nJ Still They Come! ANOTHER BIG SHIPMENT OF "JACK and JILL" Health Shoes For Children Has Arrived MOTHERS! You have suffered agony with your feet at some time. . . . Why take chances with your children's feet? Have your children fitted with Jack and Jill Shoes. You know by seeing inside the shoe just how they fit by the visible fitting system. Price, $1.65 to $2.95 The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE UUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA RESULTS IN BADMINTON Rupert No. 1 Leading "A" League Skeena "B" League Following were the results of play in the City Badminton League last evening: "A" League Rupert No. 1, 11;. C. N. R 8; Rupert No. 2, 7; Skeena, 3. "B" League Skeena, 8; C. N. R., 7; Rupert, 6. The league standing is now as follows: "A" League Rupert No. 1 .20 C. N. R. v - -V-..-.13 Skeena 13 Rupert No! 2 10 "B" League Skeena L. .17 c n. r 15 Rupert 9 Hotel Arrivals Savoy A. Johnston, Surf Point Mines; Harry Jolly, city; Eric Fitches, Hy-der; .C. Robert, city. Prince Rupert L R. Donaldson, Port Essington; E?arT B. Craig, Montreal; F. Field- house, Hazelton; C. Sawyer, Salvus; ' G, O. Wittenhaugh and E. S. Foster, I O.N.R.; A. C. Williams and W. D. : Armstrong, Qttawa. j jjgMi Central 1 JMnafMFF; Bruce, PorUEssUigtpn: , E. Grlnstrand and F. Reld, city; "j. Hadland and E. Telgen, Oona River. Royal F. E. Huggins, Jasper; A. Levoir, city; A. Gabaas. Usk; C. P. Ballan-tlne, .Vancouver. Knox Mr. and Mrs. J. Southey. Vancouver; A. Swinton, Toronto. CANADIAN GOLD PRICE OTTAWA, Nov. 29: CPI The Phone 35 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Thurscay. November 29, 1934 Sport Letter Box LEGION BILLIARD TEAM Sports Editor, Daily News: In connection with the report of the games played In the billiard league Tuesday night and the state ment that the Canadian Legion might yet enter a team I would be glad if you will allow me some space so as to prevent any wrong impres sion being drawn from the report. Our representative attended the organization meeting called for the I formation of the league. A re-or-j ganization meeting was later called but our representative was no,t notified of such a meeting and It was only through reading the report In the local papers the following day that we knew of the meeting. To say we were surprised at not being included in the schedule Is to put It mildly, and I have communicated with the president of the Billiard League to that effect. How could we enter a team when we were not given the opportunity? The Canadian Legion is always a supporter of good, clean, whole some competition In any and every line of sport. J. S. WILSON, Secretary-Treasurer. Telephone Bridge Party is Held By Hill Sixty Chapt er An enjoyable telephone bridge party was held this week by Hill 60 Chapter. Imperial Order, Daughters i of the Empire, with tables at the j homes of Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby. Mrs, 1 H. A. Breen. Mrs. J. H. Macey and Mrs. 11. L. Landrey. First Drizes Canadian gold price yesterday was; were won by Mr. James Foreman as compared wun S33.B3 in ,and II. L. Landrey and the consola London. . tlon prize by Mrs. H. B, Rochester BILLMOR SHINGLES Manufactured by a local mill, by local labor, from local produce. Sold at prices lower than ever before offered in Prince Rupert. All No. 1 Cedar Shingles 3-X, per 'thousand $3.00 5-X, per thousand , $1.00 PHILPOTT, EViTT & CO. LTD. Phone 618 GREENVILLE CELEBRATES Church Arm.v Captains Here From Naas Kiver After Having Busy Time For Five Weeks Wedding Held Varied Activities in Community i During; ala Occasion Vis!-I tors Later at Kincolith i BiiHnHPHHHHfe I - i GREENVILLE, November 29: After waiting almost three hours in a misty drizzle, with a cold wind blowing down river, the community of Greenville had the pleasure of j seeing the two Church Army evan-i gellsts arrive from Aiydnsh, accom-' panled by two speedboats which; had previously been despatched up : river as an escort, i Captains Hutchison and Hanney, I who had come from England un-jder the auspices of the Church 'Army to hold services in each vil-jlage wherein a branch of this ' movement exists, were given a rous-; ing welcome. They were met at the wharf by the local Church Army officers and were then marched through the Triumphal Arch to the strains of "De Molay." slaved with much feeling by the Greenville Concert Band, under the able lead- J ership of its well-known band master. Fred McKay. After a brief tour of Inspection of the village had been made, the band escorted the visitors to the rectory where they were cordially welcomed by Rev. W. S. Cooper. After a brief rest, everybody repaired to the Community Hall where the -St. Andrew's .Women's Guild and Women's Auxiliary had prepared a delicious feast In honor of the guests. An Illuminated ad dress, beautifully painted by Pater son McKay, was read by H. Heman McKay and presented to Captain) Hutchison on behalf of the Lakal-zap Council. During the coucse of the evening. the band, under the baton of Fred McKay, entertained with several well known and difficult compositions. Following the feast, Chief Arthur Calder, in a few words, extended a welcome to the visiting Church Army captains. Captains Hutchison and Hanney responding briefly. The pleasant evening was brought to a close with a few words and benediction by Rev. Cooper. Gala Wedding Following was another gala day in Greenville, being marked by the wedding of Chief JLeonard Douglas of Greenville and Mrs. Louisa Wright of Aiyanah. At 5:45 p.m. the local band escorted first the bridegroom and then the bride and her attendants to the church where Rev. W. S. Cooper united them In marriage. The bride was attended by her sister. Mrs. Isaac Wright as matron of honor, and Mrs. Charles Davis and Mrs. Albert Stevens. The bride 'was dressed in a be coming gown of Bermuda blue can ton crepe with shoulder capes and yoke of matching lace. She wore a corsage and coronet of orange blos soms. All her attendants were In blue silk and, lace frocks, with white bandeaux. After having, their photograph taken, the , bridal, party .was escorted by the band, to the" hall where (an elaborate wedding feast had been prepared for nearly two hundred guests. At the bridal table were the happy newlyweds, their attendants, Rev. W. Cooper. Captain Hutchison and Hanney. and Mr. and Mrs. Hayhurst and daughter. Once again the band entertained, this time sel ecting Lohengrin's "Wedding March," "De Molay," "Poet and feasant" and -cnucoitnian" as their offerings. Speeches were then made by the bride, the matron of honor, Rev. W. S. Cooper, Chief Pe ter Calderand the bridegroom. A few suitable words of regret over the sad loss of one of Green vllle's bandsmen, Joseph Rush, who was recently drowned at sea, were then expressed by his bereaved father and several of his friends. The bandsmen expressed their sorrow by a fine execution of Chopin's "Funeral March." Itev.'W. S. Cooper brought the evening to a close. Farewell FeaU The entire village assembled at the hall for a farewell feast, given by the choir of Greenville. The opening speech was made by Johnson Russ, who, as previously, was master of ceremonies, followed by Today's Stocks (Court.; S. O. Johnston Oo, Vancouver Alexandria, .flla-Bayvlew. .01'j-B. C. Nickel, .40. Big Missouri, .31. Bradian, 2.30. Bralorne, 12.C0. B. R. Cons., .07 4. B. R. X. Gold. .26. Cariboo Gold, 1.45. Dentonia. .38. Dunwell. .15. Georgia River. .064. Grange, .26. Hercules, .02. Indian, .01. Mlnto. .17 Vi-Meridian. JO. . Morning Star, .OdVt-National Silver, .03&h. Noble Five, .07 V,. Pend Oreille, .45 task). Porter Idaho, .034. Premier. 1.25. Reward. .034. Reno.'iDlvidend. 1.04. Silver Crest, .014-Taylor Bridge, .33. Wayside, j094-Whitewater. .04. Waverly Tangier. .01. United Empire. .10. Toronto Central Patricia. .93. Chibougamau, .07. Lee, .04. Granada, .134. Inter. Nickel. 22.50. Macassa. 220. Noranda, 32.25. Sherritt. .47. Slsco, 2.50. McMillan. .37. Ventures, .85. Lake Maron. .04. Teck Hughes, 3.05. Sudbury Basin, 1.09. Columario, .20. Smelter Gold. .114- Can. Malartic. ,50Vt. Little Long Lac. 4,75. Astoria Rouyn, .,02. Stadacona, .17. Maple Leaf. D8. Pickle Crow, 1.72. Long Lac Lagoon, .12 (ask). Manitoba & Eastern. .16. Rufus.Dudoward. well known Port Simpson native fisherman, is another to report having seen in life a monster of the sea such as may have been Prince Rupert's serpent. It was last year off Rose Spit, Graham Island, that Mr. Dudoward reports having sighted such a creature rear its huge head and long neck out of the water as it swam along In a writhing fashion. He and his crew- were able to get a full view of the creature at fairly close range. ter the feast the hand obliged with "O Canada." "De Molay,-' a remark able rendition of selections from i 5 at m Oounod's "Faust," and 'Canton March." The president of St. Andrew's Choir, Lazarus. Moody, then spoke a few w6rds, after which the entire .gathering .stood to sing "All Hall the PoweTof Jesui? Name." The choir then sang Part III of Handel's Messiah," beginning with a fine rendering of the "Hallelujah Cho rus, followed by the solo "I Know That My Redeemer Llveth," by Mrs. m s Johnson Russ, The choir then sang "Since By Man Came Death," after which Mrs. Joshua McKay sang "If God be For Us Who Can be Against Us?" A duet, "Oh Death, Where is Thy Sting?" sung by Mrs. Walter Calder and Horace Angus, followed. The choir concluded with "Worthy I the Lamb," and "The Amen." An enjoyable evening closed with the "National Anthem." During their mission here the Church Army evangelists held ser vices every afternoon and evening with a special children's service dally at 4 p.m. Prayer, praise and testimony formed a major portion of the service, the choir and band at Intervals assisting with selec tlons. During the week solos were sung by Captain Hanney, Mrs. Chris. Calder and Fred McKay; a duet by Miss Beatrice McKay .and Miss Eliza Martin; and -a .quartet by Mrs. Johnson Russ, Mrs. Walter Calder, Horace Angus and ,Alex Angus. All cervices were well attended tnnd the music much enjoyed. The a few remarks by Chief William visiting captains left for Kincolith, Stevens, president of the Concert the next stop In their itinerary. Band. j whence they proceeded to Anyox A fine concert was given by the and Stewart enroute to Prince Ru-members of the band and choir. AI- pert and KMcatla, .iitxs iedkBujiUh Wool Plaid 50c $1.00 Silk Scarves In pleasing patterns 95C each Purses Some with Zipper fastener each Fancy Art Chin Dishes--In an assortment of deettns. res $1.00 v tlue each Rubber Aprons- Heavy quality awoued patterns, each 81.39 59c 79c A Urse assortment of ClirUtmat Card Tags. Seals and Wrapplnc all very reasonably priced Christmas Candles Boxed or slnRle boxed in pairs at 15c SOc. 30c and Sweat Shirts With Zipper fastener, in ruby and reseda: sizes 26 to 34 each 50c white S1.00 Fancy Cushions Art rayon covered Q- Off - in rose, green, etc.. each v Thursday, .N'okmI,,, jg. Ladles' Silk and Wool I lose 2 pairs itnume Full Faihlowd aitk Hose In service or nil f on. pair Men Pure Wool Sox-A-otld patterns. 2 pairs Kiddie Sewing and Wool Weaving 8w Nloeiy boxed. mih iied- Taffeta Slips Lace titmmetl white or flesh each ik Rayou Dance Sets - Aworied colors. 89c and Rayon Panties -Lace trimmed, while or colors. 3 pairs Dr Aspinall Is Want Ads speaker before British-Israel WEATHER REPORT Terrace Cloudy, calm. 32. ' Anyox Raining, calm. 37. Stewart Part cloudy, calm 29. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, light flurry of snow. 28. Smlthers Cloudy, calm. mild. Burns Lake Snowing calm, 10. BBBBBBBBBBBSlB BjBBHfB bV fjjxrrn m-.. First Aid for Coughs and Colds Coil Old Mu.lard I'laiter it htl fiteil many i lift! faiHy prepared hilf Colman't Mustard, balf flour, with a little cold watcrt aprtaj on cotton cloth and cove red with flannel. Applied to chit,throal,or aching part.it gliei f iUk rtlitL Kp Thli Chart a Reminder ta) tMMAtft MVTiU gft. , -n 1 e- COaLMAPTS d.s.f. Mustard "ll'i ALL Vurt MnUMrd" Ut6 FOR SALE f""VMQ -rAr--tfw mt Ipaim " , wrecked house. Hart. tf. Dr. W. C Aspinall wo the speak- , er this week at the regular fort- FOR SALE A few old newspapers nightly meeting of the local British-! Israel Society, his subject being "The World. BrlUth-Israel and' You." President J. O. Johns was in j thf chair and there was a good at- tendance of members. at 10c. New. ana 15c. a bundle. FOR RENT HOUSES for rent. Hart. Dally tf tf. CLAPP Block modern four-roomed apartments with range. Reduced to $12.50. $15.00. $17 50. Helegrson Limited. 287 TRANSFERS CAMERON Transfer. Phone 177 lor dry wood. PAINTERS PAINTING ana Papcrhanglng Moller, Phone Red 802. IN THE SUPREAIE COURT OT BRITISH COLUMBIA IN IX riumTF. THE MATTER OT THE "ADMtWS- I i TRATION ACT" I anil , ,IN THE MATTER Or THE ESTATE OP I MATT VIDIXK. P3MMll, llUCftUte. TAKE NOTICE that by order of 111! '.H.-u-Jur Judf ruixr. UmhU Judie oftnel I Supreme Court of Drtllah Cwiumbla, ! oukIc thU 27'h day at November 1W34 1 1 1 wan uppoKtffd AilmlivUUirtor of tho Ea-' tte of the above-namut decewd All perron having claim agalnrt in Mid Euu- are rwtutrrcl to furnuti them u I me pror-ly erlfUtl on or before the, ;ait day ci December lf4 other rtloppsltloti of the auld Eaute will be , nude without regard Mirre-to All par-tl indttoted ut tbe auUt EaUte are hereby required In pay tlie amount of, their indebtedneaa to ruo forth uh NORMAN A. WATT, I Official AdminMntor, rrlnee Rupert, D C. Dnted thl"i 27th dav of Novfjivlwr IMt 1 AI I TIOX NAI.K Timber Mr Ml.lftl There will be offered for aale at Auotton. at noon on the third day i of January. 1939, In the office of the. iDUtrlct Foreatrr. Prince Rupert, 11 C. Ithe Llcenre XI7384, to ut 648,000 feet, board nteaaure. of Spruce, Cedar i and Hemlock on an area altuaUd on ,tbe South portion of Lyell laland. art-, Joining the et boundary of 8.T.L. 1 1S24IV Queen Charlotte lalanda Jand nuu-ict Thri-e Vin will be aJUwad for re moval of Umber. "Provided any one unable to aVtrtid tbe auction In person may aiibmlt tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated ka one bid," Further peruculara may be obtained from the Chu F-rrater. Victoria, R.C or Dlatrlct I-Vrter. Prince Rupert, U.C W' Dec 2S, Assorted colon Towel and Face Cloth Sets-assorted colors at. per set 69c. 79c and IMl ; Specials With Seasonal Appeal j 5 Week-End Offerings Ladles' Boxed Hankies- Reg 50c values per box JtKimttuat U-uikmi- Nicely embroideifd 3 fox BoxmI Hankie AssoiUd styles 3 riTTP -k)Xu .iuuktfi A'sojrUd styles 4 boxes Men's lie.' each B ixed. ready for mailing 39c 50c S1.00 $1.00 S1.00 79c 81.00 39c 81.00 81.00 81.00 Rayon Silk Uloomera White or pink J QQ Rayon Silk Gowns- AMOfUd oolofa and designs, each eatln Stripe Panties Locknit quality Reg SI 25. pair 8uede Taffeta 81.00 79c 81.00 in GliiOMi 81.50 Wc have a wonderful variy of men 1 . suitable for gifts including embroider-cheon set and cloth in pure linen Q -f nn up from Rridce Cloths, SI JO: Runners, Laundry Bags and Cuthlon Topi SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR SPEHAL PRICES ON COATS-All beau tailored and handsomely trimmed, all coats interlined and two season IWALLACE'S 1 1 1 Sea Serpent j Sn?p Shots 1 (Hi Phone 9 Corner Fulton and Third B 1 T B I ' BIBS -: - r.!-Bl.Bj iiBJV'BUH ?! Clearance Auction Sale Friday. Nov. 30(1. at J 30 I'M. At Jabour's Store. Till. J Ar? Next to .Munro lliov IUbii;t Of Stock anil Fixtures Consisting of Ladles tvi tlons. a few Dres.se 3 R.n: -Ladles' Shoes and Bot r : Drosa Ooodl. Men's Rubift I dies' Rubbers. Ktc Also register, counter. tabl - -etc Munt be villi tt :'!;'. G. J. Dawes TIIK AlICTIONr.l'.K I'llONi: HUT. 41 XMAS FURS We have reduced inn r1 "' our fur coats and nr lc to such an extent thaf u : cheaper to give fur-- f"i Chrislmas Prtvcnls than anytlifna else Unk tlv m over and see how ridli ui"U low the priors an GOLDBLOOM'S CHECK YOUR TUNING PIAL Stations heard on tonight's reception, not on correct dial setting, will indicate that your radio needs adjusting. Phone Blue 320 for particulars. SUPKRIOK UADIO-KLKCTKIC