PAGi SIX Thrifty Housewives Buy Quality SA1AM TEA "Fresh from the Gardens" en YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can set satisfactory glasses from GEO. F. IIAVEY, registered Optometrist, who. for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service in the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner T,,c viSLJrela FULTON CASH & CARRY Sixth Avenue West Mr. and Mrs. L. Amadio GROCERIES. VEGETABLES, IMPORTED ITALIAN OILS, MACCARONI, CHEESE, ETC. Agents for Jones' Tent .and Awning Co.. Vancouver B.C. All sizes Yukon and Mountaineer Sleeping Robes: Every description of Loggers. Prospectors and Fishermen's Dryback Clothing and General Requisites. Tents, all sizes. Best quality. Lowest prices. Call and Inspect. Prompt attention to country orders. Phone 756 P.O. Box 356 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 10TH. ANNIVERSARY SALE 3 CHESTERFIELD SUITES 2 in Mohair. 1 in Tapestry: regular price up to Q 1 1 00 $140.00: Sale price, your choice plltfiUU Will take your, used furniture as part payment Phone 775 527 Third Ave; rrince Rupert, B.C. ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Exercise Books Expanding Files Examination Cap Evereharp -Leads Filing Folders Finger Cones Fasteners, Paper Foolscap Paper Fountain Pens Files, Shannon Files, Clip Paper Gummed Labels Gummed Reinforcements Gummed Stars Gummed Tape, Kraft Harp Files Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 When in Need of Lumber and Shingles 1 Phone 648 PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. We Carry a Stock 67 Spruce and Cedar The Fisti which inade Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. PRODUCTION I i IS LAVISH lEUicle Cantor Here For Md-Wek Holiday in Annual ricture ! "RomirrScam'.aU" i A lavish nrnriurtion with beauti ful girls, melodious new songs and dazzling dance ensembles brings! Eddie Cantor to the- Capitol Thca-1 tre this holiday mid-week in hlsj fourth annual screen musical co-! mcdy "Roman Sandals". Ruth Et-tlng, Gloria Stuart and David Manners arc outstanding members of the supporting cast. The story tells of a watery-eyed, browbeaten lad in West Rome. Ok lahoma, who, by the power of his) imagination. Is carried back to! strange adventures in the Rome of ; the Caesarian days. Fair maids in ! distress among the emperor's cap- j tive beauties, intrigue in the af-j fairs of state and a deep secret with which Eddie tries to escape ends the ! ttory in a thundering chariot race ! to the sea. The principal song hits of "Re-; man Scandals" are "Keep Young j and BeauUful," "Build a LHUe; Home" and "Tax on Love." j J S. Vilsoi). vice-principal of' Booth "Memorial School and secre-j tary of the local branch of the Canadian Legion, was tne speaker! today at the regular weekly lun- j cheon of the Prince Rupert Rotarv ! Club in the Commodore Cafe. Pre-' sident John Dybhavn was in the I chair. ! Vntlrr nt Inlriiltun In anplr In In Prince Rupert Lend Recording '4rlct ol Prince Rupert. B.C. and sit-In QUwdsw Bj located at the N W end of Stephens Idarut fUngt S. Court District. sac uoilce that Job i riu-.r - Rupert. B.C.. occupation PUh Packer, intends to apply lor a Woe of the rcUortng ctobcribed forekbore: Commencing at a port planted at '!- S. W corner of a small island ibout 8 ohalns S. E of Avery Island fiance S.WJ Chain: tbwice Weatertv -halna: Uvence'NJ 8 chains more " "s to hlrti water mutt on the N E nmnt of Uie Island: thence 8 S dlre- loa chains more or lex foilowtr.: high waiter mark to point of roounence meni. JOHN CLAUSEN, tUd AprlJ IS. 1934. S6.40 j GOOD NEWS! j For the Housewife & Cook The Price of SUGAR is Reduced at Our Store, Take Advantage of the ! New Prices NOW! B.C. ORANULATED SUGAR, 100-lb. sack per M)-lb. sack per 10-lbs. bulk BROWN SUGAR-ID lbs. ICING SUGAR 2-lb. pkg B. C. STRAWBERRIES per box NEW POTATOES 5 lbs. THE DAILY NEWS ALL-BRAN RELIEVED HIS CONSTIPATION Delicious Cereal Brought New Health to Mr. Bartholomew We quote from his voluntary let-ter: "1 had considerable trouble with my stomach. Digestion was out of the question. I cot medicine which gave me only temporary relief. "Then I thought of taking All-Bran. I started rating a cereal dishful two or three timet a day. "It has been over a year now since 1 ate that first dish of bran, but from that day to this I have had the pleasure of enjoying the proper functioning of the digestive organs. "Thanks to All-Bran. I still eat it regularly and like it better all the time." Lester Bartholomew (address furnished upon request). Constipation is usually due to lack of "bulk" to exercise the intestines, and vitamin B to promot elimination. All-Bran supplies both, as well as iron for the blood. The "bulk" in All-Bran is much like that of leafy v;etables. Cer-tainly this food is more natural than taking harmful patent medicines. Two tablespoonfuls daily will usually overcome most types of constipation. With each meal in chronic cases. If not relieved this way, see your doctor. Get the red-and-jrreen package at your grocer's. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. W. S. Solway of Vancouver. Commissioner of the Boy Scout movement for British Columbia, is a visitor In the city in connection with Boy Scout work, having ar rived this morning on the Prince j George from the south. He will be ; $3.35 S3 65c Ol 60c lJ 17c Eil 15c igp 25c PASTENE PURE OLIVE OIL , E S2.35 75c HAPPY-VALE SOUR QQf ooy PICKLES, per qt. bottle CANADIAN CHEESE 1Qn per lb McCORMICK'S JERSEY CREAM SODAS Pantry Shelf Tin In an assortment of colors. Your OQp OUK, choice, per tin FRESH RHUBARB For your jam or wine. 8 lbs. 25c MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 'Where Dollars Have More Cents' Ui-l Third Avenue West P.O. Hot S7 rbone IS COAL! COAL! ur Fsinoui Edson. Alberta and Hulkley Valley Coals are guaran ieed to give satisfaction. Try ton of No. 1 BulkJey Valley Vt also sell Timothy Hay. Wheal Oats and Barley. rlnre Hnpi-H Fei'd Cu u rt,n sit Christies Sodas er tin I.B.C Honey Graham Wafers, per pkg. Heinz Tomato Juice -large bottle . , Our Own Blend Coffee per lb. Malkin s Best PORK & BEANS 3 tins 25c no BARS per lb. 19c 21c 21c Malkins Best LEMONADE POWDKK per Un 21c KADANA COCOA per l-lb. pkg. 21c Calumet Soap Chips Of 2 lbs. Rosedale Toilet Soap- Qn 3 cakes Oranges Large size 9Qr per doz AUK Grapefruit Large size 1 Q 2 for lOV 1 . . Special B- attention given to out of , town orders ' The Westholme Rooms Close to Depot And Harbor View. Single and Double Rooms, by Day, Week or Month. Uxalejl At .fill .Second Ave. Prince Ktijrit 'Unemployed Whist Drive and Dance Ten Tables at Enjoyable Affair Last ' Night Playing of Cards j Followed by Dance" j j i There were ten tables of cards at jthe unemployed whist drive and, dance held last night in the Cana-I dlan Labor Defence League Hall- J I The prize winners were: ladles' first. Mrs. W. R Overend: consolation. Mrs. Molly Wagner; men's first, J. Carroll; consolation, S. Jensen. Following cards, refreshments were served by the Women's Labor League and dancing brought an enjoyable evening to a close, music being furnished by Miss Zareill. Gordon SieVert was the winner of a coffee pot in a guessing THRIFT 24 WEEK-END Savings SUGAR B C. Fine I Granulated. 10 lbs !PAS1RY FLOOR- Wild j tote, per 7-lb. sack CKobiiiuJ P1NEAPPLE- ' Island Brand, per No. 2 tin here for the next few day and will ;HKD ARROW SODAS meet parents and others interested j pw r-kg in the work at a meeting lo be held FLOOR WAX 2 in 1 on Friday night Phone 953 Tlioiie 953 De Jong's Cash and Carry Friday & Saturday Specials Granulated bugr - Limit 20 lbs 10 lbs Ashcrolt Tomato CuUup per large bottle Ensign Red Plums 2 s 2 Uns G3c l-lb. Una, per Un FELS NAPTilA SOAP 3 bars PURE LARD 2 lea. U RANGE MARMALADE -Empress, per 4-lb. Un tiRKENGAGB PLUMS -Aytmer No. 1 Una. 2 for tiLAUTY CORN-per Un -1IIKIIT" BLr.Nl TliA 60c 32c 15c (LYNN VALLEY PEACHES Halved No. 2 squat Una per Un 17c 20c1 31c 22c 23c 46c 15c 10c! A llsgri Quality Tea at a Real Saving in Price Try a Pound Today. Special QQn per lb. N ALLEY SALAD DRESSING 12-ox Jar CORNED BEEF Helmet Brand, per Un QUAKER OATS Quick Cooking. er pkg. COCOA Cowan's Perfection, per ' i lb. Un lOILET TISSUE 4 rolls PEANUTS Fresh Roasted per lb MAZOLA SALAD OIL Ier l-lb. Un RIPE OLIVES-Roscdale 9-oz. Uns. per tin LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE 10-oz. tin t CRABMEAT- per 4-lb. Un GRAPE JUICE-Nlagara Maid Brand, pint bottle NABOB PURE JAM Plum or Greengage, 4-lb. Un oiu 22c 10c 19c 12c 13c 10c 26c 20c? 7c 20cS 27c jj 40c e Grade T Mi k We do not depend upon train arrivals but produce our milk twice daily from our own government tested cows here In town, WE SELL OUR TICKETS: 8 Quarts for $1 M Pints for $1 At the store on Second Street Per Quart 12c Per Pint 7c CREAM Per 4-Pint 20c Per Pint 35c We also carry butter, eggs', buttermilk and strawberries Dominion Dairy Phone MV ncdnrsday & Iliurvuay iVo hhoww 7 A; 9Adm, FRIDAY & SATURDAY "THE LAST ROUND lr 1 Stc Congratulations to the Canadian Legion on the completion of their magnificent new building A Roman Holiday of Beauty, Song and LauthUr THE INCOMPARABLE EDDIE CANTOR in Roman Scandals" (7:U & 9:15) A United ArtUU Kclca With RUTH LTTING, GLORIA STUART. DAVID MAXXtltS A Pacrant of Luvcious iplendor Unmatched Slme Slieba Iia SILLY SYMPHONY "China 5iop" Color Muvlcal "RUItlNOFK" PARAMOUNT XDVg Thursday Matinee at 2:30 Real Value Tennis players everywhere are qutck to recognise the superiority of Uiese rackeis We recommend Uiern to you wttti eoafl-deiKe and assurance of the htfrwat AdmUslon, Uc k 35c TBest Quality Cusave siui ' . ftaw Tennis )': . AU new m k easJirti par' F Mtialrated p: free stwrai'iie t' balls and u-uir. Golden Anon. J.09 SLAZENGERS Slarrncrr Tennis Italic -"Victory" regulation ite and each 40c: Special price. 3 for $1.00: "Championship selected barb, 5c eMcuM ri;ht specisl FISHING TACKLE See our selection of trout fishing tackle before p fishing trip. We carry a nice selecUon of rods, recb leaders etc IThrift Cash & Carry! GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 179 , 201 Third Avt "t'AIMtl AND SAVfT Mall Orders Have Oar Prompt Attention mzmtmvmrmtm; riiine JH Mcliridr 6 i-rB;sixit:silairBijiisi.i, a BEAUTIFUL TLELL Fly FUhlng Sea Bathing Hunting Tennis d,ninKn, Auto Trips on Marine llichway Picnics Sand "j"1" Modern Conveniences Milk from Government T.B. Toted t" No Flies No Mosquitoes $17.50 Per Week; Children Under 12, Half Kate THE DUNES MADAME RAJAUT Hell, Ouren Charlotte Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Drier! HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580