THE WEATHER : NEXT MAILS twenty-four hours ending 6 a.m., For souTH Aug. 8 a” aac P&incess Beatrice..... Wed. a. m. yaxreme. MT “wo 90.081... sss FOR NORTH 80,0 Pfincess May.... Thursday p. m. —_ ° . ° Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist 9 , Pee ae eee ee! eee ae ote att 4 BAAR PC TS AE ae oe Letts on vOL. Il, NO. 178 PRINCE RuPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, AuGusT 8, 1911. PRICE FIVE Cants MORE CHANGES THE CAB RITISH UNIONISTS MAD OVER LORDS VETO BILL cused Mr. Asquith of Taking Advantage of King George’s In- experience to Get Promises to Create Liberal Peers--House Endorses Asquith’s Action by Immense Majority Mr. A. §. the Opposition. Canadian Press Despatch) London, Aug. 8.—The Unionists the British House got another | est of Opposition’s charges against | The result of his answer was that feat yesterday when a_ vote the Government was that Premier|after the Premier's speech, the censure of the Government for]Asquith had taken advantage of|dcbate on the Unionist side vir- ving obtained from the King the King’s inexperience to bring | taully collapsed. pledge to create, if necessary}about an abuse of the royal! ‘ uficient number of peers to pass veto bill, was rejected by the suse of Commons by a majority 119 Brought in King's name The motion was introduced by general election. Asquith's Answer Asquith easily disposed of Mr. Balfour, the leader of| ministers had pursued an entirely He said the grav-| proper and constitutional course. prerogative by securing guarantees | from his Majesty before the last | Good All Times One of the very best brands of coffee is the ‘‘Empress."’ Get it | at the Ideal Provision House.- "Phone 190. this charge by showing that the! ANDSOME NEW SUSPECT DEEP. BANK PREMISES| ion Bank will Occupy Quar- Vancouver Shooting Case Gro- | ters on Third Avenue and| wes More Mysterious. Woun-}| Sixth Street. Open October! ded Man Silent. Italians All Alarmed. local branch of the Union (Canadian Press Despatch) { Canada is to have hand-| Vancouver, Aug. 8.—Despite the new quarters at the corner|diligent efforts of police ard de-| Third avenue and Fifth street.|tectives, no trace has beer dis- jortion of the Christiansen and}covered of the iiiknown Itale-n}: dt building has been leased | who shot Romeo Rosco ard wour d- purpose and the plans|ed Aniorio Monteto on Sunday the new office have been com-|night, The latter is slowly re- Mr. W. L. Barker.|coverirg at the hospiiel but ab- iolk or give any as to the identity of ithe murderer. Based on the fear |shown by local Italians, ithe belief is growing that a Cam m of this now in shape for|solutely refuses to information ng the contract. will be a con- All the interior rk will be both istic. Quarter new ofece other useful and for the resident | orrist plot is at the botto provided and every | shooting be in-| for will Hee The plans call | substantial exterior. | the place |‘ October | nience MORE BLUFF an ‘Me and Gott” Hold Mighty Review ed to have My for occupaney by this year (Canadian Press Despatch) It is announc- 5th at Kiel London, Books Well Kept ind Stewart, the Aug. 7. local} ed that on September litors, sent ’ . in a , | ys ; : report to the | the Kaiser will review the greatest teal night stating that | ) audited the City Hall ks as d for correct. array of German war vessels ever The fleet nad assembled. will com- und them the auditors officials by Hall ping the books > giver for| the number of men in the crrews | | will approximate : 25,000. LD. NEWTON ADMITS HE SO ¢ xcellently : FARMED OUT INSURANCE mits that He Took Policy Raniwela Away from Cer- tain Ratepayers and Handed Them Over to Other Parties to Renew—Whole Matter to be Probed Into Fig Manse man Hilditch asked that was going so I thought it incil meetir me patrick at the] would be only fair that as they a canst & last night why|collared the business last year Mer had ian who wasa property that it was time to let someone en away.” 5 Clvic Insurance |else have a share. It will alford me Alderman Newton explained answer Aldesnan een how he had farmed out the re- , 5M lerman News ilditch, newals of insurance policies to Sfeet. “I sholt hy: jumping other local agents. Baie an Mpt to browhast ee All the facts about civic in- P my skir ole mae ae or]surance will be gone into next responsibilicy yi it take all Monday when City Clerk Woods tick was nat German Kirk- will bring in a report on th ting of the gna at the | meter, Mm the m oe enee committee eS fe iF At Was dons want up and{ Mr, Clark ila. superintend- 4 motion laa p 6 result ent for the Prince Rupert Hydro- ben ex-Aldermay es, myself, Electriccompany, returned to town lderman Naden ee and | from Khtada River last night where Peil last year J foun yet in the} he and Mr, Kennaugh had been K a big slice of th a they each | making surveys. With a party of nd gobbled a civie insur-|axemen he will leave in the morn P everythingling to start construction, | | | Emperor to, patrick was kept busy trying }as if open war would result. side of vitriolic verbosity into Alderman Hilditch’s camp but lthe acting Mayor aided by his ‘ | . prise 140 vessels of all classes and} peace loving henchman Alderman |Clayton rushed into the breach land the hot verbosity ended in smoke. | gasoline schooner Edrie “EDRIE" OWNERS APPEAL CAMMORRA PLOT Case will Conky: up Before Ap- peal Court in November (Canadian Press Despatch) Aug. 7.—The Chlopeck Company, of the seized re- Rainbow Victoria, Fish owners cruiser the notice cently by the and condemned by Admiralty given of ap- The case will be heard here Court At present the schooner is lying at Sapperton. Court, have | pes al. at the sittings of the Appeals in November. of — er ’ BASEBALL SCORES PTs ss rs Northwestern League Spokane 5, Vancouver 2. Tacoma 8, Victoria 2. SIR ALAN AYLESWORTH T0 RETIRE FROM PARLIAMENT Seattle 6, Portland 2. National League Chicago 8, New York 6. Pittsburg 2, Philadelphia 1. St. Louis 4, Brooklyn 3. Cincinnati 8, Boston 2. American League Philadelphia 2, 3; Chicago 1, 2. Detroit 7, New York 6. Cleveland 8, Boston 3. Washington 1,6; St. Louis 0, 13. RAILWAY COMMISSION (Canadian Press Despatch) Ottawa, Aug. 8.—Sir Alan Ayles- worth after six years of public service to Canada, first as Post- master General and for the past five years as Minister of Justice, is retiring from the Government and has definitely notified the North York Liberal Association that he will not again be a candi- Program of Tour Through Wes- tern Canada Inclusive date. Sir Alan intimated to the Prime Minister two years ago that he Toronto, Aug. 7.—The Board (Canadian Press Despatch) of Railway Commissioners is mak- Minister of Justice Makes Announcement to His Constituents--- Stayed Owing to Strong Wish of Sir Wilfrid Laurier---Great Jurist Has Served Nation for Six Years Robinette, K. C., of North York will probably be the candidate in that consitiuency. Sir Wilfrid Laurier has not yet accepted Sir Alan’s resignation and the latter will probably hold office until his successor is sworn in. desired to resign his portfolio, principally on the ground that his deafness was a constant embar- rassment to him in Parliament and at the Cabinet council meet- ings. He was dissuaded however by Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his colleagues and continued in office. Recently, however, he decided defi- nitely to resign and this afternoon notified the Liberal executive of North York to that effect. Sir Alan stated that Mr. T. C. Hugh Guthrie, representative for South Wellington in the Com- mons since 1900 is mentioned as his probable successor. SORDID TRAGEDY Gardner Killed Other Man's ing a tour of Western Canada this month during which it will hold sessions at almost every im- portant point between Port Ar-| Wife after Drinking Bout thur and the Pacific Coast. The (Canadian Press Despatch) first sitting will be on the tenth} oc.) Francisco, Aug. 7.—The| inst. at Port Arthur and after] 6.) Francisco, Aug. 7.—George sitting at Fort Francis, the Com- Forsyth, aged 40, a gradner, shot | and fatally wounded Mrs. Kath- Slerine Decker aged 33, at her ‘|home here today and then killed Other points] himself. The tragedy took place after a drinking bout lasting nearly all night. Forsyth had been trying missioners will go direct to Van- couver, where a number of cases of discrimunations against the ( P. R. will be heard. will be visited on the return jour- ney. The Prince Rupert on the 19th inst. Commissioners are due in elope with him but she refused. HE WAS BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE) Ald. Newton Wanted to Kn man’s Lots— Almost three long, weary hours | the city council sat last night wi ut accomplis hirg very much | Acting Mayor Kirk-| to ai business. | keep things moving peacefully i the of the “ite mishes between Aldermen Newton and Hilditch. Frequently it looked face continual Once Alderman Newton did fire a broad- First Shot at Goodman The first shot was fired Alderman Newton who wanted to ‘talk the city filling the lots owned by John Goodman.” “T want to ask why the city assisted in filling up his lots and by about what recompense the city is getting ie NIOBE OFF AGAIN On Her Way to Halifaxi in Tow of Salvage Boats (Canadian Press Despatch) Halifax, Aug. 8—The Niobe started on her way to Halifax this evening according to wireless report from Clarke’s Harbor to Admiral Kingsmill. The flotilla of towing steamers headed by H. M. S. Cornwall is eepected to reach Halifax tomorrow. The Cornwall which touched on a rock at Green Island bank Sunday afternoon is but slightly damaged. Ottawa, Aug. 8.—(Special)——Earl Grey will leave Canada for home on October sizth. Nothing official has been received as to the arrival of the Duke of Connaught but it is expected he will be here in the middle of October, 11a good deal of comment and he ow How the Connell Came to Agree to Fill John Good-|: Subsided When Explanation Was Made for the | The remarks were directed to his | the Acting Mayor. Alderman New Mr. Goodman had : ton continued to explain that the | with. been the subject of a moment—apparently The unything to do work.” Newton in to surprise. lots now Sniffed Out Alderman Hilditch Newton a _ little questions without to probe the That did it. ire is ever jumped matter had gave rap Then Alderman It was all explained to Alderman pee asking ltaking the trouble owned by Mr. Goodman were | , formerly owned by Mr, Benson | M#tter previously. | of the Atlantic Realty Company, |4 Iderman Newton 5 who sold them to Mr. Goodman. | mercurial. It literally Mr. Benson entered into an Saree. |UP to boiling point and he tones: “I ‘. ° $39 . ‘le > ero ment with the city giving the city | ‘ | pees d in Cice he slow Shae nna object to Alderman Hilditch throw- allo . materiz ] 1 ig Oo se sneers abou al lermen of the rox d to yng OU hese snee¢ it ( . r , ak t Oo » tO ask questions. I he e were some taking the tr ub eto k 1 had been asked. ac- permission to from the crown fall on the lots. : : . all ask for any information other minor details connected with I sh all k Ne “| i 4 : sire as long as am in the the agreement, but none of which I de ve. an § : council and I won't be sniffed | - out by Alderman Hilditch. If he only knew one quarter of what | oo we x is being said about his departme nt | * ; “lhe would be grateful to have » THE POPE'S ILLNESS _ ¢ ; : ; _ | some ask questions instead of ‘ fer a "lerunting and growling.”’ » (Canadian Press Despatch) s . s . oy Rome, Aug. 8.—The » » condition of Pope Pius » who yesterday suffered » pa » a slight relapse was re- «| Laborer Reached Out for a Handful of Death @ ported satisfactory to- » day. Dr. Pettachi, pri- ® vate physician to his ¢ o Holiness stated that © Calgary, Aug. 8.—Mike Iwans- « while he found a slight »|Wick, an Austrian laborer working @ riseinthe patient’stem- »/0" @ new elevator here, touched @ perature he considered »/@ live wire when walking along the general condition of »/# hallway and was SaaEORAY killed, @ the patient to be im- » ——— LIVE WIRE SLEW HIM (Canadian Press Despatch) ew. peeved, a CARELESS WITH GUN . ian (beta -The ‘ Harry Sage Has Paid the Full » Pope's condition is now @ said to be very serious. » @ The pontiff had a bad » night with more faint- © Penalty (Canadian Press Despatch) Castor, Alberta, Aug. 8.-When a long time to get Mrs. Decker to| HAD ANXIOUS TIME IN LAUNCH Rev. Father Hartmann and Party on Trip Around Kaien Island were Delayed and Lost tide. Friends Alarmed. ‘NEARLY KILLED BY BIG ROCK Stone Flung by Shot at Mile | Forty-two Came Through the Messhouse Roof and Just Missing Wm. Stenhouse 1 j | } reas | When a blast went off yesterday in the neighborhood of Mile Forty- two a stone hurled from the cut ’ as far as the mess house roof some distance away. It crashed through the roof and just missing jthe head of William Stenhouse who was in there at the time, oe him on the foot. The limb was rather severely crushed and | bruise d but no bones were smashed. Det came down steel in care of a comrade, and was at-ja | tended to at the General Hospital| float. While preparations were |by Dr. Eggert. He is detained wane made, however, the belated i there at present, but will soon be|launch returned long after mid- Yesterday Rev. Father Hart- mann and a party of friends set out on a trip around Kaien Island in the new launch belonging to A. Nachbar. The weather was magnificent for the trip, but the launch did not return at the time when it was expected. After waiting several hours for it, friends of the party grew exceedingly anxious, and began to make en- quiries ard to talk of sending out search party from the Davis able to be about. night. A slight trouble with the er ee engine had sufficed to cause delay GERMANY SUSPICIOUS |which made the party lose the tide, and thus increased the time for the journey. If Britain were as Nervous there Would be no German Bands The council agreed last night to raise the salary of Mr. W. D Vance, city accountant, from $100 2 month to $125 a month to date from January 1, 1911., and also to raise Saritary Inspector Mac- farlane’s pay from $80 to $90 a month from January 1, 1911, to July 1, 1911. From July Ist he will get $100 a month. (Canadian Press Despatch) Bremen, Aug. 7.—An English- man, said to be an officer in the British yeomanry, was arrested here today accused of spying on German fortifications on the north Prisoner whose name has learned was sub- ae admitted to bail. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS FOR “NEWS” Remarkable Despatch that Reached the Daily News Office today.—It is Worth Reading and Pondering Over.—What Does ‘‘Head- quarters’’ Take Us For. seacoast. not been As a sample of the kind of | without him. It is said the plan campaign that is being|is to try if possible to win the sent out over the wires the News/present election and then lose prints the following despatch which | no time in turning over the mantle came into its office this morning. to Graham, giving him It has all the earmarks of an which to settle “inspired”? message sent out from “headquarters,"’ and calculated to deceive the ignorant. It has no news value. It tells no fact. It gives no authority. With the of the paragraph which gives an iti “news” of office several years in into saddle. If Laurier is defeated he will at orce reiire, for he already has cold the House he will not again serve as leader of the Opposition. Mr. Border will open his cam- paign in Eastern townships on of news about Mr. Borden's com-| August 29th by address at paign, the whole thing is palpe bly | Farhnam, a collection of malicious rumors. Wis lest m exception n- an » ing spells than hitherto » » known. Fears for a » fatal termination of the » » illness are growing ev- putting his gun away after shooting Harry E. Sage, an employee of the C. P. R, charged the weapon, the contents stumbled, and dis- @ ery hour. @ ® »lentering his forehead, He died SYS OHH eee & ww w'soON alter, It may all be true, but it looks | p R. Indoor Basshall League. like an anonymous lie. Quill Drivers vs. Royal Blue Laurier is anx-| Ribbons at the Auditorium Tues- He would| day evening, August 7th. Game Admission Ottawa, hile. 8. ious to quit his office, have done this before but for the| called at 8.45 sharp. refusal of his party to go on|25 cents,