NOW IS - - - ROSE Kodak Time IL.m. Kyc $1.75 , , jr Cameras, No. GIG $3.75 V Pocket Kodak $5.00 Mfi Kodak. Doublet lens $16.00 f f f y Kodak . $8.00 ClGJ.ffy Kodak $9.00 u3f Kodak 0.3 lens J, $17.50 .'Id Kodak Galons s $20.00 W 2n Tine Kodak 8 $39.50 M;-: 25 KodaRcope for above $45.00 Kodak 1G m.m. with carrying cafe " n- $75.00 D KodascojH) for above $76.00 Developing & Printing of K(Klak work, Dally Service Ormes Ltd. Jit Piontcr Drutzgists The Uf xall Ktort Phones: 81 82 FULTON CASH & CARRY entie West Mr. and Mrs. L. Amadio GROCERIES, VEGETAHLES, IMPORTED ITA1V I OILS, MACCAROM, CHEESE, ETC. ' .1 ines Tent and Awning Co . Vancouver. B.C. All sizes Mnuntalnecr Sleeping Robes Every description of i' tpcctojs and Fishermen's Dry back Clothing and L u. iite.v Tents all sizes Best quality Lowest prices. i;u inspect Prompt attention to country orders Wionc 75G P.O. ISox 356 , COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers .' .al Seals "t-r1 Pins "nli r Rooks lur..?s lu.r; Brushes Pcnor Napkins fr- ;i cii Pencils Pencil Sharpeners Penholders Perforators ' Playing Cards Receipt Rooks Roll Call Books Rubber Bands Rulers Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 BEAUTIFUL TLELL ft l-hhlnt Kra ullnjf unting - Tennis - a,m'"i" Trl, m Marine Highway - Picnics "J1 "T'" l'm Cunvcniencrs Milk from Covemment T.H. Tested tows No Mrs Ko Mosquitoes 817.50 Per 'Week; Children Under 12, Half Rate THE DUNES MAI,AMi; ItAJAUT Tlell. Oueen Charlotle Islands UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Tb eum" Prlnoa nupert tor Vancouver: Vt.(tTALA EVERY TUESDAY. 1:30 Ml Thll'u. Ooan ralia and Waypolnts. arrlrln Vauwur Thuraday afternoon. I'AltDKNA EVERY FRIDAY M1DN10HT Arriving Vancouver. Monday AM. "" illn to Port BloipaoP, Alica Arm. Awrox. etawart and Naaa hnh. . tlnU. Leave Prlno nupert Sunday. P-m-unnr information recardlnir all sailings and tickets at- 'KINCE Ut!lruT inrv. Ti.irrt Atcnua. Phont W You can rent a Car at Walker's . at low as $1 a day plus 7c. mile. tf We pay a premium for geld coins and old scrap gold. We ask out of town customers to give us a trial. Phone Black 324. B. C. Clothiers Ltd. Box-477. tfl William Vance, wno has been visiting . in the city for the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Vance, Fourtn Avenue, East, sails by the Prince Oeorge this afternoon to resume uis cuties at Anyox with the Graroy co. Mrs W. E. Balllie arrived In the dty on the Prince Oeorge this morning from Vancouver and will be here for the next week or so with her husband who is chief en gineer of th steamer Prince Rupert whtcfc is unacrgolng annual overhaul at the local dry dock. It's i convenient U keep pick sge of KtUofg't A IX-II IAN in the kitchen. Serve it a cereaL Use It alio u a healthful ingredient in your rooking. For (nnffina, Lreedt, waffles, etc All-Bun brtnp your family (lit "ball" that ii to hrli(al In cor-rtrtiui common canttipstien. Two tableipoonfnlt daily tre utaslly sufficient. Ia erre csiet, villi each meal. Bow much belter Uia risking patent medicines! Laboratory tests show Kellott's All-Disk supplies "bulk" anil rltsmin B to aid regular habits. This 'bulk" It aimilar to that In leafy vegetable. AlL-BllK it alto ricb in Iron for the blood. Special processes of cooking and flavoring make Kellogg'a All-Bisk finer, tofler, more palatable than ordinary raw bran. And became Jt U alJ bran with only flavoring added It bring! yoa more "bulk" than part-bran prodncu. Cet the red-and-green parkage at yonr grater's. Made by Kellogg In London, Ontario. Provincial Constable William Harrison, formerly a member of the city detachment of the provincial police here ano well known Elsewhere In the local district, ar rived from Vancouver on the ss. Prince Oeorge this morning and will proceed In a lew days to Port Essington where he Is to be sta tloned for the summer. Alf Hardy, who has been paying a visit here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy, van sail by the Prince Oeorge this afternoon for Anyox to resume his employment in the service of the Oranby Co. Mrs. Hardy will visit -Tor a while longer here with Iier parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge a. Casey, Eleventh Avenue. J. J. LltUe. general manager of the Northern British Columbia Power Co. and president-elect of the prince Rupert Rotary Club, returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from the ) south after attending the district conference of Rotary In Tacoma I and visiting Vancouver on business. Mr Little will present his report on the conference to the local club at its regular weekly luncheon tomorrow. Celebration 120th Anniversary INUKI'LXDENCi: of NORWAY Moose Hall Thursday, May 17, 8:30 sharp Musical program, address by Consul Dybhavn, Dancing, Refreshments, Admission, 50c. FRESn MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 We are still buying old cold, buleer's. tfi Cut flowers, marriage bouquets, pot plants, wieaUu and sprays OLENNIE'B. 0 FOOTBALL, Regiment vs. Merchants, Thursday evening. Regl-ment teom: Moxley, Eby, Davies. Hill, Wlngham, Cromp, Lindsay. Nakamota, WlUon Campbell, Com-adina. Meet at armoury 0 p.m for game at 630. 114 Robert Bartlett was the speaker Monday night at the regular fortnightly meeting of the British-Israel Association. lie gave an account of the construction of the! j Pyramid of Oizeh. President J. Q. I Johns was in the chair and there (was a good attendance of mcm-j bers. ! Mrs. J. A. Brown and son, James Donaldson of Port Essington bailee yesterday afternoon on the Catala ! for Vancouver to pay a visit with! Mrs. Brown's daughter. Miss May Donaldson, who has been ill re-1 cently and is receiving treatment in the south. Formal Opening guests. Of New Building Canadian Legion and Women's Auxiliary Complete Plans At a Joint meeting of the Canadian Legion. British Empire Service League, entertainment committee and the Women's Auxiliary last evening plans were completed for the formal opening of the new building on Wednesday evening of next week. The opening will be confined to members of the two organizations with representatives from the various other organizations as invited Hotel Arrivals Savoy Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Oamer and family, Oceanic: J. Pettersen, S. Weln. O. Jausen, O. C. Arseneau and B. Shannon, city; R. O. Cunningham. Port Essington. Knox . D. Kerr. Smlthers; C. McKiever, Prince Oeorge. Central T. Westhead. Triple Island; Martin Berg, city; Arthur Purmel and Paul Orenler. Quebec; Albert Oeen and Isak Kumsela, Decker Lake: W. Franz, C.N.R. Prince Rupert John W. Allen. J. C. Bigham, E. B. Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Balllie, Vancouver: Mr. and Mrs. Dan Molvar, Petersburg; Mrs. A. M. Beveridge. Terrace; Mrs. Margaret Schilling and daughter and William Stelkel, Detroit. Royal Q. Clarke, H. H. Weber and A. Pye. Vancouver: A. Bourgeois, C Nil.; M. Holmberg and C. Gould, city. Announcements Catholic Spring Sale May 16. May 17th. celebration, dance social, refreshments. Moose Hall. J Presbyterian Tea May 17, home of Mrs. D. McLeod, 410-Sixth Ave West. Hudson's Bay Centenary Cele bration, Port Simpson, May 24. Sports, ball games, track events canoe race. Trophies. Entries re celved to May 21 by secretary. Valhalla Bridge and dance June 1 Canadian Legion, B. E. S. L. picnic. June 24, Dlgby Island. MOOSE HALL Prince Rupert Lodge 1051 Will Meet Tonight at 8 p.m. All Members Requested to Attend. n , """SB"" ... .. F 1 - THE DAILY NEWS PAH! THRBJ "--t Buy GOOD TEA LOCAL NEWS NOTES Sensational NEW SHOE We are overstocked with up-to-the-minute footwear which we are going: to dispose of at even greater reduced prices than we have been giving: the public Jsew shipment of latest shoe styles are included in this Slaughter Sale. Leckie's Shoes are among other best makes in Canada which we are offering. MEN'S & LADIES' DRESS SHOES Smart Attractive Pumps, Ties and Dress Oxfords in fine black, brown and greye suede CO Qff up from $AVO Leckie's Fine Dress Shoes, style arid comfort Men's Smart Oxfords, up from ARCH MASTER SHOES Dr. Heath's Orthopedia Health Shoes in fine kid, Special Built-in Arches Bring in the Little Tots !P5 CITY SCRIP RELIEF ORDERS ACCEPTED CUT RATE SHOE STORE Charles Bocklng, president and managing director of the Oranby Co., is a passenger aboard the ss. Prince Oeorge today going through from Vancouver to Anyox on one of his periodical visits of inspection to the company's operations there. Mrs. Leonard B. Wrinch, who has been spending some time at Tran- qullle, arrived In the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning, being on her way back to her home at Hazelton. She Is accompanied by her child and mother. Mrs. A. M. Johnson of Victoria They will pro ceed to the Interior on this after- ternoon's train. nsEnajj-rjSiBS CnHorl L. I J U - "My baby baa fire tctth and haa nrvtt brD airk turn hia birth, tbanka to Baby 'a Own TablU," aajrt Sira. Alton A. Parehn, Clen-almond, Quebre. Baby'a Own Tablet! were orientated by a doctor to belp babioa through teething. They auothc; act aa'a mild regulator, reduce (erer and correct indigestion and diarrhoea. Even a tiny, delicate baby can tarly and easily take them. 25c at all drugguta. OrWillltmi- SHORT WAVE Where and when to look 15 metre band from 6:00 am. till noon. (10 to 15 Megacycles) 20 metre band from noon till 4:00 pan. (15 to 9 Megacycles) 50 metre band from 4:00 pm. on. (9 to 4 Megacycles) SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC PHONE: BLUE 320 Second Avenue & Third Street COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Albert and Eulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. Wc also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. rbone 181 Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR BALE New Remington Portable typeTiters $45. Rose. Cowan Si Latta. lis FIVE-HOLE McClary Model Range, complete with, water-iront, In splendid condition. Phone Black 905. FOR SALE Very late Model T. Ford Truck, excellent condition, good tires, cab, Atwater Kent Ignition, $150.00. E. DIX, Terrace, B.C. tf FOR SALE, Rent or Lease. Kltsum-gallum Lake Lodge with Dance Pavillion, and Annex. Lots of Fruit and Berries. The price Is right. E. DIX, Terrace. B.C. tf FOR SALE Cabin Cruiser Boat, round bottom type, length 31 ft 7 It.. 6 In. beam, 12 h.p. Vivian engine (medium duty; boat and engine like new, a Snap at $450. E. DIX, Terrace, B.C. tf FOR SALE 1, 9 ft. row boat. $30; 1, 9 ft. row boat, $18: 1. 10 It. row boat, $35: Float 24x40 with house 16x32 one year old; Packer or wort boat 38V2 It. 27 HP. heavy duty Atlas; 36 -It. cruiser "Vera S. Fry". Pile driver lead with 2500 lb. hammer: quantity 2-inch shafting, pulleys and hangers, 5 HP. Staty gas engine, Fairbanks-Morse. Bargains for Cash. M. M. Stephens, w is s FOR RENT HOUSES to rent. Hart. HELP WANTED HOW to get a Government Job. Free Booklet, The M.C.C. Ltd., Winnipeg. I-NI AOT Niitlre of Inteutlon to apply to .eae Land In Prince Rupert Laud Recording District of Prince Rupert, B.C., and alt-uate In Qlawdjeet Bay located at the N.W. end of 'Stephen laland. Range 0, Ooaat District. Take notice Uiat John Clausen of Prlnoe Rupert, B.C.. occupation FUh Packer, intends to apply for a levae of the" follow lug dewcrlbed toreeltore: Commencing at a pott planted at the B. W. corner of a anuUl 4 aland about S uhaliM 8. E. of Avery Ialand thence B.W.I. Chain: thence Weaterlj 8 chalna; thence NX. chains more or leaa to high water tnaxk on the NX. point of the laland: thence B. K. (Brae-tlon 8 chains more or lexa following high waiter mark to point of commencement. JOHN CLAUSEN, Dated April 11. lftli. Aircraft Engineering: v YOUTH to learn Aircraft Engl-, neerlng. Small fee. Canadian AvJ latlon Corporation, 555 Howe St4 Vancouver, B. C. 116 TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phohi 172. Birch. Jackplne, Cedar. tf HAIRDRESSER i ' ; if PERMANENT WAVINQ! ; Cluster Curl; Latest Styles' NELSON'S BEAUTY BHOPPt j,' PAINTERS PAINTINO and Paperhangthg Moller, Phone Red 802. ' '- i -rS nuiit r. tit rn.iniiuA inn i r.o- TIIICATE OF IMPKOVEMENTS Clold Clirt No. S Fractional Mineral Oalmi Gold CUM No. 0 Mbteral CUIm. f larsarefMliieraf ttalni. . v.jf niir PrartlnnMl Mineral OalnW .. Bttuatc la the Portland Canal Ulntaf. OlTlalon. fc-v . 7, . "v Where located on the), weavaid . at Bear Rlfr about three mllea from atewart.' B.C. , Lawful Owner Will lain Da on. Number of the hoidar'a five mlnn certificate TT720-D. , TAKE NOTICE that William Dana. Pre Mlner'a CertlUcate No. 7TI20-I1 Itt-trtida, at the end of atxtv daja froa the date hereof, to apply to the Ulnrng Recorder for a certificate of unprora-menta for the purpose of obtalnUig j a Crown Grant of the a bore el alma. r AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICX.Uva action, under Section 85 of the "Mineral Aot" muat be commenced befoi the ltauanoe of auoh oerUflcat of lm-proreovratti. DATED thla 23rd day of tUrch, 1BS4. Jn WILLIAM DANN. LAND Art Notice of Intention to apply ta r Imw Laud ' In Prince Rupert Land Record ln District of Prlnoe Rupert, BE and alu Mate In Qlawdzeef. Bay located at the N.W. end of Stephens Ldand. JUOe ,9. Const Dlatriot .1 Take notice that John Clausen of Prince1 Rupert, B.C.. occupation TWh Packer, Intends to apply for a the following described lands: rl Commencing ait a pant planted l the B. W. corner of a amadl , Miami about 8 cnalns 8. E, of Avery . UlanS thence NX., thence weaterly. southerly and easterly, following high watermark to point of oommenoament, and coti-talnlnK 3 acres more or leaa. ind. Including tine entire area of Ahe.sald la-lanO. .-' JOHN CLACtfir, Dated Apra 19, 1H4. J, ' "td; )': a fit: 4 km 1 f : .it'