t PAGE TWO THE DAILY NFK3 Wednesday .j, Mi Congratulations To Canadian Le ORMES, LIMITED Good Work, Canadian Legion The finest monument you could possibly build ANNETTE Congratulates the Canadian Legion on the opening of their beautiful new building which is a credit to them and to our city. Annette Ladies' Wear Co. The Store f the Better Dressed For Less CONGRATULATIONS To the Canadian Legion on the opening of their new building Pioneer Laundry Ltd. Canadian Laundry Ltd. Why do your own washing when you can have it done at the laundry for so little? Ask or family rates. THE DAILY NEWS. ritlNCK KUfEKT - BKITlbU COLUMBIA Published ftiery Afternoon. Except Bunday, by VrUtc Rupert LKUy News. Limited. Third Avenue a. r. PULLH - - - Managing. Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid In advance ""or lesser perioas. paia in advance, per wees DAILY EDITION Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations THE NEW LEGION HUILMNC, J5.0U .10 Wednesday. May 23. 1934 B rViP Rrirish Emnire Service Leamie is onenincr the recentlv 'completed new building. It is a permanent structure, wellj i finished and with a fine street appearance. It is a credit to i the Legion, an ornament to the street and a valuable addition to the permanent structures of the city. It will be dif-! ficult to find a club house as well adapted to the needs of the veterans in any city of this size. . The officers and members of the club are to be highly I commended for their zeal in providing for themselves this fine headquarters. President Jack Preece, who has been at the head of the Legion for some years, has proved himself an able leader and Major C V. Evjtt, at the head of the building committee, has proved equally zealous and ! effective in his work. All have done their parts well and the result is what was to be expected. The public reaction to the efforts of the Legion was well ! expressed in a remark made yesterday: "Nothing is too good for the men who fought, l hey went overseas when some of us stayed at home. They are deserving of the best" City of Prince Rupert The Prince Rupert Branch of the Canadian Legion deserves hearty congratulations for its good . management, by which it accumulated funds for the erection of the splendid building, and the thanks of the city for undertaking the construction at a tfme when it would do the most good. W. J. ALDER, Commissioner VALUE OF AUXILIARY Splendid VVrk 0ue fcy Legion Ladles Under Mr. J. K. freer Trip formation of x Women's! Auxiliary ot the Canadian Leglou was accomplished last year and a splendid record ot work Is already to It credit. Mrs. J. Preece. Ue, j first president, was re-elected at ;the last annual mettlng and her I cheerful leadership ha done much I for Uie success of Uie organization Other members of Uie executive are: Vice-presidents. Mrs. Hutu and Mrs: W. E. Dennln. Secretary. Mrs. J. A. Hlnton Treasurer. Mrs. Hugh M. Sinllh. Executive members, Mrs. W. F. Dnssey. Mrs. M. M. Lamb, Mrs. F.J Barbour. Mrs. P. M. Kaynor. Mr. 8J A. Kellback. Mrs. A. J. Croxford, Mrs. O. C. Schubert and Mrs. Hemy SmlUi. Already Uiere Is a membership of sixty and new applications are be ing received. I TVia fiiivlllrtr'. flml mnlitr n'rrf b ...V HUMIMIf .. IIIMJ'.. " ' ' 1 jwas the bazaar put on last fall. It was a complete success. The ladies j cniet interest in tne care ot retur- j ned men's families, providing thcmt with necessary comforts, clothes,' food and general assistance. Their scope includes the Queen Charlotte ' Islands and east alons the Cana dian Natloral Railways to Terrace They have relieved Uie Canadian . Legion of much of the work along 1 these particular channels of assto-1 tance. The turnlsliing of the Auxiliary rooms In the new building las done much to improve the fine appearance of the new quarters. Mrs. James Martin of MasselL who has been spending xorne tuotJ in California for the benefit of her health, which is now much Improv ed, arrived In the city on the Print ' Oeorg this morning from the south and will proceed Friday evening to her home on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Here's to the Canadian Legion and all it stands fot May the members enjoy their splendid 4 new quarters G. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd. Insurance in all its branches Canadian Legion We wish you prosperity in your new splendid building LAMBIE & STONE Where Hood Clothes Cost Iss DYBHAVN & HANSON Insurance & Steamship Agency FIRE INSURANCE Notaries Public . 0 315 Third Ave. Congratulations to the Canadian Legion CONGRATUUTIONS 1 1 GROTTO CIGAR STORE j. PREECE - BULKLEY MARKET Jo the Canadian Legion on the opening of I their splendid new club home We Handle Swift's Premium Branded Beef of ,1 Wishing the Legion Guaranteed Quality g Dry Goods & Novelty Shop j Fine Flavor Always Dependable Third Avenue .... I " Fresh Fish, Provisions, Green Grocers I tt i i e i i t iir j sm ij t i Headquarters for Ladies' Wear and Children's i hrnT iim mm Clothes j We Solicit Your Patronage liLKl AND BUD CONGRXTULATIONS . : Racp IVUbC, f LUWdll nwan & Ot I LdUd aiia wi"ret,iprmm,ppr. . j I Well Done, Canadian Legion! elation of the public .piriteJ . Limited 1 v Your new building is a credit AU , to tl,n the city city from policy of the Canadian Legion ! , . . ,. Congratulations n ; i to Vn.t You D i c. Printers and Stationers ti- in erecting a fine building on ! CHRIS' MILL BAKERY I II Resner Block Phone 234 the main street of the city. We ' 1 n r i n o . I Udong $ UsH & Uffy . T, r i. , r congratulate them on the com- to j ne Lanaman Legion j n of c Tllc Gtumy nhm , ., ,.,as? BM,u IvSicn ftl prices on the opening of their fine new building them every success, - I rhone nl n-0 1)5 j j Congratulations Canadian Legion j Congratulations and Good Luck .'! If IVAILIN AI171M MHTHDQ MU 1 UKO ITn 1 Ll. I ' opening Next to ' RRfSAJllVI Next to To members of the Legion on the General Motors Dealers Ca,)il01 LjSSXJ VV 1 1 O Moose Hall , your excellent new quarters ! Agents For Have you had a Milkshake at Brown's? . . PAI M ICF CRFAM ANn They arc different. Made to your taste. Sec us for Fishinjr Tackle most flshernK'H do and I Offer congratulations .to the Legion RtJTTFRMinr IIokh Pack Hoards-fiold Pans and compliment them on the erection NFU Nnnd Mnw '"l 'T Ice CretM, "rieks everythinK for the sportsman. of a splendid building HtS "T"' )Ve Repair Tennis Uackets KAIEN HARDWARE CO. rnone: PhonSllnrni 5U or ui rhon,H f, ( Smlt ,tlot.k