Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides prince Rupert Raining, light High 8:01 a.m. 19.6 It. outhcast wind; baromet' 2950: 21:20 pjn. 15.7 It. temDerature. 45; sea 8- Low 1:20 a.m. 8.7 It. v'o. 14:7 6.8 ft. pjn. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V !, XXV . No, 7. REM AllS OF FISHERMAN ARE FOUM ALASKA , 1 i in m ' Bones or One On Vancouver Id. Coast ClothiiiR Also Found Near Clo-oose Believed to Have Belonged Either to HcIkc Jacohscn, Soren I hunt Mm or VICTORIA, Jan. 9: (CP) A leather coat, several fHits- and n vest have been washed up on the West Coast of Vancouver Island near Clo-oose. Nearby were found he pelvis and thich bones of a medium-sized man. It is be- :;evc,l they are the remains of were missing since their trolling rrats were wrecked early December. These . three men were HelKe Jacobsen, . Soren Krutson and hinar Okivik, all i"r.g the coast NO CHANGE IN GRANTS : Mnnicipalillet to b Paid for Teach til" Salaries n Tresent Scale i Until March 31 VFTOJUA. Jan. 9:-Hon. Dr Of m M Weir. minuter of educa i' unnmineed ywtcrday that her wi)uld be no change In rov- , f:i.Mint grant In respect toj ' h- rn1 salaries during the first months of this year. Funds tx hk provided to pay grants on " present basts !p to March 31, ' v r lib per month In teachers' tsl rifn will thus be avoided. Today's Stocks 't. ir1y S. D. JohnMon Ok) Vancouver BlK Missouri. .32. I. C Nickel, .32. UHX. 43. 0 H Oons.. 56. Bralorne, 10.00. Cariboo Oold, 2M. Georgia Hlvcr. .02VV Indian. .02. Mlnto, .13. Mndlan, 2BV4. Morning Btar, .21. National 811 vcr, .05 H,. Native Bon, .05V. Noble Five, .13. Per". Oreille, JW. Porter Idaho. .1211. Premier, 1.00. Reevea McDonald, .18. Heward. .10. R'no. .00. fillvercrcst, MV. Wayside. .40. Whitewater, .07. Waverley, .02. Oils Fabyan, .00 ft. l'otne. 1.60. C & E.. 1.01. Freehold, .14 tj. A r. Con., .10. Strllng Pacific, .65. Toronto Alexandria. Mh. Coluniarlo, .57. Central Patricia, .58. Kirkland Lake Oold, .30. Noranda, 34.25. Bherrltt Gordon, ,00. Int. Nickel, 22.50. Granada, .67. Macassa, 2.02. SIscoe. 1.45. NEW YORK SILVER NKW VORK. Jan. U: (CP)-Har. "ver eluded ut 43Tif. m, thn metal market ycnlvidMy. Today It ' 't DELEGATE , , MOVES FOR ---L- ----- - of Three hinar Okivik one of three fishermen who of whom were well known SOVIKT TI.MBKR FOR U. K. CUT? LONDONVJan; !: The Morning Post (Conservative) stated this morning that the British government inten-(led to. overrule an agreement- made between Soviet Russia and the British Timber Exporters Limited in regard to the importation of timber from Russia into United Kingdom. The effect of the government action will be, the paper states, to re-duco orders from the Soviet by one third in favor of.- Empire product. WORK WELL UNDER WAY Removal of Old Material From Prince George Almost Completed Removal of old plates and other 'damaged material from the bottom Of the steamer Frlnce George, which Is undergoing repairs at the local dry dock following her recent stranding near Anyox, is preuy well comuleted and the actual re placement and repair Job will shortly be fully under way. Almost half the length of the bottom of the ship Is Involved. "The Job. It Is expected, will take six weeks' or two months' time and the work means the employment of well onto one hundred men at the dry dock. At the same time as the repair Job, the Prince George will be Riven her annual overhaul. After the Prince George Is fln- shed. the Prince Rupert win De taken Into the yard for nnnual overhaul. Vancouver Wheat . VANfOUVF.lR. Jan. 8: (CP) Wheat was quoted at tiHc on the local exchange yesterday. The price (iKtnv whs 02'hi PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1931 MANY ARE ACCLAIMED Seventeen .Mayors and Fourteen Reeves Elected by Acclamation In Province Yesterday Ten Full Slates City Contests, Where Necessary Will Take Place Thursday-Municipalities Saturday VANCOUVER, Jan. 9: CP Seventeen mayors and fourteen 'rteve were elected by acclamaton 'on Monday when nominations for i"lce were reccWed. seven cities janfd, th mlc,Palltl" nel lant entire Ira slates iliflta by htf acclamation. a Ml a m O I inn Poll PAH.- ing where necessary, will be held in the cities on Thursday and, in the municipalities, on Saturday Ac damatlons were as follows: Mayors Armstrong E. Poole. Chtlllwack-E. Manuel. Courtenay C Slmms. .CranbrooJT. .Mobet. dumbeSand A. Maxwell. Duncan H. F. Prevost Enderby Charles Hawkins. Fernle II. E. Douglas. Orecnwood A. J. Morrison. Kaslo W. V. Papworth. Rossland W. A. Turner. Nanalmo J. Barsby. Nelson S. M. Smythe. Port Albernl D. Marnoth. Rossland W. A. Turner. Slocan City Peter Swan. ! Vernon E. W. Prowse. j Port Coqultlam R. W. Oaler. ' Reeves Chllllwack Municipality N. R. Ryder. Coldstream J. Sutherland. Coqultlam R. C. McDonald. Fraser Mills F. O. Wrlghtson. Glenmore E. W. Ferguson. Kent Robert Hamilton. North Cowlchan Q. A. Tlsdale Oak Day R. W. Mayhew. Pentlcton Charles Oliver. Richmond R. W. Orauer. Summerland W. R. Powell. Tadanac E. M. Stiles. West Vancouver J. B. Leyland. 8urrey J. T. Brown. DELEGATION WAS HEARD Premier I'attullo Hears Junior Chamber Representatives Gives Favorable Reply President S. J. Jabour and R. L. McLennan, as a delegation from I the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, waited upon Premier T. D. Pattullo i at the end of the week, presenting j a memorandum from that body. In regard to the resumption of! construction of the Skcena River I Highway, the Premier informed the delegation that this was a foregone j conclusion, providing the neces sary finances could be arranged for i h "work and wages" program in which the local project was In-'.luded. Premier Pattullo expressed himself as being In sympathy with the Idea of a radio broadcasting station being established here and pro-I mlsed to take up the matter In the proper quarters while In Ottawa. The Premier did not commit him- self as to the use of unemployment relief labor In the establishment of a public playground In Prince Ru Is Paying Visit to Coast jH 'SjBH I'KK.MIi:U BENNETT VANCOUVER Jan 0 iCP Premier R B. Bcnnet arrived in Vancouver af 13 45 iAss night by Pacifu: Railway and was welcomed on behalf of th. provincial government by Acting Premier John Hart. The Prime Minister addressed the Women s Canadian Club this afternoon, will be the principal speaker at the annual meeting of the Vancouver Board of Trade tonight and will address a thousand members of the Junior Board of Trade tomorrow. He will leave at 2:45 Wednesday afternoon on his return direct to Ottawa. On his way here he paid a brief visit to his home city of Calgary- PROTECTION FOR CHAMBER Reports Disturb Paris That Swindler Had Been Killed by Police To Prevent Scandal . PARIS, Jan. 9 Huge forces of mounted and foot police surround the Chamber of Deputies today to guard against a demonstration resulting from reports that police had killed Serge Sta-vhky, alleged swindler of $10,-000,000 in the Bayonne Pawnshop scandal. Stavbky died , early this morning at Chamonix and it was reported he "knew too much" about higher ups. SWINDLER SHOT SELF ScU.-Infllctrd Wound of Serge ("Handsome Alex"! Stavisky Proves Fatal CAMONIX, France. Jan. 9: (CP Serge 1 "Handsome Alex") Stavls-ky, alleged to have swindled the French Investing public out of $40,-000.000 through the now defunct Bayonne Pawn Shop, shot himself yesterday after being discovered by the police living In a hut at the foothills of the French Alps. The wound proved fatal, Stavlsky dying early this morning. A cabinet scandal may develop out of the activities of Stavlsky. ROAD INTO TERRITORY , . v J" - - ' ' l ' i - i i I'll !T0 LEAVE TAUff AF1 l"l AlTJif ! field Macdonald Macdonald and and also also for for many many 1 UMUKKU W i vears in the House of commons ! Condition of Premier Greatly Improved and lie Will Not Need Doctor on Trip The condition of Premier T. D. ! Pattullo. who has been a patient In the Prince Rupert General Hospital for the past ten days suffering (rom a nasal Infection, has Improved to such ah extent that he lll be able to leave, here for the ;ast by Wednesday afternoon's rain wlthoit a medical attendant, t was announced this morning, Accompanied by Major S. F. ; Moode, assistant to the Premier. Mr. Pattullo will proceed from ?rince Rupert direct to Ottawa A-here the Dominion-provincial conference is to open on Wednes-iay of next week. COST S275.000 Dog distemper studies In England, spread , over ten years, cost ipproxlmately $275,000. SIX AND HALF MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF GOLD PRODUCED HERE IN 1933 VICTORIA, Jan. 9: iCP . British Columbia gold production last year amounted to approximately 238,000 ounces, valued at $6,500,000 In Canadian funds. It Is announced by the Department of Mines. Congress Being Asked To Make Route Survey And Start on Building Sum of $2,100,000 For Project Requested Would Connect Northwestern States With B.C., Yukon and Alaska WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 9: (CP) Delegate Diamond of Alaska introduced a bill in Congress on Monday to authorize survey and construction of a highway to connect northwestern United States with British Columbia, Yukon and Alaska in co-operation with Canada. The bill would authorize a sum of $100,000 for a survey and $2,000,000 for roads in Alaska to connect the territory's road system with Dawson. DEATH OF MINISTER Second Member of Ontario Government -WDi In Eight 'Days -Expires in Person of Dr. .Monteith STRATFORD, Ont.. Jan. 9: (CP) Hon. Dr. Joseph D. Monteith. minister of public works and labor for Ontario, passed away here last night at the age of 69 following a stroke which he suffered two weeks ago. He was the second Ontario cabinet minister to die within eight days. Hon. Edward A. Dun-lop, provincial treasurer, having 'died last week. Dr. Monteith had been a member of the cabinet since 1 1926 when he became provincial j treasurer, later being advanced to the more important portfolios. Born June 2, 1865, near Stratford, ' , the late Dr. Monteith was the son of the late Andrew Monteith who I sat in the first Legislature after Confederation under Sir John San- j i under Sir John A. Macdonald. He was educated at the Perth rural! schools. Stratford Collegiate In- sUtute. Trinltv Medical Cnlleee. Toronto, and McGlll university, ! Fra.nk CalgarnI u,d at Rfst Undt.r-eraduatlne graduating as as a a nhvsieian physician and and nr- ur- ! Canadian Legion Auspices With 3- geon In 1895. since which time he had practised the medical profes sion. He was born, raised on and operated a farm In early life, taught school for four years and financed himself through college. After serving for several years as member and chairman of the board of education and alderman, 'he became mayor of Stratford for two years. He was first elected to I Parliament In the general election j 1923. He was a Conservative and represented North Perth In Parliament. In 1895, Dr. Monteith was married to Alice Mary Chowen of Perth County. They had a daughter and a son. He was a member of the 'Forester and Oddfellows' Lodges. In 1906 and 1907. Dr. Monteith: made an eleven months' world' I ' tour, visiting every country of the . j giuue. lie was an nugutiui. VANCOUVER HAS FOGGY WEATHER VANCOUVER. Jan. 9: There were several automobile collisions md traffic tie-ups as a result of dense fogs over the business section and other low-lying parts of the city yesterday. Kerrlsdale. Point Grey, North Vancouver and other more elevated localities enjoyed bright sunshine as the rest of the city below lay enveloped in thick! murk PKICK FIVE CENT T0BEY IS PRESIDENT i'rince Rupert Gyro Club Elects Ot-- fleers Fr Year at Luncheon Today 'The Prince Rupert Oyro Club today elected officers for 1934 as fol-ows: President, W. H. Tobey. " Secretary, C. V. Dawson. Treasurer. C. D. Fyfe. Executive S. J. Jabour, William Oruickshank, W. M. Watts and Frank Dibb. The club oted $i0 to be used for purchase of oils to be used by the local biological station In experimentation with a new medicinal, oil product known as marlnol which may result in the development of a new industry here. There was a 100 percent attendance at the luncheon which was presided over by President T. W Brown. Military HIli IT Honors At Funeral Today, Father Grant Officiating a, The funeral of the late Fran Galgarnl. ex-service man and resident of the city for ten years, took place this afternoon from the chs" pel of the B. C. Undertakers to Falr'vlew Cemetery, seml-mllltarj honors being accorded deceased under the auspices of the Canadian Legion. Rev. Father J. Byrne Grant O.M.I. officiated and Interment-was made in the Soldiers' Plot. The 'Last Post" was sounded by Bandmaster Robert Greenfield. Pallbearers were J. H. Preece, William Sullivan, Frlta Skjellum, Jack Wynne, Arthur Beale and C. L. Barker. CAMPS ARE REOPENING fa . COURTENAY. Vancouver Island-, . Jan. 9: The Comox Logging Co., which has extensive operations in the Comox Valley, re-opened its logging camps yesterday with full crews employed. A busy season 14. expected as a result of Increased log orders. Today's Weather Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, calm; barometer, 29.74; 'tempera-. 'hire. 44; light swell. Langara Island Raining, light southeast wind; sea moderate. "