Today's Stocks icurur B D Wvb-oo f.) Vancouver Uy -lew j B.C Nickel. 71. Brif'- an 2.60. Bui "ne 14.75. ' B R Cons. .10 V. H R X Gold. .71. 1 Csilboc Quartz, 125. Dr'cnia .48, Di:r.e. 20, Oen-g.a Rlrer. .011- 0. ,:da, 30. Hit ulf - .03'. Ir.:'.ja -01 'i. Mir.U- 20' j Mr liitn 11 IMcming 8tar. .15. Xi-snak Blher. J3. Xcble Five JT7 PrndOrelUe. 35r a rt::ir Idalm. .03. rrtmlcr 134. Reward .05. Rctk: M. I&Vjiv C rest. .01. 6ii n Oold. .21. Ta r Bridge. 33. W .dc .09s. Wr. "'water. .03. Wztvt y Tangier. .01. United Empire. 30. .Montreal Imperial OIL M!. (?P R 13.00. Mcf Frontenac, .13?i. Iboblaw A . .17. Stewainlgan, 18i. Crmji, Smelters. 131. D. C Poner A.. 26 U. Toronto lO-' al Patricia. 1.13. Chlbmgamau, .13. Qrarda, .57'j. In'.: Nickel. 24.00,' ffctida 39.33 Ma: ;cra. 2.80. i Shr.vHt Gordon. .53. 3.66. Thompson Cadillac, .48. V'n'.urei, ,07. kks Maron, .06. T:k Hughes. 4.25. Sudbury B.uln. 1.42. C an.arlo, ,284. Emeltcr Oold, 5814. Can Malartlc. .62. Mlc Long Lac. 650. Ai iorla Rouyn, .06. w-dacona, .34. Maple Leaf. ,24, ty'Vle Crow. UO. tons Lac Lagoon. JO. Manitoba & Eastern, .32. ; "cinngcr. 20.75. cme 42.15. i A. I' Con rmi' ; Amalgamated, .07. C E (IP Oalhouslc. 55V. Fabyan, .00 . freehold, .07. J'ome oil, .88 (ask), ""land, ,21t'j. Mar Jon, .09. UnlK.04li train from the Interior. He 1$ about to return to Vancouver todockr, niitnertord; Hlbbert., Ev- resume his studies at the Unlvcr jslty of British Columbia. Terrace Man's Body is Found Suicide by Hanging Is Suspected In Case of Hani Berg W McA..iv i District headquarters of the pro i for ih n 'J... vlnclal nollcc were advised today of Uaw V,.'r" . . r." th, nnrilnK in the bush near Ter- ans, Hall. DeCosta, Brown Regiment Morgan; W. Murray, DaVlcs; Vcltch. Edgcumbe Wlng-harrii Wilson, Ferguson, Mitchell, Campbell, 11. Dickens. Referee, Albc Seaman Langlols. Linesmen, G. P. Lyons and Stoker Petty Officer Stuart. Archie Thompson, who has been spending the summer vacation vis iting here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson, will Sail1 by the Princess Adelaide to l!!t'n li,i ..... rnre nf the bodv of Hans Berg who.nlfeht to resume his studies. at the )iitH .... " : . . ... . a. "T." .. ..,:L u. .....u wnere he ur -r.ii.i ... nan Dccn missing im u university or uriiisn wnumuia Miss Megan .Morris Becomes Bride I Of Arthur Alger of Usk A quiet wedding was solemnized at 2:30 this afternoon at. the home . ,rr- , ,. , , , ' . of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris, Se- , rrcmcndouR I,os.s of Life and Widespread Damage Done COnd street, when i their eldest liy 1 empest lucli Visited t lowcry Kingdom Today daughter. Megan Mai.was united in '. (marriage to Arthur Herbert Alger, TOKYO, Sept. 21: At least 1346 persona were killed, ;yun6est of Mr. and Mrs. s. j. 4200 iniured and widonr-pad damno-n wu Anna hr ?i fv.lA,8er ot Usk- . . .TVr - ---I - .w r vj R F w Da foe DD nastor of Brand. I The bride and groom leave on his evening's train for Usk where' '.hey will make their home. The! bride's travelling costume Is of grey. lr. X Hauptmann was identified by Dr. J. F. (Jafsle) Condon as the recipient of the $50,000 ransom money which he paid over on behalf of "MJ on account 0f the death of Suicide by hanging Is suspected. This will bo his final year at the "" -" o wi " lier. Mrs Mcdulev who The report was made by Provincial conclusion of which he plans on'sullty man. Last Saturday he was .fl Baat with him, Is returning Constable H. L. McKcnney of Ter- taking up the study of law In Van- PW a new $10 gold certificate at-la Vancouver. jracc. cbuver. Iter making a sale of gasoline. His YANKS CUT Capt. Red Pierce and JJUWWLhAL. Hfs Men Graleful J0 Margin of Tigers' Supremacy American League Five and a Half Games Pittsburg 1, Brooklyn 2, y .St. Louis, 4-1, Boston, 1-0. ThTcag67. Philadelphia 9.' ' ' American League Boston 3, St. Louis 5. New York 11. Detroit 7. Washington 1. Cleveland 6. Philadelphia 6, Chicago 5. Halibut Arrivals American Lltuya. 21,000, Cold Storage, 63c and 4c llk travel tweed with coat of blue) T. H. Johnson, general manager 'augered wool with matching ac- of the Canadian Fish ti Cold Stor-tessories. j age Co.. sailed on the Prince George The couple will have hearty con- last night for a trip to Vancouver tratulatlons of many friends In the and elsewhere In the south on com-.lty and district. pany business. MUCH OF LINDBERGH RANSOM MONEY IS FOUND IN GARAGE OF SUSPECT UNDER ARREST Machinery of Justice Starting to Turn Against Bernard Hauptmann "Jafsic Condon Identifies Him Garage Man Put Police on Trail NEW YORK, Sept. 21: (CP) Police late yesterday fol lowing the arrest of Bernard Richard Hauptmann, a Ger man alien, reported recovery oi ais.VoU ot the ransom money paid in the Lindbergh kidnapping case in a garage at Hauptmann s home. Hauptmann is being held as a par if " !.... !-. 1 4 -1 T II Georce Minns, son ot Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Minns, sailed last nlghiColumbIa Be Alive and Unhurt DETROIT, Sept. 21: (CP) New York Yankees scored their 'second . straight victory over the pace- Got Away From Blazing Vessel With Nothing More Than making Tigers here yesterday and 4 Clothes in Which They Stood Origin of cut the lead of Detroit In the Am- Fire IS Unknown erican League to five and a half won again over the whit Sox at After having had the closest of narrow escapes on Tues- i. fit ti ii pnoon y , nicn roareu o er w esiern ana central Japan from ; t Baptlst CnurcHt performed i Chicago and kept m the leadership day morning of this week when their halibut boat Eric Rov uagdsiKi to magano touaj. Lopmunications were put out the ceremony in the presence of the j of the second division ahead of thf was destroyed by fire of unknown origin as they were en- OI COmmiKSlOn and transnnrtJltinn RPK'IPPS Vtor llJoMintorl fnmflv nnH Intimate MmHt TVi.-c t nl. nmn-n, rl(.ilrf th, J : 1 f :U: r a. r n;v p nAtriL - -- ....... ... , . v. v u,vu, 1 ... ... ..un..- "..... .... iai;eu in uuiuiMiuiLT iui Liie vanaumn risn iv i.nin Mnrairp Only the haziest reports Of the full Sweep of the destniC- rooms were beautifully dccorate.1 J Boston Red Sox. tion and loss are so far available here. tot the Mim and the bridal i The st. louu FOOTBALL WAS DRAW r il. 4. r i n ? . ., vju. in me open waters oi me racmc ucean, live miles southwest of Buck Inlet on the West Coast of Queen Char- jae isianas. uapi. Sinclair (Keen Pierce owner and skipper of therri -v rnc Roj, and his crew consisting of i I U!f I IPctr"nVPiQ iGunnar Anderson, Frank Lone. I J Percy Pierce and Tom Banbury were safe home in Prince Rupert this morning. "lhe Eric Roy was only partially insured," stated Capt Pierce follow ing his return to Prince Rupert "but, alter what we," went through, wejare, satisfied 'to have escaped wlttl our lives and without injury or ill effects although I am ready to admit that we still have a case of nerves. Yes, I can assure you it was a narrow escape." The crew was at work setting nsning gear and the Eric Roy wasi running full speed ahead when suddenly the vessel burst into flames. So rapidly did the fire spread that it was all those on board could do The new officers of the Whist. ticipant in the kidnapping of Charles Augustus Lindbergh Bridge and cnbbage League Col. Lindbergh. The Governor of New Jersey an-nounced'that he would immediately ask tor the extradition of Hauptmann to his state on charges of kidnapping and murder It the evi dence against the man warranted It. His conviction would not mean more than life Imprisonment as the federal kidnapping law, by which abduction Is now made subject to capital punishment, could not be made retroactive. Walter Lyall, a gas station manager, may obtain rewards of $25,000 suspicions aroused, he took the! number of the car and noUfled the police who traced the vehicle, finding the money In the garage. Lindberghs Return East LOS ANGELES, Sept. 21: Following the arrest yesterday of Bernard Richard Hauptmann In New York In connection with the kidnapping of their son, Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh, who flew here a few days ago from the east, were preparing last night to fly back east, meantime remaining In seclusion here. i are: Honorary President. T. H. John son. Honorary Vice-President, A. A McEwen. President F. E. Wermlg. Vice-President, W. A. McLean. Secretary-Treasurer. J. E. Jack. Auditors, J. A. Frew and G. W. Johnstone. Miss Mary Sargent, who has been spending the summer vacation at Hazelton wtlh her parents, Mr. and (Mrs. R. S. Sargent, arrived In the city from the Interior on last night's train and sailed on the steamer Prince George for Vancouver where 'she will resume her studies at the University of British on the Prince George for Vancou- ver where he will resume his studies Mrs. J. A. Lindsay sailed last at the University of British Colum-. night on the Prince George for a bla. trip to Vancouver. t Off to Stewart II. M. C. S. Skeena and Vancouver Leave Here Today Following Four-Day Visit to Port .FnUowing;.tour-day,rtsit to this-. port, H. M. C. S. Skeena and Vancouver left at 8 o'clock this morning for Stewart, the next stop In the course of their northern cruise. The two Canadian destroyers are due at Stewart about 5 o'clock this afternoon and will be there untU. Monday. From there they will proceed to Port Simpson to spend a day Or so after which they will cross to Skidegate Inlet and thence to make their escape in the dory,back to their base at Esquimau via with nothing more than the clothes the West Coast of Vancouver Island. in wnicn tney stood, capt. Pierce was not even able to get a hat. There was no time to wait and see what was the fate of the boat, everything on board of which was lost. Following the escape In the dory, there foUowed a four-hour row to Canoe Pass In Skidegate Inlet. The Sea was very rough but, fortunate ly, there was not much wind. Later Capt. Pierce and his men reached Queen ChaWotte City whence they were picked up by the fish packer Local Business Man Back Home D. C. McRae, During Trip East, Visited Victor Talking Machine Factory at .Montreal D. C. McRae. who has been on a-. business trip to Montreal. Toronto-and elsewhere In the east, returned Bonllla, having on board a load of 10 the city on last night's train. chum salmon forNamu, and taken t to Butedale. From Butedale they were brought to Prince Rupert by the fisheries patrol cruiser Senepa this morning The Eric Roy was a vessel of 51 feet length and was equipped with a 35 h.p. Enterprise gasoline engine. WERMIG IS PRESIDENT While in Montreal he visited theat plant of the Victor Talking Machine? Co.. for which McRae Bros, are ag-s ents here, and was greatly Impres- sed with the extent and efficiency.; at me jaciory. e aiso attended tnei Canadian National Exposition in" Toronto and the Century of Pro-- gress ExposlUon in Chicago. Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, calm, 44. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 40. Anyox Clear, calm, 48. Stewart Clear, calm. 44. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 44. Smlthers Cloudy, calm. cool. Burns Lake Sleet, calm, 33. NEXT AMEKlCA'S CUP c HACK ON SATURDAY 1 NEWPORT, R.I.. Sept. 21: CP The fourth of the Am- erica's Cup yacht races be- tween the British challenger Endeavour and American de- tender Rainbow has been post- poned until tomorrow at the request of T. O. M. Sopwlth of the Endeavour. Repairs are being made to the Endeavour's Genoa Jib trouble with which caused her to lose yesterday's race. a St 'h PS Today'sWeather J One Today's Tides prirtre Rupert Overcast, calm; V . r. ' High 12.00 ajn. 20.8 ft. bar .-tf'T- W-3! temperature, 55; W3 tmooth. Low 5:47 am. 3.3 It. . NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 18:09 p.m. 4.4 ft. i i- L XXIV No, 220. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1934 PRICK: FIVE CENTS- HftUf IS SWEPT BY FIERCE TYPHOON RIC ROY CREW HOME AFTER HAVING NARROW ESCAPE lore Than Thousand Are Dead . WEDDING IS e ! SOLEMNIZED Five Thousand Suffer Injury I The wind reached a velocity of 120 mile per hour, carrying with It sea floods of tidal wave proportions. The cities of Osaka and Kyoto ap , peared to be the worst hit. Millions of dollars of property Is In ruins as the hardest hit districts were the: centre of the industrial life of Ja- ' 'pan. Heavy damage was reported! Teams IteprwntJng visiting Dc in Nagasaki and other prefecture's, j troyers on Even Terms With I In Osaka alone 622 persons were ' Regiment killed when 128 schools collapsed; "and puplfs'Snd teachers were bur-' A draw two goals each-wai the ltd in the wreckage. 1 result of an evenly fought football A leper station near Osaka was game last night between a team washed away and two hundred pat (lcnU are missing. I Early estimates said that at least i 200.000 persons had been rendered homeless. Presbyterian Tea And Sale is Held Affair Held Vestf rday Afternoon By Ladles' Aid in Church Parlors A successful tea and sale of home cooking was held yesterday afternoon by the Ladles' Aid of First ' Presbyterian Church in the church parlors. Many guestt who cailea during the afternoon to lend their patronage to the affair were received by Mrs. C. O. Ham. president of the Ladles' Aid. who was assisted by Mrs. D. McLcod. The rooms were tastefully decorated with fail flowers and foliage. Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill was con vener of the tea room assisted by Mrs. B. R. Rice. Mrs. J. R. Morlson, Mrs. Rod Morrison and Mrs. J. Sutherland. Mrs. M. McRobble poured and Mrs. J. O. Steen acted as cashier. The home cooking table was In charge of Mrs. Robert Cameron and Mrs. W. U Sandlson. During the afternoon there were piano solos by Mrs. E. J. Smith and Miss Marybclle Stiles. William Patmore. who has been spending the summer working on his gold property near Dorreen, arrived In the city on last night's from H. M. C. S. Skeena and Van couver and the Regiment of this city. At the start the Navy had the better of exchanges and Brown and DaCosU tried out Morgan. Edg-cumbe relieved the pressure and Mitchell and Campbell got through but Tapley cleared strongly. A well taken comer by Brown put the Navy one up when Morgan failed to hold a slippery ball. Wlngham stopped Evans, and Murray cleared well. Nice combination by Wlngham. Edgcumbe and Campbell gave Mitchell an opening and he ran through to equalize. Hall drove orer and Morgan tipped a splendid drive over for a corner. Mundle was tested by a corner from Wilson. The second half was more In the Regiment's favor. Campbell had two drives well saved by Mundle and Mitchell went close. Brown had a grand opening but shot outside From Mitchell's pass Wilson gave the Regiment the lead with a well placed shot. Dickens was clever but Whyte and Rutherford cleared. Mitchell drove over and Ferguson was blocked. Edgcumbe shot but Mundle was safe. Cockrlll gave his forwards an opening and Evans and Hall combined but Davis cleared. Wlngham had a try and Mundle cleared two shots in succession. Evans and Hlbbert made a good run and Morgan was beaten by Hubert's shot. The Regiment tried to regain the lead but Barr and Tapley were equal to all demands and the game finished with the teams on equal terms, H. M. C. S. Skeena and Vancouver -Mundle: Tanley. Whyte: Barr, Cardinals pared the party stood before an artistic en lead of the New York Giants in the semble of autumn flowers and fo- National League to three and a halt Hage. games by winning a double-header The bride, given in marriage by from the Braves at Boston while the her father, wore a grown of orien- New York Giants wercagaln trim- tal blue waterman ffatln with heavy mlng the lowly Cincinnati Reds at crepe and carried a bouquet of the Polo Grounds. white sweet peas anq maidenhair Yesterday's Big League scores: fern. She was attended by her sis- .... . , ter. Miss Eva Morris, who chose a t"! , , , , , . , . . . Cincinnati 3. New York a- 4. ... iiu.umc ui uci&c uuu usc aim car ried a Douquei ox rose sweet peas and fernj - - The groomsman was M. R. Dafoe. The bride's table, spread with a beautiful embroidered lace cloth, was centred with a three-tier wed ding cake, set In crystal with sliver sconces and a profusion of pink and white blossoms. Mrs. J. Armstrong and Mrs. B. Morgan presided at the urns and the servlteurs wen; Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod, Mrs. A Livingstone and Miss Minerva : 1 .41 vt;-l r