THE DAILY NEWS — —_———— ——__—_——_ = —— —_————— ey 3. —_ mh me ~H Pe + ree eo Double We Service . ; a For most delicious Bread, | ITEMS O W B i ul e ; H| = THE COSY CORNER - || Sszz= ORT! S.S. Prince Rupert, 8.S. Prince George ee | YNCH BR OS. 1 }/{ DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WomEN is P R T ae | Ee onion pe * | se 2 ial iat a Gen Robin Hood Flour Bobby McWhirter has joined | Vancouver : e This is a little section of the paper, which from day to day will be devoted | ns:tibiilaidightisnshio |the London team in the Canadian ihe | { General Merchande BS : "Largest Stock / / to subjects of special interest to women. Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert | League, | Victoria “i | === i i are invited to contribute to its columns, and to take part in its discussions. Sug- C | AND oft { gestions and critici isms are invited by the editor. The hope is expressed that “The | reorges Hackenschmidt, accom- Seattl q ” Your Dealer Has It e |! Lowest Prices in Northern B.C, | | Sv comic at Peete! pani hy his manager, Jack Cir 7 / / OWC . is ie —————_——— j|ley, and his trainer, Dr. Roller, | Mondays and Fridays, 8 a.m. sak nm jhas left England t repare f ff pean itis / LINEN AND LACE BEING ALONE ‘his tthe oe ; " P ; r, |For Stewart, Thursdays and Sundays aes | Lo em eee ttle ttl hh re Tt tt Pr Se oe ee BE ; — 7 Gotet b a : my oe oe ave a. - Special — = Sunda: ae i~~™ : : xOtch in Chicago. ack has on| boat, $9.50 return including meals LY sali Why do Some Girls Prefer Soli- | + FRE FRED. STORK ss ee | a08 beets thy hy oe tude Sometimes raining for several weeks in Eng- |. pics Albert aaile for Port Simp- fae , V. F. G. GAMBLE : —General Hardware— land. son, Naas River, Masset, Naden % i SAMUEL, HARRISON . F.G.G .E There is a strong tendency $$$. | o 078 Pm Wednesdays, 1.00 p.m. =a . among women 7 the present day Builders’ Hardware The plot on which stands the Dusen Charlotte Island points, Sat- { eh to be alone, and even to live alone. Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves polo grounds, the home of the New| urdays 1 p.m. : f Graniteware Tinware There is much to be said against such a feeling, but there is also a York Giants and soon to be the Railway Sez wi oronto, Montreal, Que a and = intima ly on nang know Architect Vhat shall be done with the Pertiand, Beaton, Hew Yoek ial aaa — = = = them, to never be alone, is to Second avenze and Third street college athletes who compete dur- delphia. Atlantic Steamship bookings + subject oneself io a constant strai , i racati ates > various | @?ranged via all lines. Full informa- + sa subject onesel constent strain. Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. ng v sp ation days for the VaTIOUS | ion and tickets obtained fide) Aue { j | ches Row Boats (/§ Hotel Centra and 7th Street To relax one must be alone. Deli- clubs, is becoming a serious ques-| office of ‘ basoline aun y aan ambas European and American plan, steam cate and nervous people well know tioa in Amateur Athletic Union A. E. McMASTER For Hire by Hour or Day heated, modern conveniences. Rates how exhausting it i . he « MUNRO & LAILEY cir le y tt ta saible th BOATS BUILT AND REPAIRED— $1.00 to $2.60 per day. : Be ea: 5 ras WO RE COR: Architects, vo Sng Xt 6 pee FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT A bien Conteh PA Be 21D acter Bich =< Preptloter stantly in the presence of others.| _gtork Building, Second Avenue. stringent rule may be passed ai Nee And probably most men and wo- the conference in September. ; j men who enjoy perfect health, any protests were lodged against ay : —___————— ie nevertheless have often experienced STUART & STEWART the college men who competed B.C. Coast Service something of the sense of relief SO en +. AUD ROMS at the national championships in e 5 ency ; ; : oa Law-Butler Building Phone No. 286 Pittst ; —— Famous Princess Line * ae — cupepenedl by an Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 ittsburg. TTT TT Orla a e- ee ee Scribe rs cae The on mil pir ionshi f ree S. §. CESS AL ae : Scribner's: > one-mile championship o RAILWAY PRIN ROY 33 COS :: 8 “ ” ‘ ‘ 8s : 4 ‘ - Oe |GIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUIT I, too,” says the writer, in|AUPRED CARSS, C. V. BENNETT, B.a.|the English amateur swimming G.T.P. WHARF . z of British Columbia of B.C., Ontario, Sas- are N sympathetic reference to the lonely | and Manitoba Bars. katehewan and Al-| aSSOCiation was won by H. Taylor M ee ; c. ’ berta Bars. : j Taare iad onday, August 7th, 9 a. m. ‘a Lot Block Section _—_ Price heroine of a recent novel, ‘‘I too, CARSS & BENNETT in 23 minutes 35 1-5 seconds, @| pop vaNCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE re 65 34 8 $125.0 /====FE. EBY @®& Co=== have learned to walk alone. I, BARRISTERS, NoTartigs, ETc. new record. The previous record 8 and 4 14 8 650.00 REAL ESTATE |} too, have experienced a sense of Dtiee=aeianes Mock porate Mbit avenna ont in open water was 24:01 3-5. J..G, McNab * General Agent tp 7 and 8 26 7 2,000 Lite ae : | freedom when the train has pulled | ee & mM Kitsumkalum Land For Sale jout of the station bearing me | Governor Dix has appointed the Come in and see our list of buys in KITSUMKALUM - B. C. laway from the friends I love.| WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D.D.8. | following as members of the State | S S INLANDER tit DENTIST. seco » other parts of the city poate |What pleasure to walk at my Athletic Commission, to super- fe SNe a ia I ayy : “.| Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. A 7 ‘ P Bag re 2 }own pace through the streets of | Alldental operations skilfully treated. Gasand| Vise and regulate sparring and ; S. O. E. B. S. } : . | local anasthetics administered for the painless ex- . > FOR the town where I have to wait | faction of teeth. | Consultation free. Offices: | boxing matches, as authorized by eee cee ty The P ep Re Lodge, No. 318, Sons of . * | Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. ii-12 > : : : ; Bi . GR. NADEN COMPANY Ragin, inscte the Seat and shind Teeedare. ca |for an hour or two; what joy to the Frawley bill, which is now HAZELTON i onth in the C ers Hall, at 8 ; : : af Limited taper cc adie eieierme get a cup of tea at a perfectly law: Bartow S. Weeks, a lawyer TUESDAY, AUG. 8th Fe . P. O. Box 812, Prince Rupert 2 ‘ ottin il lew y - ai - Eee Prince Rupert, B.C, | ERNEST A. WOODS, President, Box 23 unreasonable hour, or to make | Alex.M.Manson B.a., W.E.Williams,B.A., L.L.D of New York; Major John J. Take the fast light-draught steam- ua Soiléy ave aoe a Beatty aeniek the extravagant little purchases | WILLIAMS & MANSON Dixon, Brooklyn, a retired officer er Inlander for Hazelton, om ge ae dines ate ae which my prudent, well-wishing | ne Rolicitors, ete. of the 47th Regiment, National | ——es aati. ;. é ay : ; 285 Nis eel ea Mat eid in plain friends would thoroughly dis: p-| gy Rupert, B.C Guard, and Frank O’ Neill of Bing- | hg i s é ‘ ti oo 7 ‘/ oo m “s fanc lictates. | Prove of! Dear friends! They arc hampton. |\H. B. Rochester - Agent 3 white, as ones fancy dictates. : . | / } . Eiher will be fashionable and |*° 800d to me ard I think of them | + wie | | Windsor Hotel ROCHESTER a ither will be pretty. If the lace with such affection the while that, | P- 0. BOX 2% PRINCE RUPERT Parmer, last year's King Plate ur P either Ww ; cv. I bias | a - . 224i be 2 ee bbb 6 Oe oe oe , es matte if ; ; winner, has bee 5 Ph 4444444446444444444 | oe. MONROE cannot be procured in shade de-|fecing from them, TI hug my| JOHN E, DAVEY __ | Winner, has been put to jumping |$ + FIRST AVED AT EIGHTH STREET * wha ine. sired it is a matter of small ex- freedom. | TEACHER OF SINGING | by PERN owner Mr. Allan Chase, > W. J. McCUTCHEON z : ‘ai Penal and : . : ——_—— . are. | t |and promises to be a useful steeple- | ¥ : OAL pense to have it dyed to match & PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M.,"LON., ENG js @ Carries complete stock of Drugs. Special @ Steam Heated Rooms , ~~ aisle ‘Minne. “Wetkite Ailiga anion! Celery Relish chaser. Oneiros,a Morpheus horse | “attention paid to filling prescriptions. \ 7 S l g 4 : ° ‘ . eel | : . 5 iain etek ae ne Vs s Chop in tray with chopping that has greatly disappointed Mr.|¥ Theatre Block Puone No. 79 Second Ave. © ‘ IRST CLASS BAR AND DINING baled. ey up beautifully ) pping : 4 ‘ : ROOM IN CONNECTION Note the odd arrangement of |‘ #fe all parts of celery not usable | GEORGE LEEK Seagram as a Plater some years Jopqpesesessecseseeeeseees ‘ ‘ ae , the Wahile awieinbe bavi it i ‘ sais RATES 60 CENTS AND UP lace at top and bottem of pencil. | the table as stic ks . Pack in| ae certs Nae ago, afterwards brought a high | e i BATHS FREE TO GUESTS Braid loops mzich the liren and pretty bowl and sprinkle ever it COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS price as a show jumper for Crow r ; : ee tars opr: at x; ; Murray. He is no x ROBT. ASHLAND aia E ie os iets Tei a he RTE a sugarspoon of granulated GUZBT) -migid sp gene aloo Water Strect, s w in England NEW WELLINGTON COAL J ° and dash of salt. Press down and PRINCE RUPERT | 2nd has been registered for racing ALL KINDS OF GREAT SINGERCOMING __/eetly cover with pure cider vine 5 | under the Nationa! Hunt rules. LIME BRICK PLASTER CEMENT Let stand one day befor oe SHINGLES, LATH, BLACKSMITH COAL gar : la aa Cte. hee using. MISS GRANT | Hornet's Beauty, believed to be ur an S a r a ee PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER the fastest horse in England, was | ROGERS & wc Phone 116 Give a Concert Recital in : y f the money in the race for | ms ( SAV iit hne Glee Oyster Hint | Stenography and Typewriting promptly | Out 0 ee ste , : : ? : : : Mrs pi i “% . When oysters are left over from attended to. | the Grand Prix at Ostend, Belgium. a or Matts or Kugs ee s Ss OFFICE—CONTINENTAL TRUST CO. | The distance was a mile and three- ( Fraser and Fifth St | The Baroness Anna von Mey-|SteWS oF creamed mixtures they} | aan s s ‘ee- r P | r with bat in towr EXPERT WORKMEN CHARGES REASONABLE erinck, one of the most culiured|C8" be chopped and used as:salad | sa scatenaes: quarters, and Jockey Lucian Lyne ce ce eam WORK GUARANTEED é , , , id wat ‘in rooms Bent far- ind chareitie af cusiaen anal or croquettes For the former | who rode, said the journey was 2nd Ave., next snnne office of Optimist, sell only Vanco coms 60 V Sa Drensinn if) : - «| the eye must be removed, ard it| OJS | ltoo far. He cculd have won at STOKES’ ICE CREAM rp. P.O ancouver fur Vressing Company is on her way north from San il | ‘ Z 4 « | Best made in Seattle. Fruit and Candy, whole- eres 1843 Granville St Van., B.C. Francisco, according to a private is better to do so for any cooking | ja mile and a quarter, Or even 2 | sale and Retail. Look for flash sign at night ie rere fetes ived in t} News office where the whole oyster is not | POOL | mile and a half, but the extra fee GOWEN, Proprietor Phone 850 ette ect ec 1 tne INE Ss >. , , 3 ‘ssenti : ; a distance was beyond the capacity Prudhomme & Fisher Rienaiaheals Sa ——$—$—$—$———— The Baroness who has recently | ©>** ntial. | English and American Billiards | “s he English cl 5 | ’ ov Dea neon eae > Z champio wisi: icompleted a triumphal tour in| IT welve Tables Seconp Ave, |°! the English champion. India and China, may stop off Save cold tea left from supper | Ss vw vy ‘LINDSAY CARTAGE and Be }and use in place of water on your |- ee eT oe New Westminster, Aug. 7.—| STORAGE at Prince Rupert for two or — ’ iy sas i : s s ° ancouver by winning the lacrosse song recitals She is quite a | house plant | Fruit : Produce : Feed | es rt i . & pea G. T. P. Transfer Agents fod a Ladies and Children’s home in interpreting the songs voomemal ne “v wy pees ee 7 Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable, it W 0x lof all the great European masters, WHOLESALE Saturday with a score of 7 to 4 | orFicE~H. B Rochester. Centre St. Phone 6& ‘ 5 P — : double cross on > locals | HITEWEAR all languages coming alike to her. | Creamer y “Butter put the double the loz als \¢ — — = Hotel To hear her sing Schubert's ‘‘Le-| that is Positively Pure. H.H. Morton - 3rd Ave. |)*?euons © the championship. | 5 ri - , Me | ene Vancouver won 7, locals 3, with : Special lines just received venade, or Taubert's Den _ Bee ae tas ‘ 9 ° ° | ’ ene 7 , e gz 2S ay BESNER & BESNER, PRopRrierors Fauhen" where she imitates the SANITARY : erent ccd ot 8 = . | | BES i ESNER, eTORS . : z ie ac oa NEW DRESSES exultation of the runaway pigeons H d B FRANK D. KEELEY € P 5 |The New Knox Hote! is runon the European : } ams an acon WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST WEN DERE WN, y ee ee dis-| R L0. OF. ‘Prince upert tide All the Latest Modern | laughing at the useless attempts | slaved. ‘the Jhekt: temek Gus tadl! FOR PARTIES Re ga iii - BEDS We UP , : the Cudab |to catch them is a revelation of 7 st ow Bean Phone No. 200 P. O. Box 580 things pretty much their own! NO. 63 | FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT | pens aaa a amuse saeenein Gade 8 pretty iro ‘ Everything for Ladies & Children {| - verre il art allied to geniu FRESH Cc 5. way during the last half. The| Meets in the Helgereon Block can do , score was: first quarter Vancou- | | V : . re | A warm welcome will probably ‘Fruit & egetables : : : . | Every Tuesday Evening , The Ladies” Store” , tal a al eal ver one, Westminster one; second pe < : if |be given her if she shoulc 5 Just in from the South. ; : . members of the order in the city 3 | US ee aa ; HAYNER BROS. Prince Rupert, F. W. HART quarte r, one eac h; third quarter are requested to visit thé lodge. e 5. . FRIZZELL PUEEPPAREOS snp BMBALMERS | UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Vancouver two, Westminster one; 8 D Funera! Directors | s ° Ideal Pr H STOCK COMPLETE PHONE 62 fourth uarter Vancouver three xth Street Phone Black 184 Srd Ave. near 6th St Phone No. 86 | To watch the want nt ads 15 to ovision ouse on ’ i a . © ot J. P. CADE, N. G. | know when to buy lots, Third Ave., near 6th St. Phone 190 Westminster one. | H. H. MORTON, Sec. ) REA 22 be ona eras, CPRCPRCPASPAe PR ceRcencencpas, pasesseas: PUTTIN PIO EEE eee ere ererter erties Raeasesitae sess " PaRER SES. eae poncpncencenspasea sence: spaspaseaceagear eosessesseaseosess 3 LEAT SDAA ESHEETS ‘oudeuse < oh a e" c | >) vy F OT a o4 st, INVESTMENTS i 1] JEREMIAH H. KUGLER M He sells Buildings He sells Contracts Special Bargains in He buys Leases He loans Money He has Houses to Rent Ce eee Rap He has Farms For Sale He buys Lots He builds Homes baie duiee totes, Pacer pane perce aia He sells Houses He rents Stores List Your Properties with Jeremiah H. Kugler t fs 2 23 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. re) ao re) al § “ oe io $< io) oo Ri segerne. EAPO POCPR sence se sea. " eRe: Pi PL PRC PR PERCHA SRS AR OPEC Faepae: SSH a S3EdEMedeaseaseaceacenceaserasenceneeaeaeMCN CNET RC I Mc nicatea tba cased eaeeae coe: ESBS LAE ERT Bg EE DBE NEES