 14 1 I I M A I lis I II I IT C mx V f LIVLUiiULU: I With Kunnmg ohoes The Commodore Cafe Has converted the Cabaret into a dining-room for Afternoon Teas Catering to bridge parties both afternoons and evenings, supplying cards and score cards free of charge. Don't Forget the 50c Sunday Chicken Dinner GET A REAL REST And Change of Climate FURNISHED CABINS Also Room and Board Mrs. Birnic's Camp Lake Kathlyn If You Have Used Furniture TO SELL Get In touch with D.Elio 3rd. Ave, opposite Moose Hall He buys and sells everything Too mdny running shoes have been purchased and we plan to give Prince Rupert people an opportunity to buy the finest make! at prices that elsewhere would have to be paid for inferior goods. Through our plan of giving our customers real values in all kinds of footwear we have built up a clientele that returns to us again ana again. Why Not Buy Your Running Shoes Today? We have them m most of the best makes and stvles and the prices talk for themselves. Drop in and look them over. COMPARE OUR PRICES Child's sizes, 4 to!10J 69c Misses,' 11 to 2 89c , Youth's, Utb-134 85c - Boys,' 1 to 5 i ...95c Ladies,' 3 to 8 79c Men's, 6 to 11 99c Summfcr and Holiday Footwear We are specializing in those, new snappy lines of summer and holiday footwear that add so much to holiday enjoyment and foot comfort, at amazingly low prices. We Accept City Scrip CUT RATE SHOE STORE Van's Bakery Opposite Boston Cafe Quality Breads 4 for 25c At All Grocers Labelled on Bottom For Your Protection Phone 190 Classified Ads . . . - - - - , i FORSAKE . .1 HAIRDRESSER MODERN House, close' in, i200, balance easy. Barf. U. FURNITURE for sale at 816 6th Arenue near Fvlton.. -it FOR SALE CroVh Oraht timber lan&. Location Lakelsc Valley. near Terrace, B.C. For lnfonna-j tion -write to Marchie B. Boyn- J ton Box 187, Juneau 'Alaska. 187 PAINTERS PAlKTINQ and PaperKanglng MoUer. Phone Red 892. , , . TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone; 177; Blrcfc. -Jackplne. Cedart tf TIMIUK SALE ,-?H0 I Thera will be of.'erl lor aale by Pti6 ' tic Auction at tbe ottle of tbe IstMcx i Peiwter at Prluoe RuirU B. C. at nootl on U sTeoteenth (17ti flay ot Aufust. 1934. the Uoem JC-17109 alt-uated on LjfU bland, Q.C.J-. to cut 2.-677 MtSM of Sprue. Cedar and Htn-lock. ProvMed -at)h MnaU to attend the 'Auction in person, niay tub mlt a sealed tender to be ted at the hour of Auction and treat! aa one hw , , - two yrar will be allowed fox removal ol Una timber. ' Particulars of cUttt PcrruUr. Vlt- 1 i tori. Dlatrlot Fbrwler Pilnre Ruixrt. (or Raider J. B. SoOU. Lorkejurt. Q.CX ' ( I i V J TIMBER, SALE. V11l) . There will be offered for.aale br Pub lic Auction at the office of the- Diatric FVttvter ,t Princ Rupert. B. -C:. , at noon on the setenteenta (17th) 'day, .-of August. 1934, the Licence X. 17110 t-uated at PowrlTco- Bay, Lyell bland. Q. C.I.. to cut 3.780 UBU of Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock. Provided anyone unable to attend the Auction tn peraon, may submit a sealed tender to be opened at the hour of Auction and treuted as one bid Two years will be allowed for removal ot this timber. Particulars of Chief Forter. Victoria. District rjreer, Prince Rupert. or Ranter J. B. scutt. umrejm, q.c i. SUTirt k LAND REGISTRY ACT Re; CertUlcate ot Title Nu. 1S743-I, to Lot 1004. aald to contain 171 acres, more l. Lot 133. said to oon-tih lis actva, more br less; and Lot 14J4, said to cotrUln tl acre, more or leas. All tn Range 3. Coast District. WHEREAS proof of hws of the above Certincwt ot Title Issued In Ihs name at Ernest HeHfaca and Alonao UcDun-sld has ren filed In this btfwe. notice la hereby given that t shall, at the -ptration of one mth'from the date of Uw first, publication heiof. issue s provlsloual Certlftrtkte of Title. In Heu of sMd lort eeruncate, unleas In the meanttme valid objectlvtk t nude to me in writing. DATED at the Land HeuUtTV Offloe. frlnct Rupert. B.C. this 33nl day of Juiy, ax). ivj. ANDREW THOS4P30N, Deputy ReUtrar of TUei, FERSIAJS'ENT WAVING! Cliuier Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPK:, l.M ACT Not 1ft of Intention to ipplj to rurrtuw Und O.' In, rlBt Hnpfrt Lna Reoordtai Dtstrtet at liatii four Co&t txstrtet. md frnivfe kbout tir mUts rrom tit inoutn ot the Kbutcc Rim on tbe Tiike ntle tht t, TrwSerlck "SlvstlT. ct Vancouver. B.C. occupation tniat operatot. tntecuto to pply lor pcnfiU aafeMoh to purttau the follower U Bcnaea inot: OominiFaeing at a post planted , one toot tHaUnc rrom the wltni poet on th vt aide oi Lot 172, tbenc Wrkt erlr to Vfcaina: tbrac 8outhfrtj 30 chktni; .tbenc Easterly 0 chain; tbeace Northrrtr 20 chain and eon talhlnr 100 ami. more or If. FREDERICK K. 8HEU.T. Dated lOtii day of Maj. 1934. ' UtXERAL ACT rERTIVICATK OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE RJver rracUooaJ- Ulneral a aim. situate in the Atlln Mining DtviBlonbt Calar Distrust. .'r Located on left bank ot tbe Tulte-quah River. . . 1J, TAKE NOTICE that H. VlcN. FrasM seUns as Aclt tor Tsku Ulnes Cont acting aaAcent tor Taku Mines Company Limited. Free Miner s ceruiicate no. ii-404. Intend. 60 dT from datberecf, to apply to the Mining Recorder for. 4 CtrtUlcate of ImprovesnenU for th purpoibf Obtamlng a .crown QranV c he .above claim. v Ana rurtrxr take notice that iotlon. under section 83. must bs commn,-ed before the liauance of such Ccctlfloate ot Iniprorement. " Dated this 3Sth day ot April. 1JC, H. Melt. Praaer. 'Ateei. C..N..R. Trains i for the East - Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays und Fridays 6 pm. from the Eaat Mondays and Batunlays l!lS pm. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:20 pjn. s COAL! GOAL! Our Fimoto Bdson, Alberta n Dulkley Valley Coals are turn-ceed to give satlif action. Try .m ton ot No. 1 Bulklvy Valky. Wf (Jjo s4U Timothy Hay, WbmX OaU and Barliy. Prince Rupert Fted Ctv UnttMa M