PA8B rotra lui JI.J1 . i YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can get satisfactory glasses from (JEO. F. DAVEY, Registered Optometrist, who, for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service In the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner Thc pSI26Jrvc,cr MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 10TH. ANNIVERSARY SALE SQ CONOOLEUM RUGS 6x9, Sale Price S5.70 7'x9. Sale Price $7.25 9x10', Sale Price .80.80 9x12, Sale Price $11.25 Passage Congoleum, 1 yd. 53c Rexoleum, per sqr. yd. Sale Price 13c 400 Square Yards Linoleum 2 yds, wide, per sq. yd. 85c Linoleum, 4 yards wide, per sqr yd. Sale Price $1.10 MAIL ORDERS Will Receive Our Careful Attention Phone 775 327 Third Ave. Prince Rupert. H.C. m mi mxmi 2 mimi mim mi m-i mi uimuiUfM. t mi mtmtmi iirnriKi 1 i KEEP UP YOUR HOME It Pays to Paint and Repair! ' For best paint values and for sound advice consult I GORDONS HARDWARE S1" I USE IMI PAINT jj mmm vm tm tu vutu vm m no tu rum tu im tiiits xm-BiWfsiB tutu" Every Battery Guaranteed The Wilson Electrical .Manufacturing Co, sole makers of SUI'KOX Batteries, guarantees EVERY Suprox Battery to maintain its full rated ability throughout the entire guarantee period AT NO EXTRA COST TO THE PURCHASER. Only accident or neglect will render this guarantee void. Maxell. H.C. JAMES MARTIN P.O. Box 77, Prince Rupert, B.C. 1 TheFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS 1 mt 1 iMiHtf toirl da ch&rACter lis sure to I DUnNE ITC youj viiju ju very wgHj ve have coals suitable REPLENISHING for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 618 If you lose anything, try a classified ad. COMMUNITY HALL HERE Gyro Club Receives Report Upon Project Which Will be Placed Before Other Organizations Thc Prince Rupert Gyro Club, at Its regular monthly business luncheon yesterday with President W. II. Tobey in the chair, received a report from a committee consist-ing of 11. N. Brocklcsby, chairman, Dr. R. O. Large and S. J. Jabour on a new community hall undertaking for Prince Rupert. The proposal is to take the project up with other public and semi-public bodies in the city with a view to determining whether thc present Is considered an opportune time to proceed with same. No financing plans were offered In the report which was accompanied by a set of plans for a building which it Is estimated would cost $10,000 not including foundations or heating arrangements. The building as tentatively planned would measure 100 by 50 feet, would have a full regulation size basketball floor, room for three badminton courts, a stage, balcony, ladies' and men's dressing rooms and kitchen. It would have seating capacity for 600 persons and would be suitable for meetings, dances, etc. as well as for the playing of games. The committee feels that sufficient revenue could be de rived from such a building to take care of ordinary maintenance. Janitorial services, etc. The Oyro Club, which considers that such a project would be Impossible for any single organization to undertake but which feels that it should be a community under taking, took no action other than to receive the report of the committee and take steps to have the matter placed before other organl zations. The possibility of adding a swimming pool to the plans was discussed. The club decided to send a delegate to the annual International convention to be held In Caleary In June. The delegate Is expected to be Rev. W. D. Grant Holllngworth. A resolution from the local Cat nadlan Brotherhood of Railway Employes seeking support In the move for the restoration of wage cuts to lower paid employees of thc Canadian National Railways was considered and, while the mem bers Individually were sympathe tic. It was pointed out that club constitution did not permit of formal action on such matters. The club raffle was "won by M. A. Burbank. May Day Costumes , To Be on Display (owns To -He Worn by Elks Flag Day Queen and Attendants On Display in Annette's I Mrs. W. E. Willlscroft. who Is in charge of the costuming of the Elks' Flag Day Queen and her attendants, announces that, through the kindness of Annette, the gowns which they will wear on June I will be displayed In the show windows of Annette's Ladles' Ready-to-Wear this Saturday. The Queen's gown 1 of white crepe back satin designed on Victorian lines with stand-up collar and ruffled from the waist to the ground. Her maids-of-honor will wear costumes of pale green and peach net with shoulder capes and picture hats to match. The train bearers will be dressed in simple costumes of white crepe back satin with hats to match. No doubt considerable local Interest will be taken In thc display. When Coming to Terrace or Lakelse Hot Springs Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, H.C. To Greet You We meet all trains. Freight It service anywhere, Eassenger akelse Lake and Lodge, new boat HI. A. S.) now In service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult, $3.00; $1.50 per head additional. No. crowd too big. No job too small. PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY THE DAILY NKTTfi Wealth,, jfc, u 1IIIUIIIJI1IIII I 1 LIU -Ml MANY AT WEDDING Island Friends Foregather At Nup tials Of Miss Margaret Stevens At Skldrgatc SKIDEOATE, May 10: Pioneer friends of thc family from all parts of the Queen Charlotte Is lands attended the recent marriage here of Miss Margaret Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stevens, to A. J. lngraham, manager of the Prince Rupert 3 roup of mineral claims for tr.c Haida Cole Mines Ltd. Thc rooms were decorated wiUi bunks of daf fodils and ferns. Thc bride carried a large bouquet of American Beauty Yoscs. The ceremony was performed by Rev. James OUlctt of Massett. Thc bridesmaid was Miss Lila Rudgc, cousin of the bride, and Capt. C. D. Haan of Queen Charlotte City was groomsman. Following the ceremony a reception was held at which felicitations were offered by all to the bride and groom. Delicious re freshments being served. Later the couple left for a honeymoon trip to Prince Rupert and have returned here to take up resid ence. The following guests were pres ent at the nuptials-. Capt. and Hrs. John Haan. Miss Agnes Haan, Capt. P. Haan, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Atkins. Mr. and Mrs. A. Duval. Mr. and Mrs A. Cook. Capt. and Mrs. O. New berry. O. D. Beattle, Miss Bessie! Carmichael. Miss Velma Falraurn.; Mr. and Mrs. R. O. McKcnzle. Mr. I and Mrs. II. R. Bcaven, Mlssj Edna Beaven, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Sharpe, Mr. and Mrs. A. Chrlstlan-son and Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruce of Queen Charlotte City. Mr. and Mrs. G. Chastenay. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seharffc. Miss N. Pallant. Mrs. C. M. Mclntyre. Mfss C. Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. V. Douglas. A. Beebc. A. Pallant. Jack GUlctt and Mitchell Newman of Skldegatc. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Rush, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Russ. Mrs. A. Russ, Miss M. Russ, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones, Miss Alberta Jones, Mr: and Mrs. A. CollLson, C. Gladstone and M, J. Williams of Skldegatc Mission. MLsiNDorothy Ronnie and C. Pillar of Port Clements. Miss Victoria Rudgc, E. 8. Rich- ardson and E. E. Wiggins of Tlell. Mr. and Mrs. N. Schafer of Southeast . Harbor. Mr. and Mrs. O. Leary of Miller Creek. C. A. Moses of Dead Tree Point. Ampn? other old friends who were Invited ut were unable to attend were Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Bacon and Mr. and Mrs. D. C Schubert 1of Prince Rupert. Thomas A. Kelly of Vancouver, A. P. Al llson of Cumshewa and G. II. Munro. Today's Weather Prince Rupert Part cloudy, light southeast wind; barometer. 30.02; temperature, 53; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Cloudy, calm; barometer, 29.92; temperature, 48; sea smooth. Langara Island Part cloudy, calm; sea smooth. Terrace Clear, east wind. 48. Alyansh Raining, calm, 45. Anyox Part cloudy, calm, 48. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, 40. Hazelton Clear, calm, 50. Smithers Part cloudy, calm, mild. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 42. HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous Graham Island' North Iicach Fishing, Bathing, Badminton, Picnics, Scenic Drives, Shooting In the Season. Rent a fully furnished cottage at Sangan River. For full particulars apply MRS. DUNN Massett, B.C. NEW ROYAL ' HOTEL J, Zarelll, Pioprletor "A IIOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Rates IfcOO up 60 Rooms, Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 WELL KNOWN STORY HERE Wllf Rogers In "David llarum" Being Presented at Capitol With Will Rogers, ever-popular American humorist-philosopher, In the title role, that well known story "David Harum" comes to the screen of the Capltol'Theatro here this mid-week. It is one of those pictures which have' long been discussed and which the most of movie fans have been promising themselves to see. Thc supporting cast Includes such well known names as Ixnilsc Dresser. Evelyn Venablc, Kent Taylor. Stcpln Fct chit and Noah Beery. As many know "David Harum" s the story of a shrewd horse trader whose business reputation is none too good In the small town In which he lives. It Is not generally known that he really has a soft, heart and that his hardness Is' only for those who deal unfairly. The romantic Interest Is provided! by a young man In whom Harum1 becomes interested and a wealthy girl whom the .young man wishes , to marry. The hilarious method by; which Harum assists the romance ; brings thc story to a happy and amusing conclusion. ! Woman's Auxiliary Has Tea and Sale Delightful Affair Held Yesterday Afternoon at Home of .Mr. C. II. Orme In Westview Both successful and enjoyable was the tea and sale of home cooking, plants and sewing held yester day afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. H. Orme In Westvlew by the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, many ladlcsj going out to thc extreme west end to lend their patronage to thc delightful affair. Mrs. Orme and Mrs. Thomas An drew received thc guests. Mrs. O. A Rix and Mrs. George Rorie poured. Mrs. S. D. Johnston. Mrs. A. G. Rlx, j Mrs, Ernest Anderson and Mrs. c. V. Evitt. The home cooking tabic was In charge of Mrs. W. C Aspinall and Mrs. H. 8. Meadows: the plant sale. Mrs. W. J. Nelson, and the sewing, Mrs. S. V. Cox and Mrs. W. A. McLean. Mrs. G. H. Arnold was cashier. The afternoon's musical program Included vocal solos by Mrs. 8. D. Johnston and Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby and piano selections by Mrs. E. J. Smith. YOU SAVE MONEY When You JJuy Economy Specials A trial order will convince you EARLY ROSE FLOUR, High quality 49-lb. 24-lb, $1.60 VA.uv c-l ni sack Back I.B.C. HANDY SODAS- $ Size, per box I.B.C. PANTRY SODAS - 2-lb. pkg. I.B.C. FIG BARS-Fine quality, per lb. 90c 39c 29c 23c NABOB SPICES-In the handy shakers suitable for 1 Hp thc table, per bottle --"v OINOER SNAPS-Real quality, per lb. ' RED PLUM JAM . 4-lb. tin FRESH EGG8-Bulklcjf Valley, per-doz. , CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP, per tin FRESH RHUBARB Whil it lasts. 4 lbs. I WHITE BEANS 4 lbs f 19c 47c 22c 9c 10c 17c Full Stock of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 'Where Dollars Have More Cents 17-H Third Avenue West P.O. Box 575 Phone II With Louis Dresser, Evelyn Venablc, Kent Taylor (7:33 Si 9:35) i I J I iiLMii Wednesday & Thursday Two Slums 7 4. Will Rogers In The ? 'km, Scrren 1.. .1. '"1 the Storv V v..1., i!""iM A Fox picture "David Harum" You'll Laugh as You've Never Laughed Utfore Comedy TODD Si KELLY In "SOUP & FISH Cartoon "HELL'S FIKE" PARAMOUNT xtiyj FRIDAY Si SATURDAY "lltrrrOMS lr I Real Jj Best I Value P Quality Tennis players everywhere arc quick to recognize the superiority of these racket. We recommend them to you with confidence and assurance of the hlihest x,'' : " -j fine T-. r t Ail new ' . x .. fasten J-. IOraic -. fr. free : :,j m t (olden Arrow, $11.00 SLAZENGERS Slarciiger Tennis IUII "Victory" regulation le and tiiht-rath 10c; ScUl. price. 3 for Sl.00: "Championship' tprrUl clrcted balls 50c eMaeMvslcl Coal Prices Minchcad Eijg Coal $1230 Minehead Lump Coal $1130 Pembina Egg Coal $12.00 Stove Coal .$11-50 Coal In Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 5 9 Self Denial Campaign May 8th to May 26th TO AID ALL BRANCHES OF S. A. WOKK When called upon please give liberally Thc AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping St Oeneral Furniture Repair List your goods with me rbone RUck ltl CEO. J. DAWES For Your Health Chlrerlct,, Ultra Violet W Intra Kfd B7 All at Reasonable rrlc" W. C. ASPINAIf M (Chlroprsctor) n it rhnnei ( j v m w fcary Ad. Copy is appreciated