M TV f r 1 I! C II- , 33, MfMlau. .14. M' 'ning star, .17 ak). Uj' ve Son. .02. N'-mal Silver, .03, f; V: rive. .08. r ' OreUle. .65. ''Qrtcr Idaho, .00. 1'rctnltrr. 1.27. tecvcs McDonald, .13. Reward. .05. R'n-j. ,90. Silver Crest. ,02. Salmon Gold, ".11. , T' br Bridge, J9.' "yslde, .07 4. Waveriy Tangier. .01 4. Urltfd Empire. .15. Canatlinn Dollar on Now York Exchange EW YORK, July 10: Tlic Brl- n Pound Herllna closed at $5.03 tonka. nwafcUu ctrna Several Hundred Arc She Drowned in Hood in India RIMI.A. India. July 16:-ScvcraTj hundred persons are feared to have been drowned In floods wnicn swept over Assam at the end of the week. 01.01 HANSON HACK ii..,, mp for Skecna, Eighty Thousand Workers Quit Jobs and Many Other thousand Involved Condition Resembles That of Wartime Siege Spread is Feared SAN FRANCISCO, July 16:-San Francisco became tied up thin morning with a general strike of virtually all union labor the latest phase in the longshoremen's strike ituation. While the strikers were said to be making ar rangement for special policing to preserve peace and or der among themselves and for the distribution of food and ntctitlei among the people, many . outbreaks of violence mere repor- 1IT rw T T ted. The situation u tenae and vlr- W 1 1 I KI M II that many people fere tearing the 1 dtf , however, were described as be-; tag hiahly exaggerated, j Tbe paralyatog union labor strike in vol res more than WjOOO workers Twentyllte Million Dollar Con and throws other thousands out of i lmctln Pro j ram Planned wotk. 1 tly nritUh Company Matlonal Guam troops with MANY SHIPS and one-! LONDON. July 16: Sir Edward intmedlately conversed Peacock. Canadlan-bom director 01 up the ttokYrn area foUewlns4"BDV?VEnRlaid',t " und'-(he strike being mdc effective. 1 stood. U wic of ine prime movers One thousand Uwps had been or- . In a hupe ... Hnanclal deal Involving isj fAi .a km fmnliOa Angeles and regular tint rawqg 01 jj.uvua Army troops are standing ready for call at headquarters here Under a virtual state of wartime steae. the enure Bay district u crippled and roving bands of plr-kets attempted a complete stoppage of food supplies to the population of a million and a quarter persons. I la Id of mobs on grocery stores were inereastne. rioters threaten-Ira; the proprietors, smashing win dows and looting the stores. .About the only union workers not on strike are the printers who were awarded a ten percent wage, increase by tbe publishers on Sa turday. Newspapers are publishing as usual. Many restaurants arc closed, being unable to obtain food suppttes while numerous stores, their valuable stocks sold out. arc also eloMd. Syrcad of the general strike to Los Angeles Portland and Seattle Is said here to be possible. ATTEMPT AT DISARMAMENT World Powers Commit The mflves To Make Another Serious j Try In September I OKNBVA. July 16. - The world! powers committed themselves on Saturday to another serious effort! at disarmament next September Dy official convocation of the steering committee of the disarmament conference. slve shipbuilding program to oe launched by the Peninsular and Oriental Navigation Co. NAZI HEAD IS KILLED Cornelius Zlmmer of Austria Slain By Three Unknown Asallants On Saturday VIENNA. July 16: Cornelius Zlmmer. Austrian Nail leader, was shot to death Saturday by three un known men who entered nis .Wheat Prices Winnipeg July. 82. October, 83V December. .85. Cblraco July. .90U. September. .97'i-December. .09J. WEATHER REPORT I latelton Cloudy, calm, CO. Srnlthers Cloudy, calm, cool, Bums Lake Raining, calm, cool, Terrace Rain, calm, 51. Alyaiuh Cloudy, calm, 55. Anyox Ralnlnc, calm, 55. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 53, KAVE DON GETS FOUR MONTHS FOR MANSLAUGHTER DOUGLAS, Isle of Man, July 16: (CP Kaye Don, noted racing driver, was today sen- tenced to four months' Im prisonment for manslaugiiter In connection with the death of his mechanic. Francis Tay who arrived lnSmlthers a few days Todays Weather Tomorrow's Tides HHh 4:11 ajn. 17.8 ft pr r f Rupert-Par Jpudy. light 16:53 am. 18.4 ft. . r;;y wind; b- 30H; Low 10:38 ajn. 5.0 ft. 23:10 pjn. 12 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMHIA'S NEWSPAPER v XXV No PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JULY 16, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENTS .7 GENERAL STRIKE IN 'FRISCO TODAY MRS. SIEEVES WINNER NORTH VANCOUVER BY-ELECTION City of GoJen Gafe Virtually nder Martial Law; Disorder Is General and Situation Serious Today's Stocks it. O Jotum i-.i New York A : t rmiraU. t$lfc. P V i's Of it , Motors. 32. 41. .,-4' -. el 3I1.. Toronto " I5.M. x ia ( ! .kf. 2 IB. ,"'75. 48 50. Ilargreav e. 0,40. , ratrleU, .91, -imiu. 134, 10', TO KPl 3ft 66. " . 2 54 43J5. Gordon, XZ, 41 n Cadlltae, 47. Ao M rtm. .09. k li ighf. fl w. lUiln. 1.43. .:-. 15. f ' OoW. MVt. Ma.artlc. GO. L.mg Lac. 7.40, t R'uyn. .13. nu. 43. " Laf ,414. k f row. 1j67. -: Lar Lagoon. .33. M;.r . toba it Eastern. M. Vancouver A. id .1rla. .054. fcr.iPw. 014. D. C Nickel. .70. MlMwurt, J7. Bs 'me. 16.50. Dr - v mrer Con, .19. B. R X 118 " I X C .15. fi: byo Quarts. 155. ton well. .15. kf' -mm. .51. .a River. 01 U. "''da. .374. ilr. .05. i .03 (ask). General Strike In San Francisco aflaeSSik fllvBaaaaaaaV aapjai v"wc awj m irfoii i-ss. 1 L?ia .AuxaaHsaKaaaaavx W" 'jaaV aawSujaaaaaaaaflPaPI&Y I 'aLLS:',jsaiBaBl A gen ia. E-nKe li.jr.n.; toda, . aaj. r.iu.cw-o. is the outcome of serious rioting along the oocks and p.ers of San Fraurisro whe.-e longshoremen have been on strike for nearly two months. Violent noting broke out a few days ago and police were inadequate to cope with the rioters. A hurry call was put In and the militia was called out with orders to shoo; into the crowd, if necessary. As a resuK. at least three were killed and scores wounded. The above shows. Top Heimeted policemen, wearing gas masks, running through clouds of their own tear gas chasing pickets; Below Two strikers that were shot. Even the firemen were called out to fight fires set by strikers. C. C. F. Retains Seat In British Columbia Legislature Contest Liberal Candidate Down Over Five Hundred Votes With Neither United Front or Independent Aspirants Figuring in Fight NORTH VANCOUVER, July 16: (CP) Mrs. Dorothy j G. Stceves retained North Vancouver seat in the British I Columbia Legislature for the Co-operative Common- . 111. I" I a . . Uv..e.....i 1... A e-aii h, weaitn re u auu 111 oiuiuuav s uv-vitxuuii iu mi vuv a- cancv created bv the death of the late Harley C. Ander Improvement In ! American Economic Index.81??!!- Things in Canada Continuing to Get Detler, Federal Statistics Show OTTAWA, July 16: An economic index maintained by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics recorded a i8rii,i,pni 28. The sentence July 7 over the last week In June. t Ottawa came inlo race 0,1 May r,"r,'afn 2l,t this at- U being appealed. Don had Car loading, on Canadian rail- 'l the l()Cnl Inrrl,,,, trnm hff in llltfl teio iOT Oil on J Saturday, the Canadian dollar tcrnoon's train. He will be here u.i- been co vlcted by a Jury on ways for the week ennmg Juiy 11 a premium of from 11.33c til Wednesday aiwrnoon wnc, with 46,615 for the preceding week. win mum - totalled 39,947 cars as compared i son, C. C. F. member. With one small poll, Gambier Island, having only 17 votes, remaining to .... . , be heard from, Mrs. Stecves had a vr i I majority of 505 over Mackenzie nallDUl AlTlVcllS Matheson, the Liberal candidate. jThe vote was as follows: Mrs. Steeves. 2,789. Matheson. 2.284. E. E. Leary. United Front, 150. James Wltham, Independent, 41. Lumen. 17.000. 8.1c and 6 2c. Pa- clflc. Diana, 8,000. 7.7c and 5c, Bootn. Canadian R. W.. 12500. 5.8c and 5c, Storage. Toodle. 12500, 6,1c and 5c, Booth. Bayvlew, 8000, 5.7c and 5c Atlin., Atlln. Bdrgund, 10,000, 5,8c and 5c. At lln. St. Louis Officers Shoot Mother Of IIOKKID FIND IS MADE IX TKUNK BRIGHTON. Eng.. July 16: CP A trunk holding a wo- A 1 1 I 1 . L. uiau s uuuy aim wiiat was isc- -r I-r . lieved to be the head and arms of a woman whose torso was found a month ago was discovered yesterday. The po- lice refused to disclose details. Wage Increase For Steel Workers In Pittsburg Given socUtlon of Iron. Workers. Steel and Tin Church Head Is ' In Better Shape Definite Improvement Is Reported In Condition of Primate of Church of England HALIFAX. July 16:-The condition of Most Rev. Clare L. Worrell, aged Primate of the Church of England In Canada, was reported at Children to Death j the week-end as showing definite (signs of Improvement. , ST. LOUIS. July 16- -Demun of Justice agents who surrounded I.nvDON GOLD a house here shouting "Come out LONDON July 16: Bar gold was Dllllnger," shot to death the mother sell'n at 138 shillings per ounce on of two small children when they London metal market Satur-opened fire. .day. DIES IN VICTORIA William John Alder, Son o: City Commissioner. Here, Passes -' Avray Word was received at the City !Hall this morning of the death at I Victoria Saturday night or William ! John Alder, eldest son of City Commissioner and Mrs. W. J. Alder of : this city. The young man had been j taken seriously ill a couple of weeks ; go and underwent an operation. At I that time. Commissioner Alder was .called to Victoria. Mrs. Alder hav-' lng already been there. ! About thirty-six years of age. the !late William John Alder lived in i Prince Rupert as a boy in the early I days and for some years attended the local schools. Since his father tookover the city commlssioner.-iship here, deceased had been in ; charge of the business interests In : Victoria. ! In addition to the parents, who jwiU have the deep sympathy of .many local friends, deceased is survived by a sister, Mrs. F. G Bryn- lldsen 01 sealue, and two oroincrs. George Alder in California and Harold Alder, whs is now studying Ul Toronto. The funeral will tafce place In Victoria on Thursday. CANADIANS TO LONDON Ninety-Six Chosen For British Empire Games to be Held Next Month HAMILTON, July 16: CP Ninety-six Canadians have been chosen for the British Empire Games in London next month. The British Columbians include the following: Track and Field Allan Poole, Kelowna: Joe Addison. Victoria; Joe Haley, Trail; Robert Dixon, Robert Waters. Lillian Palmer, Mar garet Bell and Mary FrlzzeU, aU of Vancouver. Swimming Robert Hooper, Van couver. Manitoba Gold Production Big Nearly Twelve .Million Dollars in First Half of Year PITTSBURG. July 16: Employ- J ees of seven large steel plants have' WINNIPEG. July 16: A total of been granted a three and a halt j 51.610 ounces of gold was produced percent wage increase under terms j in this province during the sbt-af contracts announced by the months ending June 30 valued at president of the Amalgamated As-1 approximately $11,777,964. Keep In Line With the best thought of the day SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY NEWS NOW and take advantage of the special -bargain rate of $1.50 to the end of the year Others are doing It, why not you? .a' l A 4lW fit iii ''ft I 1 .1 ft