9. 1934 ft Acid Indigestion ami Heartburn ami tMr frequent euel Natukea, Headache, Had Breath. Kleeple Night can easily Ut guarded againM by taking a little wr-oitA Magnesia (MamVh in Magnesia) aftr eat-intr. . . The over-arid condition of the tomach m improved by thin protec t.ve neutrahser. . . . Ty it . . I'awde, or Tall, tt. At all Drug Store. tomfeMACN ESIA 6 j BISMUTH IN MAGHESIA Iff a Protective Houtralizcr-MOT a Weakening Laxative Special I I Offers - 6 For This Week Roxbury 'iT WATER HOTTM i: iiular $1.00, at 1 Gardenia UK POWDER & 'Vanishing C- -I A ( ivam, both for gx.AV Copper Stein U :1, Langloia SHAVING CREAM jg Propelling Pencil. , With TAHLET WRITING PAPER gg. Rexn HPONCHIAh SYRUP & MKLLOIDS CAp T.r throat ooie, both for A. S. A. Tablets It ..ml of Aspirin) FREE With each C Ap Jiottle VAPURE Ormes Ltd. Z7itf. Pioneer Druggists The Iteiatl Store Tlie AUCTIONEER Packing Crstlne-Wrapplng General rurnlture Repairs List your (rood with roe Phone Klack 129 fiKO. J. DAWES Phones: Rl & II For Your Health Chlroprartlc intra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Maitage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINAI.L D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 211 Phones Green SO F.irhanie Rloek The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED JACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8amer lear. prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA LVLRY TULSIJAY, 1:30 PM. v .:. Oo-An rlU and Warpoliita, arririnj VJieuer ThurwUy r-S.S. CAUDKNA KVKRY I ItlOAY, MIDNIOIIT. Arriving Vancouver. Monday A.M. W" kiy nam,!, to Pict ainvniwn, A)W Ann, Anyo. tewrt and Naaa IHver points, lv. ITlnc nujirrt Bundar PJ' SPKCIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATE, ROUND TRIP, WINCE RLTI-ut TO VANCOUVER, $32. (Meals and Iserlh Inciaded.) Fwv.0n. 8ale Nv 10 to Feb. 28, return limit March 31. 1034. ,,,Mnf,,rmMion rryardins all Milng and tcket at I'KINfK Hl iritr Adt.VCV Third Avenue. 1''""' w' H your paper doea not arriva, telephone the office rjleetkm of officers for 1934 the principal business today at the regular laneheon of the Prince Rupert Oyra Club. President T. W Drown was In the ehalr and there was a good attendance of D P Miller of the local Customs House staff, who has been retlev-Ing as customs officer at Anyox dar ing the absence of Jack Wynne on annual vacation, returned to the; city from the smelter town on the Catala this morning. Divisional headquarters of the Dmrinetal pnlice hsre have been advised 6f U flMnf of Tom PMe. Smlthers Indian, m the mm of $1J jnd costs by Stipendiary Magistrate R L. Gale on a eharge of I doing damage to property at the Duthie mine. Owing to the activities In oan- nectkm with the observance of the Universal Week of Prayer, the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Ministerial AftoKta-!lon. scheduled for yesterday, wa cancelled. The next meeting wtit I rake place in February. j Mr and Mrs. A. A. Cawlcy. who rondurt the Sunset Inn summer re- sort at Davis Bay near Sechelt on I the southern coast, were passengers ! aboard the Catala today returning south after paying a visit at An-vox with Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ast- mre. Mrs, Cawley Is Mr. Ash more'a sister. Mlss Wlnnlfred MacLellan. school teacher at Kltwanga, arrived In the city on the Catala Sunday cv enlng after having spent the Christmas and New Year holiday .eoson visiting at her home In Victoria and proceeded by last evening's train to the Interior to re sume her pedagogic duties. . There was another snowsllde. about 300 feet long, yesterday on the line of the Canadian National Railways between Salvus and Kwl-nltsa. The rotary plow having been sent out earlier In the day ta clear the way, the train leaving for the East last cyenlng was able to get through without delay. Successful candidates In the recent provincial civil service stenographers' examinations Included MLss Margaret Evelyn Hudson of Smlthers senior . George Louis Gibbons and Miss Cella Jane Go-hcen of Prince George Junior and Miss Vera Daphne Phillips "sen ior' and Miss Cecelia Q. McLean j (Junior) of Pouce Coupe. Central Hotel American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms We Also Sell Coal That Gives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 .TUB DAILY WCnt Local News Notes Prince Rupert pioneer' Assocla- Woman's Auxiliary Canadian Le-lon annual general meeting, City gloa regular monthly meeting. Hall. Wednesday, January 10. Wednesday 8 o'clock in Legion Rooms. EJeetiqn of Officer. Indian Agent W. Z, Collison ana ; Dominion CoasWrie A, J. Watkin-' Called to Vancouver on aeeoun Miss 11 White, domestic seienrc .nsiiuctreM of the local ehools, re- 'urned to tlw elty on Sunday morning's train after spending thi fbrUtnias and New Year holiday eason at her home In Winnipeg Mi Lillian Moss returned to th Ity on the Catala this morning v resume her studies here, after ipenolng the Christmas and New Year vacation at Alice Arm wills her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ..chest COLDS warn Provincial Constable 11 L. M Kenney of Terrace win arrive i I the city from the Interior on tonight's train, having in his charge a mental patient 'U ho vlH be later taken to Easondale. During tbe iwular news broad cast of the Vancouver: Province - T fest night Gofdurt Mclnrns of An vox was advised that his father had passed away last evening at Chetaaiau Vancouver Island. D4)ey Thajrna wMaaasnar abasrd the Catala this morning returning to Vancouver to resume his studies after spending the ChrssUnas and New Year vacation at Kincollth with his parents. Rev and Mrs. Oliver Thome. Miss Dora Peterson who has been rpending tke Christmas and N'ew Year holiday season visiting at Anynx. vm a passenger aboard the Catala today returning to Vancouver to resume her studies at the University of British Columbia. Hotel Arrivals Central J. lladland and A. Tergln. Oona River. d Royal S. Snteal aud O. Eyfard. Caspa- co; Howard Leask, city: J. G. Cam eron. Chilliwark: J. A. Post. An- vox. Prince Rupert P 11 Davidson and Harold Lan nine Vancouver ran Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 957 Shoulder Pork, 4 lbs. Apples. 3 lbs. Leg of Pork per lb. Pork Chops 3 lbs. ... Veal Chops 3 lbs Round Steak . 3 lbi Rump Roast of Beef per lb T-Bone Roast per lb. Tot Roasts Phone 95; per lb Boiling Beef 3 lbs Leg of VemV per lb. Boned and Rolled Shoulder of Lamb, per lb. Leg of Lamb . tu I per iu. . I Tomato Sausages I per lb. Pork aausages 2 lbs. 60c 18c 50c 50c Tonight's train, due from the East at 10 pjn., was reported this morning to be on time. 40c 15 c 18c 10c 25c 15c 20c 20c 10c 25c nmxm vmxmi wtuim turn tm,mn The fire department had a d11 on Sunday atternooa to the rcsf on left on last evening's train for of trf serious Illness of their :dence of George Marlow. 10W At-trlp to Terrace on olfitJai busl-j mother, H. Johnson ami W. J.lin Avenue, Westviaw. wftere' there ie-s. 'Johnson of Anyox were pftsstngeraj was a caimfiey fire. o damage ! going south aboard the steamer 'was done. Union steamer Data la. Oapt. Jas.' Catala today. I Findlay. arrived In port at 10 r- In, i - CM clock this morni from Anyox.. Mrs. P. H. Bvana ol Hyder. wriosr OlCaillSniP OB11ID2S Stewart and other northern point; husband Is In the service of Use! ' ' ant auea at I '.30 tnu at tefnoon i uimo scales pironc writ oepan- ;or Vancouver and wayrwlnta. , merit, was a pisaenff afrarl thej . Catala today Hiring through for Mtei Catherine McMeektn. after trip to Seattle. pending the Christmas and ww , I Vear vacation with her parents, Mr. nd Mrs. Thomas McMrckln, sailed by the Catala this afternoon to re- ume ber studies in Vancouver. For Vanranvei Tuesday Catata 1:30 pm Thurs. s. Pr. George 10:15 pjn. Friday ss. Rrln. Adelaide 10 pm Ss. Cardena L rrildnlshi Kmm VabcouYri Sunday--ss. Catala pxn Wed. ss. Pr. George 10 ajn Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide pjn Ss. Cardena s. Princess Narah for Anyox and Stewart- pjn Sunday ss. Catala .8 pM, Wednesday as. Pr. George 4 pjn. From Anyox ami Stewart Tuesday- ss. Catala 11:30 ajn Thursday ss. pr. George 8 prrtti ' or Naa River ana fort Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala S p.m, rom Naa River i- I'ort Simpon Tuesday ss. Catala . 11:30 ajn far Oeeart Fall Tuesday ss. Catala. .1:30 pjn. Thurs m Pr. George. 10:15 Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 pjr. From Ocean Falls Weflnss. s. Pr. George 10 ajn, Fndav . Prln. Adelaide ... pjn. S. cardena pjn. from Skecna River Friday ss. cardena pjn. Cm N. R. TR.IX3 "or the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl days 5:30 pjn. From the Last-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- Announcements Bums' Banquet. Presbyterian "hurch Hall, January 25. United Choir Concert. Jan 26. MOOSE HALL Wed, 10th Moose Lodge meeting cancelled. Moose Legion 45 will meet. Thurs.. 1 1th Basketball. Frl.. 19th Moose dance. Sat.. 13th Scotch dance. Mrs. J. S. Black's Orchestra. Boost Prlnrf Rupert Sport S. R. S. lune in topics HIGH LIGHTS MONDAY. J.NV8 7:00 The Hour Glass. KOMO. 7 30 Demt-Tasse Revue, KOMO. 8:00 Musical Cavalcade, CRCV. CFCN. 9:00 Johns-Manvilles Prog.. KOMO. TUESDAY, JAN. 9 8:30 Speech from England, KOMO. KJR. 7:00 Lives at Stake, KOMO. 8:00 Memory Lane, KOMO. 9:30 Hollywood on the Air, KOMO. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 10 6:30 John McCormlck, KOMO. 7:00 Corn-Cob Pipe Club, KOMO. 8:30 One Man's Family, KOIN. 9:30 Waltz Time, KOMO. THURSDAY, JAN. 11 6:00-Show Boat, KOMO. 7:00 raul Whlmans, KOMO. 8:15 Standard 8ymphony, KOMO. 9:15 Ballad Singers, KJR. Watch this ad. for further details. Superior Radio Service Phone niue 3:0; 33S 2nd. Ave. LOOK FOR THU TOWER VICTOR l0 RADIO gy m 'SE sm tit dial controls it all and means world-wide broadcasu for job. Unquestionably the most revolutkxuiy receiver we have ever heard. Don't miss the opportunity of hearing it this astoDishidg 8-rube supcr-heterodpc that brings in regular programs, police calls and transoceanic broadcasts. Terms you'U like. , FOR SALE OR SALE good be seen at Daily News. FOR RENT FURNISHED steamheated apartment. Third Avenue. Phone 655. 12 VERNON Apartments housekeep ing rooms, newly renovated. 141 2nd Avenue. Phone Red 421. WORK WANTED LADY, age 24, wishes housekeep ing for refined gentleman. Object matrimony. Apply Miss Brown. York Hotel. 7 PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanglng Moller, Phone ReC 802. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Dry birch. cedar, Jackplne, Furniture moving, tf NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarellL Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms, Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. II Phones 551 VICTOR R-140 ALT it i iMiHr $154 7 m-hi I tmtH Th"cliI e(orli- Coat la i op u. it fulWt Classified Ads LOST ffiv safe. Can iLQST belt for men's light colored t( SPECIAL Roller Canaries. Singers and females. $4 and 15 pair. Ship any distance. W. Huston. Rand Block. i iMnah liwrwt ITIrtrlitr Mflirfl -M Ti Ti t I 4 AUUMk. IklllWJ a . VIA to Daily News. FOUND fFOUlJD Keys in case. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! CI aster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY 8H0PPI IX rKOIIVfE In the Supreme Court of British Columbia In the matter C Jhe - Administration " , Aft" fcJJf. lit the mutter of l ?TUfeir; hlirao" Takuma, lttmifi IMetale TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU Honor W. E. FUher. Uie 5Ui dar or January. AD 1934. I van appointed Adnilnbitrktor of the eaute of Snlnso Takuma. dcced. and all partly baring claims a?ant the aald estate are hereby required to furnlah aame. properly rerlfiid. 'o me on or before the 8th day of Frbniary. A D. 183f and all puratea Indebted to the att are irqulrrd t rT 'ne amount oi uvmr indebtedness to me forthalth. I NORMAN A. WATT. Official AdminUtrator. ' Prince RuKert, B C Dated the Stn day of January. AD. 1934 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating thres Dry Docks Tout capacity 2MM Was Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers (or Steel and Wosd Yestsli Iron and Brass Casting Clectrle sad Aectylena Waltlag H-toa Derrick fsr Heavy Lit la awmill and Mining Maehta try Repaired and Overhatlad