A Pair of Shoes Is Always Appreciated Here you will find a full range of shoes in smart, perfect-fitting lasts and patterns. Guess Mother's shoe size. We will change them if wrong. A Pair of Hosiery Also Conveys 1'ourTimely Thoughts A full stock of all latest seasonable shades, service or chiffon weight. Penman's make Q4 Aft I priced at Local readers, per Insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Transient display advertising, per lncn. per Insertion Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circnlatlon Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone DAILY EDITION PROSPECTS FOR CROPS Outlook In North Central Alberta Good Iowa and Kansas Are Being Dried Out EDMONTO!, May 11: (CP) Wheat seeding ,1s seventy-five percent completed in north central Alberta and early sown varieties are now waving .green. Moisture generally Is ample and conditions are good. Droueht In States FOIIT DODGE. Iowa, May 11: Continued drought and hot winds are .continuing to play havoc with Wheat crop prospects In the Mid dle West Sunday, May 13 Remember HER by Giving .Something-Useful; Practical The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations KIDNAPPING AGAIN 98 88 .LIMITED $5.00 .10 3.00 9.00 25 02 . 1.40 Friday, May 11, 1934 Another kidnapping case has been reported from the United States. This time it is a wealthy oil operator in California who was snatched away from a party by mas ked imnmen and presumably is being held for ransom. Criminals have taken advantage of modern methods of transportation and operate in a modem way much more effectively than any highwayman of old robbed coaches dunng-the dark ages. One of the most urgent needs in the United States is to deal with the criminal rackets, not only kidnapping but others which lead to more serious crimes. BANK SEES GAINS The Royal Bank monthly report just received says: J "Throughout Canada, business activity continues to ex , pand. March, 1933, constituted the low point in the depres- j sion and since that month recovery has been rapid, consistent and impressive. In the past three months carloadingr were almost twenty-five percent larger than in the -cor responding months of 1933, steel production has trebled, automobile production rose from 13,288 units to 29,655 units, and newsprint made a gain of forty-two percent over the volume produced in the -first quarter of 1933. The power industry has expanded operations to meet revived industrial demand, and the volume of energy generated has established new records appreciably above the peaks attained in 1929. Gold mining is more prosperous than ever before. The output of base metals bids fair to establish new records. In both the Maritime Provinces and British Columbia there is active demand for more lumber than has been ordered in many years. A remarkable advance has taken place jn security prices. The advance registered tu : r, .i i. i i i i i . x in me juices ui umusiriai uunus nas Deen suiiicient to warrant the hope that the time is not far off when it should be possible to float new securities to finance the requirements of industry, and the advance in the price of government bonds has "been of such magniture as to permit refinancing at an appreciable saving in interest charges." MONTREAL-NEW YORK EXCHANGE MONTREAL, May II: The Bri tish pound sterling wa trading at $5.10'4 on the local foreign exchange market yesterday afternoon and the United States dollar at 99 -27-32C NEW YORK, May 11: The British pound sterling was trading at Phone S57 i . . - . : THE DAILY NEWS. MUNCE HI) PERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally New, Limited. Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor SDBSCUIPTION RATES City delivery, ny mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance . For lesser periods, paid in aavance, per week , By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year , , ,, By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES COURT IN SESSION i Three New -Cas on Calendar For Month of May Three actions which .have been' pending for some time wore struck off the list of the local 'County Courfwhlchwas In regular-monthly; session yesterday lor setting of cases, three new actions being ad ded to the calendar for 'the monlhj! The list and disposition of xases was is follows: Canadian Lumber Yards Ltd. vs, H. R. 'Frost. $99.78, R. L. McLennan for plaintiff. Patmore -it Fulton tor. defendant, struck off the list. B. Brynlldsen St Sons vs. DiclcJ 3now, 116250. Patmore Si Pulton for plaintiff. Williams, Manson, Brown & Harvey for defendant, struck off the list. '. B. Brynlldsen St Sons vs. Timo-1 thy Snow, $40.60, Patmore St FuU Von for plaintiff, Williams, Manson, 3rown St Harvey for defendant, ;truck off the list. A. Q. Annan vs. L. H. Brawand, ;48.53. Williams, Manson, Brown 6c larvey tot plaintiff, R. L, McLen- iah for defendant, stands. , Rita Evans vs. Cora E. Black, 53255, Patmore St Fulton for jlalntiff. Williams. Manson. Brown fc Harvey for defendant, May 30. Katherine Claverlng vs. Cora E. ilack, $31.15, Patmore St Fulton ;or plaintiff, Williams, Manson," Brown Si Harvey for defendant," May 30. Three naturalization applications were also dealt with at yesterday's session by Judge W. E. Fisher. Man in the Moon Spring is here and summer is' coming so let's have a game of About this time of year ' Spring opens Into summer; The birds have all gone north, The grouse becomes a drummer, "But not for me the change, All seasons are the same Until the Softball calls And I sit in at a game, ' There squatting on the bank I feel the spring begin And blithely cheer the players on .And soak the -sunshine in. Wheh William tried to kiss Louise Did she with anger thrill? "Bad boys like these should petted be, I cannot 'blame you, Bill." It's cheering to hear that business is better. In the abstract it probably is but as a concrete ex ample most of us feel It has not im proved very greatly. Another wealthy man kidnap ped in the States. So far there has been no case of this kind In Prince Rupert. Possibly the small supply of millionaires accounts for the $5.11 on the local .foreign exchange 1 sll8nt to tnls community, market yesterday and the dlatt dollar at $1.00 3-16, vanish rain. Cana- Farmers are praying for A survey of agricultural conditions and crop prospects from the Oreat Lakes to the Oulf of Mexicp and west to the Rockies reveals con. ditions of almost unparalleled de vastation from the drniwht nnrf in. With each successive dry: sects. Crons will be nn mnrf Ihon day In Iowa and Kansas prospects fifty percent normal or under 500,-for production of thousands of acres lOOO.OOO bushels. THAT DEPRESSED FEELING IS LARGELY LIVER Wale up your liver Bile Without Calomel Tog tr "Mini punk" duply botuM ou , Hirer wi t nnuriui in daily eo duuihI ol luutd bit Into your IjoocU. Deration ud tluiiiuilwa are Lotli hampered, and your entire eyetaa, i uir ; 1 pomjoeu. What you iimI U a llvvr tlrauUnt. Ikitu. Ujioi that cia further than atll, luiuaral waur, oil, laiativt raudy or hewing' f um or rouil,( hi b only moe Ike bowele if uorifia the real uh of troubk-, your Urn. 'f ake Caner'a Utile liver Pille. Purely vage- Me, at ail lrux4. Muie, no iparaii caiooifeitiwrrury;. nafe. Rule, nvite. lik ur D.etn by bam. Kaluae aufialitui flanks ' A) nly Secondary J-'ucior States Local Banker in Address "The Creation .of Credit" was the subject of an interesting address before the Rotary Club yesterday , afternoon at Us regular luncheon in the Commodore Cafe by W. M. Blackstock, manager -of the local i branch of The -Canadian Bank of 'Commerce. Credits were not crea-j ted 'by the banks, although to -a j limited extent they can for a .per-jiod create deposits. In fact, they had only a limited influence over the credit of the country. The banks were the custodians of the deposits of the, people and It was their duty to protect those deposits. Credit .was largely , created In the form of book -debts when goods are exchanged In the course of 'Industry orcommerce, bills of exchange, promissory notes, and also capital obtained by the issues of share or bonds or loan on mortgage. The credit system was JaTgely Indepen dent '.of the 'banks. 3t was .given : sometimes in money and somotlmes In goods. Banks were asked 4o take over the risk of the deferred pay ments by advancing ay. or part of the .money necessary "to carry It through. This jnoney -.came from the 'bank's -own resources w the saved .money -of Its depositors. Credit created banks rather than banks creating credit. Jt the- banks could tcreatc credit, as was sometimes suggested; why did the banks open branches all over the country and compete with each other ior the purpose of securing deposits If they could create deposits 'out of thin air. The bank must retain the confidence of de positors, .particularly, during the time of a depression. The limit of bank loans was .governed by the " r 4i fltlHU SAFETY SPEED I COMFORT SERVICE I IT: ' 'if t. ... ,. not two THE DAILY NEWS Friday Ma, j, CREATION ! BKKHH ..awveeeaeaeaeagaaeaea OF CREDIT Annette's 'others Day Sale Women's Sport Suits in pastel shades hi krinkled crepe, flowered crepe, etc., sizes from 38J to 44J 995 Women's -Wash Silk Dresses in pastel shades, sizes from 14 to 44 CO 95 Special Novelty Scarves Special 95c Waists, flat crepe, canton crepe, fipur. cd crepes, sizes from Q-i n 14 to 88; Special ?X)U White Snort Shoes in mesh, oxfowl and sanuui, rumer & leather c-f ftp soles i-1 Quite Frankly, the Object of this Advertisement is to Stimulate Business The clouds of depression are gradually rising, and this movement towards' better times can be speeded by a use of railroads. greater our In this you, the public of Canada, can help. The .more the you use railroads, the more will be spent on wages and supplies, and,-so wide are the ramifications of this industry-every home in Canada will benefit. Besides, as a result of -economical operation, you will receive unexcelled value for every dollar you spend. So make your plans now for of greater use railroads, which were never before In a better position to serve you. Tor vacations, busincss trips, carriage of goods by express and freight, for telegraphs and transference of .money, the railroads arpyour willing and efficient servants, not for part of thcitimc only, when condi-tions are propitious, but all the year round. By rendering this continuous and essential service tliey deserve your patronage. Do not think of railroads as transcontinental systems only. True, transcpnti-((n,,;nental. business i's important, very important, but the railroads are specially anxious to serve for short trips and on branch lines. You will find that for it surprisingly low expenditure you can go almost everywhere, be it nearer far, in comfort and safety when you travel by rail. VX70 Skirts in brown, black, blue, CJO jt r navy, etc. ; Special VtD ANNETTE LADIES' WEAR CO. tiii: stohi: or the kltti:k wussf.ii rort less condition of trade and production. I'lenly of Wcultb I It had been said that there was ! n.t onf f iplnnt innnmi in l)io unrlrl tn ay all the debt, said Mr Black-' uik. but u was forgotten that uouey was not the only source of wealth. In the world today time u plenty of wealth to pay all u-editors. Credit, the sjjeaker said, was the ransfer of something valuable to be purchaser, whether goods, nonoy or services, in the confidence hat he would be both willing and ible at a future date to pay Its qulvalebt and the modem banking system was Uie medium .hrough which such transactions -ere usually financed. The statement of bank deposits ior tnc year ending March 31 was ju. t to hand and it showed that in Canada, while the total savings amounted to 1.306,528 ,526, the total money loaned oy the banks was only 1 145.043,399. The savings did not take into account th money in current accounts, Steamship Sailings far Vanroutwi Tuesday Catalu 1:30 pm. Thurs. s.v Pr. Oeorge 10:15 p.m. Fridayas. Prln. Adelaide 10 pin. Ss. Carrtena midnight X!ay 9. 18 It 28-ss. P. .Norah urn. ruin Vannuitei Sunday ss. Catala . . pm. Wed. ss. Pr. Cleorgc. 10 am. Friday- -s. Prin. Adelaide 4 p m, 8s. Cardcna p m. way ?, ii and 24 p Ncr.hsa r Anyo and Stewart- Sunday -ss Citau jPffl rrum Anjox and Stewart Tuesday k tutala i 30 ait Thurs, -m Pr fjeorr t ra ounaay-ss. tauia I pt rrom N River it Tori Slmpi Tuejay CaUlu u 30 in For Or run Falls iurajay a cauia l 30 be Thurs. m. Pr Qtorvt io u pji Friday ss, Prln Adt 'Uuie io pa 'rani (raii Fall Wed. as. Pr Oeorge 10 an Friday Trin AdelaJe pn Si Cardena ni . 4 Tor Queen Charlotte Mandv- Mayr 11 and 25- pi- Jonn 10 pa I roin ()ueen Charlotte lland- May 9 and 23 .v Pt Jt ha CANADIAN NATIONAL