ft 4 PAOZ TOUR SPECIALS H 0 E S R U B B E R S Special! Growing Girls' Patent One-Strap. Military Heels Q4 QC Reg. $2.95 Qkyf O Special 1 Snappy Styles in Pumps and T-Straps, Spike Heels DO 1CJ Round Toes, Reg. $3.95 .... P-SJ Special! Women's Blue Rubber QQp Overshoes, Reg. $1.95 FRESH MILK AND CREAM.DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 MINK WANTED Will pay as high as $15 tor mink and $10 for la'nch mink. These are n??ded to fill a big order. We are interested In all kinds of furs. .Prince Rupert Fur & Hide Co. Wm. Goldbloom The Old Reliable Special! Misses' Patent One Strap, Reg. $1.95 SPECIALS Great Stock-Reducing Sale Shoes, Work Boots, Rubbers and Rubber Boots. Everything Slashed to Less Than Cost! Our limited window space prevents us displaying one quarter of our enormous stock. Walk right in. Inspect our goods, lie convinced. Compare our prices. We have the stock to give you the bargains. We killed high shoe prices in Prince Rupert! Special! Infant's Reg. $1.25 up from Special! Made by Leckie! A Work Boot built to wear solid leather fl O all through, Reg. $4?95 ... 1 1 Special! Light Stitchdown Boots Reg. $3.50 ... 99c Patent One-Strap 49c "TILLIE THE TOILER" UlliE" I'M sEfty fAjv akjd i must MOT ElS INTECteOPTEO BY aJoyOWfc , I DON'T. (-ARB VA1V40 IT 15$ Work $2.49 Leckic's Sturdy Solid Leather School Hoots for Hoys. They stand the wear and tear. Everything in Rubbers for the entire family. We handle Miners' Rubbers exclusively. Cut Rate Shoe. Store WE ARE STOCK TAKING at the end of this month. Here are a few sacrifices we are making. B.C. CRAB MEAT 0 1 ' per tin 1 B.C. SOCKEYE SALMON OQp Vzh 2 tins AUK, AYLMER PEAS--No. 5 99 2 tins '.., ""I P1NEOLA Miracle Cleaner 1 lb. tih,:. 50c 2-lb. tin .:. 90c 5-lb. tin $1.65 TOMATO KETCHUP OC 2-lb. tin, 2 tins ' CHASE St SANBORN'S 4 7p COFFEE, l's, to clear, tin' certo 9Qn -per bottle dv, CAL-SPA MINERAL WATER For most of your body ailments. Investigate OS) Off per bottle EDWARDSBURG SYRUP OOp 2's, per tin MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents' 417-19 Third Avenue West P.O. Boi 575 Phone 18 1934 It's Time to Replace the Hard Worked TUBES In Your Radio Don't Take Our Word For It See Them Tested At No Cost to You Kaien Hardware A Satisfactory Tlacc to Shop PHONE: 3 H O E S R U B B E R S Skidegate Surprise Party Happy Event Mr. and Mrs. YV. II. Riiss Honored By Many Friends Speeches, ; Music and panclng - SKIDEGATE. Jali. ! 9: -4 Many irieuu oi mr. ana Ain. w. a., mis ioi oKiaegai? Mission; cagea .ae ilightfui surnriselparty Visit oh them i rcEntly.'people jbclng Resent from . eictdegatei- Skegate JMissiota and Queen Charlotte City. J i j During the-eyening !aj numbpr of ; spee'ehei 'pr're made, jtie speakers 1 including Sql Wilson and Reg Kelly. I Among tHe subjects discussed was . thp taking out of the franchise by ,the Haida nation. Regrets were ex pressed that Olof Hanson M.P., Bert Glassey and Jim Bacon of Prince Rupert had been unable to pay an expectecLvlsit to the. Islands. Later dancing was enjoyed with music by the Harmony Boys Orchestra of eight pieces. A musical program included trombone solo by J. Steele, guitar solos by Bert Crosby and songs by Mrs. Douglas, Sol Wilson, E. Wilson and Fred Atkins. The proceedings concluded with the singing of "For They Are Jolly Ad rertlse In tne Dally News ' Good Fellows." AT I I .TH3 OAXIiT NEWS JjANUARY IN COURT Four Civil Actions and Two Appeals On Calendar Regular Sitting Yesterday County Court was in regular , monthly session yesterday before Judge W. E. Fisher. There is no new ; work on the list for January, the calendar consisting of four civil ac- tlons and two appeals stood over from preceding months. The civil docket for the month Is 'as follows: Canadian Lumber Yards Ltd. vs. H. R. Frost, $99.78, R. L. McLennan for plaintiff, Patmore & Fulton for defendant, stands. 1 B. Brynlldsen and Sons Ltd. vs. Dick Snow ($162.90), vs. Timothy Snow ($46.60) and vs. William Tal-llo ($207.40), Patmore it Fulton for plaintiff. Williams, Manson, Brown Si Harvey for defendants, stands, Christina Gurvich vs. Victor An-televlch, $109.95, R. L.-McLennan for plaintiff, Williams, Manson, Brown & Harvey for defendant, struck off list. The appeals are those of Rex vs. W. H. Malkin Co. Ltd. and Rex vs. iFrank Gomez, both arising from dismissals of Magistrate McCly-mont In city police court. The former. In which R. L. McLennan is j acting for the crown and Williams, i Manson, Brown it Harvey for the , defendant, stands while the latter, I in which City Solicitor E. F. Jones is appearing for the crown, has been set for between January 28 and 31. Seven naturalization appiica tions Were dealt with. First Meeting Of Week Of Prayer Held Thfr congregation that assembled last nht In the Baptist Church foe the 'flrimeetlpg.ofvihe Universal Week of Prayer va not large In: numbers but -jjiiere was such jai feeling of devwon'ahd aspiration th.-it the soul iY,V?ery worshipper wa.4 deeply stirred: . ' .s Speaking oh the subject. Of "Fear ana Jalth,"" Canon Rukhbrook challenged his listeners to give 'a place to that fear in their lives that would drive them to Jesus In whom alone could be found salvation from the present evil conditions. Jesus alone could calm the troubled waters of human relation ships. The service tonight will be held In the United Church at which Rev. W. D. Grant Holllngworth will speak. E. J. Smith returned to the city on the Catala today after making the round trip to Anyox and Stew art on business. Water Beautys Swimming team takes beauty honors, champion swimmers are nof always .beauties, and conversely, bathing beauties are sel-doVn champ mermaids, but the Los Angeles Athletic Club botisU a' feminine swimming team that has everything. Headed by Dorothy Pbynton, Oiymprc; 4nd national high diving chathpion, he L.W.A.O. mermaid are! paid jto comprise (jhe sport's niodt beautiful conJpetltlve aggregation. They eire trained by Alleefr Allen, well k'nowh U. 8. woman coach ancJ,A.A.U.offka!. Pfcjotn shows reading bottom to lop; Dorothy Poynton. Laurey;e Claire. MJrlc Louise Hoffman.' Gertrude Wagner, Peggy Henry. Olive Hatch, Helen Van Buren. Edith Mort-ridge. Dorothy Smithson and 1311-lic Steltz. PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 231 An Open Sesame 1L AV VOO'IZE PCETTVFAMlLIArt UON'T K'MrtVAl i Vou KlO . AMD I OOWV OUTB VOU. But Dowt voors so HfiHtl AM OPPOKVOMtTV othek. BiiTTara. n OOOD Monday, Tuesday TWO SHOWS 7 St 9 Admission 15c St 50c Opposite SlcCutcliroiis c co&Yoj- 1 ch&r&tter we cell lt'5 5u"reto ple&scyou vcrv well fib- j VgS.lgJ BUT I'M TELLt'jdJ (BOT I KNCWl M'oORKy lO t)l jTUftB VOU, M I I ,, Tuesday. January , lr Wednesday & Thorn,! "STORM AT NOTOKIOUS IN NIGHT LIFE DAYIIREAK Claudette Colbert in "Torch Singer" Willi Kiclianlc cortez, David Manners, l.iila Kobertl. (7:15 . o.i, ! am I MIAIIIUUIIt lltlUICT Slnjinje Torch Songs to Daddies and Lullabies to nablr, Brought Back By Request "Three Little I'ltrs" Comedy "GOBS OF FUN" Musical WALTF.H UONAliitn iiuvciij mii,ii.ii I III, mill Fine Furs Look Well Wc have a good selection of stylish Furs Coals and . . V....1 rvt ii i nir, iiiej are an Kuarameeu lo ne as rente- semeo. inspecuon is cordially invited. J. CLONES Third and Slit! St. Coal Prices Minehcad KKK Coal $12.50 Minehcad Lump Coal . 12.50 Penibina .Egg Coal S12.00 Stove Coal .v. $11.50 Coal in Dry Shed and. Delivered Dry HYDF, TRANSFERPHONE 580 BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Will(am Richards, Proprietor . 7 Repairing and Overhauling qf Machinery j Installations of Gas and Diesel Enjjines ' Substantial deductions For .Canji WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS REPLENISHING PHONE US We haye coals suitable for all your requirements and nt prices to suit all purses. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 618 By Westover. m y- W ArU aiUSLH com. SOOD DAY, MR , tais My tiucroEtfriOWS "WMIUlATIMCr TO OEtt. , U ft! i CAN Purely Personal and Private .VMHE-W HE KI2ED VOU I DOM'T VAAMT TO Appier NOSty , MR . SMMpKMUfc &UT 55 . -TtlA-T- I At i . i. ... ' ' 1 3, A OOOd I DOW fe MOVAJ THAT frwVi f