If r ? ' RK. July II - RelW has I of Atlantic iULm. a! ; " father condition hat- J , t The. bammeter has; -TrfufHl tfU VuWifare biovtng! KA V-TON July S4 -The ;rilure registered yea- n ' "tree Tiw heat i i ' rnntf kcUvlWes have fi;-'. : nwf ihr nnnndav ateaU a tegular feature of j Tt -.x dav altwr the was first felt Yeaterday - 426 deatlu from heat :i: BIG CATCH OF SALMON H'lh Boat In Chatham Sound Ynterday Was J7; Average IS to Boat Pithing U very good Just now lh In Chatham Sound and In the rim ih boat In the sound III Mxkfje jesterday but the ivttitf was about 15 to the boat. In the Skrena the average was bout 20 to the boat. A lew pinks are running but ' run of these is hardly commenced yet :0UL PLAY IS FEARED "r Found In Willow River With Bullet Wound and Police Are Investigating - Provincial police here have been 11 Tied of Ue finding of the body "f Ralph McVoy. a 70-year old pen- n" m the Willow River near lh"y The body was taken to Prince Georae where an autopsy lai held and It was found that he filed from a gunshot wound cvl- Ideni.iii inm.i.j . hlLU OF WHEAT Vancouver Alexandria, iH V Bayview. MSi-U C. Nkkat .TO. Big Mkoiri. J3. I B. It. OY-iffc. B. R. X.. 1 . BtfUe 1. X. U .16. rer than himself. IKa ntinP I MeVnv K.. - -.1 I O On "nee July 17. Bo far as Is known he NfrilfP I OrlAV OlllKe I Jast seen June 2fl. insnceior' UUaj ""er left nn the train la&t nlaht. take charge of further InvcstlRa-1 SAN FRANCISCO. ' '. July 24:-Bal wns Oetitonk. 4&. Dunweit. .IS. Oeorgta Wrr. .OlVt-Ooieonda. 2A. Hercute. J84. Indian. Jfc. Mlnto. 20. MeiWlan. .lift. Moraine SUr. .16. KaUve Son. M. Natkmal Sltver. MM. Noble FU. J97A. Pend OreUle. U. Porter Idaho. M. Premier. 1.3. Reeves McDonald. .13. Reward. .064. Reno. .90. Sliver Crest. .02. Salmon OoW, .11. Taylor Bridge, .43. Waytlde. .07. Waverly Tangier. Dl. United Empire, .14. Toronto Central Patricia, .84. Chlbougftmau. .11H-U-e Oold. .10V. Oranada, .00. Inter. Nickel. 2350. Maeasaa, 2.48. Noranda. 40.00. Sherrttt Oordon. .63. Sisco Oold. 2.42. Thompson Cadillac, 50. Ventures. 0. Lake Maron. .09. Teck Hughes. 655. Sudbury Basin. 150. s Columarlo. -24T4-Smelter Oold. J2. Canada MalarUc. .60. Little Long Uc. 650. Astoria Rouyn. .13. Stadacona, 55. Maple Leaf, 58. Pickle Crow. 1.45. Lone Lac Lagoon, 52. Manitoba St Eastern, 53. Twenty Years Ago First Step Taken Which Precipitated War In Which Canadians Took Part (Written for the Canadian Press by Capt. W. W. Murray, M.C.. and copyrighted by them. 1 Twenty years ago yesterday an uneasy world was thrown into consternation by the announcement that the Austrian minister at Belgrade had presented to the Ser bian irovemment the ultimatum which finally precipitated the war. Nearly four weeks previously on June 2S the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir apparent to the Austrian throne, and his morganatic wlfe.j the Duchess Sophie of Hohenberg. n y p had been assassinated at Serajevo (jai'dmer LXDeClS ' Bosnian student. The wave of horror and lndlgna- i Uon that engulfed the world im- mediately following this tragedy t had greatly diminished, due largely ! to the pacific utterances of the aged Emperor "Frani Joseph of Austria, (Continued on Page Fouri DROWNED IN SKEENA Robert Klpp Lost Ills life Following Celebration at Tort Es-slngton July 7 Another Skeena River mystery has been solved. The police report th finding of the body of Robert KIdo who was fishing from Port Esslngton and who disappeared Premier Bennett Continue Relief REOINA. July 24: Premier Gardiner states that he is trusting' Premier Bennett will continue the ! one-third contribution toward unemployment relief and not reduce 1 It to 25 as announced by him. He will strongly urge this at the Ottawa conference which he plans to attend. Reception To Roosevelt In Hawaiian Ids. Todays Weather Tomorrow s Tides High 12:50 pm. 185 ft rir.tswesterly wind; baromeUL Low 6:35 ajn. 1:35 ft. 31 -9: temperature. 84. 18;35 pm. 6.8 ft r-t- NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vi: xxiv No. 171 j PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1934 hwce; five cents MANYliE RESULT OF INTENSE HEAT PJMVCE RUPERT IS TO HAVE BIG CARNIVAL IN AUGUST Heat Is More Intense Than Ever In Western Central United States DEATH TOLL MOUNTS TO 5!i5 TODAY AND HIGH EST TIIKK.MO.MKTKIt ickadim; is 120 at iowa TOWN-10O AIIOVK ZEKO IS CKNEItAL. (UK (20, July 21: (CP) The death toll mounted to today as intense heat blared down on the United States smashing records for its intensity and duration. An unofficial 120 degree temperature record at Musca-tinf, Iowa, was reported and readings of alwve 100 dc-rifts are general throughout the central western states. .ui U -Aii the mi6 ' trs are still sweltering f a heat wac whkh U he crops and making! ..1 provide feed It Ue Today's Stocks German Battleship Launched Aunlral Count Spec's daughter did the honors when this new German baUieaijp, 'C was being launched, recently Restricted under the terms of the treaty of Versailles the Germans have perfected the so-called "pocket" type of warship. PRESS FOR HIS PLANS Tremier Pattullo expected To Again free His Work and Wajes Scheme On Bennett VANCOUVER, July II: The British Columbia delegation headed by Premier rattullo is planning to leave for Ottawa tomorrow. They have been called there by Premier Bennett to once more discuss the question of relief tor the unemployed. The Minister of Finance, Hon. John Hart will accompany the Premier as will also Attorney General Gordon Sloan. It is understood that Tremier Pattullo will araln urge upon Premier Bennett the desirability of drawing on the national credit to provide work and wages for the unemployed, carrying out highway or railway work which Is at present needed and giving the men of the country an opportunity to earn a decent living. BOMBERS AT WHITEH0RSE Left This Morning For Fairbanks, Alaska, on Last Leg of Flight WHrrEHORSE. July 24: The 10 HONOLULU. July 24: A great United States bombers arrived here rcccntlon Is arranged for President! at 6:20 last evening from Prince Huge Carnival To Be l Held in City At Time Warships Are Present Junior Chamber of Commerce and Fair Board operate in Big Event August 21 to 21 Entertainers Coming sweepers. The whole city, it is planned, will be en fete. It I posible that the Canadian, nival aiso oe in me cuy 1x3; wrex anc Continued on Page Two. R0BS0N IS NOT SCALED New York Alpinist Fails to Reach ! Summit So Will Try Mystery Mountain MOUNT ROBSON, July 24: Once , again has the famous pile bearing the name of Mount Robson withstood the attempts of daring climb ers to reach the peak. This peak, reaching into the clouds 12.972 feet. ' Is the highest point in the Canadian I Rockies and a few days ago emer ged silently victorious, with the assistance of the weather man. In a battle to reach the crown by a party of well known alpinists. Alfred E. Roover, of New Yorr City, accompanied by Guide Hans Fuhrer. of Milwaukee, formerly a , regular guide at Jasper Park Lodge : i and Henry Firtch, of Mount Rob-son, returned yesterday and repor ted an unsuccessful attempt v reach the top after a ten-day ef fort. The party reached the 11,000 foot mark but were forced to return owing to snow and weather conditions in the upper levels. Messrs. Roover and Fuhrer left over Canadian NaUonal lines yes terday for Vancouver, where they ' wil lshortly make and attempt on i Mystery Mountain. Insurance Is Being Planned VICTORIA, July 24: Government officials are working on a scheme of unemployment Insurance which it is planned to bring before Uie Legislature if the federal government fails to tackle the problem. Ramsav Refuses B. C. Invitation DIGBY. N8.. July 24: It was of- . . 1 , 1 . t. ..l.k..Mnn ttifra nn ' T?AneiviOt mi file n rrivai in th riiv nn,. mri hnnrH nff at pteht this fctallv stated today that Prime me otunuvn ...w . v. ......... ...... w.u..v - - - - taking nlacc nere voaay iuuuum . iintin, n aLm. .o rXihcr the uolnts at Is- July 7. It was taken out of the river All the Islands will be en fete. morning for Fairbanks on the final Minister Ramsay . MacDona , d will t the .trite situation should be below Haysport this morning. 1 One of the Important events will leg of their flight. Weather condl- be unable to accept the invitation SUe 111 inC SVriKC eiiunnuu . u- 11 ...) , v.. .1 ,....v.t. t,. I,a f ttromlor Pat till In tn snend A DOr- t ff t nrhltrntlon ' 'PP "'as f years Ol age. mmnvu ur mc iviiiiai icijunv iu wc uitun uuiu win iiwiyc- tm . ....... . . N:W YORK 7m724 -Silver ws It U nntUd that the waterlront with two children. He has a bro- ' to the president that the islands be previously reported passing over tlon of his vacation In British MutmZuS kt.VB ill! not now continue loB. ther t Haysport, William Klpp. j treated Into a state 8tuart Lake.. lumbla. to Cri- The Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Exhibition Association decided last night at a meeting held in the City Hall to sponsor an ambitious four-day carnival August 21, 22, 23 and 24, which will include a flower show, nightly entertainments by the "Home Gas Optimists" tff Vancouver, championshiD games, both native and others, nuslc by the Kincolith Jubilee 26 piece orchestra and other.. - . events. Ifcls will be at the time of ! Ill I ffll the visit ot H. M. S. Danae to the port and also the date arranged for the visit of the U. S. Nary squadron of borribln? planes which are on their way to Alaska today. ami .two United States mine JLlLiJUlllVJljJA WAS POOR Total Estate Said to be $7.79 Sis ter Claims the Body and Will Bury It July" 24?-iJoriif D1I- linger, the bandit who was shot and kn.ea just outside a movie theatre here Sunday night, was a poor man .n spite of the large sums he had tolen. His total estate at the time 3f his death was $7.70. His body is ialmed by his sister who Is plan-ling to bury It at Maywood. a sub-irb of Minneapolis. Efforts are being made to round jp members of the Dillinger gang, rhe police express the opinion that hev will all meet the fate of their leader. Melvln Curtis, a close friend of his chief, who is one of those be- ng sought by the police. Is said to have declared that the death would be avenged. Halibut Arrivals American . . AUas. 31.000, refused 6.1c and 4c, going to Ketchikan. Condor 13500, 7.8c and 5c.,Cold Storage. Rainier. II. 11500, 8c and h, , oyal Fish Co. Canadian Covenant 20,000, 5.8c. and 5s tlln. Aiken 12.000, 55c. and 5c, Atlm. Gony. 1300, 5.7c. and 5a. Cohr torage. 84 in the Shade Dlgby reports near a record in heat today. The thermometer stood at 84 in the shade. Time is Short For getting the most benefit from the price of $1.50 - for- The Daily News From Now Until Christmas Muiy have already subscribed. Every day sees a number taking advantage of the special offer. The best time to do it Is now I .. ft 11 0 1 r)j 3W3 ai