,.,-q, July i. iw'..?it- FOR FLAVOR BICYCLES CORN FLAKES IMMIW WEEK END SPECIALS One jm Hexall Shaving Cream and Retail Shaving Lotion, reg. 70c value IU'i for CANDY SPECIAL Xenon's Jersey Milk Cubes. Cocoa nut, Peanut and Raisin varieties, per lb One bottle 39c CHILDREN' SPECIAL Are 60-sheet Scrap Hook ami well made civenient Pencil Hox, both for Ormes Ltd. yi Pioneer Drtqtists The Kciall Store r bones: II JK SI 25c 40c We ire now tarrying the C C M, line of bicycles r c M. bicycle PU and repairs and Dunlop bicycle tires and tubes. We cordially invite you to drop In and inspect our itock. GORDON'S HARDWARE For Reservations Phone 311 MrUrlde St Bargain EXCURSION Canadian Pacific SS. Princess Adelaide To Vancouver and Return, $24.00 Leave Prince- Rupert Friday, July 20th. turning Irave Vanrourer Wednesday, July 23 or August 1st. W. I Cwites, Gen. Agent UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8teamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver A PATA,A EVKIIY TtlKSDAY, 1:30 1M arriving Vancouver Thursday T'8.8. CAUDENAi HVEUY FRIDAY MIDNKHIT Arriving Vancouver, Monday A.M. "l7 Milling to Port Bimpiont Alice Am, Anyox, Btewwt sn4 Nm-Ihirtiw .' P01"1. Uv Prince- nupm Bundy. 8 jtm, uriner information regarding all sailings and tickets at INCE RUrtHT sOENCVi Third AtrnD. Pbont 6l I' We are still Buljcrt. Mrs. W. IL Kergln, who has been vWMng for tome time In the. south, returned to the city from- Van- beourer on the Catala last-evening. W. B. Morgan, mechanical superintendent of the local dry dock. Dick Wynne, who has been attending school In Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening going through to Anox where he will spend the summer .vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mr Jack Wynne. Rev Father J. Byrne Orant O. M I aalied by the Prince Rupert Friday afternoon for Stewart, where he is temporarily stationed as parish priest for the Roman Catholic Church, after having spent a few days in the city. Mr and Mrs. L. F. Champion arrived in the tlty on the Catala last evening from Vancouver and are the guests of their son-ln- law and daughter. Provincial Constable and Mrs llaxokf Staines They will ha here for the coming week. Mr Champion, formerly manager of the Granby Store at Anyox, is now manager of the B. C. Products Bureau in Vancouver. Exhibition Dates In Prince Ittipcrt Officially Named VICTORIA, July 14: CPEX-htbltlon dates officially announced by the British Columbia Fairs Association include Prince Rupert August 21-24. Announcements Eagles' picnic. Qrassy Bay. July 22. Moose Hall August 20th DANCE Return visit of the Strollers' Orchestra UMH ACT Noll of Intuition ti upplf Purrlm I In Pnnw nnport Ind Hoorinl DiMrtot oT Hii four CoM Dtarl. and ltute- bot Hc mllnr fronn tn mouth of the Kliutr Rlwr on tUe, Tk nolle tht I. rmKrlck Bhejlr,, of Vrvcouvr. B.C.. occupation mine) operator. lntnd to apply tor pcrmta-i mliwlon to purchiu th following d- crlbed land: Oommrncing at a pout planted on i foot dUUno from, tile witnea port OB th-Wt aid of Ut 171, thno Wft.( crly 60 chaJtiai thence Southerly 23 chatnal thmc EMiTly 80 chain; I thoncut Northerly 20 chain and con-talnlng 100 acre nwm or. law- FREDKnlCK K. BHEtliY. Datd 10th day oi Mar. VH- COAL! COAL! i Our Famous1 Ed son, Albert and , Bulkier Valley CoaU are guaraa- teed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No, 1 Bulkley Valley. Wf also sell Timothy Hay; Wheat. OaU and Barley. Prlnor Rupert Feed Co.. II rhsau rnz DAILT NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES buylnr old fold, (tf Vri. George iilll ir. 1 sailing this am-moon on the Prince Oeorge-i ror a- trip to Vancouver. We pay. & premium on. gold coins and old gold, tttn, chain, vratet-, etc. Phone Black 324. B. C. Clothiera Limited. tf. ; Mr: and Mrs. Thomas McMeeklnJ and' daughter sailed Saturday evening on the Prince Rupert for a trip, to Vancouver Kitchen-free Mornings Win be "hot ami lllieml? about liirokfatt.?' Lrt Kel-lopjdo j-uur rooking?' Critp Kellogi-'a Cnm.FlaLr wilb milk or cream wlll'dellght orry ineml.tnof thr? family. So uourflbln no rmty U .Iige.t ,n economical I Sene Krllogg'e for lunch or Ike chll!rcn' miht. Beadf In a Jiffy, untl n I way a ovr:i.frrli tn the teulrd lUTITIllniltUi Lag. Uile Ly Kellogg In Lomlon, Out, f Ybu can rent a Car at Walker's as tow as $T a day plus 7c. a mile I tf Enjoy all the comforts of home ! with the freedom of a hotel. Rafrs mast reasonable. The Knox. Hotel, tf. Mrs. Thomas B. Black, and child sailed Saturday evening on. the &s. Prince Rupert for a trip to Mr. and Mr. McMillan and son, Alan, and daughter, Mary, sailed Saturday evening- on the ss. Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. Mrs. F. M. Dockrill of Telkwa arrived on Saturday afternoon train from the interior and sailed the same evening on the Prince Ru- sailed Sturdayevenlne.on thes.irt tot a trip to Vancouver. Prince Rupert for a trip, to Van couver. Victor Rollins, purchasing agent ,ior tne uruun uoiumoia govern-1 S. P. FrUsgerald, well known nlmrm- arnvea m " e Portia nd Canal mining develop-CaUla evening from Victoria. ment. was a panschKer aboard the ne WUI Pceea irom nere to me CSaUta last evening' bound from "iterlor on official duties Victoria to Stewart. ! ' I Mrs. Fred Stephens and little SUnJev Alton of th Premier S11"- were passengers aboard jOold Mining Co. Ud. staff at Pre- was a passenger aboard the Imler Cataal last evening returning north after a trln to Vancouver the Catala last evening bound from Seattle, where they have been residing for some time, to Anyox where they will Join Mr tSephens who Is now In the employ of the Granby Co. there. W. J. Crawford, well known Stewart transportation man. was a passenger aboard the Catala last evenng returning to Stewart wrier- he will resume his headquarters after having spent the past year or so at BarkerrtHe in the Cariboo country. He was accompanied by T. R. WhlUey. Miss Jeanette Morley R. N. was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening going through from Vancouver to Anyox where she will pay a visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Mclntomlney. Miss Morley Is a graduate of the Prince Rupert General Hospital and has been nursing for the past few years in Vancouver "Build I1.C. Payrolls" My Husband Gained Weight Si ITU" lj JftAfMtttt "He went on his holidays after an Illness, much underweight He was ordered by our physician to use much cream and milk. "On the trip they- used Pacific Milk for everything, cereals, soups, flapjacks even desserts and he gained weight rapidly. "Now he Insists r use Pacific at home, and I must say I like it." Mrs. E. G. C. In a letter Just re ceived. Pacific Milk "lOOTo B.C. Owned and Controlled' PLANT AT ARHOTSFORD. Look You Aray Need' One of These Items 100 Ft. Wire Line and 2 Ptilleys ... e Clothes $1.00 Westclox Alarm Clock Handy Cans Paint 20c Painting the Home this year? Use 61 House Paint You: get your money worth See us before you; buy Kaien Hardware Phone 3- SHOES! SHOES We can-"Shoe the family at a saving that will put S In your pocket. For a few days only. Take advantage of this real bargain treat. BUY XOWr WHILE OUR RANGE OF SIZES IS COMPLETE4 Ladies' Footwear Ladles' Blacfc and White Canvas r-8trap Slippers, Leather Soles, Cuban Heels gg; To Clear Ladles' White Pumps, Straps and Ties In very latest de- QO' Qff signs. Priced from Ladles' White. Blue. Yellow, Green At Awning Stripe Sandals. Cuban Heels, Rubber Soles. Priced from 81.75 Running Shoes tlie Finest Makes Child's Sizes, 4 to 102 69. Misses,' 11 to 2 83e Youth's 11 to mi 85c Boys, 1 to 5 93c Ladies,' 3 to 8 "9c Men's, 6 to 11 99c Mens Footwear New Shipment of Men's DRESS OXFORDS, latest styles and' large range to" : choose CO QS 'from vutJ.ti We Accept City Scrip CUT RATE SHOE STORE Want Ads FOR SALE MODERN House, close in, $200, balance easy. Hart. tf. FURNITURE for sale at 616 6th Avenue near Fulton. tX CHICKENS 15' selected, white Leg horn yearlings. Selvig, Phone 765. 165 FOR SALE Crown Grant timber land. Location Lakehe Valley. I near Terrace. B.C. For lnfonna- j tion write to Marchie B. Boyn-j ton Bor 187. Juneau Alaska. 187 FOR RENT FOR RENT 2 or 4 roomed, apartments, furnished, fully mo-' dern, newly decorated. Phone Red 607. tf. FOR RENT Log cottage near Ka- lum Lake. $30 a month, with use of large row boat. R. V. Riley.; Terrace, B.C. tt PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanging Moller, Phone Red 802. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Blrcfc, Jackpine, Cedar. tf HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT' WAVINGl Cluster CurlJ Latest Styles NELSON'S.' BEAUTY 8HOPPE MINERAL ACT CKIlTinCVTE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE IUyw Fractional Mineral ClUm, Ht-uate In the AUln Mining DlTUlon ot Caviar Dmtrlot Located on left bank of the Tulae-quah. River. TAKE NOTICE that 11. McN. PYaser aoUng aa Agett tor Taku Mine Corn-acting aa Apent 'or Taku Mlnea Company Limited, Free Mtnrrla Certificate- No. 73-408d. Intend. 80 daj-a frcm dat hereof; toi apply to the Mining" Recorder for a Cfrtlllcate of Unprovrnenta for the purouee of' obtaining t Crown. Orant of I ha above claim. Atad further tkv notice that action, under aectlon 85. must be- commenced Irttwi- the- Itauanco of: uch CerUtlcate it Iraprovementaj Dated' Uvla 3th dJr of April. 1834. . McN. Fraacr. Agent FRESn MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Men's Romeo Slippers: flexible leather soles, besf for the boats Q JQJJ Real bargain New Shipment of Storm King Thrce-Quarter-Lcngth Gum Boots in Ladies,' Misses' and Child's, just arrived Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 I THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING" COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Producers & Refiners' of ELEPHANT Brand CHEMICAL FERTILIZER TADANAC Brand ELECTROLYTIC Ammonium Phosphates Sulphate of Ammonia Superphosphates Complete Fertilisers LeadZinc- Cadmium-Bismuthr TheFish which made Prince Rapert Famous upert Brandn SMOKED Whipping Cream Mi pint Whipping Cream 1 pint Sour Cream I quart LACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., LfdT PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PHONE: 636 FRESH MILK AND CREAM 20c 40c 40c Dominion Dairy Van's Baker Opposite Boston Caf , Quality Breads; 4 for 25c 1 At All Crocers Labelled on Bottom 1 ' For Your Protection Phone X00 T 3