, .1 5?M TIM I 1 i tte t n m m ill f m tm PAGE FOUR niK DAILY tif.W'H V.'. Builders and Furnishers of Legion Buildiii The Officers and Staff of the Northern B.C. Power Co Ltd. Congratulate the Prince Rupert Branch of the Canadian Legion . . - on the completion oh their beautiful club rooms We Tender Our; Congratulations to the members-of the-CariadiaruLegibn upon the completion of their splendid building. THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. Builders' Hardware 255 Third Avenue Paint & Oils Phone 101 Congratulations and Best Wishes To the Canadian' Legion on the. completion of their splendid building Smith and Mallett Ltd. Pioneer Plumbers: and ;HeaJing Engineers Phone: 174 SILVERSIDES BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass, Muresco, Etc. Headquarters tor all Paint Supplies JOHN BREMNER Plastering, Brick Laying, Tiling, OrnamentalWork Bring Your Problems to Us ' Fifth Avenue Phone: Green 127 MITCHELL & CURRIE ..General Building Contractors Sash and door and general finishing materials- Our Best Wishes to the Legion The Rupert Forge J. M. Walker,Proprietbr Marine BlacksmitJing,Fqrgjrig, Ornamental Wrought Iron Gates and Fences ;. . Congratulations to the Legion on the erection of such a fine building MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Floor Covering see uur nun. anniversary nuie wiw.uoing un Federal Member's Greeting I gladly take this opportunity to congratulate the Canadian Legion upon its achievement in such substantial quarters, and the public spiritedness the returned men have manifested in providing them. I wish them continued success in their objects. OLOF HANSON, M.P. New Canadian Legion Building Is Decided Asset to City And Real Credit to Local Branch The opening of the new addition to the Canadian Legion is appropriately enough made the occasion of a notable ceremony. The addition, forty feet by twenty-five feet, makes the completed structure a concrete-building a hundred feet in depth with a twenty-five foot frontage. Finished in California stucco in cream with canopy, name and date of completion outlined In red, the whole is a decided asset to the : city and a credit to the branch. j On the ground floor are a billiard room and bar, on the first floor the Women's Auxiliary Rooms, including meeting room, kitchen, etc.. and the general meeting room of the. club. This has a fine outlook over' , ....... r M. M. Stephens will PI put the harbor. The secretary's office u oi nn ihu fW ot tonight with the Vera S. Frye When an examlnaUon of the for- mpr tmnt na rt rvpn1ri th hirf state of disrepair a building com- 0T".Vi0r,iDaf and ""V'8"" mittee was formed under the able leadership of the president, J. Preece. and with the active secretary-treasurer. J. S. Wilson, pro ceeded to make plans for the rebuilding of the front part. Members of this committee were C. V. Evitt, S. A. Bird, James Watt, T. Sliver- emn requteem mass for the repose of the soul of their aged mother, Mrs. Marie Allard, whose death oc curred last week In the Province of Quebec. Father J. Byrne Orant O M. I., the parish priest, assisted in the mass at which there was a large attendance of those desirous of ex pressing their sympathy for the two boreaved fathers. There was special music with Charles P. Ita lagno, church organist, accompany ing. Fathr Joseph Allard and Father Elpheje Allard will both sail, for the north on the Princess Norah to morrow morning, the former going to Whltehor&e whence he will pro ceed later to Atlln to be stationed for the summer and the latter go lng into the Llard River district tor the season after having spent the winter at Fort St. James whence he arrived here on last night's jtruln, WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront on a week-end angling expedition lto Warke Canal which will extend night Mr. Stephens will have as his guests Jack Armstrong, Alt Morris and Jack Bulger. Bill's Lake and Lererson Lake will probably be Tlsited. The special excursion of the steamer Prince Rupert to Port sides and W. Brass. Of these W.iRlmDson tomorrow nromlses to be Brass was responsible for the mak-, a popular and well patronised outing of plans and S. A. Bird was Intjingi- Already bookings are reported charge of construction. All the ma- j to ,oe quite heavy. The weather terial has been obtained through j prospects, of course, will be awaited local firms, the work done by local , before many decide to make the contractors and the labor as far as i trip and, should they be favorable, possible by returned men. Thus all J no doubt several hundred people the money has been laid out lit the will go. Hie Port 8Impson folk are city and" undoubtedly has been of making plans to receive many vlsl-much assistance In providing a con- j tors for the day. The Prince Rupert siderabie payroll. iwas to take a turn around the har- All .citizens will Join In congratu- bor today for compass adjusting 'atlng the branch on their fine, and will then tie up at the C. N. R. building which shows the faiththev dock. Following the Port Simpson have in the, community, and In the., excursion, she will sail for Vancou- future of the city. Said Mass For Their Mother Requiem Rites Conducted at Local Catholic Church This Morning By Fathers Joseph and Elpheje Allard Father Joseph Allard O. M. I. of Atlin and Father Elpheje Allard O. M. I. of the Llard River, two well known Roman Catholic Church missionaries of this district, officiated this morning at the Church of the Annunciation here at a sol ver early Friday m6rning. Union steimer Catala, Capt. A. Dickson, coming south from Stewart to Prince Rupert yesterday morning, called again at Big Bay to load boxes frbm the McAfee & Bunbury mill there for delivery to the Canadian Fishing Co.'s cannery and cold storage plant at Butedale The Catala has been making calls fortnightly at Georgetown recently to load boxes for Butedale. Two Canadian National Steam ships coast liners are In port today from the south. At 1 o'clock this morning the steamer Prince John. Capt. Edward Mabbi, arrived in port from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands with passengers, mall and freight and will be here until 10 o'clock Friday night when she will sail on her re turn south over the same route. At 11:45 the steamer Prince Oeorge. Capt. II. E. Nedden, arrived In port from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. C. N. R. Trains I'or the East-Mondays, Wednesdays And rM days 5:30 p.m From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10:00 p.m TONY CHRISTIAN CO. Building Contractors Cement Work a Specialty We compliment the Legion on the excellent construction of a splendid building AIDED IN BUILDING List of Thi Who Had Contract or Orders For Material From Canadian Let Ion The following firms had contracts or orders for material In the construction of the new section of the building for the Canadian Legion: Mitchell it Currle. Albert ti McCaffery. Philpott, Evltt & Co. Oordon's Hardware. Thompson Hardware. Sllrersldes Bros. Fred Scadden. Northern B. C Power Co. Ltd. She n ton Metal Works. T. Christian Contracting Co. Rupert Forge. Rose. Cowan Si Latta. Smith ie Mallett. MacKentle Furniture Co. II. 8. Wallace Co. John Bremner Empire Day Tea And Sale Success Delightful Affair Held YeMrrday Afternowu at Home of Mr. J, R. .Morton A successful Empire Day tea was aeld yesterday afternoon under the auspices of Queen Mary Chapter. imperial Order, Daughters of the, iuplre. at the home of Mrs. J. R. ( Morison, Leed's Block, Second j itreet. The rooms were decorated rflth red, white and blue streamers ' ind flags. The guests were received by thej uotes and Mrs. J. E. Uoddle, re ent. I Mrs. 8. V. Cox had charge ol the ,ea room. Mrs. D. C. Stuart poured Assisted bV Mrs. Boddie. 'SerViteurr. ' were Mrs. T. McMeekln, Mrs. W C 1 spinall and Mrs. J. A. Teng. Home 1 ooklng was In charge of Mrs, C. J. ' .s'orrington. There" was tea cup' rparilnv ant iialmlttrv kv V(r W I . . . i" i uraas. Mrs. 4. ai. Simpson aciea as -ashler. A Japanese klmona. donated by Vtrs. Morlson, was raffled and won jy Mrs. O. W. Abbott with ticket No. 106. A chicken waa won by Mrs, J. Preece by guessing the weight, her guess being three pounds. 12 ounces. The correct weight was three pounds and 13 ounces. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. C. H. Orme and son, Bob, are leaving on this afternoon's train for Lakelse Lake for a brief visit. They will return to the city Saturday evening. Olof Hamnes, who has been In the city for the past week following a visit to his native home in Norway, will sail by the Princess Norah tomorrow morning for Juneau where he lives. Mrs. J. B. Gibson. Diocesan Pre sident of the Caledonia Woman's Auxllary. returned to the city on last evening's train from a visit to the Woman's Auxiliary branches as far east at Vanderhoof. There were about twnty-flve couples In attendance at a dance held Monday night In the Moose Hall by Julius Welle's Orchestra, an enjoyable time being spent until midnight by those present, James Tardy was master of ceremonial. SHORT WAVE Where and when to look 15 metre band from 6:00 ajn. till noon. (19 to IS Megacycles) 20 metre band from noon till 4:00 p.m, (13 to 9 Megacycles) 50 .metre band from 4:00 p.m. on, (9 to 4 Megacycles) SUPERIOR RADIO-KLECTRIC PHONE: BLUE 320 Second Avenue At'TliIrd Street For Lumber, Coal, Shingles and building Supplies Phone; 648 PHILPOTT, EViTT & CO. LTD. We offer our congratulations to the Canadian Legion on their handsome addition to the buildings of the city Shentons Sheet Metal Works Approved Roofer for Alexander .Murray, 10-year and 20-ycar Hoof . Dealer for McClary Furnaces All Kinds of Sheet Metal Work H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Draperies Congratulates the Canadian Legion We Extend Hearty - Congratulations To the Canadian Legion on the completion of their fine new building GORDON'S HARDWARE McHride Street Albert & McCaffery Ltd. Complete line of building materials Brick, Cement, Lime, Plaster, Gyproc an Veneer. Nanaimo-Wellington Coal d on We congratulate the Canadian le8ton showing their faith in Prince Rupert W erecting such a fine budding FRED SCADDEN Painters and Decorators The Canadian Legion has a f'Lbu'tlff nA nh nrorllt im rnmiW to them ' erecting it at a time like this MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE SALE Is Now Goliig On