CHILDREN'S & MISSES' NON-RIP SANDALS fit' . Third Avenue. COOLER THAN RUNNING SHOES Ideal for School, Holiday or Play Brown Elk Uppers with double wear Non-Rip Leather Soles. Made over roomy fitting lasts. Get yours while the size range is complete. The Family Shoe Store LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. PK1NCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Fhone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue . H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION Wednesday, May 16, 1934 PROMINENT CITIZENS LEAVING Lieutenant Colonel S. P. McMordie D.S.O. is leaving at the end of the month for Victoria. The announcement to this effect made yesterday .came as a great surprise to many because the Colonel has lived in Prince Ruperi since the earliest days and was looked upon as one of those who had cast in his lot with the city permanently. Prominent ex-army officer who served with distinction in the Great War, Colonel McMordie has always taken a keen interest in public affairs. For two years he was mayor of the city and. alderman for several years prior to that. He has for many years been' an officer or member "of the Liberal Association. He is a member of the Prince Rupert Club and is a property owner in the city. He has also been an active supporter of all sports. Mrs. McMordie has been also to the fore in women's club affairs, having served as regent of the Municipal Chapter of the Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire and president of the Women's Canadian Club and also has been among the best known society women of the city. Both Colonel and Mrs. McMordie will be missed in their respective spheres and their leaving the city will be A CURIOUS ACCIDENT The cutting In two of the Nantucket lightship off New York was an unusual accident. The lightship was placed there as. a guide to ships approaching one of the world's greatest ports and at the time of the tragedy the signals flf the lifrhtRhin VPJp K1innn(r1 tn ha oniirlinrr fVio llnor nti 7 I I 1 J i pocuet dooh AUTOMATIC ONE LEAF AT A TIME- A baoditf ind more cociTcnimt book tot ibe pocket. Conuitu (Im lirjuc DouibK Dumber of lravrt lot ic ZlCi-ZAC Cigiftttc fiprn ire the tatu made, ind tbtolutely pun. KeiuM lubiutuiM. ZEPPELIN 0NCRUISE Giant German Airship Makes Test Flight to Lake Constance Trior To Kcsiinriiip Ocean Service FltEDEIUCHAFEN, Germany, May 10 The German dirigible Graf Zeppelin was away from her hangar here yesterday for the Mm time since last fall making a test cruise to Lake Constance in anticipation of resuming transAUantlc service between Germany and South America In a few weeks. W. M. Brown has returned to the city after spending, a week at Tie Letter fox PUNGENT CRITICISM Editor Dally .News: Will you kindly allow me a little space In your valuable paper to say a lew words re: the boosting of Prince Rupert. Borne time ago, sir, this city was on fire with "buy at home." There was even a competition on "buy at home" among the school children, trying to instill into the mind's of the people the benefit to all con cerned In "buying at home." Now, ; sir, who was this intended for? Was it the poor Ignoramus? Certainly ! not for the big wise heads ol our i city for, according to an item in 'the Daily News of May 12 the hos-ipltal board called for tenders for mattresses. Where? In Prince Rupert? No, sir, but in Vancouver., jWhy Was it because our local I firms could not supply them? No. ;slr. for we can supply anything i made In the line we represent. Was Jit then because they could buy! ,them cheaper in the south? I say ! again: ."No sir." I What then was their reason for' ! sending to Vancouver? We havej given the nospital a square deal in the past. 1 I wonder, sir, If this had been ! groceries, hardware or stationery. j ! touching some of them on the 'board, would they want to send toj Vancouver? No, sir. but in just a case of small minds and ignorance. This, sir. Is the spirit of some of our so-called big business men of our city. It's about time for those men to wake up and forget their cutthroat and narrowness for. sir. I never saw a class of people who feel so large and think they know so much and yet know so little. If the time ever comes in my life when I become so small and narrow-minded as this, may I be driven from the haunts of men and crawl into some dark hole there to curse God and die. Thanking you again. Mr. Editor. and trustine vou may see your way clear to publish this letter. I remain. Yours for a square deal. . -0' G. M. HUNT. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Sadao Suga returned to the city on the Prince George to-j day following a six-months' trip to Japan. She left her two children j in Japan with their grandparents, j 1 daughter and William Steikel of "TILLIE THE TOILER" THE DAILY NEWS Pittsburg Pirates, Although Idle. Retain First Plare In National League CHICAGO, May 16: CP (Losing to the New York Oiants here yesterday, the Chicago Cub dropped back into second place in the National League standing below the PitUburg Pirates who had an idle day. In the only other Big League game yesterday, tljelhlrd place St. Louis Cardinals were beaten out by the odd run by the Brooklyn "Dodgers at Sportsmen's Field. Yesterday's score: National League New York 10. Chicago 3. Brooklyn 6. St. Louis 5. Others postponed. Baseball Standings Bert Tupper. engineer for the Pittsburg Northwest Telephone Co., Is a busl- Chicago ness visitor here In connection with Bt- L0"18 the local radiotelephone service, New York hnvlnir nrrivprf frnm Vnncniivpr nr. Boston the Prince George this morning. ancj ClnclnnaU 5 liaf mif Curlrlnnlir n.ifVmnf n ,,.o.-v,, v. uir. i ! Detroit, who have a summer resort New York National League 15 18 .15 .15 ...12 cf..,.l, tt,A ., iJi A i Z. i. in the Terrace district, are visitors Cleveland Jl cwutn. liic utuci aim tut jici in aim Aevercti uieiuuers 1 In 1 4ua the - city. arrived ij , of the crew lost their lives. The accident illustrates one of the dangers of modem civilization. Mrs. Margaret Schilling Brooklyn 0 Philadelphia .. 7 They from the Philadelphia .12 interior on last night's train and ue011 " will be returning to Terrace on Fri- Washington 12 day afternoon. (Boston 11 St. Louis ,,,,5 Provincial Constable Ian Caustln arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancoy American Leaeue 7 0 10 11 11 15 15' IS 17. 6 Chicago 1)6 9 11 11 13 13 12 15 . .682 .COO srr, .522 J75 JIB 517 .739 .550 .522 .522 .480 .458 .438 Manchester Takes Historic English Cup .25(5 M. J. Brown, who has mining In- ver and, after spending a Tew days terests in the Omlneca country here, will proceed to Arrandale on north of Burns Lake and who hai the Naas River where he will be, been spending the winter in New stationed for the summer. '.York and Chicago, arrived in the 'city from the south on the Prince Royal M. Shepard. well known George this morning, bringing with ' Juneau mining man, who is operat- him J. A. McLennan and H. Edward ilng a placer property on Vital Linden, Chicago engineers. They Creek in the Gmineca section north will proceed to the interior on thl of Stuart Lake, arrived in the city afternoon's train. A Pacific Air i on the Prince George this morning ways plane piloted by Charlie El- : following a trip to Vancouver and Hott arrived at Burns Lake from : Seattle on business and will pro- Vancouver today to fly the party in ceed from here to the Interior. Extensive :development Is planned ilUsebail, Football, Softball and llaskrlliall All Played Last Thursday GREENVILLE. May 10: Base-jall. football. Softball and basket ball were all played at this village m Ascension Day last Thurday. Married and Sinale Men played alne Innings of baseball to a three-til draw, continuation of the name a decide the isaue being set for 3aturday. In a football game the Married Men defeated the Single by a score if 4 to 1. A girls' softball game ended In a (core of 7 to 3. The same evening basketball was tlayed in the Community Hall. The 'lrst game between Mothers and 3 Iris resulted In a score of 6 to 2 n favor of the girls. A game be-ween two teams of boys ended in ' score of 26 to 4. In one senior fame the Home Guard team won :6 to 12 and was then -vanquished y the Home Team '49 to 23. Referees were W. 8. Calder and B. Wilton. Following the games refresh ments were served by members of St. Andrew's Guild after which j speeches were made by Johnson : luss. president of the Orrenville Hub, and Peter Calder. chief couh- j Illor. The party closed with 8a-1 nuel McKay singing the Doxology.' A K.0. For the Countess tiles: McEvoy A Dickens HoM'e: ChenoAkl H Diekena. Ku Lokken and Carroll. FOOTBALL May 16. Borden vs. High. May 19. Borden vs Booth. May 23. Booth vs. High May 20. High vs Borden May 30. Booth vs Borden. June 2. Hleh vs Booth June 6. High vs Borden I j '3XV -rt and Mc- Wednesday. May is, im Manchester City won E than 90,000 in Weir.ble-' it Swift. Dale McLuukle an, up for r ana ..rt u.) 30 ,11m Afj 28, Pi ure No 1 how, Mie Mas A Be.i r.aer Front row Tsselxnd Mu LONDON, May 16: CP A new world's record for third wicket partnership was rstab- Hahed at Lords by Ponsford and McCabe of the Australian team playing against M. C. C. yesterday. They weured 39 runs. beatlna; the third wicke record of 375 established by Hendren and Hearne for Mid- dlesex eleven years ago. SPORTS AT GREENVILLE e.-T ae"f.iV i For u ' x a 1 W4 ,,T :jc .el.-. : a: K Bu.v. uui. : Ui, C.OUV:'. T..S- . rf Mia P..-. N i -.ip SPORT NEWS m mrmum tms ta r r ui ji : CUBS DROP TO SECOND : 1 1 a im r ara ra ra tm ta la taia.aiara in za ca taxa taia NEW WOKIJVS CRICKET RECORD ESTABLISHED SOFTBALL SCHEDULE May tOOrotto vv Navy May 16 Moose v Junior Elks May 2I--Elk vs QroUo May 23 Navy vs. Moose. May 25-Junkor SUu va. C.NJLA. May 2ft Blks vs. Moose May 30 Navy vs. Junior Blks June 1 Orotic va. C.N.RJV. June 4 Blks va. Junior Ska. June 6 CNJI.A. v. Navy. .MERCHANTS' LINE-UP The following line-up for Merchants Is announced in tomorrow ;iS MAKING RECOVERY June Kohles Kxpecled to Have No Permanent Effect I'rom Kid-napnlng TUCSON, Arte . May 18:-Phyl-eians attending ata-year old Junt Hobles. u-tio wa reomftwl aUve as Monday from a aand pit ta tbe tert near here loUowtnsj her kidnapping on April tt. reported last nicht that Ute )MUe kM was Mat i nicely and would mm be In nermat htaltb aaatn deapite the mtotwat-tnent and lerrtfyln eKperiencea. The Oovernor of Artaona latwd an appeal to the people ycateroajr not to attempt to lynch the kMnao-' pen In the event of then- capture beln effeeted evening s opening Senior League child wnukl be found football game- Pierce: Moe ami' - Meantime, an Intensive searen fei being made hi Ohleaav for enc Te U iW J iow mit of'a letter sent to the goww from Chlmao telllns where the FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Following la the schedule for the GHlhuly Cup football aeriea May 17 Regiment vs. Merchant. May Merchant va. Ltflon. May 29- Regiment va. Uffcm. May 31 - Merchants vs Regiment. June 5Lelon va Merchants June 7 Legion vs. RegimMit. FOOD SHOT FROM GUNS To giti put ttrijf booa.1.. .and oouriihlog rlct ind what rin btcont licuMM Iwu cristxd Hufla 0 When pd Rite. Tht ctrtl with th templing toaiita aw nitit flavour tvrjt Itntt. Oo th Air every MON., WED. .nJ rw. over the N. B.C. Blue Network. For exact time refer to your local newippt -By Wstover