Wednesday. May 23, 1934 I 3 or w v v Mfkll44fii and r Summer Shoes HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous (irnhant Island North Reach Pishing, Bathing. Badminton, Picnics, Scenic Drives, Shooting in the Season. Bent a fully furnished cottage at Bangan River. For full particulars apply Mils'. liUNN Massett, B.C. ' 1 arc WHITE Why not secure yours now while we have your style and fitting? A fresh stock of outing shoes awaits your choice, suitable for all occasions. The Family Ske Store Third Avenue. LIMITED Phone 357 i I!ev David Donaldson, United morning and will proceed to the CT.urrti pastor at Smlthcra. who Interior by train this afternoon. Mr. hat been attending sessions ( the Donaldson was the speaker at a Ut lUsh Columbia Confere nce l luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro( V in- uver sjrrtvrd in the crty fjwm Club today with President W. H. he wiuth on Uie Prince Oeone this Tobey In the chair. NOW IS - - - Kodak Time Hawk Eye $1.75 Rrownie Camera?, No. G20 $3.00 Brownie Cameras, No. Glfi , ,. $3.75 Vest Pocket Kodak ; . . . GIG Kodak, Doublet leii3 " . . G20 Jiffy Kodak GIG Jiffy Kodak G20 Kodak G.3 lens $5.00 ,$16.00 .'$8.00 $9.00 $17.50 GIG Kodak 03 lens $20.00 Model 20 Cine Kodak 8 $39.50 Model 25 Kodascope for above $45.00 Cine Kodak 1G m.m. with canning case- - 3.5 lens ;,v.i..t. .. $75.00 Model D Kodascope for above $76.00 Developing & Printing of Kodak work, Daily Service Ormes Ltd. "3lit. Piontcr Druqrfists The Heiall Store fhones: 81 & 81 PANIC PREVENTION is as necessary and as vital to every Car Owner, as It U to anyone who depends upon a storage battery to provide an unfailing and constant source of electricity SUI'KOX AUTUMOlllLC HAT-TKItlKS will positively prevent panic with their amazing storage c apabilities. Let us give you a demonstration. Massrtt. IIC JAMES MARTIN P.O. Box 77, Prince Rupert, B.C. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarellt. proprietor "A IIOMK AWAY rilOM HOME" Hates $1.00 op 00 Booms, Hot St Cold Water prince Rupert, B.C. Phnne 281 PX). Box 1 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamer leav rrlnc Rupert for Vnmvr!- T4BA CATALA EVKItY TUESBAy. 130 TMT,rtaT Via Ocean rail na WypolnU, wriTtn vtncouTr, afternoon, T.8.8. CAUDENA KVEBY FKIDAY MIDNKIHT .... a Arriving Vancouver, Monuuy Btwrt nd nm Weekly llin. to Port BlnD. Alto. Am. W I River prtnta, tvt PrUV ,WJt fPJ' kflg alL - Puvthpr infnrWntinn recardliig all salllnas'mwi ww t, ruNCE ,nurr.RT nescvt. Third " Phone las THE DAILY HEWS PAOE FIVE Want Ads LOCAL NEWS for for sale FOH SALE! Chev. car at bargain - price Dally Ntffi. ' tf PCJK SALE-Difllng room suite, cheap for cash, phone Blue 825. 825, OILLNETTTNG Boat for tale. Cheap for cash. Apply Seal Cote Post : Of nee. . 121 j, i92 DODGE sedan in A1 condi tion. Owner leaving town, must sell for $100. Box 206 Dally News. 1 POWERS No. portable motion picture proJecJoT In perfect i mechanical condition, with 110) volt trrazda lamp equipment. Wilt ' sacrifice, no reasonable offer refused. Box 207 Dally News. j FOR SALE 1, ft, row boat, $30; j 1, 9 ft. row boat, $18; 1, 10 ft , row boat, $35; Float 24x40 with; house 16x32 one year old; Packer or work boat S8i ft. 27 HP. heavy duty Atlas; 38 ft. crutvrl -Vera S. Fry". Pile driver lead J with 2500 lb. hammer; quantity 2-inch shafting, pulleys and! hangers, 5 HP. Staty gas engine. Fairbanks-Morse, Bargains for , Cash. M. M. Stephens, w St t FOR SALE Absolutely last cash offer takes this boat, can b transferred to Skeena River for $25. 31 ft cabin cruiser. 7 ft. 6 In. beam, 12 hjx Vivian medium duty engine. Boat and engine In fine condition. Or will sell boat or engine separate. Tills boat Is at Kalum Lake near Terrace. Cali or write owner. E. Dlx, Terrace BC FOR RENT HOUSES to rent. Hart. HELP WANTED J'.OW to get a Free Booklet Winnipeg. Government Job. The M.C.C. Ltd. HAIRDRESSER g rKKMA.NE.VT WAYINUI Cluster Curl; Latest Style SU-SON'S BEAUTY SHOPPK PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanglng Moller. Phone Red 802. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 177. Birch. Jackplne. Cedar. tf S'tWIfT. OI AMLirATION FOK CEIT- Tirir.tTi: or impko emknts Geld Out .No. 3 fractional Mineral Claim. !!! C'lltf N. , Mineral Claim. Margaret .Mineral Claim. f-nrr l-rattloital Mineral Claim. Situate ID the Portland Canal Mining oinaion. Where located on the eet aid ot Bear River about Uiree rellea (mm Stewart. BO. Laaful 0wr WUllam Daun. Number of tht holder Iree aoJuer'a -rtincte--TT720-D. take NOTICE that wlinam uann rre Miner' OerUflca.1 No. 77720-D in- id, at the end of lrty day rrom ne date he real, to apply to the Ulnlny Recorder lor a ceruilcale M improve nenta for the purpose or Detaining a Cro-wn Q rant ot tba bore cJatm. AND rUKTHTR TAKE NOTICE mat action, under Section 83 of th "Min eral Ac" murt be commenced befone the !aauanc of audi cerurico-Te or dateu tnu aara aay oi aurcn, Jnd WIT J.I AM DANN IN ritOIIATK IN THE SUPREME COUKT OF DHIT1SH COLUMBIA IN TinC MATTER OP THE ADMINIS TRATION ACT" and IN TIIK MtTTIIt W TIIK ESTATE " MICHAEL T. OKELLY. DECEASED, INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by order of HI Honor W E FKher. the HUt day of May. KD. 1934. I waa appointed Administrator ot the eUte ot Michael T O Kel-lv who died on the 29th day of De cember. A D. 1933. aJKt all partlee hay ing rlainu agaliut the a id estate art hereby required to ruriUMi aame. property vertlled, to nw on or before the aiat day of June, A D. 1934, ajvd all partlea Indebted W the emte atv required to pay the amount of their in-(tebtedneAa to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Adinlntairator. rrlivre Bttpert. DC. Dated the 14th rtav of fcUt. A D. 19:M MM! ACT Sol Ire of Intention te apply In ' l.eae Land . j lUWrlct of Prttu Rjrt, B.C., and oit-j ittite in Qlawdzee Bay wca-ted at toe' N.W. eaid of 8rthena Inland, Jtanfte o. Otaat DIMrlct. Take noUt Utat John ciaxiacm oi Prtnoe Rtirert, BC, ocrapnttwi riah Pucler. InUxnda to apply for leo Of the tullotne deacrtbed land: Ocwimenrlng at a punt planted at the 8. W. corner of a wn&U lalaod about 8 cJialna S, E. of Avery Wand thence N.K.. theiKe westerly, aoutherty and eaaterly. fotlowlnit high watermark "x point oi commeticement, and con-Ulnina 3 acrea more or le, and in-rludfrtij the. entire area ot (lie aald li ' ' JOHN CLAtSEN. Dt4 AjjrU 18, 19J4. W,14PW OaJens! I i "Roll yow Owners" fro coast to coast will tell you thai Ogden's Fine Cut it the star turn on the smoke enjoy roent program. Ogden's fine Cut gives them whatthey want, tunes them in on finer flavour, finer fragrance, cooler smoking ana easier rolling. "C.B.C" (Canada's Better Cigarette) tobacco that's Ogden's Fine Cut. Try it with "Chantecler" or "Vogue" papers. You'll never find a more satisfying combination for "rolling your own. SAVE THE POKER HANDS OGDEN'S FINE CUT P.S. At any PoWef Hand Pie-nium Store or by noil-yov coo get S I org booMefi of "GtOfltKler or "Vogve" cigorerle popet in eichange for on complete Ml of Poker Hondi. l our I'ipn Kntnrt Ogden' Cut Plug Announcements Hudson's Bay Centenary Celebration, Port Simpson, May 24, Sports, ball games, track events, canoe race. Trophies. Entries re ceived to May 21 by secretary. Valhalla Bridge and dance June 1 Presbyterian Picnic June 23. Canadian Legion, B. R. S. picnic, June 24. Digby Island. Moose Hall TOMC.ilT Chapter 211 W. O. T. M. Meets 8 ?M. V. 11. Lodge 1051 Regular meeting cancelled this week. Next meeting Thursday. May .31. 8 P.M. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 When Coming to Terrace or Lakclse Hot Springs Make Arrangements With Swains Transfer & TAXI, Terrace", IJ.C. To Greet 'You We meet all trains. Freight & service anywhere, Easscnger akelse Lake and Lodge, new boat til, A. S.) now In service on the lake. Pare anywhere on the lake, one adult, $3.00; S1.50 per head additional. No. crowd too big. No job too small. riCNiC PAitTTES EVEItT ,1 USHNJIAY, u tU We art still buying eld gold, You can rent a Car at Walker's is low asll a day plus 7c. a mile. tf Cut flowers," marriage bouqoe.t. - pot plants, wreath and sprays. : OLENNIFS, Special meeting West C. C. F. Club ; Friday, May 25, 8 p-m. Important, i (120): Miss Ella Steen and Miss Annie Ooddic sailed on the Prince George this afternoon to make the round, trip to Anyox and .Stewart. i We pay a premium for gold coins. and old scrap sold. We ask out of, town customers to give .us a trial. Phone Black 324. B. C. Clothiers Ltd. BOX 477. (tfl Canadian Legion, n. .E. 4J. Lv and Women's Auxiliary. Opening of building -Wednesday evening, 3 pjn. Members only. Dance- at 11:30, members' .families invited. 120 j- Boy . Scouts meeting Friday, at 8:30 pm. in Toe II. Rooms, Second I'Avenue, Address by W. Sol way. j Scout Commissioner for B. C Open to all. 1S1i ' Albert Farrow, steamboat tnspec- j tor, arrived In the city from Vn-. couver aboard the Prince George J this morning and will proceed on the Princess Norah tomorrow mqrn-llng to Whltehorse where he 111 conduct his annual Inspection of Yukon River steamers of the Yukon & White Pass Route before they start out on the runs for the summer. Ended Dr.Willim' Mr. IL T. Howaomu Athena, Onfc. write. "Mr lbjr boy a trout Jed with eodftipatwa. 1 cava him lUir'a UD Tablet a directed .. . Before I liad (riven half tha n t conti(atV waa righted. By relieving pointipation, Babj-' Own TabUfU iirevent more aerioui ailoieoli dVwlorum- Murk easier ' to take than naiiaeatinc Inative and perfectly ae for all little folk from the wee Uibe to ehDdren of acliool age. JSc package. us Kitchen Coolness Cooking Comfort Tastier Meals Economy ELECTRIC COOKING jiji ' , ,mm Psy at littit $6.00 DOWN and it low ii S3. j month. The first electrically cooked meal you enre will find instant favor with all the family. Each dish has retained its full nourishment value. There is very little shrinkage of meats. The perfect, .even electrical heat assures everything being done just to a turn with a minimum of worry on your part. And how cool and clean your kitchen is. Electric cooking ends mealtime drudgery; elim inates the cost and Inconvenience of rkindlmg-and toal; makes ashes and soot things of the past. Electric cooking means economical cooking from every angle. And, for the average size family, it costs as little as $3 a month. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited GET YOUR NEW SHOES Victoria Day May 24, Holiday You need something snappy for the excursion or picnic parties, Gonditions may be improving- but we all want to get the best possible vaiuefor our money. To get best value in shoes sec us. We invite comparison and inspection. We carry stock from the best makers and our prices are lower than those of the mail order houses. We have a big assortment of Women's Fine Summer Shoes, just the thing for the holiday, in White, Blonde and Grey. White Shoes For the Holiday Smait Ties, Straps and Pumps up from We have a blfi assortment ot Women's, Misses' and Children's Sandal, J29 .mmmv Up from Tennis Shoes In all styles and colors; up from . Leckles' Fine Footwear Fine Dress Oxfords up from 6c for Men, $2.95 $2.95 Best Makes Running fiQf Shoes, up from ..X9U We have a Bargain Clearing Line of Women's! Fine' Shoes QC Reg. $3.95; up from 9-0 Misses' and Children's Patent One-Strap Slippers QQp VUX' up from mm h City Scrip and Relief Orders Accepted . CUT, RATE SHOE. STORE