"X. KNOX HOTEL l Mi;it m;h .m tvt(i;iKr Tomorrow's Tides 61 rcxMin all Willi Hut anil (old Water, Mmwrr ILilli l.( I I.I.IAT DIMNtl UOOM High 1:00 ajn. 205 It. lull Hill llkr llirKiin. ILilm: 73e. t : . American or Eurojwn puj 17:38 pjn. 17.0 It. V.U I. .ill.MOl It I'ruprlrlor Low 11:03 ajn. 3.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSWPER 23:15 pjn. 0.0 ft. V XXIV. Mo. 103. . PRIMr.P. RIIPRRT. H.f! TttUBSnAV MAV u ' - i - ' .w., - w . j j,,m. x e, Aitn riwic. r ivt. m.n in BENNETT'S ANSWER IS UNFAVORABLE FEDERAL COVERHMm EASES GUW TAX lOXUDEIlABLY Federal Government Will Aid British Columbia Deficit Is Reduced NeW York Stock j n . . r, I T riCeS 111 Ollimp j j "nxy n SIT,, Mai? U" U0""Suu lZ?t0P i new york. May 3: -Heavy sell- tu'rut nir fh Vnrlr wirvV "v in.ukcl yesterday, forcing prices In main list down from one to vc i four point. Some of the more ui.itivc issues dropped as much .1 "11 points. Today's Stocks New York i s $csk: , American Can, 09. Omrral Motors 35 Allied Chemical, 143 ft. ' Auburn Auto, 41fc-W stern Union. 49. Toronto li.tcr. Nlckll, 27.85. r.M,.. 3716. T m-k HuRhee. 0.00. M- Intyre, 45.25. Wimht llarireavBt, 9 DO. Fiiwiiado. 195. Hcy. U4. Ti ipwn Cadillac. 49. Niimnda, 39.50. IM! 119!. t inudlan Cement. 8. W.Ukcrs. 37. C"M Smelters, 1.63. Br w List- 105. Wheat Prices Winnipeg M.. 64j. Julv. 05'. Ortober. 67V4. Chicago Muy. 78. ''il.Y. 7738. September, 78,i. found Sterling and Canadian Dollar MONTREAL, May 3:-Thc Brl- pound sterling was quoted at 3 'i'ttOn the local foreign cx-:h:triRc market yesterday and the U'i'ird States dollar at 0974c. NEW YORK. May 3:-The British P"tiud sterling was trading at 1 on the local foreign cx-t'nnnc market yesterday nnd the Canadinn dollar at $1.00 3-16. CHURCH BODY IS CONDEMNED Synod Is Only I'.xpen-'ve Court of Review and Not Worth Cost, Says Pastor TORONTO, May 3:-Rcv. Stuart j. I'nrker D.D. of St. Andrew's J-iirrh. Toronto, told the synod of , r''Fter!an Church of Canada n session at Knox Church here rday thnt the d waj on,y ai1 expensive court of review and not worth the huge expense in- VoIvcd. Revision of Economic Policy in This Province Demanded No Ottawa Money Available For "Work and Wages" Program Paltullo's Statement OTTAWA, May 3; (CP) Premier Bennett has rejected the financiaI Program submitted by Premier Pattullo of iHriti8h Columbia but offered to provide monev for the most pressing needs of the Pacific Coast province cn condition that the provincial budget deficit is reduced by fl tttSllinn rlnllot-a Ptaminij Pmnnll aUa a1 j- .1 f UIIIIIUH MUllCOtt. A ACilllEA AJtllllCH. UCWIcil l"U IIIUL Itlil lCU' CAMPAIGN i STARTING .tooths Endeavoring to Assume to Salvation Army Leadership ' Again WftPQ?C;Mar J: FWlowers ot dommltlfoneT ' EAngeline Booth I land thoee of Commander Catherine Booth have begun a campaign for. the generalship of the Salvation : onerous and difficult. It Is the de-Oeneral Edward sire of the government to assist to Army to succeed J. Illgjtins. who Is retiring on No vember 10 next. SPY RING REVEALED Trench Police Claim to Have Excised Conspiracy Following Arrest of Polish Colonel PARIS. France. May 3: The secretariat of ,- the police has an nounced officiary that It has re - vealed a spy ring greater than the one recently exposed through the arrest of George Sybert. Polish colonel, said tc be a member of the German spy service. MANCH0UKU0 , IS PRAISED Bennett and Premier Pattullo of Japan Has Pone Well, Says Former British Columbia has. apparently. British Official, Who CriUclies brought the governments In no League 1 closer agreement. ' Premier Pattullo, replying to Pre- .SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. May 3: 'mlcr Bennett's letter of Wednes-Thomas Wodehouse Lcgh, war-time day, has asked for a final and. early under secretary in the British For-; reply as to whether a loan will be eign office, praises Japan's accom- granted but did not refer to any of pllshments In Manchoukuo and criticizes the League of Nations attitude towards the Japanese-dominated state. Donations For Books D. P. Miller, V Basso-Bert. Mrs. you undertake to loan us the O A. Wyman. Fish Packers' Union, amounts necessary to meet re-Mlss Doblc, Mr. and Mrs. Parsons, qulrements as already outlined to Mrs. C. V. Evltt. Wright navies, Mrs. K. L. Montelth. W. Gillespie. Total to date. $729.40. j There are a few subscription books still out and It Is requested that there be turned lit to the Lib- rarian or W. Crulckshank at the nnnndlan National Ticket Office i this week. Any who have not been, nppronched and who wisn to ncip along the work of the library are requested to make their donations by Saturday, May 5. Not Unless Its by a Million eral government would not under-; take to give any further assistance to British Columbia unless It took Immediate steps to revise Its whole economic policy and stated definitely that no money was available to Implement Premier Pattullo's " ' B" program. Premier Bennett Informed Pre- mla. n. 1 1 nil a it., . i . .nun laiiuuu Ul MIC ITOCiai gOV emment's decision by letter late yesterday. , In his letter Premier Bennett said in. part: "Notwithstanding our own financial problems, which are the best of our ability but we cannot, in justice to the taxpayers of the Dominion, accept the statement of your requirements as outlined In Mr. Hart's letter of March ;23 as representing a complete ef-I fort on your part to deal with your financial poslUon. We must, therefore, ask you to submit a new program substanUally reducing the contemplated deficit. As preparation of this statement cannot be made until Mr. Hart's return to Victoria, we are prepared to ad- j vancc such sums as may be ncces- j8!? to meet Immediate pressing requirements Premier Bennett promised favorable consldcraUon of a revised program. Paijullo Hencws Request For Aid OTTAWA. May 3: (CPi The exchange of letters between Premier the conditions or advice contained in Premier Bennett's letter. i ; "t believe better relations will ; exist between the Dominion and 'provinces by consideration of our common problems upon the broad basts of good intentions and goodwill rather than upon the basis of criticism and censorship," Premier Pattullo wrote. "I suggest, therefore, that you accept .our expressed i Intentions In good faith and that I : t I the end of the fiscal year. March 31." . ..! I ' Premier Pattullo pointed out that representations which had been, made with regard to provincial and municipal works had been on the I basis of the province accepting full renponslblllty for all loans made: with no cost to the federal govcrn- ment. Premier Pattullo has left for Montreal and will return here on Saturday. ARRESTED FOR THEFT Provincial Police Officers Take Pat Kelly of IVrangeH For Alaska Authorities Pat Kelly, Wrangell fisherman, was arrested In a local hotel last night by provincial and city police oficeis for the Alaskan authorities on a charge of theft ot a rasboat (T1937) which Kelly Is alleged to have taken possession of at W ran cell on April 25 and brought here. , Kelly is being detained pending the arrival from tne north of Deputy Marshal Caswell of Ketchikan who, it Is expected, wil Institute extradition proceeding with a view to taking him back to Alaska for trial. The boat has also been taken possession of. A quantity of furs is abo believed to be Involved GRADUATION OF NURSES Exercises and Reception Last Night For Misses Wilson-Murray And Fagerlid Ceremonies In connection with the graduation of Miss Hilda Wilson-Murray and Miss Hlldur Fagerlid from the nurses' training school of the Prince Rupert General Hos pital took place at a delightful re ception and dance held last nlfht In the I. O. D. E. Hall, there being In attendance a large gathering of friends of the two charming and popular young graduates and of the 1 hospital nursing staff generally. The principal feature of the pro-1 ceedlngs was the presentation of diplomas and class pins to the two new graduates. In presenting the diplomas, G. V. Wilkinson, president of the hospital board, made a brief but appropriate speech. The graduates were Invested with their class pins by the lady superintendent, Miss Jean Harrison R. N. Following the presentations, congratulations were offered to the graduates, carrying handsome bouquets, by all present. The party was In progress from 8:30 pjn. until 1 a.m., the evening being spent In dancing to the strains of music by " Mrs. J. S. Black's Orchestra. The 1W1I had been tastefully decorated for the , occasion. j Buffet refreshments were servU from a table which was tastefully j decorated with pink and white col- J ors. silver candlesticks and vases of daffodils, narcissi and fernery 'ending to the effectiveness. I Ontario Paper Companies May Incr!!!e FORT FRANCES, Ont., May 3: ! Pulp and paper mill companies. ! three thousand of whose, employees i are on strike, arc willing to pay' higher wages but wlll,,not concede to contracts because ot-uncertaln market conditions. TODAY'S WEATHER Terrace Cloudy, enst wind 46. Alyansh Clear, calm,v45 Anyox Part cloudy,'' calm, 48. Stewart Light rain, calm. 44. Hazelton Cloudy calm.50. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, cool. Burns Lake Bright, calm, 35. TOOK HIS OWN LIFE Joseph Arsenbauer, Farmer in Prince George District, Shot Himself With Rifle M Having evidently committed sul- clde, Joseph Arsenbauer, German born farmer, was found dead in hU home 7 miles from Prince George orl April 20 with a bullet wound In his right temple, a 22-calibre rifle lying across his chest, his left wrist ..'ashed and a small jacknife lying OTTAWA, May 3: (CP) Premier R'. B. Bennett an-searby. it is believed that the mar. nounced last evening that the new gold tax would be had attempted to take his own life twenty-five of the percent premium on gold based on a ind. when this failed, shot himself wi ..,. ,'f ,.9n fi7 T, ' . ... . . " by slashing the artery In his wrist n the head. Arsenbauer had been ill for some' Ime and a few days previous had" been told he had cancer. He is said ' io have expressed on Intention of. -nmmltttnir . cliiiHo In nlcrV.fnr i - -...- p. wu.w.uw J ..ki..w.a vho had endeavored to deprive him ', of firearms. The 22-rine contaiidna one cartridge had been overlooked, short time before taking his own I life, deceased had made out his will. A son. Tony, residing in the Mud ; River arear ls benevedt-be the only surviving' relative in Canada. Deceased was 43 years of age. had j committee yesterday approved a re-come to Canada m 1928 and was Well Known Catholic Clergyman ciprocal tariff bill with an amend-not ' naturalized, Dead at Taunton, Mass, at i ment providing for hearings of af- j Age of Seventy-Five 1 fected industries before any tariff REPORT ON j CONVENTION Prince Rupert Teachers' Association In Session Last Night At the regular monthly -eetlng of the Prince Rupert Teachers As- soclatlon on Tuesday evening the delegates to the recent provincial convention of the B. C. Teachers Federation gave very Interesting reports. The outstanding speaker at the convention was Peter Mannlche, founder and principle of the People's College. Elslnore, Denmark. Mr. Mannlche has devoted his life to the furthering of education along the broadest lines and, as a pioneer ln many phases of this kind of work, spoke from a wealth of experience and with a conviction that made a lasting impression. Miss M. Hartln spoke on Mr. Mannlihe's address on "Attitude of Different Countries to Educa-Contlnued on Page 2 TRAIN THREE HOURS LATE Tonight's train, due from the jeast at 10 o'clock, was reported this morning to be three hours late .which would bring It In at 1 ajn. The train, which was due from the least at 10 .o'clock Tuesday night 'and which was delayed by a dernll-jment In the Rocky Mountains, finally arrived here at 5:05 ihls morning. AGREEMENT ON PRICES Head of Toronto Bread Company Before Stevens Committee-Tells of Low Wages OTTAWA, May 3i James Dempster of Dempsters Bread. Toronto, told the Stevens mass buying and price spread committee yesterday ,that there must be "acquiescence 'of all members" to price changes. .Mr. Dempster also told of one firm; 'enjoying large contracts which ' paid 1U employees only $8 per week. Impo Will st Will Only On Premium Over Legal Value of $20.67 Not Apply to Companies Which Do Not Vav Divi; dends or When Price is Below $30 Per Ounce-Credit on Other Taxes Provided . 7. J. 1 V'. V - pay uiv duction. In no case will the eIow W0 per ounce. ln 0'der avoid anything In the nature of double taxaUon, the pro- TOGal IS 10 Credit COmmnlCS On 'neir 8ia tax biu the amount due Irom them In corporation Income tax. " " Father Ambrose Of AJoiir New York T a wix Avb" Passes Pfieene uootO j TAUNTON. Mass., May 3: Rev. Father Michael F. Ambrose of Buffalo. N.Y.. pastor of several Roman Catholic Churches in New York State, is dead here at the age of seventy-five years. Interference J By De Valera , President of Irish Free State Justifies Banning of Abbey Players Plays in U. S. , DUBLIN. Ire.. May 3: President Eamonn de Valera has placed a' ban on two plays of the Abbey Plav- ers to be presented In the United. States on the ground that the Irish Free, State has the right to Interfere because of a subsidy gran- ted the Abbey Players. 1 Building Permits Here in April Highest For Any Month in Over Six Years; Amounted to $43,900 Building permits issued in the city of Prince Rupert in April this year totalling $43,900 were the highest in any single month since March 1928 and brought the buildinr total for the year to date to $47,S25 as compared with $20 -S60 in the first four months of 1933. The principal item on the April list this year was one of $40,000 coverintr construction of the new cold -'-net1, plant here of the Northern Fisher-, men's Cold Storage Ltd. Other Items on the April list Included $1700 for the rebuilding of (thc ol daudltorium on Sixth Avenue west, ror use as an armory", the permit being taken out for J. T. Harvey, and $1200 for the construction by the Anglican. Church of a residence on Water Street. ONE FISH SALE There was no sale of halibut at the local Fish Exchange this morn-1 Ing. The only boat ln Is the CsMia-j There was one sale of halibut at; dlan Rose Spit which received 5c. and 4.5c from Cold Storage for a catch of 13,000 pounds. Be Made J V a , 1 1 y . cu,u" menus nor 10 piacer mine pro- tax apply when gold is selling - . , . . , ... K PClDrOCal i aHl f Bill Is Approved United States Senate Finance Com-, mittee Approves Measures With Proviso IvASHINOTOS, May-3). The United States Senate finance reductions are put in force. PLANNING ROME HOP jTake Off of Sabelll and Tond From New York Is Set For Today NEW YORK, May 3 Cesarc Sa-: belli and Capt. George R. Pond .'were planning to .take off from jhere today on a non-stop trans-Atlantic flight to Rome. Fifty Families On Relief in Toronto Are Going on Land' TORONT6, May 3: Fifty fami-. lies on relief ' ln Toronto have been selected by the provincial Land Settlement Board to be placed on farms in Northern Ontario. hdmonton Police Not Satisfied .May Not Have Actually nn Threat to Kidnap Daughter of Anglican Minister EDMONTON. May 3: Police are prepared to file away the threat to kidnap Miss Margaret Comyn-Chlng, daughter of Rev. Canon J. M. Comyn-Ching, Anglican minister, as there Is not sufficient evidence to prove the letter was a kidnap threat.