4 THE DAILY NEWS THEY GAVE HIM A COSTUME FIT FOR A BALLET- sm Carnivial Gent on the Stine of the Methodist Church Had a Wrong Laundry Parcel in his Possession— Blames it on the Chink Laundryman. ansvennetn secmssyeato tetas ati ae 1A 6 es 5 A 1 18 OS OOS PN PS “The News” Classified Ads. ==(Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL LOOKING OVER— TO-NIGHT ! Daily for it News|a gossamer cloud of ‘‘frillies,’’ was|The length thereof was as the breadth thereof. Far be it from the to divulge his name, his first lapse in this city at any rate, and he has promised to be| which He couldn't tell —— aa ' _ ——_—_——_—— Sr Oh es Pd Pt es front. He lost was the good, but the circumstances of|track of the most important part corer ve q For Rent Cleveland Musical oa 0 the arrest of today’s one lonejof the suit, and with an arm The Insurance People prea rmary creer lorn “D and D" case were so/through one pretty sleeve—we | Fire Pepniched, rome with bath. Special rates by ciate ihadinanit PEOPLE funny that it must be told. think it was a sleeve—and his von Neatly Furnished rooms, gentlemen preferred.— | On the doorstep of the Methodist |leg through another, he called Aceidant Apply Mrs, Mullin, over Majestic Theatre. tf Large well furnish Splendid vi w of con Apply P.O. Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Mcintyre Hall, for concerts, entertainments, | dances, ete. Apply J, H. Rogers, phone 116 Policies Prepared While You Wait. Nice Furnished ene Mrs. Greenwood, (ices Mack Realty & Insurance |=" "™"4 | COMPANY. arith hie ae a ae S.—Houses and Rentals. Help Wanted ehhh i ee ele ee private family. Gentlemen only. | x 1519. 164-tf Plate Glass Wes Employer’s Liability a lace- Church they found him. There|helplessly for aid all the like a weary soldier of fortune he|like a shoeblack fost in lay curled up contentedly in the |store. cosy corner with his head pillowed| Summoning the whole - staff, comfortably upon a_ parcel of|Chief Vickers contrived success- laundry. The drowsy vapours|fully to extricate the poor prison P. of the wine bowl had overpowered jer. Then sternly he was asked him, but he was happy, oh, so|how he came by the laundry | Do away with this. Patronize a white happy! Gently they raised him| parcel, and to what fairy it be-|* ° °° © ” laundry. White labor only at "a a Wanted—Good sized boy to help in kitehen and Ph 118 and softly in the strong arms}longed. But on the filmy subject |“ “ Gok WA Av eae en dues” ee Pioneer rs one of the Law he was wafted rather;his mind was a blank. Honest, “THE FOLLIES OF 1911” A Musica! Satire in Two Acts ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY THE MINISTER'S SON’ « ELABORATE SCENIC PRODUCTION Scotch Woman wants work. housecleaning, wash- than carried to the neighboring|though embarassed he paid his|” _ ; ae oe taney jroning, Work. taken ome Sh ea GORGEOUS COSTUMES AND ELECTRICAL EFFECTS “Hotel Vickers.” fine like a man, added the financial|” * * & 9° % %@ 8 OO © WO) and McBride 176-181 Till dav‘n he slumpered on the|frills, but left the real ones to vOeneicon to operate Soda Fountain. Apply | in Mu- estore Beond aves 1 BF POLICE WATCHES NO INCREASE IN PRICE hard and narrow bed provided|the care of the Chief. If any of Cleveland Comedy Co., in Mu r RICES ; e q PR es Os og es Ps by an|the ladies of the Comedy Company — Nae pak Srcatcca? t~ . Z For Then}in town has received from her I 1 or Sale he arose and called for his laundry|laundry any things she isn’t the ee parcel that he might robe himself shape for, she will know where Wake ar ans ee home beere, | fitly to appear before the ornith-| to find her own. taken at once. Address Box 368. tf ological mouthpiece that is to say, for unwise convivialists 50c, 75c and $1.00 Seat sale opens Thursday All Varied in time in Police unsympathetic Government. f Court the other eh you carry a : Reliable Standard Watch You would always have the Correct Time “A Muinister’s Son”’ by the Cleveland Musical Comedy as staged For Sale—Owner wil! se}! four ood lots Nos. 23, 24, 25 and 26, Block 27, Section 5, Taylor street, | Raise the Old School the Beak. They brought him Co., in the Empress Theatre last} thud! * 28 5 10. at 9700 cach, oo genomeelts | Only reliable watches are the parcel. Deftly he opened Che School Board wrote to the] night was quite distinctly a success. 176-182 kept in eek by ee eee . . . . : . Official a pec it and swiftly essayed to put|council asking that the old school|The comedy gave amusement to a eeeeoe on the garment he first withdrew] building on Insurance : Second avenue be|large audience. The musical num- from its neatly folded contents. raised six inches above grade and| pers, and acting were of excellent R. W. Cameron & Co. In the twinkling of an eye he|the bill sent to the school officials.| merit, Orchestral selections at Cor. 6th St. and Second Avenue. Reem WENO ati atlay cb ankle sak at ; 4 cae i , PHONE found himself mazed See in] It was asked to rush the work. intervals were rendered effectively | Teitement*.,.We write every known class of FI S f eT Mee eee a a ea hie ess Snare os Petes eee aia tn ; O@XXXKXXXRHXKHRKNRRK R l =iby the Prince Rupert Orchestra EN REE SDE i oor pace or en augmented by the company's own WILL APPOINT A COMMANDER "2, "sicr"".3°™ TO THE CIVIC SNIFF YACHT) “i:2i5'Ser go comedy is that Douglas Catter- The Idea is to Relieve the Commodore from Necessity) mole, nephew of a wealthy and | | | | | OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just | | | | }make-up even where the dressing . . ey |and green-rooms are spacious, will | gg | e, Good money in Moving Pictures. Wanted— a| @ppre ciate the efforts of the chorus é arty to start moving picture show in Prince . ( effec ive changes Rupert, W Write me for particulars. H. Davis, | whose numerous ef oe Watertown. Wis. 137-wi in the Hart building, corner of Second Ave. and Sixth Street The Best Business Corner in Prince Rupert, Business Chances | night certainly | of costume last aa Se ee eoeoose efficiency behind, as_ well ! of Putting to Sea.—Civic Lords of the Admiralty _|#"istrocratic government official in Ss fess el fms Will Enforce the Sniff Yacht india, has few ‘‘redeeming vices.’’| who gets drunk, and the irate|@s before the lime light. Apply bide He is no teetotaller, he doesn’t|uncle, the parson hardly knows a Sabie Schedule. shun the “Big D’’ now and then,|his head-piece from his goloshes MAYOR IN ROLE Jeremiah H. Kugler, Lid. That Incense Breathing Ark of elegant contour, the Civic Sniff Complaints were also dealt with by the Council that the sniff has quite a bunch of But he is studiously in- and he debts. half the time. Then there is a charming lady interested in spirit- OF DAVID HARUM asi fl Yacht came again in all its ele-|yacht had not been arriving and clined, and his wealthy uncle}ualism who takes the clergyman Will Go to V f Vi Z ‘ is é é ; Bats : : i o to Vancouver from Vic- + : y RE oe : i _|won't pay a penny for him till he for a medium and would probe gance before the city council last departing according to schedule, s I 4 I Re ‘ ; I toria to Buy Team of Horses l . : ra . _'thears of some rollicking deed the|through him the secrets of the r : bt ee ae Notic ich So ET Sa Mac with the result that a portion at ; : for the cit $50 Cash will handle a nice lot in| otice night. anitary Inspector Mac- igeat. ‘of’ a. valuable cargo: con: boy has done to prove himself a] Borderland. Mingle the whole y- Sacer 7. Price $325, Balance farlane, Commodore pro tem. eee ; ie r »Catte .* They an’s|with a c le tty gi Besides his other roles Mayor monthly. |. The firm known as Director Cohen & Company ; I em. of sisting chiefly of empty cream cans] ‘™™* C attermole. The young man’s ith a couple of pretty girls with a arc vs gl L t 15 and 16, Block 49, Section 7, | have this day Aug. 4th, 1011, dissolved part the noble craft now renowned over | and cabbage leaves was dumped worst creditor is his tailor, Gibson,| whom Douglas Cattermole and BUCO: WHI BCC) 88 4 ort ots s275 each. $150 cash, balance | ante ae attic ue te sina accounts shoud be ; ‘ eer ; SE ate os eAtaaen§ z Harum for the city while he is eas paid to I. Director or M. B. ( +the seven seas, and Dr. Reddie by mistake into the sca by a who WER: SORES fe SOCNREY Harry Marsh, his. chum, are in| Today the tel crapl +eng | LOts on Summit Avenue at $400. Easy | Dated August dt Medical Health Officer for the|teamster who took for granted This man gets hold of a bill backed|love, and add’ any amount of |away. [oday the telegraph wires terms. itv ; : ie ry “atte > ¢ uses | incidental songs, dances, < ‘aly |Chattered out a message asking] Apartment for rent, $20 a month. Nice AEOOUUUOCOLSCCNSA city, and High Admiral of the|the yacht had moored in ac- by young s attermole and uses | incidental s its os net SR him to go to Vancouver from view. ‘ Civic Sniff Fleet, laid before the|cordance with schedule It was|'t to force an introduction to the| choruses merrily sung and romped | ; 8 For Fire, Life and Accident Insurance | 75 x 100 ft. FOR LEASE City Fathers a re sadation line: i “| wealthy uncle from India. Uncle|through by a clever company. | Victoria and consult with P. Burns: ta Pek eae r : ity Fathers a recommendation | insisted by several aldermen that |” ; Ty ou have “The Minister’s|men there and get their aid io Lots in Fort George at $1.00 cash and on Third Ave that a permanent commodore shou-| the schedule should be scrictly Cattermole_is a holy terror and ee. Cee, “foe MEE hasi : ; } ith we onelnes hon ee eape Ask ; 4 : bc ‘ . meee , ace.| Son.” purchasing a team of horses with and information see me. Now Uncle i imited. mere ie wane. ok esge Adhiered ‘tise Satire, ang the H ao ai i) ne wie : ei Outstandir ierit ‘ } harness for the city The steeds is the time to buy lots in Fort} Jerry Jeremiah H Kugler, L of the sniff yacht in harbor and at|matters mentioned are referred | "© TRL A ROA OFT UY oe es eae ee y ee eee | st be about 1500 unds in ne Te ROCOUCSECOTORIOIE sea thus relieving the Commo-|to the health committee. The|™*" Rev. Robert Spaulding, for}by Mr. Frank Snyder as the|™mu P.O tiae peer cae . ; < , re , . : Wes APL Roe : a tnantiohla ‘tat ; ‘ a) lweight and not more than eight JOHN DYBHAVN dore of duty in this capacity so|retaining fee suggested for the his nephew and the poor pastor “er tailor with ambitions, | ; ss ‘ g LEHEEOOHCHVOOSOOORR we J < a ae ‘ i : w . . o . z ic | Vears old. that he may have the more time] proposed new commander is $60 has the dic kens of a time of it. is voice is powerful, ind = hi |) ae tea teint hi Pattullo Block, FOR RENT to attend to the rustling of can|per month. He will earn it think What with the ambitious tailor|songs, especially The Ideal of 1¢ Board of Works want this | RENT I f Aer Ba My Dreams” were received with|team also a civic dump cart, to Store Bu Avenue § and garbage cargoes for the craft. |some. Se Oe y : ern . os . tre Re enthusiasm. Jack Westerman also,|do0 away with hiring from local Do Your Shoes ? Be ( Ltd e ere as “Rev. Robt Spaulding’ was|teamsters. At present much in, ‘ff Jeremiah H. Kugler, Le. r G0 JOURNEYING inimitable. His comical marner- | conveni¢ nce is experienced by hav Need Repairing HIOOOOKKR r isms hi » capitally. ar2 his|ing to hire horses. It will alsc ee ; get isms hit home capitally, arc? hi g to , rf adtheing drain to obe a a eee) song “‘The Minister's Son"’ de- | be a saving for the city. Alderman NEW ST AND hi P | d ( meat. Notice toL lighted. Miss Drena Mack as} | Douglas was responsible for en- Third Avenue, between wW ites ort ant e : . 1 . i “Mi PH P name vist ; . i , as 4 i 7th and 8th St. W aa Deen oe hie Round Trip Excursion Miss Edith Marsh"’ sang with | rolling the M xyor as a David pee oe ie the G. C. EMMERSON Tickets on Sale during perfect confidence, and is an ac-| Harum. I don't suppose he will Hart Block AGENT A general meeting of the Liberals of Prince Rupert August complished leading woman. She| set the Government to give us eumpensmeece lock Second Ant ee At R d d R t $8 had several excellent songs. ‘‘Mikes | the lots so he can earn his expenses | Phone 125 Naden Bla . ” . | McINTYRE HALL eauce ate the Boy,"”’ and “Teach Me to by buying horses,’’ he said John Kadakas ey c , 3rd AVENUE Good for stop-overs on the Swim” went with splendid vigor, a Third Avenue Bet. 7th and 8th Sts. | eset on the evening of but in the ‘“Chantecler” item both| 4 by-law introduced ed Aliee- = —= ole t ae r costume and song seemed to suit)}™#" Kirkpatrick, forbidding the TO WATER USERS William ° Grant fi > rear atc s ; q ’ | pa im a ‘ ] 'H RSDAY A Through < Chleago awithoot her to even better effect, and the |" ¥ firearms, etc, W ithin the Z* cae a change. — The Finest T'rain, — DEA: on arash ; i city limits passed its first and | fitter ee : ; f ‘ ner the glad har ? | ber, Steamfit oy 1a 9 Through a glorious couhtry,— § & ind second reading last night On account of the scarcity of water | re, Engineer Lt Al at 8 o’clock, for the purpose of electing delegates to a Convention to mene, and appointments unsur- doubled. : ” i o the supply will be cut off between the | ons ayia be held at Nanaimo on Saturday, Aug. 19th anerae? y Harry B. Cleveland as the irate | : nh ta eee at hours © of p.m. and & a.m. during the | Has left his in the base sled et —— Rogers Steamship uncle acted splendidly and the PIANOFORTE LESSONS va oe WM. MAHLON DAVIS, ment of the | gerson block ag THIS MEETING IS NOT CONFINED TO MEMBERS OF TH# ASSOCIATION chorus deserve full credit for real| For Beginners and Advanced Pupils | 177-tf Supt. Waterworks. | “ . ee ie, * . ato Gap | ere BUT IS OPEN TO ALL LIBERALS enc efficiency, precision and enthu- ; . ' THIRD AVENE , y ete 65 Miss Vera Greenwood : oo ; oice P. W. ANDERSON, Secy. siastic support of the principals. 7 You can't imagine an enter-| the T ne OBR Second Avenue, Head Centre St . : ; Pupil of Franz Wilozek, Paris and Berlin. Bi , | Opposite U Tel, 116 ; Those who know the exigencies prising store being a laggard, or| PH of the art of stage dressing and'Room 28. Alder Block Upstairs! unenterprising advertiser, can you?| fOkKOKOKOKOKOKOFO OO KOWOHOHOKOHOROOKOKOKOKO KOH OOHOKOKOKOHOKOHOKOKOKOKOHOHOKOHOHOKC Ow OK OKOKO ¥%O We beg to announce to the Public that we are going to remain at the same old stand corner 6th Street and 2nd Avenue For the next two weeks we will occupy the entire Hart Block and during that time we shall offer some Great Values in Furniture and Home Furnishings ae Se 4 GRAND 15 DAYS SALE OF FURNITURE i Carpets, Curtains, Drapery and Stoves. Cisswar, Table" Hay Caries, een Sole Agent for Famous Ostermoor Mattress, “THE BIG FURNITURE STORE” 0] Cor. Gth St. and 2nd Ave. Phone 62. 0 F. W. “HART Watch Our Show Windows ag + O + O * O * * O * O * O x O Q Startling Values. ORO KOKO KOKO KOKO KOK OKOKO KOK OKOFOKO KOKO KOKOKOKOKOO KOKO KOK OKOKOKO KOKO KOMOKXOKOHOOKOKOROKOKO* von