31 YOU CANT BUY NEW EYES Dut you can get satisfactory glasses from Oi:o. r. DAVKY. Registered Optometrist, who, for the past six years, has born giving a real personal service in the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner FOK RENT HOUSES to rent. Hart, FOR RENT - Clean, furnished apartments. Phone, Red 444. 103 FOR RENT Store with living quarters, reasonable rent. Phone Red 720. tf 4FOR RENT - Furnished housekeeping rooms, 835 Second Avenue West. a30 SALE IMH K ( li.UlM. MllKKIAOi; WK HE11EBV OFFER FOR SALE by tender a eertalir gunboat named "FJrt Place". Length 20 fret, 7 Inches. Breadth 7 Xect. Depth 3 fect. 0 InchA, equipped with 8 H.P. Palmer Oaa En-Rliw, which boat Is now at our wharf at Carlisle Cannery. Skeena River. BrIUah Columbia, and wraa urinal by our bailiff for default Ju gxiyineiit under our chat -tie mortgage. Triickra will be received by m at the ottUtu of Williams. Man-mn. Brown As Harvey. Prliuw Rupert, DfiUvh Crtiiirdjla. until 2:30 P.M. on Monday, the 7th day of May. 19H, the bifrhm or any tnulcr not ncccBourlly vcopted. f DATED at Prince Ruix-rt, British Columbia, iUb :)0lh day of April. 1034. THE CANADIAN FISHING COMPANY ln I.IMITF.D l.iMl ACT ' NiiiliT of liilentliiii In Miily to I Jim t,,L". ?tU?T . 'tur! Iil RecordUi DIMrlct of Prince Rupert, B.C., and alt-w ln J1"1'' r located at the ' K.-W,:w.,d W4uen Wand. Range S, CoHt Dtotrtct. Take notice that John Clausen of PrlrK Rupert. B.C.. occupation Msh Packer, intends to apply for a leaue of the foHowlne described lands: Oomineiicljvi at. a put planted at thence NT, thence westerly, southerly wd eaterly. following hUh waUrmark '9 . ptMiit of commencement, and con-Ulning 3 acre more, or loss, andvln.' Ulu'te- area of the aaru. Ur ' JOHN CLAU8EN. "nuo"' Dated April 16, 1934. The Pioneer Jeweler Phone 261 Annettes ... HOW to get a Government Job. Free Booklet. The M.C.C. Ltd, Winnipeg. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING? Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY 8HOPPE PAINTERS PAINTINQ and Paperhanglng Moller, Phone Red 802. TRANSFERS GARDEN Soil $2.50 a load; 35c. per sack. Cameron's Transfer. Phone 177. s.ti.i: imimi c iiATTix .M(mi(j (; WE HEREBY OFFER FOR SALE bv tender a pertain i.ai..t ..nr. h - ----- . - . gwuvq, . 1 1 IT , 1 . 27 ft., 4 lathes ln Leinjth. 7 ft. 3 In. v.i- 111 ixaui ana 1 it. in Ucptn. pow-ered with an Ansted Entrtneerlng Workt engine Series CxD, No. 5595 which boat U now at our wharf at Hayaport Cannery. Haysport, British Columbia, and was eelred by our bailiff for default in payment under lur chat-tie mortgage. Tenders will be received by us at the offk-w of Williams, Mau-i son. Brown Si Harvey. Prlnoe Rupert1 British CUunrbla. until 230 P.M on monoay. ine in nay of May, 1034, the highest or any tender not neceasarlly accepted. DATED at Prlnoe Rupert. British Co 11 WII r 4 1,1. tru 1. a.... . m - lujnma. tnu 30th day PTniltUlA of April. lfl.)4 , THE CANADIAN rr - . . . '....V. w LIMITED iMPANY l.tMl ACT Niillie of InleiilliMi In apply to l-eiife I j) nil ...Ln. rtU)c upl Und Peoordliitt DlMrlct of Prince Rupert, B.C., and alt-uat In QUwdwet Bay localol at the N.W. end of Slepiiejis Wand, Oaiwe 8. CoHt District. Take notice lliat John Clausen t Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation Fish .. JrJ. intna 10 Wr for a leae of the following described forchore: CommetvcltMf art a pott planted at Ti ,8,.W; or","r 01 nall island about 8 ihalh 8. E. of Avery Island Ihenee S.W.I r.11,.. m.?. - - - ? h": ""nee NU. 8 ."viae chain, vvesvejiy more or w imu water mara on the III! ft?.?',,"' 1"? MtvC: th",,c 8. E. dim.' hljli waiter mark to point of commence, mcnt. JOHN CLAUSEN. vw,uot'"' ' Dated April 18, 1934. noons force rrorLK OF FORT' VERMILLION TO EVACUATE HOMES PEACE RIVER. Altn.. May 3: The entire population of Fort Vermillion was forced to tike to the hills as ice swept down by flood waters of the Peace River wrecked homes. CLOCK SALE FRIDAY, 2 TILL 4 8 Sport Suits, sizes 14 to 40; rep. value to $19.50 fifi Clock Sale Special . . ?vU Sports Dresses, in pastel shades, Clock Sale Spec. $2.95 Women's Dresses, 38's to It's, heavy crepes, figured silks, polka dots, Clock Sale QC Special LOQ All Hats to clear, turbans, large brims, all wanted colors Q-f A A Clock Sale Special PX.UU Sunday Nite, Afternoon and Street Dresses, flat crepes,canton crepes, sheer crepes and organdie trimmed, sizes 14 to 20 QC Clock Sale Special yOUO Waists, sizes 14 to 20, figured, plain, eggshell and white, short and long sleeves C-f ?A Clock Sale Special PJ.JU Shoes, white sport shoes in mesh, canvas, rubber and leather soles, oxfords, sandals, pumps in white, brown and black Q" Clock Sale Special ?M..VD ANNETTES LADIES' WEAR CO.--Federal Block Llassihed Ads 1 , for sale FOR SALE Chevrolet Car in good ;. condition. Price $200. Daily News. ; tf POT? KAt.W Vnrv loin T Ford Truck, excellent condition. , fcwu wn, vo.u, aiau:i ituiu ignition, $150.00. E. D1X, Terrace. B.C. tf FOR SALE; Rent, or Lease. Kitsum- gallum Lake Lodge with Dance PaYllllon, and Annex. Lots of t Fruit and Berries. The price Is right. E. DIX, Terrace. B.C. tf FOR SALE Cabin Cruiser Boat, .round bottom type, length 31 ft., ,7 ft., 6 in. beam, 12 h.p. Vivian engine medium duty); boat and 'engine like new. a Snap at $450. E. DIX. Terrace, B.C. tf EXCHANGE Oil SELL SIMMON'S Ilaby Crib. Phone Black I EXCHANGE or sell motorcycle for j 529" 103' small marine gas engine. P. O. 039. Phone Red 182. FOUND 103 FOUND Men's eold wrist watch. Can be obtained by identifying initials on back and paying for this advertisement. Apply Daily News Office. tf HELP WANTED WE OFFER YOU Fair Dealing Prompt Service Low Prices Leave Your Order With Us Today PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES Cftp 3 pkgs. UUU TOASTED CHEESE THINS OQp rep:. 15c; to clear, 3 pkgs. wl QUAKER CARROTS 2j's OC, 2 tins EAGLE LOBSTER 5-lb. tin Ccylon, per lb 29c DR. JACKSON'S ROMAN MEAL COOKIES For Your OQn Health, 3 doz. UlOK, EMPRESS TEA Indo- 43c Your last chance at this low price MAZOLA OIL QQ ,2-gal. tin OGK, SPANISH PIMENTOS Vi '3 OCn 2 tins PRINCE RUPER TLOCAL EGOS, 3 doz. CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 2's 2 tins BRUNSWICK SARDINES 3 tins CALIFORNIA LETTUCE Real good, each H. H. TOMATOES per lb, RADISHES & GREEN ONIONS, 2 bunches 89c 27c 14c 11c 30c 5c MUSSALLEIVrS . Economy Store "Where Dollars IIae More Cents' 17-1 Third Avenue Went P.O. Box B7S rhone Is notice or APrLirATiox ron ci:u. , Til it'.ME tic imikovi:mi:nth Unlii I'llff Nil. 3 Iraillimal Mineral Claim. lioM Cliff No. Mineral Claim, Mnritarrt Mineral Claim. Cliff Iradlonal Mineral Claim. Situate ln the Portland Canal Mining Dlrlslon. Where located on the west aide of Bear River about three mUe frru.i Btevart. BO. Uwful 'Owner William Dann. Number of the holderi free miner' certificate- -77720-D. TAKE NOTICE tlwtt William Uann. Free Miner's Certificate No. 77720-D Intend!, at the end ' of alxly days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mlnlne Recorder for a cerUflru nf imnm... menu for the purpose of obtaining a viunn v.iniib in wie aoove ciaMna. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action, under RecLInn A.I r,t v "uin. eral-rliH"mOst m- cnmnieived liefrire nie issuance 01 aucn certificate of lm-provnenU. DATED thU 23rd day of Mrch, 1834. J" WILUAM DANN, THE DAILY NEWS YOUR GROCER HAS THIS SUNNY WAY TO BETTER HEALTH Chck Common Constipation with a Delicious Cereal Food hit a lot to do with how you tftl and how you look. For in-lUnct, you ned planty of "bulk" with your mali to avoid tht riik of common conitipation. This ailment frjuntly eauiM httdtrh, Iom of ppttit and an-rsy. Yet, in most cai, it can be overcome pleasantly and lafely by eating a delicioui cereal. Kellofir'i All-Bran furnlihei "bulk" in convenient and concentrated form. Laboratory taata ihow the "bulk" in All-Biun it tafe and effective. In fact, it It much lika that found in leafy vegetablei. Within the body, the fiber of All-Bran absorbt moisture, and formi a toft matt. Gentry, thit clean out the intestinal waitee. In addition. All-Bran proridei vitamin B and iron. 1 1 n't this tunny way better than taking patent medicinet to often harmful? Two tabletpoonfult of Aix-Bran daily are usually auffl-cient. Chronic caoet, with each meal. If teriously ill, tee your doctor. All-Bran makes no claim to be a "cure-all." Enjoy All-Bran as a cereal, or cook into appetixing recipes. Be ure you get Kellogg'a All-Brax. It contains much more needed "bulk" than part-bran productt. In the red-and-green package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Twenty Years Ago In I'rince Rupert May 3, 1911 The Ladles' Altar Society of Uic Catholic Church held a successful card party and dance ln the hall, there being a large attendance Prize winners at cards were Miss Lctourncau and Mr. McGUnchy. The ladles of the Anglican Church held n novel affair In the form of a luncheon for business men at the K. of P. Hall. In charge of the table were Mrs. P. F. Goden-ralh. Mrs. E. C. LaTrace. Mrs. Hart. Mrs. A. E. Oakley, Mrs. M. H. Craig, Mrs. Gllmour. Mrs. F. W. Holland. Mrs. Rcllly, Mrs. U. L. Roberson, Miss Alice DuVcrnct. Mrs. F. S. Clements. Mrs. Peters. Mrs. Camblc. Mrs. Williams. Mrs. F. W. Dowllng. Mrs. C. T. Partington. Mrs. Hcm-mell and Miss Nolloth. COL. LENNOX M.P. I) IKS TORONTO, May 3: I CP ol Herbert Leiinox. M.P for North York, died this morning of a heart attack WEEK-END Specials Nabob Coffee 19o Mb. tin McCormick's Toasted Sodas 1 Qp Plnln nr HnltrH nir nlrir JLJj Quaker Oats Quick Qp Cooking, per pkg ... Awl Purity Wheatlcts 9ilo 31, -lh anrlt UJ McCormick's Malted 9)p Graham Wafers, per pkg. Nabob Cut Green Beans I I p per tin , Lush us Jelly Powder 9Gp Something new, 3 pkgs. Pork & Beans 2's OCTo 3 tins ; l' Aylmer Diced Beets 2's 1 On per tin Heinz Tomato Catchup OOp per bottle tu Bulkluy Valley Eggs Fresh Hfp large, 3. doz. I Ul Crcstwood Creamery Butter QAP 3-lb. brick Ovb 8wlffs Cooked Ham HktZn Sliced, per lb Rogers Syrup- viffo 5-lb. tin 'lOl, Chef Brand Molasses ICn 5-lb, tin Ol Bananas Nice and ripe Q( Sunklst Oranges OIo 5 doz. JDl Lifebuoy Toilet Soap (?0 2 bars 101 Alberta Market Fifth Street Phone 20g I'Tee Delivery !nwrn n i ni Aiir MKd. rAlvLUW IS CLUB HEAD Named 1'rcMdent of Women's Canadian Club in Succession to .Mrs. Hunter The Women's Canadian Club, at Its annual General meeting last nlsht. elected officers for the en-suiuz year as follows: Honorary President. Mrs. J. C. McLennan. Honorary Vice-President. Mrs. O. A. Woodland. President. Mrs. A. E. Parlow. First Vice-President. Miss E. M. Earlc. Second Vice-President, Mrs. J. P. Cade. Secretary. Mia L. Halllwcll. Assistant Secretary, Mrs. II. 11. Rochester. Treasurer. Mrs. W. D. Vance. Assistant Treasurer. Mrs. W. C. Asplnall. Executive Mrs. Fred McLeod, Mrs. D. McD. Hunter. Mrs. F. N Oood and Mrs. F. A. MacCallum. Mrs. Hunter save a brief account of the activities of the club during the past year and. in re linquishing the clialr. thanked the (officer and executive of 1933 for j their support. i A standing vote of thanks w:n ! tendered the president nnd officers ' f l"wt year on motion of Mrs. o. A Rlx ' Father Patrick L. Wholey O.M I sallcxl yesterday afternoon on the' Prince Oeonte for Stewart where he iwlll n.vsume the rlutioa nr n-,tv. w, iHUlj priest of the Roman Catholic ! Chureh. I THRIFT "BUY - RIGHT" SPECIALS TOMATO SOUP Camnbell'. 3 Una SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR, per nkit 25c oUC COFFEE Malklna Best Oftn per lb. u Jl PEACHES Lynn Valley 4 n No. 2 squat tins, per tin AWL STARCH Corn or Laundry Qr per pkg. t BUTTER Fine Alberta. cr lb. 26c TOASTED SODAS - McCormick's Plain or Salted n wt pkg. . .. XOC BEST JAP RICE 3 lbs SPINACH-Royal City per No. 2 tall tin TOMATOES Royal City No. 2'i tins, per tin PORK At BEANS Holly Brand, per 18-oz. tin 13c 14c 12c 7c CORNED BEEF- 4 n Helmet Brand, per tln"L BEEKIST HONEY per 2V2-lb. tin PURE LARD 2 lbs. KITCHEN BROOMS each ... STRAWBERRIES Quaker No, 2 squat tins, per tin 8UNLIOHT SOAP per carUin 35c 25c 29c 14c 19c KELLOOG'S ALLBRAN np XvKf per pkg. CORN FLAKES Kellogg's or Quaker, per pkg. CONNOR'S HERRING -Packed In Tomato Juice 9C 2 tins &0, COOKED SPAGHETTI Q Catclll's No, t tins, per tin ' VICTORY BLEND TEA QQ per lb wOt PICNIC HAMS per lb. 17c Fruit & Vegetables H, C. Head Lettuce, per head 10c Hothouse Tomatoes, per lb, 27c Field Rhubarb, 8 lbs. jsc! Large Juicy Lemons, per doz. 7c Large Juicy Oranges, per doz. 27c Thrift Cash & Carry rhone 170 201 Third "CARRY AND RAVF." Mall Orders Have Our Prompt Attention Thursday Complete " Wednesday & Thursday Two Shows-7 & 8; ls,dm " JAILBIKDS AND LOVK ItlltlK " "THE SOLITAIRE MAN ONLY $69.50 Installed to Your Aerial With IIEKI1KKT MAHSJIALla, MAY l(n,L KUZABBTII ALLAN. A M.(J,M ifi A Cliatiulnt lUfflea Fools the Polite Hut I all, j-4 Added Frature (8:20) u, "SHANGHAI MADNESS" Willi SPKNCKIt TltACY and I'M WIUv u,,tv auu tuc in nip iirirnt, , f0J j.. p.Mt.vMorNT m:vs FRIDAY & SATURDAY "DANCINO LADY RADIO as you Ride ThU Uonilrrful Uft Imitrumrnt h Uri Pit l'leaurr llanlii) and Ibkiasl Tri , Eirrllrnl tonal quality; da)llht rrtepllon; no Mlrrlrj U - t a t. v a a . tiiar. 11 m a tiuiuii ana uui means mutn. Thrtf l: a rta NEWS FLASHES" Production of General Motors of ChiukI.i ! a new high mark for the year to date and h.m production records for the past thirty-four nv 1 ' for the month was 70 ahead of 1933. Domestic and export production for Uic pen. . to April 10th, 1934 was 48 8 in excess of the mii , 1933. Retail sale of Oeneral Motors product in C.i period January 1st to AprU 10th, 1034 were 31 1 same period In 1933. , 0,1 ,1,c 8lly exceed those of any 1 since 1920. Buine Is excellent, and our management m. thing that l humanly polble to meet the unpt-mand for General Motors producU. Yours very truly P. X. IintKY. Sales Pronv The above Is a letter Just received and we usmh ers we arc doing everything possible to procure local orders. KAIKN MOTOUS LTD. IMione ! Chevrolet and General Motors Dealrn Hatteries For Kvery Purpose ttf- For Marine Aulomothe Ughlint; KUI'ROX IIATTKKIEK wyi not hed, buckle, ullialr r othrrW dkinlegratc hut Improve with ae If kept hi tl'' u,e- .Vlawctt, It C. JA.MKS MARTIN P.O. Box 77, Prime llrfprrU" WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS I rX Vj It's sure to J REPLENISHING PHONE US We havo coals BuilaJ for nil your req nients and nt prices to suit all puw PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. IMionc-018